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  1. IEatPieAllDayandNight IEatPieAllDayandNight
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2013 2:58pm UTC
    unless it's a mad, passionate, extraordinary love, it's a waste of your time.
    there are far too many mediocre things in life; love shouldn't be one of them. ♥

  2. IEatPieAllDayandNight IEatPieAllDayandNight
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2013 7:30pm UTC
    let's go on a trip,
    all around the world,
    and find out
    who we really are.

  3. IEatPieAllDayandNight IEatPieAllDayandNight
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2013 9:47pm UTC
    well, i guess this is it.
    i definitely don't want it to be this way. i'm going to
    try to fix this, if i can. but if not, then i am so so so
    sorry for messing this friendship up. i wish things
    turned out differenty, i wish it was the way it was
    before. i really miss you, more than you could ever
    imagine. before i would think to myself, "well, at
    least i still have my best friend." now i don't. and
    that kills me more than you'll ever know. i know
    it's all my fault, everything is. i wish i could fix this,
    i'll try. i don't know if i'll be successful at rebuilding
    this broken friendship, but i hope i can. i just want
    you to know that you've saved my life, even though
    i could never manage to help you with yours. i know
    it seems like i don't care about you, but i care about
    you more than i care about anybody else in the world.
    i mean that. i think what i'm afraid of the most is
    visiting my elementary school teachers, "are you still
    best friends with her?" the fact that i can't say yes to
    that question anymore makes my stomach turn. today
    i've realized that we can't have what we had before
    again, i've permanently messed it up for both of us.
    but even though our friendship may end, the memories
    will stay with me forever. & no matter how cheesy
    and ridiculous this may sound, it's the complete truth.
    & you may not believe me when i tell you how sorry
    i am, but i've never felt so guilty in my entire life. & i
    just want you to know; i love you. and i'm so sorry.

  4. IEatPieAllDayandNight IEatPieAllDayandNight
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2013 9:05pm UTC
    "what is depression like?"
    "it's like drowning,"
    "except you can see everyone else around you breathing."

  5. IEatPieAllDayandNight IEatPieAllDayandNight
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2013 8:20pm UTC
    the thing is, i don't think i'll ever kill myself;
    but if a car was coming straight for me,
    i don't think i'd move.

  6. IEatPieAllDayandNight IEatPieAllDayandNight
    posted a quote
    January 3, 2013 4:16pm UTC
    i t h i n k i t ' s t h e w e i r d e s t t h i n g
    that the person you’re going to marry and spend the rest of your life together with is currently walking the earth, living their own life, going to school or going to work or whatever, doing all these things and making all these memories that you’ll get to hear about from them years from now.

  7. IEatPieAllDayandNight IEatPieAllDayandNight
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2012 4:25pm UTC
    & i don't want some "perfect" date.
    honestly, i really don't want some prince charming to
    come and swoop me off my feet. that's just complete
    bullshit. i want someone who will laugh with me, watch
    stupid cartoons with me. have pillow fights with me, make
    me food. i want somebody who i'm 100% comfortable with.
    i don't want to have to care about my looks with them. i
    want someone who will have tea parties with me. snowball
    fights, swimming in pools. i just want somebody who i can
    completely be myself with. that's all i ask for.

  8. IEatPieAllDayandNight IEatPieAllDayandNight
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2012 9:02pm UTC
    I want you to look me in the eyes,

  9. IEatPieAllDayandNight IEatPieAllDayandNight
    posted a quote
    December 19, 2012 7:50pm UTC
    that a w k w a r d mo m en t
    when you read an awkward moment quote.. and it isn't awkward.

  10. send_me_a_smile send_me_a_smile
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2012 1:23pm UTC

    ❄ ❄ ❄
    ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄
    Type your quote here
    ❄ ❄
    ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄

  11. beniloveu143 beniloveu143
    posted a quote
    December 18, 2012 3:33pm UTC
    Any tips to look like you are wearing make up and have longer eyelashes without wearing make up or stuff like that?

  12. italiangirl3 italiangirl3
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2012 3:17pm UTC
    Format by XxprettixX
    in yourself, or no one will
    believe in you
    ♥ - Luke Brooks ♥
    Format by XxprettixX Removal of credit is punishable by DEATH.

  13. HellsMessenger HellsMessenger
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2012 3:29pm UTC
    My silence is just
    another word for
    my pain

  14. HellsMessenger HellsMessenger
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2012 3:35pm UTC
    I m p o s s i b l e
    Two letters too long.

  15. IEatPieAllDayandNight IEatPieAllDayandNight
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2012 2:13pm UTC
    mom: get off the internet and do your homework
    me: ain't nobody got time for that

  16. IEatPieAllDayandNight IEatPieAllDayandNight
    posted a quote
    December 7, 2012 11:22pm UTC
    i'm so tired of all this,
    i don't want to be alone anymore.

  17. IEatPieAllDayandNight IEatPieAllDayandNight
    posted a quote
    December 8, 2012 10:57am UTC
    Oh, silly girl..
    happy endings are only in fairytales,
    not in real life.

  18. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  19. samtheballer12 samtheballer12
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2012 9:06pm UTC
    And sometimes
    when someone asks
    me what I wanna be
    when I grow up;
    I say ;
    "I want to be beautiful ."

    Quote Format: BeautifullyImperfect

  20. bowtiesandfezzes bowtiesandfezzes
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2012 9:16pm UTC
    I put
    my Heart
    my Soul
    my Work
    and have lost
    my Mind
    in the
    Quote Credit - Vincent Van Gogh
    Does this count as a format. Mine anyway.
    My format. :)
    Have a nive day.


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