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capsized* · 1 decade ago

*trop chic* · 1 decade ago
Thanks for the follow :)

Julielool · 1 decade ago
Hello .. thanks for the follow ! (:

Marshearts · 1 decade ago
who are you?

bryanrockssocks · 1 decade ago
Girl, on a scale from 1-10 you are 9834573498571235438753957610997439857553478% beautiful! :) I find everything about you beautiful. Your personality, your smile, your hair, your strength, your uniqueness, your kindness, strength, courage, your talent, and that doesn’t even put a dent in it. Don’t EVER say that you’re not pretty, because you are. I really can’t emphasize how important it is for you to understand that. We all have flaws, NO ONE is perfect. I promise you that. You’re SO incredibly beautiful inside & outside. Learn to love yourself & find beauty within yourself. You’re so perfect. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, & don’t EVER forget it! :) “If perfects what you’re looking for than just stay the same.” < That applies to you. Be proud of yourself, you’re so perfect just the way you are and don’t need to change. Learn to love yourself, there’s so much to love! You’re so special. There’s no one else out there exactly like you. You’re YOU. & That’s the beautiful part. That’s what’s so great. Don’t even have doubts in yourself, you’re beautiful. & perfect! :)
Beauty is not being a specific size, having a certain hair color, wearing makeup or not wearing makeup. Everyone is different. Everyone is beautiful in their own special, unique, and fantastic way! While it may seem like to be beautiful you have to dress, act or style your hair a certain way, you don’t. Every human being is so different, in both physical traits and personality. That’s what’s so special! That’s the really awesome part! Everyone has different genes and was born a certain way. Society sets out this definition of beauty. There’s always been that image of a “perfect” girl. But girl, you need to walk around knowing you’re beautiful because you are. You need to understand that there is no definition or beauty. All those magazines with the “glamorous hair, perfect skin, the straightest teeth, or the best body,” is absolutely ridiculous. Media pressures us into thinking that to be pretty you have to fit all those categories. Media’s portrayal of beauty is absolutely terrible. I promise you that society’s definitions of beauty are not true what so ever. I really don’t know you too well aside from looking at your profile but I do know that you have a lot to offer to this world. . I can't emphasize how perfect you really are. You're YOU. < 3 and everyone loves that about you. Don't ever change for anyone. Please don’t ever lose faith in yourself. Be happy, you deserve to be. You are inspiring, talented, strong, caring, and so special. You are BEAUTIFUL. “You are amazing and wonderful beyond your wildest dreams.”
Don’t let anyone tell you you’re not beautiful. BECAUSE YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL! “You’re beautiful in every single way!” :) You are worth so much. You have so much potential. Don’t let that go to waste. Don’t let anyone get you down. You’re one of a kind! When you think that all hope is gone, DON’T give up. Believe in yourself. Show the world how fantastic you are! Don’t let anyone tear you down. Don’t give them the satisfaction. Be yourself! Don’t let anyone stop you from being YOU. Hold your head up high girl. Smile (: You deserve to. I really really hope that you know that I believe in you, I know you’re beautiful. Please don’t ever lose faith in yourself. Be happy, you deserve to be. I’ve never met you, and I barely know you, but I do understand where you’re coming from. I hope that you’ve learned from this novel that I’ve written to you, that YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. Believe it girl, because it’s true! You’re enough…just the way you are. “You couldn’t be a more perfect version of you.”
So hopefully after this tremendously long practically book that I’ve written to you, you will start to understand just how perfect you are! “There could never be a more beautiful you. Don’t buy the lies, disguises, and hoops they make you jump through. You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do, so there could never be a more beautiful you.” Accept what god has given you. Accept your flaws, we all have them. Love yourself girl, you can’t run away from yourself. So now that I’ve written a novel I’d like you to do something for me :) Ok, so I want you to go to a mirror and look into that mirror and think about everything I’ve said to you. Then I want you to examine yourself in the mirror. I want you to say, out loud, “I AM SO INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL. I HAVE SO MUCH TO OFFER TO THIS WORLD. I AM ME. I AM WHO I AM. AND THAT IS BEAUTIFUL. I AM PERFECT JUST THE WAY I AM AND DON’T NEED TO CHANGE. IF PEOPLE DON’T SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL GIRL OVER HERE THAN IT’S THERE OWN LOSS. BECAUSE I KNOW, I KNOW, THAT I’M BEAUTIFUL. I’M GOING TO ACCEPT MY FLAWS. BECAUSE IF GOD WANTED ME TO LOOK A CERTAIN WAY HE WOULD’VE MADE ME LOOK LIKE THAT. BUT I AM JUST SO BEAUTIFUL HOW I AM AND THERE IS NO REASON THAT I NEED TO CHANGE. I KNOW THAT I AM BEAUTIFUL.” I would really appreciate it if you did that beautiful! :)


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