Witty Profiles

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  1. anabelle anabelle
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2012 10:17pm UTC
    Does anyone else hate that annoying clump of mascara at the tip of the wand or is it just me?

  2. Jade672 Jade672
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2012 11:59am UTC
    The one thing I hate about,
    summer vacation is not being able to see him for two months. ♥

  3. OneDirectionQuotes OneDirectionQuotes
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2012 5:05pm UTC
    "My accent always works
    with girls.
    They like it
    I have no idea why."
    -Niall Horan

  4. AustinH AustinH
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2012 6:31pm UTC
    One Direction,
    If you wanted to take over the world,
    you did a pretty good job.

  5. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2012 6:50pm UTC
    does anyone else remember when Miley dated Willis, but then she found out he was only eleven and three quarters?

  6. shadysback shadysback
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2012 3:50pm UTC
    Who else Thinks this is wrong:
    The username sjfashionfever and wellsphills
    staged a car accident that "sjfashionfever"
    was in saying she was in the ICU and near
    Miraculously, she is back on witty 2 days
    later. It's a scam.
    Thousands of people die in car accidents every year.
    This is not something to joke about.

  7. smluvsart smluvsart
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2012 11:27am UTC
    Welcome! Welcome all to the Witty Wars!
    Come! Come and watch as people battle!
    Yes, it is the Directioners vs. the Directionators!
    It's the Nutella Lovers vs. the Nutella Haters!
    Come and watch as this brutal battle takes place!
    And to all those compeating...

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. Bravosierra* Bravosierra*
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2012 4:55pm UTC
    The Virgin Series.
    Testing Fate
    Chapter 1
    "Hurry Belle. You're going to be late." My mom yelled at me.
    "Okay." I yelled back.
    I adjusted my hair and outfit and smiled.
    'Perfect.' I thought to myself.
    My newly dyed, white-blonde hair was in loose curls around my face, a tight french braid in the back.
    My black dress hugged my curves tight and perfect.
    My white jean jacket was crisp and clean and made my tan skin stand out.
    I slipped on some jewelry and a pair of sparkly TOMs before leaving my room.
    "Awe. Look at my senior." My mom said when I came downstairs.
    "My little sister all grown up." My brother Kevin said. "Looser. I remember when you used to eat your boogers."
    I gave him a fake laugh, "HAHAHA. When are you going back to college?" I asked him rolling my eyes.
    Everyone laughed, "Next Monday. But don't deny it, you're going to miss me."
    I put my hand on my heart, "More than anything."
    He laughed.
    "Okay guys. I'm going to be late." I said.
    "WAIT. Pictures Belle." My mom said.
    "Ughhh." I moaned.
    We took pictures as a family before I noticed the time.
    "Wait. Breakfast." My mom said to me.
    I grabbed a granola bar and a water before leaving the door.
    "Have a good day baby." My mom said as I got into my door.
    I waved good-bye and quickly sped off.
    When I got to school and got out of my car I suddenly heard the talk.
    "OMG. Belle. You look so cute."
    "Damn. She gets better looking every year."
    "Hey beautiful. What's your number?"
    I smiled and waved at everyone as my friends converged on me.
    I hugged them all and smiled, "Hey guys."
    Before anyone said anything, Allie spoke.
    "Hey there's Jonah."
    I smiled and waved at him, "Hey Jonah."
    He smiled at me, "Hey Belle."
    "JONAAAH." A girl screamed walking up to us.
    I looked and saw a tall blonde girl with a cute smile coming towards us.
    She kissed him on the lips and smiled.
    "Belle." Jonah said.
    "This is my girlfriend."
    Awe. I love the feedback from my first chapter o:)
    I'm gonna do hints for this story.
    So, 200+ faves. & I'll give you guys a hint.
    First 100 people to ask for notifications will get them. <3
    Loove you all ;
    outfit ;http://www.polyvore.com/untitled_133/set?id=52776779

  10. TheMascaraSeries TheMascaraSeries
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2012 5:48pm UTC
    Girls Like me .
    Chapter 17.
    “Yeah, we’ll take a large popcorn and 2 small cokes.” Jake ordered for us.
    “Diet.” I whispered.
    “Make one of those diet.” Jake smiled at the clerk, playfully rolling his eyes at me.
    “What?!” I giggled. “Diet tastes better anyways.”
    “Since when? You always used to hate diet?” Jake asked curiously.
    “Since it doesn’t matter.” I stuck my tongue out at him, blowing him off by walking over to the condiment station to add butter to our popcorn.
    I watched the greasy butter pour onto our bucket of popcorn. Part of me wanted to just let Jake eat the popcorn, I mean, it was so unhealthy. However, I let it slip just this once, because I hadn’t had movie theater popcorn in forever.
    “Got enough butter?” A voice laughed from behind me.
    “What?” I said, snapping back into reality. “Oh sh//t!”
    Our tub of popcorn was nearly drowning in butter. I pulled my hand of off the machine button, taking a few napkins from the dispenser, trying to scoop the excess butter out.
    “You can never have too much butter.” I laughed uneasily, clearly embarrassed.
    I then turned around, seeing my ex-boyfriend. The one before Jake.
    “Just on time.” I smiled, checking the time on my phone.
    “Bree? Who’s this?” Jake questioned, carrying our drinks over.
    “Oh, this Chaz.” I smiled up at him, then looking back towards Jake. “Chaz needed something to do today, so I invited him too.”
    “Oh, okay.” Jake gave an uncomfortable smile, nodding his head. “So, how do you two know each other?”
    “I’m her ex-boyfriend.” Chaz spoke up before I could.
    I had a feeling this was about to get awkward.
    “Oh, me too.” Jake responded, avoiding eye contact.
    A long silence was taken.
    “Okaaay, movie time!” I smiled sweetly, leading them both to the theater.
    We scanned all of the isle’s, choosing the very top row of theater seats.
    “You can sit in the middle.” Jake said, making sure he didn’t end up not sitting by me at all.
    “Okay?” I said, acting like I was totally oblivious to his reasoning.
    I took a seat in between the two, silencing my cell phone.
    We watched the previews, and the whole theater was silent. I don’t mean just Jake and Chaz, I mean everyone in the theater, which only added to the awkwardness. Normally, I hated when people were loud while doing anything in the theater. But honestly? I would have been fine if a herd of elephants came stomping through right about now.
    Both guys sat next to me, and now, it was only matter of time before someone made the first move.
    This was no longer a game,
    it was a competition.
    Yeah,,I was craving popcorn when I wrote this..anyone wanna go to a movie with me?♥ Hope you all had a great 4th of July.(: Sorry this took so long, just been having a busy week, my cousins from Colorado are back ♥ Thanks for being patient, everyone (: Hope you all liked it (:

  11. tampon tampon
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2012 10:12pm UTC
    Yeah, we get it. You're a boy on Witty. You don't have to write a quote about it ever 2 minutes saying "Hey girls, I'm a boy, you're all beautiful. check out my profile!"
    By the way, your picture is fake. lolol

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. _JustListen_ _JustListen_
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2012 11:57pm UTC
    Two Different Worlds
    Chapter 113
    We all said our hellos and then I scouted out where Tommy was.
    “So Tommy.”I said.
    “Yes?”He asked.
    “About this girl you like.”I said.
    “You know nothing about this girl I like Mai. So, how can you have something to tell me about her.”He says.
    “Well I have questions.”I said.
    “I have answers but that doesn’t mean I’ll tell you them.”He says.
    “We’ll see about that.”I said.
    “Alright so go. Ask away.”He said.
    “This chick you like goes to our school right?”I asked.
    “Yeah...”He said.
    “Our grade?”I asked.
    “And she’s really pretty right? With blue eyes.”I said.
    “Yeah. Wait I never told you she had blue eyes! You tricked me.”He said.
    “Sh. Mkay. So this girl... She has what type of hair curly, straight, or wavy?”I asked.
    “I’m not saying.”He replied.
    “Nope.” He said with hesitation.
    “Straight and blonde it is.”I said.
    “How do you know?”He asked.
    “Hesitation and guessed.”I replied.
    “Whatever you still don’t know who she is.”He said.
    “Yeah I do.”I said.
    “Yeah right.”He replied.
    “Keegon.”I said. His jaw dropped.
    “Yup. You like Keegon. Tommy likes Keeg-” I began until he attacked me and covered my mouth.
    “Shut up you can’t let anyone else know.”He said. I fought his hands off me.
    “I know a secret though.”I said.
    “What?”He asked.
    “She likes you too.”
    “I swear if you are shittting with me right now Mai...”He said.
    “I’m not.”I replied.
    “Well how do you know?”He asked.
    “She told me. But she was scared you wouldn’t like her back.”I said.
    “But how did you know I did?” He asked.
    “I have my ways.”I said. “But now you have to make the next move.”I said.
    “And how do I do that?”He asked.
    “Prom.”I said.
    “Prom?”He replied.
    “Prom. I’ll help, no worries. You will ask her in a cute way and you will go out before and stuff.”I said. His smile widened. I started backing up. He gave me a huge bear hug.
    “Thanks Mai. I’ve honestly had the biggest crush on her forever but never had the balls to do something about it. Your a real life saver.”He said. It was cute how happy he was about Keegon now.

  14. TheMascaraSeries TheMascaraSeries
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2012 12:12pm UTC
    Clique Wars.
    **Sequel to Mascara.**
    *20 years later*
    "And..send." I mumbled under my breath, sending out my last email of the day.
    I then stretched out my legs, unraveling my body into a more comfortable postition on the couch.
    Just as I began to relax, loud cries started coming from the baby moniter.
    "Ugh, not again!" I grumbled, hopping up from the couch and making my way upstairs.
    I slowly pushed open the door to Sophia's room, for what seemed like the 100th time today.
    Ever since she was born 2 weeks ago, she hadn't been able to sleep for more than a half hour.
    "It's okay sweetheart." I said soothingly.
    I scooped her up from her crib, and softly patted her back to calm her down.
    "Mommy's got you." I cooed, cradeling her in my arms.
    After she had settled down a bit, I brought her back downstairs and layed her in her rocker.
    She seemed to be content.
    Just as she was about to fall back asleep, Lainy came bursting through the door from the garage.
    "Mommy, Mommy!" She exclaimed. "Look what I made today!"
    I scanned my eyes over the blotches of color.
    "It's beautiful sweety." I smiled at her, giving her a kiss.
    I then rushed back over to Sophia, who was now crying due to all of the commotion.
    "Mmm, smells good in here." Josh announced, walking into the house with a few groceries in hand.
    "Oh crap, I forgot about the roast!" I said panicked.
    "I got it babe!" Josh hollared from the kitchen.
    "Lainy, time to eat." I grabbed her and and walked her into the kitchen.
    "Mommy, if I eat all of my food, can I have dessert?" She asked patiently.
    "Sure." I said, focusing on straping Sophia back into her rocker, which I had now moved into the kitchen.
    I set the table, and Josh brought all of the food over.
    I cut up Lainy's food, then my own.
    "Lainy, did you show your mom what you made today?" He asked her, smiling up at me.
    "Mmhmm." She nodded, pushing the peas around on her plate with her fork.
    "Arn't you going to eat your vegetables sweetie?" I asked curiously.
    It wasn't like Lainy to not eat her vegetables.
    Especially peas, they were her favorite.
    "No." She sighed, laying her fork down next to her plate, and dropping her arms to her lap.
    "Is everything okay?" I asked her, shooting Josh a concerned look.
    "Well there's this girl at school." Lainy started, shrugging her shoulders. "She says that peas are gross, and if I eat them, she won't like me.." she explained.
    I shot Josh another worried look.
    "Let me handle this." He mouthed to me.
    "Lainy, you can't let this girl tell you what to do." Josh told her.
    "But what if she doesn't like me daddy?" Lainy asked, with scared eyes.
    "Then i'll..tickle her!" Josh shouted, chasing Lainy aorund the house and tickleing her until she couldn't giggle any longer.
    Josh was so good with Lainy, it amazed me.
    That night when I tucked Lainy into bed, I asked her more questions abou the little girl at school.
    "So, what else does your friend tell you?" I aksed her, stroking my fingers through her short, blonde, layered heir.
    "Well she always tells me that her dresses are prettier than mine." Lainy sighed.
    We continued talking about the little girl until Lainy's eyes began to grow tired.
    "Okay sweetheart, time to go night night." I said, kissing her forehead and tucking the covers over her fragile little body.
    "I love you mommy." She whispered, as I headed towards the door.
    "I love you too baby." I replied soothingly.
    Just as I about had the door completely shut, I thought of another question.
    "Lainy." I whispered into the darkness of her room. "What is the little girls name?"
    "Her name is Sienna, mommy." She whispered tiredly.
    "Does she have a last name?" I asked Lainy.
    When Lainy spoke the little girls last name, my jaw dropped to the floor.
    "What's her last name again, sweetie? I missed it the first time." I said quickly.
    "Her name is Sienna, mommy." She spoke softly.
    "Sienna Madison."
    Wow, this is really the end..♥ I thought this would be kind of an interesting ending..(:..♥ I will be starting a new story. The first chapter will be up today, i'm almost positive. (: Can I get a little bit of feedback on this story? How did you guys like it?♥ Also, i am making a new list of people to notify for the next story, starting now. So if you would like to be notified, comment her. I ended up with over 60 people to notify for the last story..♥ Can I have EVERYONE who read this chapter fave it? I want to know how many readers I ended with.♥ Thanks guys,
    I love you all, stay beautiful.♥
    [[ps, the characters for the new story will soon be up if you press the character link on my profile. If you would like a sneak peek, just press on that.(: ]]
    ♥{{ Fave/Comment/Follow}}♥

  15. TheMascaraSeries TheMascaraSeries
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2012 6:12pm UTC
    Clique Wars.
    **Sequel to Mascara.**
    (Last Chapterrr♥)
    Chapter 30 _♥PART TWO♥
    **wanna make this chapter more epic? Read it while listening to the song on my profile.(: **
    I felt my lips curve into a smile, as I layed my head down into Josh's shoulder.
    We swayed gently back and forth to the beat of the music.
    That's when it finally stearted to all sink in.
    Josh really did love me, more than anything.
    He always had.
    Avery might have better clothes, a better house, and maybe even better crayons and birthday parties.
    But she didn't have love, or happiness, or most importantly, she didn't have Josh.
    She never would, and right now, I finally knew that.
    I finally understood.
    Josh loved me, and only me.
    I could feel his heart beating through his chest, as I fell more and more in love with him as every second went by.
    Maybe Avery and I would be friends again 10 years from now.
    Maybe we would be able to put the past behind us.
    Maybe, I kept telling myself.
    Although I knew that we might be able to forgive, we would never truely forget.
    All the fights, the competitions, they had become a part of us.
    The scars that we had given to eachother, they could be covered up, but they would never permanently go away.
    Maybe forgiven, but never forgotten.
    Because I don't think anybody, not one of us, would ever forget,
    The Clique Wars.
    Ahh.♥ Where do I even start..♥ It's over..:( There will be no sequal, as most of you saw in the last chapter. However, because you all wanted a sequal so badly, I decided to do an extended ending chapter to show you how Josh and Emma end up. It's the least I could do for you guys.♥ I can't even start to say thank you for all the amazing feedback& all of the faves. You guys are truely amazing.♥ This story has brought me so close to a lot of you, and most of you are people I will never forget.♥ So guys, what do you say? Fave this one for clique wars? It's the last chapter you'll ever get to fave..♥
    I love you all, stay beautiful.♥
    ♥{{ Fave/Comment/Follow}}♥

  16. TheMascaraSeries TheMascaraSeries
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2012 7:48pm UTC
    Clique Wars.
    **Sequel to Mascara.**
    Chapter 25
    "Here." I sneered, pulling a pair of sweats and an old T-shirt out of my closet.
    I tossed them onto my bed, and she quickly picked them up.
    Her eyes scanned the clothes from top to bottom.
    Suddenly, a disguted look fell across her face.
    "What are these?" She asked in a snotty tone.
    I rolled my eyes.
    "Not all of us wear designer pajama's to bed." I replied, irritated.
    "Whatever." She scoffed under her breath, quickly making her way over to my closet to change.
    When she finished, we both sat awkwardly for countless minutes.
    "Well, are we just going to just sit here?" Complained Avery.
    "Well we wouldn't even be here if it weren't for you." I accused her, pushing my thick blonde hair out of my face.
    She stayed silent, knowing that I was right.
    "Avery, what happened to us?" I blurted out.
    How those words managed to escape my mouth, I had no idea.
    They just kind of came out, and I had no control over it.
    "What do you mean?" She asked confused.
    "I mean, why do you..h-hate me?" I asked hesitantly.
    Avery walked over and sat on the bed next to me.
    I could tell that this wasn't going to be a quick conversation.
    "You were always a threat to me Emma." She whispered.
    "W-what?" I stammered, surprised.
    Did Avery just say that I was a threat to her?
    "Everyone always seemed to like you better Emma." She continued. "You always seemed to look prettier, do better at everything, and I tried to compete with you, but I couldn't." Her voice shooked.
    I could tell this was hard for her to say, but part of me wondered if this was all just a joke.
    "I still can't get myself to believe that i'm any better than you, Emma. Trust me, i've tried." She explained. "I tried getting your friends, your boyfriend, maybe even your life. But there's something that everyone loves about you Emma, and I just can't figure it out."
    Avery's words lingered in the air, and I was speechless.
    How was I supposed to respond to that?
    10 years of hating eachother, and now she decides to tell me why?
    "Y-you're jealous..of me?" I muttered, still in shock.
    "Are you kidding Emma?" She replied surprised. "You're gorgeous." She said softly. "And about that whole, 'kissing Josh' thing, i'm really sorry.." She said quietly. "I only wanted him because you had him."
    We sat quietly for a while, discussing what we'd done to eachother.
    I explained that I was sorry for all the things that I had done to her, and she did the same to me.
    Avery looked just as surprised as I did when I apologized to her.
    "I was always secretly jealous of you too Avery." I admitted. "You always had designer clothes, and perfect hair..I wanted to be you.." I said nervously.
    A gentle smile fell across her face.
    "You really mean that?" She asked hopefully.
    I smiled back and nodded at her.
    "From now on, we're done fighting." I announced confidently. "I miss being best friends."
    She nodded in agreement.
    We then pulled eachother in for a hug.
    "Friends again?" Avery smiled, pulling away from the hug.
    "Deffinetly." I replied sweetly.
    "Pinky promise?" She teased, holding out her finger.
    We had always pinky swore on everything when we were littled.
    I let out a laugh, then interlocked fingers with her, and smiled.
    "Pinky promise."
    **Friends againnnn.♥**
    Thanks for all the faves guys(: Feedback on this chapter? Pretttttty pleasse? This is the first chapter that I won't be giving out notifications for. Hopefully it doesnt decrease the number of readers.. ♥I have made up my mind on what i'm doing for the next story. You guys will just have to wait until the new story comes out to see what I chose..♥ Thanks for all the feedback guys, I love ittt.(: ps--Even if I don't respond to your comment, I read it, I promise..♥ I just have a lot going on lately.
    ♥{{ Fave/Comment/Follow}}♥

  17. TheMascaraSeries TheMascaraSeries
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2012 5:56pm UTC
    Clique Wars.
    **Sequel to Mascara.**
    Chapter 24
    (Pretty please read the bottom, it's important.)
    Avery Madison stood in the front doorway of my house.
    Anger and disbelief were running through my head.
    Avery swiftly walked through the front door, taking off her four inch heels and her designer coat.
    She fixed her long, chocolaty brown hair, and shot me a devious, lipgloss filled smile.
    I clenched my fist, trying to hold back the urge to punch her as hard as I possibly could.
    She walked up to me gracefully in her short purple summer dress.
    "Nice to see you Emma." She grumbled. "You too Josh." She smiled sweetly.
    I glared at her with hatred in my eyes.
    "Pleasures all mine." I sneered.
    "Nice dress, Emma." Avery scowled. "Where'd you get it, Dollar General?"
    I didn't respond, I only continued to stare her down.
    This dress had costed me 200$ from a boutique in New York.
    "It probably costs 5 bucks." She scoffed, smoothing her own dress out.
    I couldn't just sit here and let her push me around anymore.
    "It costed more than your nose and boob job combined." I responded confidently.
    Before Avery could come up with a comeback, my mom rushed into the front doorway area.
    "Oh Stacy! It's so nice to see you again!" My mom exclaimed, greeting Avery's mom with a welcoming hug.
    We all watched the reunion until my mom called us all into the kitchen, where a buffet of different foods was set up on the counter.
    Along with my mom's best set of dishes.
    She only used them for special occasions.
    After we had all gotten our food and sat down, conversations started.
    "So, Avery, do you and Emma know eachother?" My mom asked politely, while cutting up her steak.
    "Oh yeah, me and Emma are like, best friends." She said innocently, smiling up at my mom, while neatly placing her nappkin on her lap.
    "Well that's good! Emma, you never told me that you and Avery were close?" My mom asked cheerfully.
    "Guess I forgot." I muttered dully, forcing food down my throat to avoid the conversation.
    "Maybe you and Avery should have a sleep over tonight!" My mom beemed proudly.
    My mother's words lingered in the air as I practically choked on my food.
    "W-what?" I stammered, making sure I had heard her correctly.
    "Oh you know, a sleepover." My mom explained. "A little girl time for you too."
    "Sounds like fun Mrs. Hailk!" Avery exclaimed in agreement, shooting me an evil smile.
    I rolled my eyes and stared back down at my plate, looking at the food that didn't seem the least bit apettizing.
    This couldn't be happening.
    Avery and I, in the same house together all night?
    Sleeping next to eachother?
    There was no way this was going to work.
    I shot Josh a look of desperation, but I knew he couldn't fix things.
    "Kill me now." I mouthed silently to him.
    I saw him laugh a litlle.
    "It's just one night Emma, you'll be fine." He whispered back in reassurance.
    Maybe he was right, it was only one night.
    You can do this Emma, I thought confidently.
    I could put up with Avery for just one night, right?
    I picked at the food on my plate, contemplating all the other plan's I could've--should've made tonight.
    Then, I started to think of all the benifits that this night could bring.
    Revenge, I thought mutely to myself.
    Sweet, sweet, revenge.
    **Ahh, let the drama beginnn.♥**
    80 faves guys? Pretty pleasssee? I just feel like no ones reading anymore..:/ Okay guys, i've been thinking a lot about the whole sequal thing, and my friend told me that since so many people want a sequal, and I want to start a new story, she said I should find a way to combine my new story idea with this story, and turn it into the sequal. What do you guys think of that idea? ♥ Feedback please? It'd be really helpfull.♥ Also, this is the last chapter I will be giving updates for. It takes longer for me to give updates than it takes to actually write a chapter.Thanks for all the feedback guys, I love ittt.(: ps--Even if I don't respond to your comment, I read it, I promise..♥ I just have a lot going on, &i have to give updates to more than 50 people for this story guys.
    ♥{{ Fave/Comment/Follow}}♥

  18. TheMascaraSeries TheMascaraSeries
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2012 8:02pm UTC
    Clique Wars.
    **Sequel to Mascara.**
    Chapter 13
    I thought about who I was going to choose all weekend.
    When Monday came, I was more than confident in who I was going to choose.
    I knew that I might not be making the right desicion, but I knew that this was what I wanted to do.
    When I arrived at school on Monday, everything felt, well, I don't know how to explain it.
    Strange, I guess.
    It's like the whole school was staring at me, wanting to know who I was going to choose.
    Although, I already knew that only a few people were really even aware of the situation.
    I quietly stacked my books up in my locker and shut it.
    Macy and Aliana were rushing down the hallway towards me like always.
    "What this time?" I muttered.
    Clearly, I wasn't in that great of a mood.
    So many things have been cluttered in my head, that it was depriving me of sleep.
    "Somebody's a little grouchy this morning." Macy teased.
    "Yeah.." I responded solemnly. "I've just had too much to think about, and not enough sleep.." I mumbled.
    Both of their faces lit up instantly.
    "Speaking of which.." Alaina started. "Who's the lucky guy gonna be?"
    I let out a small sigh.
    "Guess it's going to be a surprise." I responded calmly.
    "Ugh!" Macy grumbled. "I hate surprises."
    I couldn't help but laugh a little.
    "Oh well, I think you'll survive." I joked sarcastically.
    Before Macy could do or say anything to explain why she probably couldn't survive a surprise, Alaina quickly spoke up.
    "Looks like your surprise is walking down the hallway right now." Alaina said, pointing out that both Josh and Logan were making their way towards us down the hallway.
    "Greeaatt.." I muttered quietly under my breath.
    I sick feeling entered the pit of my stomach.
    I knew I was ready for this, I was just scared that I was going to hurt someone.
    As they got closer, millions of mixed emotions went through my mind.
    Scared, nervous, excited, anxious, worried.
    I was terrified as they became within touching distance.
    "Well, who's it going to be?" Macy asked impatiently, as if this was some chick flick movie and I was about to pick my prince charming.
    I stared into both guys eyes.
    I could tell that they were just as nervous as I was.
    Then, without hesitation, I reached out and touched Josh's hand.
    I gave him a small small, and he smiled back.
    Then, I pulled him away from the group so we could talk alone.
    His face was beeming with happiness.
    "Emma, I love you so much." He started. "Thank you so much for giving me another chance. I promise that this time I-"
    I stopped him.
    "Josh.." I stuttered weakly. "Stop."
    A frown fell across his face.
    "What?" He asked confusedly. "You chose me, right?" He said with a pained look in his eyes.
    I pulled him into a hug.
    "Josh, I love you.." I whispered into his ear.
    He pulled away from the hug, and a small smile re-entered his face.
    "But I don't think I can do this again.."
    **Poor Josh..:(..**
    Fave if you think Josh and Emma should get back together..♥ Oh my gosh, I hated the witty detox. Just me?
    You guys are the greatest readers in the world, &i love all the feedback.♥
    ps--I am HORRIBLLLEE at responding to comments left on my profile& on quotes..okay, i'm bad at responding to any comment in general..anyways, please just know that it's not because I don't care, it's because i'm grounded&i'm not even supposed to be on witty. But i sneek on just so can upload new chapters. Yeah, that's how much I love you guys...♥
    If you read this and liked it, pleasee faveee.♥
    Wanna be notified when the next chapter's upp? Commentt Herrrreee♥
    Most of the Character pictures are up on my profile.♥
    For those of you who havn't read the story before this one, feel free to. It will help you understand this story better. Emma&Josh have a history you don't even know about.♥
    {{Feedback? It would mean a lot to mee♥}}
    ♥{{ Fave/Comment/Follow}}♥

  19. samidances247 samidances247
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2012 8:17am UTC
    I am asking a small favor
    ANext summer i will most likely have to get surgery for my back. i will do nothing but lay in bed all day. So this summer I made a bucket list. One of my top things to do is to get a top quote. It would mean alot to me if you could just like this quote. In return i will try to like one of your quotes. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. :)

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    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
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