Witty Profiles

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  1. xxmaddiebabexo xxmaddiebabexo
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2011 6:09am UTC
    "will you be my girlfriend?" ; is alot cuter than
    "will you go out with me?"

  2. lanapoll lanapoll
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2011 10:01pm UTC
    My friends changed all my contact names to Harry Potter characters..
    Do you know who I am?
    We've been speak for an hour, what's me name?
    No! It's he-who-must-not-be-named.

  3. GlamourGirl GlamourGirl
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2011 10:14pm UTC
    fav this,
    If your thinking of him. ♥

  4. Tay* Tay*
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2011 9:24pm UTC
    Fave if...
    You're insecure.
    Your mood swings drive even you crazy.
    You use your hair straightener more than your toothbrush.
    You can go from laughing to crying in a matter of minutes.
    The littlest things set you off.
    The guy you like, is dating someone else.
    You're constantly comparing yourself to other girls around you.
    You think you're fat.
    Sometimes you don't even know why you're crying.
    You can hide everything with one simple smile.
    You'd rather say "I'm fine" than confront the truth.
    You try to impress people.
    You get pimples regularly...
    Yeah, me too.

  5. KatSaysRawrr KatSaysRawrr
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2011 10:07pm UTC
    if this quote gets 235,678,000 faves
    I will stop cutting after 11 years
    And best friend'sgreat aunt Shirley will magically be cured of the flu
    I will tell my crush I love him
    and follow you and fave all your quotes
    oh and I'm psychic
    so I'll tell who who you'll marry

  6. aznlubsyew aznlubsyew
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2011 10:01pm UTC
    I shouldn't have cared, but I did.
    Now look where it's gotten me. </3

  7. JustForMe JustForMe
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2011 10:01pm UTC
    It finally happened; after years of waiting.
    a hot new boy at my school.

  8. soccerbabe7 soccerbabe7
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2011 9:26pm UTC
    I don't mean to impress you b u t...
    my bedtime is 8 o'clock...
    and I go to bed at,

  9. DamnnTaylerx DamnnTaylerx
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2011 9:49pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. musicluvart4ever musicluvart4ever
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2011 9:38pm UTC
    I'm fine
    But then I remember,
    Oh right, he doesn't
    like me.

  11. domothedino domothedino
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2011 6:12pm UTC
    I know this girl;
    And when she had no hope in herself, in life..
    She'd go out to her backyard out to her trampoline,
    Blast her music on high and jump until she reached that leaf dangling very high above her.
    And it took so many tries, she had to work hard. No matter how long it took.
    But in the end, She reached that leaf.. And lost a few pounds since.
    She reached her goal.♥

  12. FreakyFlyingMuffins FreakyFlyingMuffins
    posted a quote
    August 4, 2011 9:10pm UTC

  13. FreakyFlyingMuffins FreakyFlyingMuffins
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2011 8:28am UTC
    ISaw you
    I met you
    I liked you
    You flirted
    I loved you
    You broke my heart
    I hated you
    I forgave you
    Just friends
    I liked you
    I cried
    I'm O V E R Y O U

  14. domothedino domothedino
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2011 11:46pm UTC
    The Misfits
    Chapter 20- 3rd Person.♥
    "Okay my dad isn't home again." Lexi said walking out of the house and picking up Sam who was sleeping in Andrew's arms. "Take the stuff to the kitchen?" she smiled sweetly and walked up to her room while walked into the kitchen.
    She set Sam softly on the bed and covered him up with a blanket. She closed the door softly. The sound of her shoes tapped on the stairs as she headed down.
    Andrew was standing in front of the refrigerator with the door open looking inside of it. "You have like nothing in here.. Except for beer. But there is only like 4cans in here."
    Lexi reached in, grabbed the milk and un-capped it. She held it up to her nose and made a gag noise. "Thanks for going shopping with me." she smiled.
    Andrew smiled. "No need to thank me. Its the least i can do for you after you letting me stay here."
    Lexi sat on top of the counter and started taking the items out of the bags and stuffing the crumpled up plastic bags in one big one. She handed all the items that needed to be refrigerated to Andrew and he put them in the fridge.
    After they were all done putting everything up Andrew sat next to Lexi on the counter, looked her in the eyes and smirked.
    Lexi pushed lightly on his chest. "What are you looking at me like that for?" she chuckled.
    Andrew smiled. "Your eyes. I love them."'
    Lexi blushed her cheeks turning a bright red on her light skin.
    Andrew took his finger and stroked it across her cheeks. "Your blushing."
    "Am not!" she laughed and looked back into his eyes.
    `` Lexi's POV. ``
    His eyes were absolutely beautiful.
    Those crystal blue eyes made me forget about all my pain.. all my worries. I was so happy to have him here.
    He made me blush so much. My cheeks almost stained a permanent red because of him.
    He was absolutly perfect.
    Andrew's POV
    Her eyes were amazing.
    She had me lost in them everytime i looked into them.
    Everytime i'm around her i feel so comfortable. Like i can trust her with anything. Like she's the center of my world. She made me feel so complete.
    She was absolutley perfect.
    3rd Person.
    Andrews lips pressed against hers softly.
    He had both hands on the side of her face cradling her head gently.
    He pulled away and bit his lip looking into her eyes.
    Lexi smiled and kissed him again with her hands on both of his shoulders. "I'm glad i met you in the park a couple days ago.. Or i would be no where right now.." She bit her lip.
    He kissed her once more and chuckled. "I'll always be here."
    I need some feedback you misfits.♥
    If you've been reading. I want to know who your favorite couple is so far. Andrexie or Jindsey?(:

  15. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  16. domothedino domothedino
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2011 5:32pm UTC
    The Misfits.
    Chapter 15- Jared's POV.♥
    "So, Jared. You want me to walk home with you?" Lindsey smiled at me.
    I softly smiled back. "Sure, if you want!"
    She took my hand and we walked around the corner.
    "So where do you live..?" she looked up at me with her big brown eyes.
    "Just around the corner here and down the street."
    She nodded and we walked around the corner. "So um. Hows your sister?"
    "Well now she's good. She's been a lot happier now for some reason."
    "Well, that's a lot better."
    We finally reached where i live. Motel 6.
    "You live in a motel?" Lindsey asked quietly.
    "Yeah, our aunt works here. She hates us but.. She gave us a place to stay."
    We walked over to my room and stopped in front of the door.
    "I'll see you at school, Jared." Lindsey wrapped her arms around my neck.
    I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her softly. "Bye, Lindsey."
    I watched as she walked away from the door and behind to the front of the building. The door opened and i turned around shocked. "The hell, Rach?"
    She chuckled. "Pshh. I knew you guys had something goin on."
    "Hah. You're so nosy." I smiled and patted her head.
    She punched my arm lightly. "So.. This girl, huh?"
    I chuckled and sighed. ".. She's amazing. Perfect. But, way to perfect for me."
    "Chin up, bro. There is someone out there for you. And SHE is your someone."
    I smiled. "Thanks, sis." I fell back onto my bed and looked up at the ceiling, thinking about Lindsey. She was beautiful.. nice, brown eyes blonde hair. How could anyone be total a**holes to someone like her? But, i already knew the reason. Something we both have in common. People judge too quick before getting to know whats really behind that person.

  17. domothedino domothedino
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2011 11:14pm UTC
    The Misfits
    Chapter 17- 3rd Person.♥
    The clock struck 8:35am and all of the halls flooded with kids all rushing to their lockers. Throwing stuff in them. Getting stuff out. The daily routine for school in the morning.
    Lexi and Andrew were walking down the hallway trying to get through every kid to go to their lockers. They both had smiles on their face which wasn't normal for them. Kids in their school never really saw them so happy.
    They first stopped at Lexi's locker. She shoved her backpack in and grabbed her binder out of it. She tripped and her books flew out of her hands and into the air.
    Andrew reached out and caught them and chuckled. "A little clumsy now, Alexis?"
    Lexi's cheeks turned a bright red and she punched his arm playfully.
    Andrew chuckled and patted her head. "Lets take you to class now, shall we, Miss Rodriguez?" he held his arm out.
    Lexi wrapped her hand around it and smiled. "We shall."

  18. domothedino domothedino
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2011 12:19pm UTC
    The Misfits
    Chapter 18- 3rd Person.♥
    "Okay, see you after school Danny!" Kiana gave her silent brother a big hug before entering her daycare.
    Daniel watched as she walked in and was greeted bye a staff member and led to the room.
    Daniel cared so much for his baby sister. After all thats happened, parents walking out. Never listening to him. It seemed she was the only person who did and she was only 4yrs old! But he didnt talk verbally. He gave up when his parents wouldn't give a d^mn about him. He talked with his eyes. You could see his pain, his happiness, everything.
    Daniel started walking down the street. Thank god that his school was just around the corner or else he would never make it.
    Deep in thought he turned the corner to feel himself bumping into someone and send them onto the ground.
    "Oh my gosh, i'm so sorry. I didn't know.. I-" Daniel looked down to see a girl blabbering away with all her sorries. She looked familiar, like from way back.. but a school too. Andrea?
    Daniel knealed down and helped her get her stuff. He looked into her eyes and she bit her lip and blushed. "Um.. Sorry about all this."
    Daniel shook his head and looked back into her green eyes.
    "Daniel..? I knew i knew you from somewhere!" Andrea was surprised. She only saw Daniel in the hallways always so silent. So she barely recondized him. Or barely got to talk to him. But they knew each other from when they were 6years old. They went to the same Elementary school. They were bestfriends. "I was just on my way to school. But i had a feeling i left my pills at home and.."
    Daniel looked at her questioning the pills.
    "Um.. yeah. About that. Lets get to school. I havent seen you since we were i dont know 9?"
    Daniel got up and reached his hand out toward her.
    She grabbed ahold of it and lifted herself up. "Thanks.."
    Daniel nodded his head and smiled at her.
    Andrea and Daniel walked along the sidewalk that they did before they got to school. School was over and they went to get pick up Kiana from her daycare.
    She ran out of the door and into his arms. "DANNY!"
    Daniel smiled and put her on his shoulders.
    "Who is she?" Kiana smiled and pointed to Andrea.
    "Oh hi, i'm Andrea! I'm Daniels old friend." Andrea smiled brightly.
    "Hi!" Kiana whispered in Andrea's ear "Danny doesnt tawk."
    Andrea looked over at Daniel and questioned her. She had forgotten all about it. But she wanted to know why. They haven't seen each other in so long.
    Daniel looked into her eyes and held her hand walking her all the way to his apartment.
    "Daniel tell me now!" Andrea said walking into the apartment and sitting on the couch.
    I like the new layout. I think i'll do this for everyones POV even the 3rd person. Tell me what you think, anyway.♥(:

  19. domothedino domothedino
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2011 10:55am UTC
    Witty Sisters ; ♥
    Please pray for my friend Sabra's mom. She has cancer.
    I've known her since i was 4 years old.
    Sabra had to spend her birthday without her mom this year.
    And her mom may have to spend HER birthday in the hospital.
    All i ask is for your prayers.♥
    - Thank you.

  20. domothedino domothedino
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2011 11:59am UTC
    click to see this quote


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