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  1. xBAY_BAYx xBAY_BAYx
    posted a quote
    December 5, 2008 9:13pm UTC
    I love his sexy blonde hair.
    I love his smile.
    I love his blue eyes.
    I love his hats.
    I love his personality.
    Lets just face it...
    I love every single thing about him (:

  2. lilmissnini96 lilmissnini96
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2008 8:32pm UTC
    i kinda love it
    when i'm at the mall;;
    and this really hot guy checks me out
    ...right in front of his girlfriend....
    burnnnn...ahaha i love this minee please don't jock

  3. lilmissnini96 lilmissnini96
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2008 8:46pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. breexxx26 breexxx26
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2008 3:50pm UTC
    and one day,
    he'll look back at his yearbook
    and say to his kids
    "you see that girl right there?
    she was my best friend
    i told her everything..
    and i wish i asked her,
    because you know what?
    i think she loved me back...."
    fiirst quoote of my yearrbook serrieees,,keep or delette ?

  5. iloveyouhhx3 iloveyouhhx3
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2008 3:53pm UTC
    dear diary . . .i'm sorry for all the heart-breaking stories, the water on these pinkpages, and my pen smeared with broken hearts and crossed out names. i know i have to move on, my brain says go. but my heart says never let go.</3 Sincerely, a girl. . .</3 [with a broken heart]

  6. iloveyouhhx3 iloveyouhhx3
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2008 8:45pm UTC
    "& so the lion fell in love with the lamb.<3"
    sorry people. i know some-people hate twilight. we need to make a
    twilight section! who's with me?!(:

  7. iloveyouhhx3 iloveyouhhx3
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2008 5:48pm UTC
    isnt it funny;
    how i can spend forever on my hair;
    make-up, and clothes just to see that
    snobby, beautiful, girl walk away with
    that one i am [completely] in love with?
    <33 whether you loved it....hated it.
    just make sure... ITS RATED.

  8. PunkyPrincessxx PunkyPrincessxx
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2008 2:07am UTC
    Joe ;
    [( i love you )]
    when you talk to me i get butterflies..
    even when we text i get butterflies..
    people don't get why i like you..
    and they say your mean..
    but .. truth is..
    your a major sweetheart. :)
    and your so amazing & perfect..
    i love the way you make me feel..
    i care about you soo much..
    im not ever going to stop loving you..
    or caring about you..
    because baby.. you mean the world too me. <3
    [( i love you babe )]
    awh., this is really cute.. and i made it for my boyfriend.<3
    rate highh pleasee! <3
    & comment me.(:
    ps: took me forever to make this., so don't steal it., cus ill rip yer fayce off. :D
    mmkay? thanks.

  9. dramaqueen61896 dramaqueen61896
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2008 10:40pm UTC
    Becky Waits There
    in the computer room,
    hoping that boy will sign on,
    she has her phone clutched in her hand,
    praying he'll respond to her texts.
    He's been sick all week,
    and they broke up two months ago,
    he's moved on;
    hes got a new girlfriend and everything,
    but she will never let go.
    comments please!

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. sksx9 sksx9
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2008 10:41pm UTC


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