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  1. foreverfascinatedxx foreverfascinatedxx
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2012 8:39pm UTC
    You'll be the Romeo,
    And I'll be the Juliet.
    When I walk by,
    Will I be one of those girls you'll never forget?

  2. foreverfascinatedxx foreverfascinatedxx
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2012 4:47pm UTC
    See him?
    He's the guy I fell so hard for.
    He's the guy I told everything to.
    He's the guy that made me
    Laugh when I was about to cry.
    He's the guy that told me I was
    Beautiful for the first time.
    He's the guy who was my first kiss.
    He's the guy I knew since I was
    He's the guy that I wanted to grow
    old with.
    See him?
    Now he's the guy who left me for
    someone prettier, smarter, funnier.
    He's the guy who built me up and made me happy.
    I never knew that one day he would take it all away.

  3. foreverfascinatedxx foreverfascinatedxx
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2012 4:15pm UTC
    me: im ugly
    friends: no you're not
    me: I AM UGLY and that's a fact. guys don't add me on facebook and like my pictures, they don't ask for my number, i get 5 text a day, one from my dad, two from my mom, one from the phone company and another one from some girl in my class asking me if there's something for tomorrow. guys don't text me saying 'goodmorning beautiful' or just even saying 'hi whats up?' if i have any guy friends they're one maybe two. you guys DO get texts, boys flirt with you, you're always complaining about boys, when nobody ever calls me pretty. you guys get a compliment at least twice a day, boys play with your hair, kiss your cheek, hold you from behind, and i'm just there watching, and if any boy wants to talk to me it's because they want me to give them something, or to call me bad names. i don't have 120 likes on my profile picture, i'm scared of doing a party because i know i would't have any guy friends to invite. is it because i don't let anyone know me? NO, it's because i don't look good. why all the pretty girls out there are full of 'guy friends'? don't tell me because they're the best people ever because it ain't true. my teeth are not perfect, i don't like my smile, i'm insecure af, my eyes have nothing special, i don't even have the perfect body, so don't tell me i'm not ugly because i am.

  4. foreverfascinatedxx foreverfascinatedxx
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2012 5:54pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. foreverfascinatedxx foreverfascinatedxx
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2012 5:41pm UTC
    Things I can't get over: Him

  6. foreverfascinatedxx foreverfascinatedxx
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2012 7:13pm UTC
    You made me hate my own reflection and question every choice I made.

  7. foreverfascinatedxx foreverfascinatedxx
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2012 7:37pm UTC
    I still can't get over One Direction fans telling Kennadee, Mitch Lucker's(Singer of Suicide Silence) daughter, to go kill herself if she wanted to see her dad so bad.

  8. OneDirectionQuotes OneDirectionQuotes
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2012 2:09pm UTC
    Interviewer: "Describe to me how you fell out of bed."
    Harry: "I fell....out of bed."

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. 伤* 伤*
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2012 2:37pm UTC
    Danielle is great r e a l l y hope we can still be friends
    she really isn’t fussed by money or fame
    she was talking about dyeing her hair blonde
    and I said she should, she said
    she couldn’t afford it which was mad
    she wouldn't even ask me for the money for t h a t
    - Liam Payne

  11. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2012 3:19pm UTC
    Murderer: I am going to kill you
    Murderer: Oh, my bad. Sorry, I didn't know. I'll hit the next house. Have a good day.

  12. Elena1999 Elena1999
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2012 3:19pm UTC
    daughter :mom, I got you a mug
    mom: really? what does it look like?
    daughter : it says "worlds best grandma"
    mom: what?
    daughter : surprise....
    nmf/quote credit to lorcan

  13. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  14. Aidan Aidan
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2012 1:34pm UTC
    why does it have to be blood, why can't it be
    Fairy dust?

  15. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  16. MyWittyProfile MyWittyProfile
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2012 4:09pm UTC
    In 6th grade I got kicked out of the classroom for laughing so hard.
    There was a "for fun" on page number 69.

  17. mynamemypass mynamemypass
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2012 12:04pm UTC
    Here's to the girls
    that are ending
    2012 single

  18. boobear4 boobear4
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2012 5:27pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  19. Chocolate_Luver Chocolate_Luver
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2012 10:53pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  20. dragonfly26 dragonfly26 happy witty anniversary!
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2012 3:22pm UTC
    I overheard this conversation on the bus.
    Kid: I barely talked today.
    Kid: You know why?
    Kid: Because people are stupid.
    Kid: I hate people.
    This kid needs to be on Witty.


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