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fallforyou22 · 1 decade ago
i'm so sorry you're not worthless. you'll find someone someday that thinks the WORLD of you.♥ girls are .. and that is ridiculous for your own PARENTS to treat you like that. i am so so so sorry girl. keep your chin up, you can make it through this. comment me anytime you need to♥

BlackSheep4 · 1 decade ago
Get a boyfriend......don't snitch, that just makes worse. stand up to those and tell them to off or hit back. nobody will mess with you if they think u can throw a punch.

Marycastro14 · 1 decade ago
Look I imagine in must be hard growing without real parents, and that's gonna be a real stepping stone for you someday. You'll look back and you'll hopefully want to be a much better momcthan yours was. I knowvyour life looks like shlt right now, but NOTHING LASTS FOREVER, and believe me when I say this. The guidance conselor could become your greatest blessings. Just open up to her and let her know what you've been through. Prove to yourself and to everyone that you're strong enough! I get that suicide isn't a wussy thing to do, but it is in a way giving and you know you're better than that! And I'm sure that if you let people know what those girls were doing to you, WITH NO SECRETS, it'll go away. I know what you're going through, cause I've been there. I've always had alright parents that were there, but like many parents they never got me. So every time i was sad or unhappy they would blame me for it instead of giving me space and helping it to go away. I'm not comparing this to your parents, cause that's just wrongful luck, but I was bullied by a bunch of jackasses that hated me because I was fat, like I didn't hate myself for it enough already. I hit rock bottom and started throughout up. My mom only found out when my weight dropped rapidly, and sent me to a therapist. At first I was one of those girls that sat quietly with an attitud-y face and wouldnt speak, but then I decided to let it help me like its helped sooo many people. I opened up; I became secret less and my life became so much better. I made new friends soon enough, but what I learned is that even though you can't depend on yourself for everything you do, only limits can determine how strong you are, and I never hit one so I must be pretty strong. Face bullying, look it in the eye, if it takes you a couple more hits to the gut that hurt deeper than the stomach fine, but it'll go away if you just deal with it straight up. Get some after school activities to keep yourself interested in life. FIN YOUR HOBBY AND FALL IN LOVE WITH IT. Do watever, but please don't give up! Itll get better, I promise.

CantTouchAnthony · 1 decade ago
My parents are the same way, they don't accept me for who I am either. And as for the girls that are doing that horrible crap to you, switch schools. Or talk to the guidance about everything that's going on. Letting them know how un safe you are there. star strong, beautiful.

PruMama · 1 decade ago
your not worthless and im sorry to hear whats happening to you:/ it will get better just try to ignore them and maybe they will go away. if not tell the principal. no one deserves that! smile your beautiful!


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