Witty Profiles

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  1. ILveJmes ILveJmes
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2012 6:54pm UTC
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    " Now ladies, "Lucas called from the end of the stage, "You'll be given a mobile phone. An actor will speak to you, and your reaction will be graded. Good luck,"
    The phone made it's way down the line.
    There was this one girl; she cried. She had long black hair,and she looked poisenous. I had to watch out for her later on.
    Finally, the phone came to me and I held it to my ear.
    "Hey babe, I'm sorry about the argument we had before. I know I was wrong and I shouldnt have cheated. I miss you"
    My stomach tightened.
    I had never had a boyfriend before, and my instinct told me to pretend like the other girls- be happy and smile.
    But I thought about it. If he was apologising and wanted me back, then he obviously liked me.
    But, he'd 'cheated' on me.
    I bit my lip and felt myself raise my eyebrows. The best way to react was to think of myself in the situation.
    I thought of Brendan, even though we werent dating, and imagined him cheating on me. My chest hurt.
    I cleared my throat.
    "I'm sorry," I muttered, just loud enough for the judges to hear, "But you left me,"
    "But babe-"
    "Dont call me babe. I cant look you in the eye, your lips touched hers. You guys slept together, and you want to get back together? If you'd loved me in the first place, you wouldnt have thought about her. You wouldnt have left," I said into the phone.
    I wanted to blurt it all out, but I paced myself.
    I handed the phone to Lucas and there was silence in the room. We all filed out and I sat in my place.
    All I could think about was Brendan, and I didnt like it. He was Frankie's property. Not mine.
    I passed the first section.
    I stood on stage my mouth hanging halfway to the floor.
    Out of 20 girls, I passed. The thought that I'd passed without the help of a famous sister made me smile.
    For God's sake, I almost cried.
    "Now, " Luas announced to the five people left, "You have five minutes to fill out the questionnaire. Welcome to LVP Talent Agency,"
    I filled it out pretty easily. I answered the simple questions about age and name.
    I stopped on the harder one.
    'Why did you want to start your career?'
    I couldnt write down the real reason- they'd think I was wasting their time for some petty argument.
    I wasnt- Frankie needed to be taught a lesson.
    I decided to twist the truth a little bit.
    'I started acting from an early age and have always wanted to be an actress. My sister motivated me to start acting,'
    I then handed the form in.
    The president walked up to the stage and shook my hand.
    I mentally melted- I'd only joined and I was shaking hands with the boss!
    He handed me a gift bag and a plastic folder.
    "All your information's in the folder, and that's a 'welcome gift'," He smiled.
    AUTHOR'S NOTE: HEY :) Just Me Speaking...
    So, This is my newest story so far. I'm typing it on MissLit and Wattpad :)
    --- Today I feel like writing so be prepared for a torrent of chapters :p---
    I<3AllTheSupporters :)
    Feedback is greatly appreciated, thanks (;
    And thanks for all the positive comments, they're all really nice!
    (( Constructive critism is welcome too!))
    P.S. Thank you so much to everyone who's following me! It means so much,
    and if you arent following then, uh, please do :)
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  2. ILveJmes ILveJmes
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2012 6:13am UTC
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    We all know our favourite celebrities.
    We know their hobbies, their likes and dislikes, but we dont know what's underneath the surface.
    We know nothing about their friends and family. We know nothing about the shadows that live in the background, sacrificing their normal lives.
    I, Khloe Lee, was a shadow. I was Frankie Lee's.
    I walked down the stairs.
    My sister, Frankie, was a famous singer. Everybody had her album and it had been number one on the chart for the last month.
    She'd recently been rated Britain's hottest teenager.
    It was Friday night and we were all going out to a family outing, if you could call it that. I mean, going to your sister's Album Premier wasn't the same as going for a family meal.
    Mom was talking to dad in the doorway. She turned, thinking I was Frankie, and saw me. She turned back to dad and kept on talking. That's how much I mattered to her.
    I walked out into our front garden.
    The sun was slowly setting, painting the sky a fiery red. I was starting to regret wearing a black, thick gown even though it was, technically, Frankie's fault.
    'You're not going to MY premier looking like some hobo. My PA bought you a dress and some stilettos. You're going to wear them, whether you like it or not,' Frankie had warned me the day before.
    I actually liked the dress; it was a one shoulder that hung to my non-existent curves. It stuck to my hips then flowed out until it reached the ground.
    I sighed.
    This was all too much of a hassle- my hairstyle was pulling my scalp back.
    It did look nice, but it hurt like f*ck; the little flower pins would stab the back of my head if I leant back, and the invisible bobby pins could fall out, letting my whole hairstyle fall out.
    Frankie would kill me.
    The family finally came out.
    Frankie was wearing a peach bodycon dress, black stilettos and a black purse. Her blonde hair was in a fancy hairdo with glitter and sparkles.
    To be honest, it looked cheap.
    My mom was wearing a black knee-length dress that left a lot to the imagination. Her hair was loose, cascading down her bare shoulders in gold ringlets.
    Everyone in my family had blonde hair.
    Dad was in a tuxedo and his greying hair was jet blonde. It looked plain fake, but I guess he liked it that way.
    "Uh, dont we have to wait for your girlfriend?" I asked, half to myself.
    Frankie whipped around and glared at me. "Brendan is not a girl,"
    Mom turned to both of us but looked at me most, "Khloe, stop being mean to your sister,"
    I rolled my eyes as we got into the car.
    Everything was so fake here and if I was being honest I was the realest person on this whole street.
    Plastic Avenue, they called it.
    AUTHOR'S NOTE: HEY :) Just Me Speaking...
    So, This is my newest story so far. I'm typing it on MissLit and Wattpad :)
    Feedback is greatly appreciated, thanks (;
    P.S. Thank you so much to everyone who's following me! It means so much to me!
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  3. ILveJmes ILveJmes
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2012 5:56pm UTC
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    We all sat in the waiting room. Some girls were talking but everyone else was dead quiet.
    I took out my papers and started reading through.
    The first stage of the audition would be introductions. The second would be surprise acting. We'd be given an object and we'd have to react to it.
    Next we'd fill out a questionnaire and then be welcomed into the agency. We'd recieve a welcome pack and then come back the next day for our first job(s).
    I swallowed. More people would be knocked out of each stage.
    "Okay ladies, if I can get your attention,"
    I turned and saw a skinny man stood in the doorway. He had a headpiece and wore the agency logo (two stars) on his shirt.
    "I;m the co-ordinates manager, Lucas. Now, you all should know what's going to happen so could these people come out with me..."
    I zoned out, until he read my name out.
    Fear gripped me, but I took in a deep breath.
    I stod up and followed him to a darkened room. Four judges sat behind a desk.
    All the girls lined up and the first, Bethany, started introducing themselves.
    I zoned out and started to think about what I was going to say- 'Hello, I'm Khloe Lee, I like dancing-'
    I mentally shook my head.
    'Hi, I'm Khloe Lee and I like acting-'
    I shook it again; that sounded like something Frankie would say.
    It was my turn and I started talking.
    "Hey, I'm Khloe Lee and I like photography and my boyfriend," I smiled.
    I didnt have a boyfriend. I mentally slapped myself, because I had no such trace of a guy in my life.
    Apart from Brendan, but he was my sister's boyfriend.
    Why did I lie?
    And I couldnt stop the audition and tell them I didnt have one, because I'd seem like a complete idiot. And a liar.
    I swallowed.
    The judges started introducing themselves, though I didnt really pay attention until it came to the acting department.
    "I'm Mr.Sawara, the head of the acting department," A man, around his late forties, smiled to all of us.
    He had gelled down hair, and the tiny startings of a mustache.
    The final judge stood up, and I realised he wasnt a judge at all.
    He was the king- the one to impress.
    "I'm Lloyd Hughes, and I'm the boss of LVP Talent Agencies" He smiled.
    AUTHOR'S NOTE: HEY :) Just Me Speaking...
    So, This is my newest story so far. I'm typing it on MissLit and Wattpad :)
    --- Today I feel like writing so be prepared for a torrent of chapters :p---
    Feedback is greatly appreciated, thanks (;
    And thanks for all the positive comments, they're all really nice!
    (( Constructive critism is welcome too!))
    P.S. Thank you so much to everyone who's following me! It means so much,
    and if you arent following then, uh, please do :)
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  4. ILveJmes ILveJmes
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2012 5:24pm UTC
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    I sat at my study desk.
    I'd made a threat, and now I had to carry it out.
    I sighed and opened up my laptop.
    I Google searched some acting auditions and settled on one tomorrow. I wasnt going to join the music industry because it would be building myself up to be crushed.
    I couldnt sing for anything. But at least Frankie couldnt act for anything.
    Acting was the only way to get revenge, I guess.
    I entered my personal details and sent them away. I then walked to my bed and lay down.
    To think that I, Khloe Lee, could be famous.
    I smiled.
    I wasnt going to be fake. I was going to be real, and all my films would be blockbusters.
    If I got through the auditions, which wouldnt be too hard. I acted all through my primary school but stopped when Frankie became famous.
    The teachers had been giving me the parts because of my famous sister, which sucked.
    I had a shower, changed into some pyjamas and climbed into bed.
    I would ruin Frankie Lee, from the inside.
    I caught a taxi to the agency.
    It was huge, and I recognised a few names signed to it like Kayla-Louise, Larah Niw and Ben Darh.
    I walked into the reception and passed the letters I'd printed off to the receptionist.
    I read her name badge; she was called Lauren.
    "You need to take the lift to level 7 and follow the signs," She smiled. I leaned forward and took the papers,
    "Thanks, uh, Lauren,"
    "Good Luck.." She looked down to the sheets she was handing to me, "Khloe,"
    I walked up to the lift.Girls my age filled it, and the higher we got, the more it smelled of Hollister.
    My confidence had disappeared. They were all tall, elegant and beautiful. Their hair was perfect, and their smiles were supermodel level.
    I was just wearing a white blazer, a grey vest and my leather leggings. If I was being honest, I was very under-dressed.
    AUTHOR'S NOTE: HEY :) Just Me Speaking...
    So, This is my newest story so far. I'm typing it on MissLit and Wattpad :)
    Feedback is greatly appreciated, thanks (;
    And thanks for all the positive comments, they're all really nice!
    (( Constructive critism is welcome too!))
    P.S. Thank you so much to everyone who's following me! It means so much,
    and if you arent following then, uh, please do :)
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  5. ILveJmes ILveJmes
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2012 1:23pm UTC
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    The cameras flashed and Frankie played her role. She posed by herself, pouting her lips and smiling.
    She posed with her boyfriend, Brendan, and she posed with us, her 'loving' family.
    'Loving' my a**.
    We were more fake than the Kardashians.
    We walked inside and sat down whilst Frankie signed more autographs outside Brendan sat next to me and saved a space for Frankie. Mom and dad sat to my right.
    "So, uh, how're you?" He asked, clearing his throat.
    He wasnt ugly, but Frankie had claimed him hers, and Frankie always got what she wanted.
    "Fine." I answered back.
    He cleared his throat again, looking down to the huge stage.
    It was pretty obvious I didnt like Brendan, and he didnt like me. Well, I didnt think he did anyway.
    "I'm fine, thanks for asking," He mumbled to himself.
    Was he being sarcastic with me? I rolled my eyes. "Just shut up, I'm not in the mood-"
    He turned to me. "You never are,"
    I glared back at him. "Doesnt that tell you something? Honestly, some people never get the hint,"
    I regretted the words once they were out but what could I do? Apologise? Ha.
    Nobody apologised in our house, it was a way of life.
    I'm sure Brendan knew that since he always hung out around our house.
    But I dont think he did, because he shut up for the rest of the premier.
    At the end, after the mini-concert and movie, we all filed out of the hall. Brendan was holding hands with Frankie and leaned down to give her a kiss.
    If there was one thing I couldnt stand it was kissing.
    I made gagging noises. "You guys, get a room,"
    Frankie turned and glared at me. "At least we can afford one,"
    Did she just called me poor? I raised my eyebrows. Yes, she had a music career but that didnt make her richer than me.
    It just made her famous.
    "I can afford one, thank you very much," I replied, trying to keep my voice even.
    "I dont see you with your own album premier, do you? And anyway, I doubt anyone would want to spend a night with you," She hissed.
    "You know what you are?" I asked.
    "A venomous b*tch. Look at you; you're so fake and plastic with your surgery. Next time, ask your doctor to sew your heart back in,"
    Brendan looked to Frankie, "Surgery? What surgery?"
    "It was nothing, just a little... Yeah," She looked back at me, "And I'm the venomous b*tch? I have fans all over the world,"
    "And there you go again, talking BS. Yeah, you have your fan base but when they find out about your disgusting secret-"
    "Says the school loner,"
    I gritted my teeth. I wanted to slap her so bad, but I'd get grounded for the next century.
    And that would satisfy her even more.
    "I'm going to ruin you, and your plastic little life," I spat.
    She chuckled, stepping forward. "How?"
    I was a shadow, and a shadow knows all of the secrets.
    "Dont tell me you're going to join the music industry," Frankie said with mock fear.
    She took another step forward.
    "I'm going to do something much, much worse, so dont you worry your empty little head," I whispered to her.
    Frankie's expression faltered and I smiled, brushing past her.
    "She had breast implants," I told Brendan when I passed him.
    AUTHOR'S NOTE: HEY :) Just Me Speaking...
    So, This is my newest story so far. I'm typing it on MissLit and Wattpad :)
    Feedback is greatly appreciated, thanks (;
    [[[Sorry for the annoyingly long chapter but I had so much to fit in and cutting it down would lose the atmosphere :/,
    And I also apologise for the language- I know its unbelievably rude but that's how the realistic argument would go]]]
    I mean, you dont call your sister a fluffly bunny when you're angry, do you?
    P.S. Thank you so much to everyone who's following me! It means so much to me!
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  6. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  7. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  8. taylornicole22 taylornicole22
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2012 12:01am UTC
    never ignore someone who cares
    for you because one day you'll realize you lost a diamond
    while you were busy collecting pebbles.

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  14. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  15. cheerchic9711 cheerchic9711
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2012 3:44pm UTC
    *How my mom works*
    Me: Mom, I got all A's
    Me: Mom, I cleaned the whole house
    Me: Mom, I don't do drugs and I'm not pregnant
    Mom: Is this your cup on the table?
    Me: Yes
    Mom: You never do anything right, I do it for you all day long, and you do nothing for me but stress me out. You are so out of control you're grounded, if you think you had no life before, you just wait. I can't believe you treat your own mother this way. Get out of my face.

  16. azncutiepie azncutiepie
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2012 10:23pm UTC
    "All you do is sit on the computer." LIES, i sit in the chair!!

  17. gigiroxx6900 gigiroxx6900
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2012 4:52pm UTC
    1 Boyfriend- Normal.
    2 Boyfriends- Cheater.
    5 Boyfriends- DIRECTIONER!♥
    Fav i f you g e t i t !

  18. StayWonderful StayWonderful
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2012 10:40am UTC
    me: gets in shower
    me: *too hot*
    me: turns knob one centimeter

  19. Mrs_ZaynMalik69_1D Mrs_ZaynMalik69_1D
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2012 2:50pm UTC
    One Direction things#162
    Fan: Are you Canadian?
    Niall: *Irish accent* No, I'm British..
    Louis: Niall, don't lie! Actually, he's Australian..


  20. dancergrl101 dancergrl101
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2012 5:05pm UTC
    I go to bed with two socks on,
    & wake up with one.


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