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  1. KoalaGurl125 KoalaGurl125
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2012 8:17pm UTC
    Want U Back by Cher Lloyd
    Is the other side of Taken by One Direction

  2. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  3. imjustonegirl imjustonegirl
    posted a quote
    June 20, 2012 3:20pm UTC
    It's sweet when someone knows every detail about you.
    Not because you keep on reminding them,
    but because they pay attention.
    not my format.

  4. Rhyburgie2 Rhyburgie2
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2012 2:56pm UTC
    on a scale of Kirsten
    Stewert to Nicki Minaj
    how many facial expressions do you have?

  5. midget827 midget827
    posted a quote
    March 5, 2012 4:36pm UTC
    she paints a pretty picture,
    but this story has a twist, ♥
    the paintbrush is
    a razor& her canvas is her wrist.
    {notmyformat}from the book AFTER

  6. Alexoxoxo Alexoxoxo
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2012 11:26am UTC
    If you've ever been called
    put this as your quote
    [♥]'s it

  7. rupertgrintluvr rupertgrintluvr
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2012 7:42pm UTC
    Chap 4.
    Albus woke up to see an owl, standing on his dresser. It was holding a letter from his dad.
    “Thanks” said Albus.
    The owl stuck out his leg; Albus took two galleons out of his coin pooch and put it in the owl’s pooch, and off it went. The letter said:
    Dear Albus,
    I and Mom are BOTH proud of you being a Slytherin. I actually always wanted feel what it’s like to be one! Just try not to get in trouble with your brother? You know Scorpius Malfoy? Is he nice too you? His father was never nice to me, and another thing about friendship, IT’S ALWAYS GOOD TO HAVE A GIRL AS A FRIEND! She can help you out with ALOT of things, that’s what Aunt Hermione did for me! Please try, and have a good year, and I’ll be even happier!
    Dad (Harry Potter)
    Albus smiled when he read this. He saw Tricorn still sleeping he walked over to him saying “Wake up! Wake up! We have Potions in two hours!”
    Tricorn said very groggily “What? Oh yeah right, sorry I forgot, let’s get dressed and go to breakfast, and al-“
    When he was saying the last words Scorpius pushed him out of bed.
    “What was that for, Scorpius?” said Tricorn, wide awake.
    “Breakfast! I’m starving!” said Scorpius
    “Yeah, so am I.” said Albus
    Albus and Tricorn got dressed and went downstairs. Albus saw a notice that said Quiddetch Try-outs.
    “Hey! Tricorn, Scorpius! Look! Quiddetch Try-outs going on tomorrow! I want to be keeper; my father was seeker for Gryffindor!”
    “Really? I want to be Chaser! I read all about them! My favorite time is the Reynitch Ravens!” said Tricorn
    “I want to Seeker, My father was also one!” said Scorpius.
    Albus was thinking about Eliza, if she wanted to be on Quiddetch team. When he was thinking about her he saw her walk by, today she had dark green hair, and even her eye color changed, today they were Dark Blue. Albus walked up to her.
    “Wow! I love your look today!” Albus said a little chocked up.
    “Thanks! I heard you wanted to play ‘Quiddetch’, is that how it’s pronounced? I’m not good with sports; can you explain it to me?” She said very shy.
    “Sure! My dad and uncle know a lot about it so they told me. So, I know a lot about it, maybe even more than most professionals!”
    They both laughed after that and Albus was thinking, I’ll ask her out today. I have too, I know she loves me and I love her!

  8. PinkQT PinkQT
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2012 8:04pm UTC
    I hate it when one of my
    says something about my biggest

  9. Rhyburgie2 Rhyburgie2
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2012 5:28pm UTC
    Them: Dude I Got Totally High Last Night.
    Me: Sometimes I Hold Pretzels Like Cigaretts.

  10. sundaerules sundaerules
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2012 10:18am UTC
    Lost in Time
    **The sequel to Summer Bets**
    Chapter 2
    “Okay, so I really need to talk to you about something serious.” I said to Jason as we sat cross-legged facing each other on my bed later that night.
    “I love that we’re best friends, and we tell each other everything, I just-“
    “Whoa, are you breaking up with me?!” a scared look came over Jason’s face.
    “No! Silly!” I said, placing my hands on his knees. “I’m saying I might try and fix things with my old friends. I miss having girlfriends to talk to and I don’t know, I just wanted to talk to you about it first.”
    I glanced away from his eyes.
    He placed his finger under my chin and raised my head to face him.
    “I think it’s a great idea. You do need some girl friends, and while we’re at it, I could use some guy friends. I would be careful with Stacy, because she’s the one that really hurt you, but no matter what, I’ll be here for you. Just make sure you don’t get hurt.”
    “Thanks, boo.” I said to him.
    I know ‘boo’ is a ridiculous nickname, but I call him anything that comes to my mind. J
    He flopped down on my pillow and I laid down next to him.
    Then I sunk in to deep thoughts mode.
    I wasn’t sure, though, if I wanted to reunite with my friends right away.
    I loved having special time with Jason, especially since we had just gotten together, friends would just complicate things.
    So I decided to wait for a little while.
    Also, I hadn’t told Jason I love him, it had only been a week!
    But I think I was very close to feeling it.
    I was afraid I was falling too fast and too hard for him, but he also made me feel so much better.
    We had been through a lot, so I wasn’t sure if he felt the same way.
    So I figured I would hold out for now and tell him when the time was right.
    But I loved our funny relationship.
    We joked and picked fun at each other all the time, but when we needed to be serious, we could be.
    It was almost too good to be true.
    Author's Note:
    I'm so happy and excited about this sequel!
    {Feedback is greatly appreciated!}
    Just for future references, do you guys like when I describe kissed, or just like when I say "they kissed" Because I tend to like to describe the kisses they share in full detail, I hope you don't mind! :)
    *Want notifications?" - comment here!
    If you have not read my previous story, "Summer Bets," you may be confused on characters and previous plot line. The story's on my profile if you want to check it out! :)

  11. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  12. lyssawissax33 lyssawissax33
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2012 8:14pm UTC
    Michael Jackson died at 58
    Whitney Houston died at 48
    John F. Kennedy died at 38
    Amy Winehouse died at 28
    How old is Justin Bieber again?
    not only is there an age pattern
    there is also a boy girl boy girl pattern


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