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MoustachoGirl · 1 decade ago
Haha ikr ;o and Haha idk about the last part and I forgot to wear meakeup so I got my makeup out and he was like can I have a look and pretended to be me and stuff pretending to put mascara on and he was like I don't get why people pay loads on mascara then he was like you don't need to wear makeup I was like why he was like you just don't need to or something like that. And lol he said its my choice if I wanna wear makeup or not too

MoustachoGirl · 1 decade ago
Here sorry its alot...

Okay well right yesterday morning was fine he came up chatted to me and stuff and this guy called
me a **** or something and morgan called him a dck then lunch... I saw him walking to the classroom we go to and I was happy he was coming and then a teacher followed behind him
(I was behind him) then they went into the classroom and..... well... he hacked the school computer system.... my bag was on a table and my back was facing him and i just looked in shock at my bag and didnt wanna look at him like I would have cryed so I hope he doesnt think I don't like him...
Then I burst into tears.. a teacher comforted me but I didnt wanna tell then the teacher who looks after us came in told the teacher who was comforting me who didn't know and the teacher twigged and the teacher who looks after us was like is it morgan? And then I couldn't stop crying until last lesson half way through because I didnt want my mum to see that I had cryed and yea well and I was worried because he could be excluded...

this is the headteacher so it was really serious... then well today I wore no makeup and I cryed so much that I still have a headache now... and the teacher and me went to find out whats happened to him well he has been excluded for a bit idk how long the headteacher hasnt decided yet and that as he told the truth he wouldnt be excluded permeantly from the school so idk when I will see him..
and the teacher who looks after us took the blame aswell as him so yea idk... then today she said she will speak to him I thought when your excluded your not allowed at school but idk so if she did find him there in that room then she probably mentioned that I have been crying and idk if that will put him off me... so yea...

i went in the classroom the teacher was like here she is and he was there... ;o He told me about his maths lesson cause we have the same teacher he seemed okay and stuff sat on the table next to me and i was like u know i cryed he was like i know... and that I was worried.. idk when he said it like idk he said it with sorta a small smile or idk if he was just in a good mood or he was like oh no... she likes me urgh :/ What do I say... And then i didnt have a clue what to say lol so idk i probably looked so stupid and yea he then sat on the chair infront of my table sorta and yea just looked around i was like what do i do... inside my head.. I was thinking er idk if he likes me.... maybe he got put off idk and then oh and I said I was worried and I was like I feel like crying he was like why (I wanted to cry of happiness sorta.) then er this little boy came in and I got him something I sorta dropped it I looked back and he was sorta looking at me like laughing cause I dropped it lol then well he usually goes on the computers but you see he has been banned for a while so he can only do jobs and I guess talk but he gets bored... so idk if he will come up to see me much anymore... and then he had to do a job and I helped by being 'delivery' person so I took stuff off him and er sometimes he smiled down at me er then the bell went and stuff he went so did I and I was walking to my lesson like one stairs goes up one stairs goes down I went the up he went the down and as he went down he looked back up I think he saw me but idk... Idk why he turned around... maybe he was thinking well I'm not coming up tomorrow so might aswell look at her to say bye or she likes me... what do I do... cause I don't feel the same... or idk so yea..

chickittylover · 1 decade ago
oohh woah, that's a lot to take in o;
i can't believe he hacked the computer system.. well at least it's all good now.
awww haha, noo i think he still loves you. i mean, why wouldn't he?
hmm.. no he probably is coming tomorrow, i think he just has a major crush on you, that's all c;

MoustachoGirl · 1 decade ago
Haha ikr ;o and Haha idk about the last part and I forgot to wear meakeup so I got my makeup out and he was like can I have a look and pretended to be me and stuff pretending to put mascara on and he was like I don't get why people pay loads on mascara then he was like you don't need to wear makeup I was like why he was like you just don't need to or something like that. And lol he said its my choice if I wanna wear makeup or not too

MoustachoGirl · 1 decade ago
Oh yay c; I have been depressed.... alot of sht has happened...

MoustachoGirl · 1 decade ago
Here sorry its alot...

Okay well right yesterday morning was fine he came up chatted to me and stuff and this guy called
me a **** or something and morgan called him a dck then lunch... I saw him walking to the classroom we go to and I was happy he was coming and then a teacher followed behind him
(I was behind him) then they went into the classroom and..... well... he hacked the school computer system.... my bag was on a table and my back was facing him and i just looked in shock at my bag and didnt wanna look at him like I would have cryed so I hope he doesnt think I don't like him...
Then I burst into tears.. a teacher comforted me but I didnt wanna tell then the teacher who looks after us came in told the teacher who was comforting me who didn't know and the teacher twigged and the teacher who looks after us was like is it morgan? And then I couldn't stop crying until last lesson half way through because I didnt want my mum to see that I had cryed and yea well and I was worried because he could be excluded...

this is the headteacher so it was really serious... then well today I wore no makeup and I cryed so much that I still have a headache now... and the teacher and me went to find out whats happened to him well he has been excluded for a bit idk how long the headteacher hasnt decided yet and that as he told the truth he wouldnt be excluded permeantly from the school so idk when I will see him..
and the teacher who looks after us took the blame aswell as him so yea idk... then today she said she will speak to him I thought when your excluded your not allowed at school but idk so if she did find him there in that room then she probably mentioned that I have been crying and idk if that will put him off me... so yea...

i went in the classroom the teacher was like here she is and he was there... ;o He told me about his maths lesson cause we have the same teacher he seemed okay and stuff sat on the table next to me and i was like u know i cryed he was like i know... and that I was worried.. idk when he said it like idk he said it with sorta a small smile or idk if he was just in a good mood or he was like oh no... she likes me urgh :/ What do I say... And then i didnt have a clue what to say lol so idk i probably looked so stupid and yea he then sat on the chair infront of my table sorta and yea just looked around i was like what do i do... inside my head.. I was thinking er idk if he likes me.... maybe he got put off idk and then oh and I said I was worried and I was like I feel like crying he was like why (I wanted to cry of happiness sorta.) then er this little boy came in and I got him something I sorta dropped it I looked back and he was sorta looking at me like laughing cause I dropped it lol then well he usually goes on the computers but you see he has been banned for a while so he can only do jobs and I guess talk but he gets bored... so idk if he will come up to see me much anymore... and then he had to do a job and I helped by being 'delivery' person so I took stuff off him and er sometimes he smiled down at me er then the bell went and stuff he went so did I and I was walking to my lesson like one stairs goes up one stairs goes down I went the up he went the down and as he went down he looked back up I think he saw me but idk... Idk why he turned around... maybe he was thinking well I'm not coming up tomorrow so might aswell look at her to say bye or she likes me... what do I do... cause I don't feel the same... or idk so yea..

chickittylover · 1 decade ago
oohh woah, that's a lot to take in o;
i can't believe he hacked the computer system.. well at least it's all good now.
awww haha, noo i think he still loves you. i mean, why wouldn't he?
hmm.. no he probably is coming tomorrow, i think he just has a major crush on you, that's all c;

MoustachoGirl · 1 decade ago
Haha ikr ;o and Haha idk about the last part and I forgot to wear meakeup so I got my makeup out and he was like can I have a look and pretended to be me and stuff pretending to put mascara on and he was like I don't get why people pay loads on mascara then he was like you don't need to wear makeup I was like why he was like you just don't need to or something like that. And lol he said its my choice if I wanna wear makeup or not too

MoustachoGirl · 1 decade ago
Hahahaha awhhh hugs tight i will fawk him up bad ;P Haha lemme look him up c; And ilywwwwwm No one is as close to me as you are your still my bestest friend ;P AND your even more beautiful c::: Hehe and he is pretty good looking if I say so ;P He is all yours though boo c; Hehehe And No one can replace you c; Because your amazinggg

MoustachoGirl · 1 decade ago

MoustachoGirl · 1 decade ago
What happened ;s Tell me everythingggg im excited haha ily ;P

MoustachoGirl · 1 decade ago
Your more importanttt

MoustachoGirl · 1 decade ago
Its okay dw c; You firstttttt ;P

MoustachoGirl · 1 decade ago
Your more importanttt

MoustachoGirl · 1 decade ago
Omg sameeeee so omg how is it with you mind if I say his name here? You can talk to me in my comment ox if u want as ur the only person who comes to my page really haha

MoustachoGirl · 1 decade ago
Oh and I have a kik if you can make one?

MoustachoGirl · 1 decade ago
Awh ;c Can we talk on here then? c; Its been so hard I have wanted to cry I miss you so much hugs c;

chickittylover · 1 decade ago
I have so much to tell you!

MoustachoGirl · 1 decade ago
I made this account for you

chickittylover · 1 decade ago
Aww Caitland I miss you so much!! I'm sorry I haven't been on Stardoll.. I'm really just not that interested in that website so much anymore. i'm sorry.

I was going to say goodbye but i thought it would hurt too much.. </3

MoustachoGirl · 1 decade ago

chickittylover · 1 decade ago


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