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SmileLove · 1 decade ago
I have another question.
This girl you talked about a whike back, who you said turned out like all the others, was it Judy? I know I'm being nosey, but you didn't tell me what happened. :/

TheWorldIsYourStage · 1 decade ago
So what is it you'd like to discuss now?

SmileLove · 1 decade ago
Whatever you say. Well, even though you didn't really do anything wrong, apology accepted. :)
Nope, you are my one and only best friend.
It is behind us. Long gone. :]

TheWorldIsYourStage · 1 decade ago
Well, you are perfect, I only speak the truth. Why yes, you did smile, and it make smile knowing that you smiled. Well, like I said, i'm sorry. And it's an honor that i'm your best friend, and a relief. Because I could be your best friend and someone else could have already taken that place. And it was a mistake, and I apologize, I accused you, and I shouldnt have before knowing the truth. Hannah, let's put this behind us, I hate arguing just as much as you do.

TheWorldIsYourStage · 1 decade ago
Just do it. I won't care. I'm used to it. Well I don't mind, be your own person, everyone has sides yet to be discovered. And I love every side of you, and you are perfect, like I always say, maybe not in your eyes but definitly in mine. And no, I don't care, I really don't, I don't judge, be whoever you want. you can be mean, you can be nice, you can be rude, you can be funny, you can be unique, I dont care, because I know that nothing can change the way I feel about my best friend. And it was a mistake, I make mistakes, everyone does. Yes, everyone does deserve to be forgiven, but not everybody thinks that.

SmileLove · 1 decade ago
I don't want to yell at you. The 'side' of me today probably isn't the normal me, I'll admit. I was nervous, and that made me weird, so you don't have to worry, I'm not like this normally.
I'm clearly not perfect.
And you do care how I act, or how I behave, and you know you don't like this side of me. I don't.
It wasn't a big mistake.
And that's where you're wrong, because you said yourself that everyone deserves to be forgiven.

TheWorldIsYourStage · 1 decade ago
Sorry. I'm sorry. I accused you, I was wrong. And you can yell at me all you want. But I understand. I get it, I didn't know that you had to think before you've spoken. I would be embarrased, I guess i'm just not in your position. I just saw a whole different side of you, a side I never knew you had. And It didnt change anything, but that side of you wasn't real. And today I realize, that i'm wrong, you are your true self. I just never found that out until now. And this Hannah, is the perfect Hannah. I don't care how you act, how you behave, I will never think of you differently. I'm sorry. I made a big mistake, and I wouldn't forgive myself either.

SmileLove · 1 decade ago
I'm going to yell.
Okay? Okay. But not in caps.

Okay, well fine, I'm sorry for making sure that you knew. I'm sorry for wanting to make sure that you knew that you're Jake, no nick names or codenames, my bad, won't happen again.
Why wouldn't I be nervous? We haven't talked in a week or something, with no warning either, I'm nervous, because I don't want to say the wrong thing or hurt you, but never mind.
I think you'd be embarassed if that autocorrect happened to you.
I don't understand, when I'm not my true self? When I am, apparently that's not me, so I don't know who or what you want me to be, but I can't be that person, I can't change in an instant.

Okay. Rant almost over.

TheWorldIsYourStage · 1 decade ago
Gosh Hannah, I know it is. I believe you. You're so nervous right now. What's there to be nervous about? Stop being embarrased. Be yourself, your trueself.

SmileLove · 1 decade ago
Okay, go ahead..
The autocorrect thing is totally true, honest, ask anyone.

SmileLove · 1 decade ago
*Die *ipod.
Autocorrect hates me.

TheWorldIsYourStage · 1 decade ago
Okay then, Hannah, I have something to say to you, but I don't know how to say it. And okay fine, do as you'd like.

SmileLove · 1 decade ago
Okay I'm gonna go from the bottom before I sue from embarrassment. My friend changed mybipod settings to wherever I say 'you' it changes it to..that, and I don't know how to change it back. -.- You're Jake, don't worry. Plus that's why it's taking me ages to reply because I have to change everything. :/

Whether you think they're reasons or not, they are to me. I would eat if I was hungry, but I'm never hungry.

TheWorldIsYourStage · 1 decade ago
Hannah, I don't want to argue over this. Because I know whatever I say, it's not going to do anything. Those reasons, I wouldn't even call the reasons, or even statements for matter of fact. But I know you, and I know how you hate when everyone bosses you around, and you like to do what you do, gosh, I sound like such a bad influence. Just eat, okay? When you are hungry, you have to eat, Or atleast do it slowly. One step at a time..
Oh yeah, I think you told me she was before. and i'm guessing i'm ?

TheWorldIsYourStage · 1 decade ago
Would you care to exlain those reasons?
And actually you two do look alike, everything except the nose. haha well its an honor to have her know about me:)

SmileLove · 1 decade ago
I have reasons too. They're good reasons too. I know you're not, but I still have reasons.

Hahahah, yeah, I guess she is. We don't look alike, at all. She has a good personality, sometimes. She knows about you as well, ahah. :') xoxo

TheWorldIsYourStage · 1 decade ago
Okay, okay.
So you aren't eating? Hannah, I have reasons. You need to eat, okay? And i'm not a hypocrite, i have reasons, you just, no one would understand them.
And wow, she's pretty:) Tan or no tan. But like i said, its the personality.

SmileLove · 1 decade ago
It doesn't make sense, otherwise I would. :)

What's the point?

Here's my sister, you can only see half her face but never mind. :]


TheWorldIsYourStage · 1 decade ago
Everything you say matters to me, but you don't have to say, I understand.
Are you eating?


SmileLove · 1 decade ago
Doesn't matter, ahah. ;p
Can you tell me the reasons? Okay, so what if I told you I wasn't eating, what would you do?
Okay, phew, ahah, I felt so bad then. :/ xoxo


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