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  1. Terrible_lover Terrible_lover
    posted a quote
    January 3, 2009 9:43am UTC
    When you are in love..
    You can't fall asleep...
    Because for once in life...
    Reality is better than a dream.

  2. saraXD saraXD
    posted a quote
    January 3, 2009 9:57am UTC
    i keep playing the same song over and over
    because all it reminds me is of you
    & how special you made me

  3. leiyahhxx leiyahhxx
    posted a quote
    January 3, 2009 10:06am UTC
    it's funny how hello is always
    accompanied with goodbye.
    it's funny how good memories
    can start to make you cry.
    it's funny how forever
    never seems to really last.
    it's funny how much you'd lose
    if you forgot about your past.
    it's funny how 'friends' can just
    leave you when your down.
    it's funny how when you need someone
    they're never around.
    it's funny how people change
    and think they're so much better.
    it's funny how many lies
    can be packed in one 'love letter'.
    it's funny how one night
    can contain so much regret.
    it's funny how ironic life turns out to be.
    but the funniest part of all,
    is that none of this is funny to me.

  4. leiyahhxx leiyahhxx
    posted a quote
    January 3, 2009 10:13am UTC
    all I ever hear:
    be a good girl,
    just behave,
    sit up straight,
    stand up tall,
    never falter,
    never fall,
    stay in school,
    make the grade,
    never fail,
    never fade,
    be a hero,
    be a star,
    be anything but what you are.

  5. clairreee23 clairreee23
    posted a quote
    January 3, 2009 10:17am UTC
    somewhere in between all the mind games, lies and seduction;
    i fell for you. somewhere in between all the broken promises,
    manipulation and heartaches; i got over you. but i guess i
    fibbed a few times too, remember all those times i swore i needed you?
    well consider them lies because baby, here i am witout you and i survived.


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