Witty Profiles

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  1. Paygelynn Paygelynn
    posted a quote
    June 13, 2012 5:10pm UTC
    If you didn't hear it with your own ears, or see it with your own eyes,
    don't invent it with your small mind and speak it with your big mouth.

  2. Paygelynn Paygelynn
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2012 9:19pm UTC
    It's not that my standards are high, its just that my daddy set an amazing example for how a boy should treat me.

  3. ltoma18 ltoma18
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2012 6:15pm UTC
    That Awkward
    when you already said "moment" in your head.

  4. ltoma18 ltoma18
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2012 8:59pm UTC
    time my teacher is cranky,
    we all know she is on
    her period.
    Wow, she must be on
    her period Everyday.

  5. ltoma18 ltoma18
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2012 11:16am UTC
    That awkward moment,
    when you realize the most annoying girl in school gets a boyfriend,
    and you are still forever alone.

  6. ltoma18 ltoma18
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2012 2:34pm UTC
    I f I Get 20 faves or more....
    Then I will go to school tomorrow with curly hair.
    (look on my profile picture to see me with curly hair.)

  7. Paygelynn Paygelynn
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2012 8:30am UTC
    You tell your friend who your crush is, when she sees them she giggles;
    You tell your best friend who you're crush is when she see's them she pushes you into them and says "GET SOME!".
    ♥ this if you love your best friend

  8. Paygelynn Paygelynn
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 8:08am UTC
    Oh, you're dating my ex? Thats cool. I'm eating a sandwitch,
    Want those leftovers too?

  9. KatieBear KatieBear
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2012 8:14pm UTC
    My Life Without You
    Chapter 2
    "What? what happened!? asked Demetry as he proceeds to get off the hospital floor. "Demetry my baby!!!!! Are you ok???!!!!!!" Cried Veronica as she rushes to save Demetry. I try not to see the red blood oozing down his forehead as Veronica gets a towel to clean it up. "What's going on?" asked Sammy. "Someone hit Demetry and he fell, after that i couldn't see the rest since i was sedated," I said. "Well whoever did this needs to pay," Brad chanted. I look around the hospital room to notice everyone's here. Veronica sent in a doctor to check on Demetry. But, something's not right. No one has confessed to this crime. It had to be one of us. Since no one else would do this. "So, Krystal, when are you going to plan on telling your parents about our baby," Connor asked. "I don't know, its a little to soon to think about right now, I just need some time, but if you want i left my phone in the car you can get it ." I say trying to get him to leave. "Yeah sure i'll be back in 5 minutes," Connor said. Yes, my plan worked! Right when he left i asked Demetry a question. Right when i did i saw the dirtiest look on Connor's face. But that means nothing right? I proceed talking to Demetry and asking him if hes's ok, but the doctors took him away for an exray. But that same question runs through my brain,
    "who did it?"
    asking me to see the P.O.V's for this if you want and to express your oppinion

  10. KatieBear KatieBear
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2012 9:22pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. KatieBear KatieBear
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2012 6:51pm UTC
    My life without you
    Chapter 3
    "Ok Krystal, you are free to leave," Doctor Fox said. My friends and I head to Brad's Bugadi and he drops me and Sammy back home. The last thing I need is to start drama at my house. I open the door to find a note on the kitchen counter. It reads,
    "Dear Krystal,
    If you want to know who hurt Demetry, visit the Courtyard at 7pm.
    Anonymous" My jaw dropped 700 meters. Of course i wanna know!! But who the hell would write me a letter? This is the 21st centurey people no one writes those creepy letters anymore!! The first thing i do is to show my sister. She would know what to do. "SAMMY!!" I call with rage.
    "UGGHH What do you want Krystal?? I was in the middle of hanging up my new 1D posters!!" Sammy yelled down the stairs.
    "Fine, Sammy whatever. You were always a terrible sister anyway!!" I yell back to her.
    "So much for the person who saved your life!!" Sammy screamed.
    With that, I took off for Connor's house. I was wiping tears from my face. How could my own sister do this to me?? I arrive at Connor's house and right away i run straight into his arms. I couldnt stand being home, around Sammy right now, the last thing i need is MORE drama.
    "I'm soo glad you're here!!" Connor says as he plays with my hair and hugs me so tight.
    "I'm just dealing with so much right now and I need someone, and obviously my sister's not going to help me," I say.
    "What's wrong,baby?" Connor says.
    "Well I found this letter adressed to me on my coounter," I say showing him the letter.
    Connor looks at it skeptically and says,"Krys, I dont think you should go tonight at 7. Instead, you wana come over tonight?" He says seductively.
    "oooh, um sure!!!! I would looove to come over." I said knowing what he insinuates.
    Connor kissed me then said,"Well I'm going to go get ready for later *he winks* see you soon."
    "Bye, babe, Love you!" i said as i walked out the door and into my car. Just as i started driving I notice a fight going on in the street. There's punching, blood everywhere, guys on the floor. All of a sudden, a blackout begins. Its pitch black. A cold wind runs past my shoulders. What do I do now!!?? Without thinking i get out of my car, grab my iphone and turn on the flashlight app. I'm now running as fast as i can to my house so i can get ready for Connor's house. When suddenly i get a call from an unknown number. I decide to decline. I'm not getting scared tonight. I put on a white and black strapless skin-tight dress and some make-up and once again go to Connor's house. But first, I head to Veronica's house but only to find that she and her boyfriend ,Demetry, are making out in the dark, so i left before anything else happened. I just came to show her my dress, but aparently i was in for a surprise. It's around 6:50. My mind still tends to wrap around that letter. Ok, now i'm starting to get paranoid. Aparently this syco knows where i live so either way something bad is going to happen and its going to happen soon! Quickly, i felt a hand grab my mouth tape my hands behind my back.
    "Shhhhh, it's going to be fine. Guessing you decided to ditch me, huh? Let's see how your precious boyfriend likes to be ditched!!!" a mysterious voice said.
    Comment for more Chapters
    and your oppinion!
    If its negative i will surely try to fix it in the next chapter
    If its positive, THANK U SOOO MUCH!!

  12. Popo1127 Popo1127
    posted a quote
    May 17, 2012 5:31pm UTC
    I Love you But I Hate You
    Ch. 1
    Alyssa's POV
    I can't believe we did it. Me and Jason. Oh crap. I dont think he was wearing protection. I need to go to the pharmacy. When i got to the pharmacy, and I picked out the early pregnancy test I was wondering: What would Jason do if i really was pregnant? Would he stand by me? Would he leave me all alone? As I walked up to the checkout line the cashier gave me a dirty look. I was so close to flipping her off.
    When I got home I ripped open the package and peed on the little stick. 10 minuets. I just had to wait 10 minuets. I grabbed my phone and texted Jason
    Me: When we did it on prom night did you use protection?
    Jason: No... I'm on my way over.
    Me: I already bought the test.
    Jason: Okay babe, I'll be right there.
    It had finally been 10 minuets i grabbed the test off of the bathroom counter.
    It had two lines.
    "Hey, is the test done yet?" JAson asked.
    I gave him the test.
    "Wow.." He breathed, "I'm going to be a father."
    "You're not going to leave me?"
    "Of course not! I love you Alyssa."
    "I love you too Jason."
    After Jason left I grabbed my phone and texted Cole, Jessica, Bri, and Kathleen.
    Me: Girls I have HUGE news. Come over.
    They all were at my house within 10 minuets.
    "WHATS THE BIG NEWS LISSY?" Cole screamed..
    "Well..... I'm pregnant?"
    The girls started SCREAMING at the top of their lungs.
    Oh crap. How am I going to tell Mom?
    Okay so this is just the beggining but i hope you guys like it!!

  13. Popo1127 Popo1127
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2012 11:03pm UTC
    I Love you But I Hate You
    Ch. 2
    Alyssa's POV
    "Oh, crap guys... How am i going to tell mom?"
    I hadn't even thought about it... I mean, my dad and brother died 4 years ago in a car accident. My mom is dealing with it well, considering she already has a new husband. My step-dad hates me. But, since he's rich, i live in a house bigger than imaginable. and My parents are out of town.. Again.
    "Well... How many more weeks untill Mom and Jack get back?" Cole asked
    "Like two months... Why?"
    "Crap. Your going to be huge..."
    "Wow... Thanks. She's obviously going to know..."
    "Call Mom."Cole said sternly.
    "So.... She would maybe support you?
    I auctaully thought about it... So i called her.
    "Mom? Its Alyssa."
    "hi Sweetie! you sound sad.. Whats going on?"
    "Um... I'm pregnant..?"
    "WHAT?!?!?!" She was sooo mad.
    "Yeah... 6 weeks today... Hello? She hung up on my guys."
    Sorry for the short chapter, hope you like it! Gives you a little of Alyssa's story?

  14. Paygelynn Paygelynn
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2012 3:20pm UTC
    Lifes a party; Lets dance while we can.

  15. Paygelynn Paygelynn
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2012 3:32pm UTC
    Good: I love witty profiles; they make me laugh :D
    Bad: i Almost peed myself laughing too hard from reading my friends Quotes :P

  16. Paygelynn Paygelynn
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2012 5:09pm UTC
    Type Name: Payge
    NAme with eyes closed: Payge
    Name with elbow: oostgfde
    Wacks head on keyboard: yuhj
    :I'm and idioit whos head hurts :D

  17. Paygelynn Paygelynn
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2012 8:31pm UTC
    Add this to your favorites if you've cried laughing at least once while watching JENNA MARBLES <3 <3 :D

  18. Paygelynn Paygelynn
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2012 1:28pm UTC
    Woah, where did you get that black eye???
    Well, i was all like COME AT ME BRO! and well.. he did

  19. Paygelynn Paygelynn
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2012 8:36am UTC
    ~Jenna Marbles

  20. Paygelynn Paygelynn
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2012 1:53pm UTC
    When i told you i needed a heart transplant, we cried together the entire night. the next day i had my operataion, when i woke up i asked the nurse where you were.
    So, she said "Where do you think you got the heart transplant from?" At that moment i started crying.
    Then the nurse said "I'm kidding, hes in the other room sleeping"


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