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brisaysrawwr · 1 decade ago
haha your welcome, its in People and it mentions all of those guys

Rawrxoxo31 · 1 decade ago
noooo i didnt know about that. i will look it up though thankss

brisaysrawwr · 1 decade ago
did u read that article in People mag?

Rawrxoxo31 · 1 decade ago
Thanks so much that really did help... :D and yess I love that quote! It's usualy the advice I give me friends but now it's been given to me for a change... and that really dose feel good. Thanks soo much! I've only been on witty for like 2 days now but it's helped me more than anything! It's crazy how understanding compleet strangers can be lol

MotherChucker · 1 decade ago
Ashley, I know exactly how it feels. I've been throuh something like this with my best friend and some times for more that you love a person you need to let go, maybe just for a while and say goodbye, not forever just for some time so you can think about the things he/she has done and consider it asnd take a good desition and not a moment-desition. Remember everytime you'd like to cut yourself, that problems are not solved like that at all. It's like having a math book and you need to solve a problem but it's too hard so you close the book and that just pushes apart the problem but it doesn't solve it. You are really brave, and caring and kind so if he doesn't appreciate it just step back. I know how much you love him and how you wouldn't leave him for anything, But you need to order your priorities and know it's not everything you've got. You also got a life, and friends, and witty and there will always be a person you can count on, mother, father, sister, brother, cousins, friends, witty friends(like me:D ), teachers, priests etc, So Ashley the best advice I can give you is have Faith. Maybe take a while to assimilate things and then make a good choice cause you always know what's best.

This is one of my favorite quotes maybe you already know it, maybe not but I'll like to share it with you.

Be strong now, Cause things will get better, It might be stormy now, But it Can't rain Forever.


Rawrxoxo31 · 1 decade ago
thanks you guys and yeah it helped. :)

xCapnPikachu · 1 decade ago
P.S. I hope I helped in some way.


xCapnPikachu · 1 decade ago
I agree with rach64xoxo .
I think you should break it off. I know it'll be hard, but if he's causing you this much pain & tears, he's definitely not worth it, because someone out there will treat you better.
You just have to go through a couple guys to find that one person. & Kyle is missing out on someone like you.
You will find a guy that loves you for you. But Kyle doesn't seem to be living up to that role. As you said, he treats you like .
Don't take it. (:


rach64xoxo · 1 decade ago
open your eyes. there is a whole beautiful world where people will appreciate you for who you are. when you feel sad and depressed look in the mirror and say, "someone out there thinks you are beautiful". because you are.



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