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  1. mariahelisabethann mariahelisabethann
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 6:50pm UTC
    I hate this.
    I hate knowing that while I'm about to go out and live my life, there are all these poor, innocent little children who have lost theirs.
    They won't get to experience the excitement on Christmas Eve, waiting for Santa to come. Won't get to wake up on Christmas morning and unwrap the gifts their parents bought for them. They won't get their first kiss, won't get to feel the nervous butterflies of a crush.
    They'll never get to experience heartbreak. Never get to fall so in love that they can't think of anybody else.
    They won't get married, they'll will never have children of their own.
    They won't get to graduate, won't even get to go to high school. No dances, no prom. No makeup or pretty dresses or tuxes.
    No worrying about assignments or tests or finals or teachers.
    No drama, no friendships, no relationships.
    They won't get to grow up, won't even get their childhood. They won't get to watch their favourite shows. They won't get to get make at their old favourite channels when they get older.
    Won't get to go to the movies with their friends. No more birthday parties. No sweet sixteen, no drivers liscence. They won't get to have thier first sip of alcohol, or go to parties. Won't get college or university, or their first job.
    They'll never get to watch their children take their first steps, never get to grow old.
    They'll never see another new year.
    They're parents, friends, family, and everybody else will never see the twinkle of their eyes, their bright smiles, or hear their giggles again.
    Their entire future was laid out before them, and now it's gone.
    And yet we sit here and complain about our lives.

  2. egrebs egrebs
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 6:09pm UTC
    Th i s i s for t he ch i l d r en w ho l ost their l i ves
    P l e a s e r e a d
    This morning i woke up
    looked at the Connecticut sky
    i had a good feeling,
    i can't tell you why
    I kissed mommy goodbye
    and told daddy i love you
    and before we seperated at the sign
    i told sister see you soon
    The bell rung
    we all rushed inside
    it was warm and loving
    like a campfire light
    The door busted open
    a man with a gun
    i was scared and broken
    i looked at the sun
    The same sun i saw
    with so much love
    now brought me worry
    but i'd stay tough
    I felt a pain
    go through my whole body
    i saw a light
    and an awful goodbye
    I saw mommy's face
    her beautiful soft lips
    i kissed her this morning
    she was something i'd miss
    Sister was only a few blocks away
    in a classroom i could see
    i'll never get to say
    how much she means to me
    Then i felt a hand
    touch my face
    i was overwhelmed
    in an amazing grace
    I looked on my back
    where i found wings
    i felt a halo
    and clouds under my feet
    With me, when i looked
    were my friends by my side
    that man sent us here
    but i'm alright
    Maybe he was sick
    maybe he was crazy
    maybe he hurt us
    because he was hurting, maybe?
    i watch the tears
    all over the country
    over the few years
    their pain is because of me
    what you don't know
    but what i'll tell you
    is im just fine
    in this heaven of mine
    Maybe this will teach you
    to never regret a thing
    be happy with what god gave you
    because you could've been me
    R.I.P to the 20 children and 6 adults who passed away</3

  3. Dinocaulay Dinocaulay
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 4:27pm UTC
    NASA has confirmed that December 21, late
    afternoon, the sky will be very dark. It's an
    interesting phenomenon called "night".

  4. Delicate* Delicate*
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 5:04pm UTC
    I would like to take this moment,
    to think about not just the American tragedy,
    But about the 22 children who were stabbed in China today.
    Our hearts our with you, little darlings, and we know Heaven just gained more lovely angels.
    I pray that no more innocences shall have to suffer in such a way.

  5. ridemydino ridemydino
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 4:28pm UTC
    “We were in the gym, and I heard really loud bangs,” said the boy, as he stood shivering and weeping outside the school with his father’s arms draped around him. “We thought that someone was knocking something over. And we heard yelling, and we heard gunshots. We heard lots of gunshots. We heard someone say, ‘Put your hands up.’ I heard, ‘Don’t shoot.’ We had to go into the closet in the gym. Then someone came and told us to run down the hallway. There were police at every door. There were lots of people crying and screaming.”
    Please pray for Newtown, Connecticuit.

  6. SailingInTheSky SailingInTheSky
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 5:06pm UTC
    20 kids dead.
    20 futures.
    20 possible world changes.
    20 kids not making it home to their parents.
    R.I.P Connecticut Shooting Victims.
    My heart goes out to all of their parents.

  7. hermione23katniss hermione23katniss
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 2:56pm UTC
    RIP to the 18 kids and 8 adults who died.
    Today while we were casually living our lives, a mental man went into an elemantary school and killed 18 innocent children and adults. What kind of sick world do we live in? Please keep these people and their close ones in your prayers. <3
    Rest in peace.

  8. Eli22b Eli22b
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 10:09pm UTC
    when I called the shooter at the NewTown massacre a waste of human life someone called me ignorant and told me "It wasnt his fault, he had a mental illness. He didnt ask to be crazy." Yeah, well those kids didnt ask to get shot and killed when they were at school. I dont care how messed up you are, if you kill a child, or anyone for that matter, I want you dead.

  9. Olisbabe * Olisbabe *
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 4:39pm UTC
    R.I.P to all killed
    in the connecticut shooting ♥ you're families are in my prayers.

  10. ReneeLisaaa ReneeLisaaa
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 10:46pm UTC
    How many more people have to die?
    Fix your gun control America - here in Australia guns ae illegal, and people are alive.

  11. BubblyGirl22 BubblyGirl22
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 5:29pm UTC
    I Want All of You
    to Read This:
    So you guys probably of heard of the Connecticut shooting. It's just awful. I can't tell how you upset I am. But my friend Alyssa (The_Drama_Girl) sent me this page of a bunch of girls on Twitter talking about the shooting. As you may now Justin Bieber, was suppose to be on Ellen today, but most shows cut it off because the news were covering the shooting. And these girls were upset that they cut the Ellen show and that mean't they didn't get to see JB. And these tweets, might tell you why, I hate girls like this. (I'm not going to say their Twitter name.)
    First Girl: I am trying to watch @justinbieber on ellen but noo somebody had to shoot people today and be on breaking news and cancel her show.
    Second Girl: Ugh! The stupid shooting is all over the news and is cutting into my Ellen and Justin Bieber! So mad!!
    Third Girl: if this news report cuts into my Ellen I am done.
    Fourth Girl: This f*cking shooting better not cut into the Ellen show.
    There is more a whole lot more, actually but I just can't tell you how angry I am. 20 innocent kids died today, and 8 adults. and all you care about is Justin Bieber who has been on the Ellen Show like 50 times. If any of you are gonna comment, and say he's only been on a 4 or 5 times or whatever. If you're gonna write some type of comment, like that well if you haven't noticed I don't give a f/ck what you think at all. Because it is just plain awful. Imagine waking up in the morning, and going to school , and never coming back. Put yourself in those shoes or the parents. How do you think they feel? Their kid is gone. They'll never see them again. What if they had an argument this morning or they got in trouble? How do you think they feel? Sorry just needed to vent. I know a lot of Beliebers are not like this, I'm just saying this to who people think that it's wrong cancelling the Ellen Show.

  12. queezle* queezle*
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 6:51pm UTC

  13. xnevershoutsalena xnevershoutsalena
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 6:16pm UTC
    I can't even imagine what that phone call must have been like,
    rest easy, my heart goes out to everyone in Newtown Connecticut.

  14. XTheBestDayX XTheBestDayX
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 6:09pm UTC
    A child's mom said she got a call home from the school, thinking her son was coming home sick, but instead he wasn't coming home at all.
    How could someone do such a thing..?

  15. ooh_chavez ooh_chavez
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 10:07pm UTC
    President Obama
    wiping away tears in press conference. Today he wasn't a
    politician, a democrat, or a president. Today: He was a Dad.

  16. xlonglivex xlonglivex happy birthday!
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 2:48pm UTC
    Only an hour away from where I live,
    there was a school shooting that killed a total of 27 people,
    18 of them being elementry school children.
    My heart goes out to them and their community.
    Please, if you will, keep them in your prayers.

  17. OneDirectionQuotes OneDirectionQuotes
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 2:25pm UTC
    My prayers go out to all of the families of the victims
    Who were shot in Connecticut.

  18. livin_life_young_and_in_love livin_life_young_and_in_love
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 3:16pm UTC
    Rest in Paradise
    to all those kids who will
    never get their firsts.
    First kiss, first love. They'll never be
    able to go to prom, or graduate college.
    They won't be able to get married,
    or have children of their own.
    My heart goes out to all
    those kids and their families.

  19. subtlysam subtlysam
    posted a quote
    December 14, 2012 4:55pm UTC
    hi, i am sam. &
    four months ago i lost my bestfriend,
    four months ago you didn't wake me up for school, four months ago you couldn't kiss my forehead and tell me everything will be ok soon,
    four months ago i couldnt heard your voice sing songs in the kitchen while making dinner,
    four months ago you stopped fighting,
    three months ago i didn't have to kiss your gravestone.
    rest in paradise mommy.

  20. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.


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