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  1. Unforgettable_Regrets Unforgettable_Regrets
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2010 2:01am UTC
    Horrible regrets/confessions:
    1. I used to be a chain smoker, &couldnt go a day without a pack
    2. I use to smoke at least 10 blunts everyday, or more. so much, when i wasnt high it felt weird
    3. I drank so much I couldnt keep track of my beers, or shots. I still half-acted sober, i always knew how to control myself.
    4. One day i went to the park with my friend to meet up with one of her friends she recently met he was with two other. We smoked up a bowl, and he gave us some vodka in a clear waterbottle. what we didnt know was that that would be one of our biggest mistakes. i dont remember anything after that. i woke up in the hospital half-dead with bruises, hickeys, scratches, you name it. i was in there for 16 hours. i had an alcohol level of 3.0 *about 4 months later* i went to testify against him in court.
    5. after that incident i was grounded for a month and a half, then i earned my parents trust back. about 2 months later i was caught sitting in a car in a driveway by the cops with an alcohol level of 0.16. and got an M.I.P (MINOR IN POSSESION)
    6. Ive been grounded for the whole summer due to my stupid desisions.
    7. I just needed guidance, i grew up with alcoholic parents. fighting. drinking. screaming. it all seemed so stressful. i lost many friends, along with their trust. and most importantly,
    Im sorry

  2. ohsnap0971 ohsnap0971
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2010 12:02pm UTC
    the iPad is thin. the iPad is beautiful.
    yha thanks a lot now my laptop has self asteem issues.

  3. taylorxo3 taylorxo3
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2010 12:03pm UTC
    one day we were just f r i e n d s
    another day we were going around telling people we were sisters<3

  4. adam_lambert_x0 adam_lambert_x0
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2010 12:54am UTC
    please, don't cut on the dotted line .

  5. ToxStayxInxYourxArms124 ToxStayxInxYourxArms124
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2010 12:04am UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. writergirlx0x97 writergirlx0x97
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2010 12:04am UTC
    I feel so loved;
    hes texting me;
    but only
    in between
    lmfao thought it was rly funny;if ya dont get it,hes playing cod, but texting me in between when he kills somebody;sweet right? lmao


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