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MeghanMarie55 · 1 decade ago
I know, and I said thanks for your opinion. Well, my question wasn't made for you. Yes, more babies get adopted. But there are still TONS of babies without homes. You can't just say "Oh, its a baby it will get adopted"

MeghanMarie55 · 1 decade ago
A chance at a horrible life were they aren't loved? Or are abused? I wouldn't want that...

MeghanMarie55 · 1 decade ago
Well it wasn't really a miscarriage, it was like a still birth but they had to aport him. Well I think we can agree to disagree on this subject, haha.

MeghanMarie55 · 1 decade ago
yess! I love x-mass <33

MeghanMarie55 · 1 decade ago
I understand. Are you guys still friends? Don't you think, maybe in your situation, abortion could have been a good thing? This way the baby would not be 4 weeks along, your "friend" would not have to punch you, and you wouldent have to see it. Abortion can help some people. When I was 3 my mom got pregnant and she was THRILLED! Everything was going great up until about the 7th or 8th month. She went to the docters and they said the babies brain didn't develope and he died, there was nothing my mom could have done. She has to get the baby removed because it was harming her life and he already died. Even though this wasn't really an abortion, she had to got to an abortion place to get it done. People yelled at her was called her murderer, baby killer, and said she was going to hell. They had NO idea that she wanted this baby more then anything, and that he died and there was no way she could have stopped it. They had NO idea how she had been crying for weeks. They new . Thats way people need to think, and think about what a woman might really be going though. Thats why I'm pro- choice. RIP my baby brother.

MeghanMarie55 · 1 decade ago
Yeaah Im pumped! you?

MeghanMarie55 · 1 decade ago
Well I really hope your not friends with the anymore because thats horrible. Why didn't you tell her to stop? Punch her in the face next time you see her god damn. I understand were you are coming from, but your situation is different. You may have not wanted you baby, but she punched you. Abortion isn't good. But you have to think of those woman and the situation they must be in. Its was hard for you, and it is just as hard for them, they just did it diff.

MeghanMarie55 · 1 decade ago
Haha fun, Im just hanging out!

MeghanMarie55 · 1 decade ago
Okay. Well you say in your profile you were almost 4 times, right? Thank god it didn't actually happen, but what if it did and yo got pregnant? Just thin about it. I was a year ago, so I kninda know what it feels like. Lucky for me I didn't become pregnant. But, I can't image if I did. Thats why I try to think about those woman. You think its murder, I don't. Stop trying to change my mind. I just don't see how you can kill something that isn't living. If you don't like abortion, don't get one.

MeghanMarie55 · 1 decade ago
Welcome! Haha, whats up?

MeghanMarie55 · 1 decade ago
Well considering a man doesn't have a , no, its not the same thing. He will never get pregnant, so he kinda need to shut the up. You keep going back to this murder thing...If some one has a miscarrige, is THAT murder also? What is someone is pregnant and falls down and her baby dies, is THAT murder? How can you kill something that isn't alive? I know you think its murder, but I have never gotten an abortion so you saying I am a murderer make no sense and just makes you seem dumb.

MeghanMarie55 · 1 decade ago
Ah thanks for clearing that up! Uh no that didn't change my mind at all. I don't think abortion is a GOOD thing, but woman should have rights over there bodies. Oh, and I see this "story" you sent me about why abortion is "so bad" is written by someone named Travis Kidd, who Im going to guess is a man. Is he every going to get pregnant? Nope. So who is he to judge WOMAN? Your so close minded your probs not going to read this, but take a look.


MeghanMarie55 · 1 decade ago
Ah thank you! Your stunning!

MeghanMarie55 · 1 decade ago
Okay, obvi you don't watch the news, because the 7th billion baby was born in India a few weeks ago, so don't try. The number changes all the time, so yoy can't look up the exact number. But loo it up, she was born a few weeks ago. Good try, though. Okay, why the am i a ? Because Im standing up in what I believe in? Because I'm not close minded like you? Because I try to put myself in these woman's situations? I'm sorry that I don't think a group of cells that can't think & feel, nor have a BRAIN is a child. You can think that, but I don't. And I'm pretty sure 2.9 million kids is a lot, no matter how many people are alive. And thats JUST in America. Think about how many kinds must be in orphanages all over the world? TONS. Adoption is a great thing but it doesn't work for everyone. If it was perfect there wouldn't be so many kids without homes. I'm guessing you have never had an abortion, so who are you to judge? I'm not going to sit here and call you a like you did to me because I have better things to do.

MeghanMarie55 · 1 decade ago
Okay. Well personaly i don't think a gruop of cells is a baby. But we have our own thoughts.

MeghanMarie55 · 1 decade ago
Well if you don't read what I write then you have no right to argue. Actually, there is over 7 billion people in the world. You should not force a woman to hold a "baby" for 9 months if she was . Murder in the dictinary is "the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another" how is a embry, witch isnt alive yet, a human? Nice try.

MeghanMarie55 · 1 decade ago
OMG thank you! I know everyone I talk to is like ITS MURDER! Im like not to mean, but the "baby" isnt even alive yet, so how is it killing? If you feel you cant have a baby, you can terminate it. Its your right. Its sad, but its true. Im totally writing my paper on a pro choice point of veiw, I dont care what others think haah!

MeghanMarie55 · 1 decade ago
On your thoughts on abortion.

MeghanMarie55 · 1 decade ago
I know! And there ar 2.9 kids in orphanages in just the USA! why add more! you are so right!

MeghanMarie55 · 1 decade ago
Thats good, but there are 2.9 MILLION children in just america that need to be adopted. Why add more?


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