Witty Profiles

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  1. Ireland201 Ireland201
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2013 2:40pm UTC
    CHAPTER 32
    Sarahs POV
    I rang the doorbell and started smoothing down my hair.
    Adam came to the door.
    "Hi, Sarah," he said cheerfully.
    "Hey," I said, grinning at him.
    He stepped aside to let me inside.
    "What brings you here?" he said as I walked through the door.
    "Good news, actually," I said. I must have been in a really good mood because even I noticed the difference in my voice.
    "Great," he said, clearly noticing my good mood aswell.
    We walked up the stairs and into his bedroom. We took our usual seat - on his bed - and smiled at eachother.
    "So, what's this good news?" he said.
    "I told Rory to leave me alone," I said smugly.
    He grinned. "That's excellent news."
    There was a minute of silence then - not awkward silence, though.
    "What about,er,Mark?" he asked quietly.
    "He's still....a choice, I guess," I muttered. I had forgotten about Mark; I had been too excited about telling Adam.
    "Oh," was all he said.
    "He's a nice guy, Adam. You'd like him," I said.
    "Probably would," he admitted. "If you didn't."
    "Well, I'm going to stay friends with him anyway. Even if it doesn't work out between me and him," I mumbled.
    He frowned. "And what if we don't work out? Are we going to stay friends?"
    "I......never thought about it," I admitted.
    "I didn't think you would have," he said grinning slightly like he was thinking of some inside joke.
    "Something funny?" I asked sarcastically.
    "Not really," he said. "It's just that I spend nearly every second of everyday thinking about nothing other than you and you "never thought about it." It's just....ironic really."
    I frowned. "I wish you wouldn't so that."
    "Do what?" he said, raising an eyebrow at me.
    "Go all.....lover boy on me," I said.
    He laughed. "Lover boy?"
    "Yeah," I said, laughing to hide my embarrassment. "You come out with these deep stories about how much you love me and I can't even say that I'll stay friends with you without being scared its a lie."
    "Deep stories," he repeated, grinning. I nodded. He put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.
    Is being afraid it's a lie all that bad? I thought. Maybe it means that I wouldn't be able to stay friends with him - that it would be too hard, or something. Yeah. That's it. I'm able to stay friends with Mark because I don't love him as much as I love Adam. But Mark is so sweet. I do love him- I can't deny that. Would I be jealous if he was with someone else? Probably. But I'd be jealous if Adam was with someone else too, wouldn't I? Who would I be more jealous about? Who would I loose more sleep over if he was not mine?
    I felt Adam pressed his lips softly to the top of my head and decided I knew who I should pick - no, who I could not live without.
    Feedback? Follow for a follow. Thanks xxxx

  2. RandomationStudios RandomationStudios
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 10:11pm UTC
    Long Shot
    Chapter 25 - "Intentional or not, I don't think we saw it coming"
    I wake up with a horrible headache. The room seems too bright, the air too hot. I slowly sit up, half expecting to see Nicole sound asleep next to me. Instead, I see Amber. The events that occurred last night instantly replay in my mind and I feel absolutely disgusted with myself. I slip out of bed, quickly pulling my clothes on. Amber opens her eyes. “What’s the matter, Caleb?” she asks sleepily. “Get dressed, and get out of here! Last night wasn’t supposed to happen” I shout. Amber gives me a sly smile. “Whatever you say, baby.” I barely even hear her. I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to say to Nicole. Should I tell her that I cheated on her. In the end, I decide its better that she never knows.
    Nicole's P.O.V
    “Hi baby” I say, hugging Caleb. “I missed you.” It feels wonderful to be back home. Something’s wrong though, I mean Caleb seems a bit tense. “Are you okay?” I ask, concerned. Caleb nods lightly before kissing me. But his mind is somewhere else though. I push him away. “What’s wrong?” I insist. “I’m fine honest, please Nicole, just stop” Caleb replies, sounding aggravated. “I’ve had enough work at the office this weekend okay?” He’s not angry, he’s irritated. He’s hiding something. I twist my lip, I do that out of habit when I’m upset, or annoyed. “Alright, fine, I’ll stop “I say, brushing past him.
    “That’s what I get for worrying about you “I mumble.
    Uh-oh, issues, drama...Thanks for reading! We do notify!
    Feedback please!

  3. TheWonderlandStories TheWonderlandStories
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 10:16pm UTC
    chapter 2
    alyson's P.O.V
    please listen to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xX3xpqrCUU while reading
    *2 weeks later*
    I decided to get outside for a walk again. I never seen Trevor since that one day.
    I wanted to see him again. I stepped out the door and walked around the forest.
    Trevor's home is right across mine and a bit to the right.
    I peeked over the trees and saw his house. I walked over there for the first time.
    Before I knocked, I looked around the windows. It was covered in white drapes and the windows itself was all full of scratch marks. It looked kind of scary, and old. It's sad. I knocked and waited for 30 seconds until I heard footsteps. The door swung open and it was Trevor. I smiled as he stared at me.
    "Hey." he stuttered.
    "Hey. Sorry if I scared you barging in like this."
    "N-no. It's fine. Come on in."
    I went through the door and looked around the house. "It's a mess, I know. If only I knew you were going to come, I would've..cleaned this place up a bit."
    I grinned. "It's alright," I turned back to him after looking around the house, "I wasn't planning on coming. I just did." I looked at him and noticed his t-shirt is all dirty and his hair is messy. Like he was in a fight. "Are you alright?"
    Trevor looked at me, confused. "Why do you ask?"
    "Well...I was just wondering. I mean, you look pretty dirty."
    "I know. I've been doing a lot of..cleaning."
    I studied his face and knew he was lying. "C'mon Trevor, you can tell me what really happened."
    He looked down and went back up. "Mary. Helping her out can be kind of crazy. She doesn't really like me." I was kind of confused. "Who's Mary?"
    "The little girl I told you about that's in my basement. Yeah, she keeps trying to injure me and run away. Everytime I catch her, it's difficult to calm her down."
    I nodded. "Oh, I see."
    "Yeah. Would you like anything to eat?"
    "Oh, no I'm fine. Thank you."
    It was an awkward silence. "I never had a chance to give you my number. Would you like it now?"
    I nodded. "Yeah sure." We both swapped numbers.
    Then I heard a bang.
    "Um...you should go. Now." Trevor said seriously.
    "Why? Is it Mary?"
    The bang became louder and so did the sound of a window screeching.
    "Go! Now!" yelled Trevor, "and run!"
    I ran out the door as fast as I could. I felt like something was following me.
    I ran faster and faster and the sound of footsteps grew louder.
    And something grabbed me.
    I was trying my best to scream and try not to look who it is. I knew it was Mary.
    I heard Trevor yell out her name. He came and took Mary away from holding on to me.
    I felt dizzy. I didn't know what just happened. I looked around. Trevor left with Mary so fast.
    Was this just a dream? Because it didn't seem so real.
    I shook my head and walked away.
    I just want to know, why does Trevor have to take care of a little girl with Shizophrenia?
    Next chapter, Trevor's POV? I don't really think so. You need to understand more until you get to him. Cause he can be confusing? Any questions? PLEASE ADD FEEDBACK!
    Don't forget to listen to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xX3xpqrCUU

  4. DontGetYourHopesUp DontGetYourHopesUp
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 5:21pm UTC
    The Shane Game
    Chapter 20
    Ava sat on her bed, composing a new text to Savannah. Shane ended up not giving her Savannah’s number, but it’s not like she needed it anyway. Her plan worked out perfectly. Yeah, he basically called her an attention seeker, but now he knows what would happen if his friends were to find out about his little secret, which would hopefully convince him to give up on Savannah. And if he didn’t, he also knew how easily Ava could interfere.
    Ava: Hey girl, it’s Ava. What days work for you? I was thinking Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at my house, 509 Oak Street. Is that okay?
    Savannah: Yeah, that sounds good. Starting tomorrow?
    Ava: Yup! Sounds good! Come around 5, Bring some money, we’ll order Chinese! :)
    Ava hoped that that didn’t sound too desperate, like she wanted her to eat over and have dinner with her. But secretly, she did. She’d rather eat with Savannah than alone by herself, again.
    Savannah: Okaaay
    Savannah was so confused as to why Ava was offering to have dinner with her. It’s not like they were friends…at all.
    The next day at school was weird. Ava said hi to her in the halls and complimented her. Why was she being so nice? What did she have planned?
    Just like Savannah promised, she showed up to her house that night around 5. She rang the bell and was greeted by Ava who warmly welcomed her in. Savannah stepped into the house cautiously, unaware of what Ava had planned.
    “Come on up to my room,” Ava smiled, leading the way. Savannah followed and was surprised by how neat her room was. She was expecting it to be messy, just like all of Ava’s hook ups.
    Ava took a seat on her bed and patted the space next to her for Savannah to take a seat too. She did and Ava opened up a textbook and her binder.
    “So I was thinking we could order the food now, and study until it gets here which will be about 30-45 minutes. Sound good?”
    “Um, yeah,” Savannah said.
    “Great. And again, thanks a bunch for doing this. So we’re learning something about expansion and imperialism with countries but I’m so confused,” she held up a worksheet. “What is imperialism?” Ava didn’t want to jump right into her plan. She had to give it some time, or else Savannah would be suspicious.
    Savannah didn’t catch that drift, and she wanted to know exactly what was going on. “Ava, why did you ask for me to tutor you?”
    “What?” Ava asked.
    “Is this to boast about getting Shane to cheat on me with you? I don’t care-”
    “No! That’s not it at all! Why would you think that?”
    “Why else would you need me to tutor you? You could have picked anyone else.”
    “Fine, there is a specific reason I picked you,” Ava said, looking for how she could explain it. “So you know…Shane likes you.”
    “Oh my God, is this to keep Shane away from me again?? Ava, he’s not either of ours anymore, you don’t have to worry and try to steal him back.”
    “No, that’s not what I want. I know you like him too.”
    "What? How do you know that?” Savannah hadn’t told anyone about that.
    “Savannah, do you have any idea how many times I’ve played the Shane Game? He could get anyone to fall in love with him, no matter how bad he’s treated you. I can see what’s happening, and I have a feeling he’s doing to you what he did to me. He’s saying he really likes you and would do anything to have you back, yet when he’s with his dumb friends he pretends he doesn’t know you. Don’t make the same mistake I did and fall for it. I’m trying to save you before it’s too late,” she admitted.
    Note: remeber, two new chapters a day! chapter 21 will have to be clicked to be seen most likely but its on my page!
    Teaser: "Ava, stop trying to get involved!" Savannah yelled at her.

  5. rememberyourbeautiful rememberyourbeautiful
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 5:25pm UTC
    Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover
    Chapter 10
    Drew's P.O.V
    I woke up and looked at the clock, it said 10. Oh crap, I thought as I jumped out of bed.
    "Honey calm down you have no school since it's snowing!" my mom said sitting at the counter when I rushed into the kitchen.
    "Oh thank god!" I said laughing running my hands through my hair. I walked back up to my room and turned the TV on. I grabbed my phone off the TV and decided to text Cassidy. Yesterday she texted me saying that we should get coffee sometime. It was kind of weird because it was like out of the blue. But I love spending time with Cassidy because I feel like I can be myself around her. I'm worried what she'll think of me when I tell her about Scarlet though. Maybe I just won't tell her, I thought as my phone went off. It was from Cassidy. It said "Snow Day!!!:) Wanna go to the coffee shop down the street from the park with me?!"
    I waited a couple minutes before answering because I didn't want her to think I was too eager. I agreed and said we should go around 11:30. She was fine with it so I was excited. I get to see Cassidy two days in a row I must be one lucky guy.
    Around 10:30 I got in the shower. I really wanted to impress Cassidy so I made sure I didn't look bad. After I dried off, I threw on some jeans and a black American Eagle long sleeve shirt. The shirt was kinda tight on my arms so my muscles showed, that's why I wore it. I grabbed my keys, put on my black Obey hat and headed outside.
    Just in time, I thought smiling as I pulled into a parking spot at our town's local coffee shop. As I walked up to the door I noticed Cassidy walking up. She looked hot! She had tight black leggings on with a maroon shirt that had studs on the shoulder. Her hair blew in the wind messing it up but she still looked adorable. She was small which made her even more adorable. Man I need her to be mine, I thought as she walked up beside me.
    "Hey!" she said smiling. Her cheeks a bright pink from the cold.
    "Hey," I said holding the door open for her.
    "What a gentleman!" Cassidy said giggling as she walked through the door. I started checking her out when she interrupted me.
    "Stop checking me out!" she said sternly as she place her hand on my chest so I would stop walking.
    "Remember this is a project!" she said taking her hand off my chest.
    "I know and how did you know I was checking you out?" I said smiling at her.
    "Because you're you!" she said laughing as we walked up to the counter.
    "I'm buying!" I said as she reached in her purse for money.
    "No Drew I can't let you do that!" she said looking up at me.
    "I don't care! Go find a seat!" I said smiling at her. I put my hand on her shoulders and turned her around so she was facing the seating area.
    "Fine! But I want a hot chocolate with extra marshmellows!" she said over her shoulder as she walked off. I walked up to the counter where a girl around my age was at the register. She tried flirting with me but it didn't work, all I wanted was Cassidy not some other girl who I barely know. If anyone else I knew was around I would flirt back because I can't lose my rep but I didn't see anyone so I tried to ignore her. But that didn't really work because she kept trying and trying. I ordered our drinks and a couple of cookies as she kept flirting with me after every word I said. Cmon, I thought as I noticed Cassidy looking over. She started smiling and laughing because she knew what was happening. I smiled at her as she got up and started walking over. What is she doing, I thought as she come up beside me.
    "Where's our drinks babe?" Cassidy asked me bumping her hip up against me. She put her hand on my hand as she smiled at the girl flirting with me.
    "Here ya go," the girl said frowning as she handed me our stuff. Cassidy took her hand off mine, grabbed her hot chocolate and walked back to our table. What the, I asked myself walking over to where Cassidy was sitting. I sat across from her as she took a sip of her hot chocolate.
    "What?" she asked noticing that I was looking at her confused.
    "Babe? Really and that hip bump? What was that?" I asked handing her a mm cookie.
    "You looked annoyed so I thought I'd help you out!" she said shrugging. I looked into her eyes and she started smiling.
    "Thanks," I said smiling back at her gorgeous face.
    Soooo feedback?!?
    Hope you like the story so far:):):)
    Here's what Cassidy was wearing:

  6. Soup2434 Soup2434
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2013 8:05pm UTC
    "Everything that is, or was, began with a dream."

  7. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2013 8:14pm UTC
    Using Mr Parker
    ♥ Logan ♥
    C h a p t e r 25
    “Mhm, I want pizza,” I told Zach.
    “Pizza it is,” he said. I stared at him, intensely, taking his appearance. I had never met someone so perfect. “What?” he asked and I just shook my head, smiling to myself. While Zach and I waited for the pizza to be delivered we talked to each other about nothing in particular. Somebody knocked at the door and I got up to answer the door.
    “That was quick,” I said.
    “I'll get it, you sit down, Logan.”
    “I have legs, you know,” I teased and he smirked, kissing my cheek before opening the door. That single kiss on my cheek made my heart flutter and it felt like I had elephants walking around in my stomach. I picked up a photo frame, the picture was of Zach with a man and woman who must have been his parents. Hearing footsteps, I looked up to be greeted by a young man strolling into the apartment. He looked a lot like Zach but had a boyish look to him.
    “Who are you and why don't I have your number?” the guy asked, a cheeky grin on his face.
    “Blaze, I told you to leave,” Zach huffed. “Logan, this is my brother, Blaze and Blaze, this is my girlfriend Logan.”
    “Hi,” I said to Blaze.
    “When did you get a girlfriend?” Somebody knocked on the door.
    “I'll get it,” I told Zach. I opened the door to find a guy dressed in a uniform with pizza in his arms. After receiving the pizza, I walked to the kitchen and placed them on the bench. I walked back to were Blaze and Zach were talking and as I did, I overheard their conversation.
    “She's your student?” Blaze hissed.
    “What were you thinking, Zach? Do you realise how much trouble you could get into if anyone found out? I get it, she's hot but she's a minor!”
    “She's a year younger than you, Blaze. Our relationship is legal, it's just against the school rules. B, I really like her and I don't needvshit from you.”
    “Who knows about your relationship?”
    “Nobody, now we can talk later, just go.” I didn't like the fact that by me dating Zach it would affect his relationship with his brother. Zach had explained to me how close he and Blaze were. Blaze got up off the couch and sighed.
    “No matter who you date, Z, I'm your brother, I just don't want you to get in any trouble.”
    “I won't,” Zach promised. I took that as my chance to walk in. “What took you so long?” Zach questioned.
    “Justin called,” I lied.
    “Right, well I was leaving. Bye Logan, bye Zach.” I smiled sweetly at Blaze.
    “Bye, nice meeting you.” Zach and I then went to eat and a though occurred to me. I needed proof that we were dating. A picture would be good proof, so after dinner I got my phone out. “Smile!” I grinned and snapped a photo of Zach. “I need a new wallpaper,” I teased.
    “Hey!” I giggled, running from Zach. When he caught up to me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and reached out for my phone. With that, he took a photo of us both and then placed his lips on mine as he took another picture.
    Despite this all being a game, there was only one way I could describe how this moment felt.
    Want a reminder? Comment.
    Teaser: "I'm dating Mr Parker," I said, trying to look proud as I showed the girls the photos. I would never actually be proud because what I was doing was disgusting.
    {A/N So, what do we all think of Blaze? (: His picture is only my website for whoever is intrested. For those of you who couldn't access the other link of Logans outfit, here it is again: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=69948086 }

  8. justanothergirl_ justanothergirl_
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2013 8:40pm UTC
    C h a p t e r 1 2 .
    Avery's Point of View.
    "I love you Avery.." Was all I heard before I fell asleep.
    I woke up in the morning, Carson was still next to me.
    He had his arm wrapped around my waist, his chest falling up and down.
    Why couldn't I have stayed awake just a second longer?
    Then I could have confronted him.
    But if he loved me, did that mean he still wanted to go out with me?
    But then why wouldn't he have told me...
    My thoughts were gone when Carson stirred next to me.
    "Morning" I whispered.
    He quickly pulled his arms off of me. "Uh hi, I should probably get going."
    He hopped out of my bed an went to gather his things.
    I got up and grabbed his arm.
    "Stop!" I yelled.
    He looked at me, confused.
    "Stop doing this! I'm getting tired of your games!" I shouted at him.
    "Whatever." He sighed.
    "No Carson, it's not just whatever."
    "Look Avery, you just don't get it okay!?" He mumbled.
    "Don't get it? I get everything Carson."
    "No you don't, you don't get it at all!" He screamed before running out of my room.
    "Ugh." I mumbled, knowing that I'd have to go after him.
    I couldn't just let it end like this.
    Sure we fought, but that's what we do.
    I had started remembering little conversations, events, and bits and pieces of the past.
    I ran out of my room and downstairs to the door.
    Carson was walking out to his truck.
    "Carson." I sighed.
    He shook his head and kept walking.
    "Carson wait!" I yelled.
    He ignored me once again.
    "Why didn't you tell me I was your girlfriend?"
    I can't post tomorrow because I'm in the track meet, so yeah.
    But on the bright side, tomorrow is the last day of midterms!(:
    okay bye leave me feedback
    90+ Favorites for the next chapter.
    *I do not notify.*

  9. OneDirectionUnicorn OneDirectionUnicorn
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2013 8:55pm UTC
    Aubree's Point of view
    If you don't wanna, take it slow, and you just wanna take me home!
    Morning! Concert! Ahh! I just can't believe, I woke up at 5:OO.
    I got up, took a shower, and got dressed in My 1D shirt, my British and Irish pants, and some 1D boots.
    "I look .. epic!" I thought.
    1D nails, and a beanie hat.
    I got in my car, and drove. I turned up my 1D take me home up really loud.
    The concert was at 8, but I have to get to Nandos! I am meeting Eleanor there.
    ~A few hours later ~
    Bzzz. Bzzz. My phone went.
    I turned the music down and answered.
    'Hey! Eleanor!! I'm so excited!" I said
    "I am too! I am almost to nandos, its so close! I see it! Ahhh!!" she said.
    "ME TOO!!!!" I said.
    "Well meet you there!" "Bye!!!!!" She said hanging up.
    I'm so excited!
    "Nandos here I am! " I screamed!
    Eleanor is here!!
    "Ellie!" I screamed.
    "Aub!!" She screamed.
    "Ahh!!!! Lets go in!"
    We got in and we got a table.
    "Louis, NOO! MY FOOD!" I heard and Irish person say.
    "Eleanor....... did you... hear that?????" I said pointing back.
    I got up and looked over.
    " AHH OH MY GOSH ITS ONE DIRECTION!! AHH!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!" I screamed.
    " I see that, beautiful!" Niall said. "Hi!" the other boys said. "Hold on lads." he said.
    He got out and came to me . "Follow me. " He said.
    I looked back at El, and smiled.
    She mouthed "Lucky." He took me outside.
    "Hello love. What is your name?" he asked walking me to the bench.
    "M-my name is Aubree." I said with a smile eye to eye.
    "Nice name . I am Niall, of course! Aha, I hope you are coming to the concert tonight!" He said grabbing my
    hand. I smiled to a yes.
    " Great! I hope you have front row and backstage passes!" He said laughing
    "Why wouldnt I ?" I said " I really like you , Aubree. " Niall said.
    "I-I like you too!" I said smiling.
    "Here, come to my place after lunch!" he said walking inside , holding my hand.
    The boys told us to go to another table! They were like Loveee biirrrdddds!
    So we went to my table, with El.
    "Hi, Niall is me name!"
    "Nialler! She knows you!" I said resting my head on his shoulder
    " I know! Just showing me politeness!" He said putting his arm around me.
    wacko. "Well, lets eat!" Niall said.
    We got our food, and ate.
    "Yum!" I said.
    "Mhm!" Niall said.
    "The boys left me!" Niall said shooting up from the booth. "Nice knowing you, El! Bye, Aubree, see you later, Hon!" He said running out of the resturant.
    " I love him." Was on my wrist. Him, stands for Niall.
    "Aubree... Why do you cut?" El asked. That was the only thing I've never told her. My sleeves were up.
    "I-I ... I just... I.. Bye! " I said jumping up and running .
    Like it? :D I DO!!

  10. Ireland201 Ireland201
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2013 2:13pm UTC
    CHAPTER 29
    Sarahs POV
    *Please read authors note it is very important *
    I left Adam's house shortly after our "DMC" about Rory.
    I went to a little clothes shop - not intending to buy anything - and wandered around.
    There was a few things I saw that I liked. I was mentally making an outfit, knowing I would never buy anything- where would I get that kind of money?
    After a while, I got a bit depressed by the shop as I realized the outfit I had made (in my head) was actually quite nice and I wanted it.
    I left quickly. It was dark by then.
    As I was walking home, I passed Mark's house.
    I saw Adam and Rory standing in his front garden talking to him. I was suspicious - and curious - so I had to see what was going on.
    They didn't seem to see me, so I walked up the side of the house next door- hiding behing the hedge as I went.
    When I got to a part of the hedge that was near where they were standing, I listened in on their conversation.
    "I know she likes you, Rory," I heard Adam say.
    "That's stupid. I cheated on her! She's such an idiot," Rory said.
    I flinched. My right hand rested over my heart and my left hand was wrapped around my throat - the parts that hurt whenever Rory was ivolved. Not that my throat hurt exactly, it just felt like there was a huge lump in it.
    He told everything like it was. He was so honest. I loved that.
    I frowned.
    "She told me," Adam said.
    "This is ridiculous," Mark said - his voice was so sweet. He was so sweet.
    I frowned again.
    "I agree," Adam mumbled. "We are never going to be able to talk this out." Adam understood everyone - especially me. He was so perfect.
    I frowned again.
    "What are we supposed to do?" Rory moaned.
    "We could write down the person we think has the best chance with her. The person with the most votes, asks her out and everyone else backs off until the person with the most votes blows his chances. The other two can fight it out then," I could hear the smile in Mark's voice. He was clearly joking, but Adam and Rory took him seriously.
    "No voting for yourself," Adam added. Rory grunted.
    "I'll be right back," Mark mumbled. A few minutes of silence passed and then Mark returned - Adam and Rory clearly weren't talking.
    He must have handed them paper and a pen.
    After a few moments of silence, Mark sighed. "One vote for Adam, one for Rory and one for me."
    "We could put the names in a hat?" Rory suggested.
    "No," Adam groaned. "Guys, you're treating it like a competition. Last time we did that we ended up in a "Love Square"! No more people! This cannot become a "Love Pentagon!"
    I grimaced. Oh no, I thought.
    "Wait, what? " Mark gasped.
    "Sarah asked you out to annoy me and Adam," Rory explained. "Well, we think that's what happened."
    "Ugh," I heard the frustration in Mark's voice. "Why would she do that? That's such a....a...."
    He didn't finish the sentence. Instead, he ran out onto the road and kept running.
    Maybe he's heading to my house, I thought.
    A few minutes more of silence passed. I guessed that Rory and Adam were waiting for him to come back - I didn't move incase I was caught.
    Rory laughed softly. "Hey, remember when we used to call Sarah
    Snow White?"
    Does anyone read the little box thingy down here?!
    Will you please,please,please,please,please comment who you want Sarah to end up with?? Please? It might not change my mind - I'm already 90% sure on who it's gonna be - but I just want to see what you guys think!! Please??? :]
    Oh and "DMC" means "Deep meaningful conversation" for any of you that didn't know!
    Feedback? Follow for a follow. Thanks xxxx

  11. DeStory DeStory
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2013 2:55pm UTC
    Battle Scars
    Chapter 8
    Alaska’s P.O.V.
    Oh yeah, I forgot. The ‘popular’ clique does a weekly shopping trip on Saturday. They might have been waiting for ages.
    “Where have you been?” says Megan, storming up to me.
    “And why’d you bring - that?” follows Terra, refrencing Rubes.
    “Haven’t you heard?”
    “Oh yeah, you’re viralists. You’re not friends though. You’re still mortal enemies, just doing it for the fame. Come with us, we found an amazing dress we think you’d like to try-“ says Demi, trying to turn me away.
    “No. Stop. Just, stop.”
    I sigh.
    “Ruby understands me better than any of YOU ever did. We’re not friends, like you said. We’re BEST FRIENDS. I really don’t care WHAT dress you’ve found, and on the rare occasion I wear something that you’ve picked, I change out of it as soon as I walk through my door. THIS is the kind of dress I like.”
    I pull out my white dress.
    “Oh, no, Alaska. That’s really Horr-“
    “Don’t you get it? I don’t CARE what you think. I NEVER DID.”
    “Of course you do. We’re-“
    “Don’t you get it? You guys are the reason I do this.”
    I take off my watch to reveal I don’t know how many 1.5 centimetre vertical scars, about 2 millimeters apart, which are the result of self-harm, easily able to be hidden by a watch or bangles.
    “Emo Freak.”
    “Drama Queen.”
    “You guys RULED my life. I hated that, I want to be free. And I am, thanks to Rubes.”
    “Rubes? You call her Rubes?”
    “Yes. And she calls me Laska. Now if you’ll excuse me, We have a gig to preform.”

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. DoodleBug1997 DoodleBug1997
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2013 7:22pm UTC
    The Things You Don't Know
    Chapter Four, Part 1
    I had just gotten to my locker when I saw Matt walking towards me. I said hey to him and turned to open my locker. I put my jacket on, exchanged books, and told Matt I was ready to go.
    We walked six blocks to his house. When we got into the house, there was a girl sitting at the table, she had to be ten at best, drinking a glass of milk.
    "Ooooh, Maaatt! Is that your giiirlfrieeend?" She said and then giggled.
    Matt huffed. "No Lucy, she's just a friend. This is Emily, and Emily this is my sister Lucy."
    Lucy jumped off the bar stool near the table and walked over to me. I hoped she wasn't looking me over. (I'm beyond insecure. I'm a size 5 in Aero jeans and I wear large shirts. I feel so fat.)
    She stopped in front of me and gestured for me to lean down. She whispered, "can you come with me for a minute?"
    I nodded slightly and told Matt we'd be right back. I heard him calling us to come back, but Lucy had grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to a small pink bedroom full of stuffed animals and posters. She let go of my hand and walked to her bed, knelt down, and stood back up holding a small wooden box.
    Lucy came over to the dresser and placed the box on top. When she opened it, I saw pictures inside. There was a boy and a girl standing on the sidewalk. I had a hunch and grabbed one picture before walking over to the large window across the room with a camera sitting on the windowsill.
    And then it hit me. Those pictures were taken right here, the boy and the girl standing in front of this house.
    "I think her name was Kate or somethin'."
    "Katy. . ." I whispered to myself.
    * * *
    "They talk about you."
    "They, they do?" Emily's voice quivered when she spoke. She just looked at me, closed her eyes, and slowly sank down the wall to a ball on the floor. Uh oh, she's gonna cry! What did I do?!
    She looked up, her big green eyes sparkling with tears I could see she held back. I walked over and sat next to her and threw my arms around her shaking body.
    I sat there and thought and thought and thought. I knew I had to remember what Matt said to her.
    "W-what was she doing here Luce?"
    "I don't know. But they talked about a girl named Emily a lot, so I thought it could be you."
    She started crying really hard. So I knew I had to tell her what I remembered.
    "Well at first, Matt didn't wanna. He thought it was bad. He said he couldn't do it."
    "But he did Lucy. And it's her fault!" (She said some bad words that I'm not allowed to say.)
    She wiped her face, but it didn't help 'cause her eyes were all red. She got up, took the picture, and ran downstairs.
    I like her. I want her to stay. I hope Matty didn't mess things up by talking to that girl. How could she even think of doing that to her best friend anyway?
    * * *

  14. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  15. aislinn325 aislinn325
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 2:06pm UTC
    Stepping Out
    Chapter 3
    The bell rang for 5th period and I was already in my seat. I had asked my teacher to go last; so I could end the period with a boom. I sat through the presentations knowing exactly what I would say. I would go up there, call Seth out, then go on with my presentation like nothing happened. The group before I was supposed to go were up. As their presentation came to a close, I didn't get nervous, surprisingly. It felt like my confidence level jumped by ten instead of dropping by twenty like I thought it would.
    "The last presentation is by Aven and--" I cut my teacher off.
    "You can stop that sentence after my name Mr. Barner. You see, Seth didn't work on this project at all." Seth was staring at me like I had just grown seven heads. The tone of my voice let the whole class know I was serious. They were just as confused as Seth was.
    "I have a little presentation on the computer before I start my presentation." I popped my flashdrive in the computer and clicked on the slideshow.
    "These are the texts I sent Seth the first day we were supposed to work on the project. He claimed he had no idea who I was. This happened every night before the project was due. The day we were supposed to work together, after he blew me off, I went to his house. He came to the door and said this." I pushed the play button on the recording I had. Our conversation played and everyone was silent. My teacher was looking at me with an unreadable look. The recording ended.
    "So, I worked on the project all by myself. Every day I made this project better and better while Seth expected me to bring it in today and take credit for himself. Well, that's not gonna happen. Mr. Barner, if it's alright with you, I would like to present my project alone. If you disagree, and I have to present with Seth, I will not. I will take a zero and take my project home." I emphasized the my in my project. Everyone was looking at Mr. Barner very curiously.
    "Aven, that is alright with me. Seth pease take a seat. Whenever your ready Aven." Everyone started clapping and giving nods of approval. I presented that project perfectly. I walked out of class that day with my head held high and a genuine smile on my face. Mr. Barner stopped me in the hall. He congratulated me on what I did. He also told I received an A+ on the project.
    I was walking behind the school to cut through the woods to get to my house. I felt hands grab me and pull me to the ground. Something was shoved in my mouth and I started to feel really tired and my body felt heavy. I felt my eyes close and I blacked out.
    so this is kind of a weird chapter for me
    i'm not sure i like the way it ends
    so, if you could tell me what you think, good or bad, i would appreciate it
    i might change it, i don't know

  16. iTori0716 iTori0716
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 2:33pm UTC
    "Elise's P.O.V
    The water rocked the boat and ice cold water splashed onto the deck. My fingers were blue and numb, the water like pins on my skin. I could hear Evalean calling my name, but I couldn't force my lips to move, they felt frozen, not functioning with my brain. "EVVV!" I tried to call her name, but it came out a muffled cry. She said she was coming, but her words were washed away as another wave crashed over me, and entered my lungs.
    Evaleans P.O.V
    "Elise!" I cried trying to locate her bright greens eyes in the roaring rain. I couldn't find her. I grabbed hold of Roman's fore-arm trying not to slide across the flooded deck. "EVVV!" I heard her yell, I tried to stand but failed in my try. "Stay here! I'll find her" Roman yelled jumping on to his feet. The thunder cracked sending a shock into my already shaking body.
    Elise's P.O.V
    I was in and out of consiousness as Roman grabbed my waist, trying to lift me up into his arms. The small boat was rocking wildly now, and his balance was faltering. Thunder erupted and Roman fell and I was suspended into the air, my fumbling fingers struggling to grab hold of anything to save myself. But to no avail and I hit the water with a smack. My air whooshed out of my lungs, and my auburn hair danced in front of my eyes. I knew I was going to die.
    Evaleans P.O.V
    I tried to cover my eyes from the stinging sea water. The rain cleared just for a moment just for me to see Roman pulling Elise into his strong arms and then, whoosh, my little sister tossed into the storm, Roman failing to catch her. "NO!" I screamed, bolting to my feet running full speed at her. "Evalean no!" Luke yelled at me from the helm of the ship. My tears rolling down my cheeks almost as much as the rain. I was just about to jump when Luke stopped me. I tryied to brake free of his hold as I watched her sink into the water.
    Check out the complete First Part here: http://www.wattpad.com/11002935-the-island

  17. amillionsecretsx3 amillionsecretsx3
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 2:40pm UTC
    My Beautiful Secret
    Chapter 2
    I cling to my bookbag as I rush up the endless rows of stairs. I open the door to the huge library and weave my way through the bookcases. I slide down into my usual corner and go into my bag. I slide my history book out and rest my head against the hard books.
    I loved this library. There weren't many people to bother me. I loved how tranquil I became when I walked through the clear glass doors. It was basically my getaway.
    That was until I heard the thump of books fall to the ground.
    I walk over to the sound and frown at the huge mess. "I'll help."
    I start picking up at the books, not sure if anyone was even there, and setting them in a neat stack to the side.
    A raspy voice above me chuckles. I sigh at how familiar it is.
    "Why are you here?" I don't bother checking to make sure my theory is correct. I would know the raspy voice anywhere. It made me cringe everytime I heard it.
    "It's a library, Nicole. I think everyone is destined to come here at some point." Luke leans down to help me with the books.
    "I guess." I flinch my hand away when it touches his. He shakes his head and places the books back on the shelf.
    I slide my hands in my back pocket of my jeans. I mentally punch myself when I realize that I left my phone in my bag.
    "So why are you here?" I continue.
    "I have studying." He adjusts the strap on his bag just to prove his point.
    I make my way back to my corner and frown when I see that he has followed.
    "I could use help." He sits in front of me. He leans over and rests his elbows on my thighs. I move them back to his lap.
    "Fine just don't do that."
    "Deal." He nods but shyly slides his right hand behind his back.
    "I can't do this." Luke bites down on his pen in frustration.
    "Sure you can. Just read between the lines." I slide the book closer to him.
    I've been helping Luke with his studying for about two weeks now. Tomorrow is his English final and he really wanted to do well. I guess you could say that we are friends. I looked passed his impulsiveness and ignorance. I still get intimidated by him, only occasionally.
    "Oh. I get it." He smiles at himself.
    "See." I laugh.
    He glances around my apartment, trying to absorb every detail. My apartment isn't big, it's quite small and cramped. It's cozy at the same time though.
    "Thanks." He shuts the book closed and stares at me in complete awe.
    "What?" I start getting self-conscious.
    He shakes his head. "Nothing." He tightens his grip on his hot chocolate I made for him to help him relax.
    "Are you hungry?" I break the awkward silence. I step into the small kitchen and search in the cabinets.
    "Sure, what you got?" He leans against the counter and crosses his arms around his chest.
    I slap the last cabinet closed and sit on the counter top. "Nothing."
    Luke laughs and walks over to me. He slips his hand passed me and grabs the telephone. I flinch as his hand brushes against the outside of my thigh.
    "Pizza?" He ignores my reaction.
    author note:
    this was kind of boring, but it was really important. well not really important, but yeah.

  18. DoodleBug1997 DoodleBug1997
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 4:22pm UTC
    The Things You Don't Know
    Chapter Four, Part 2
    "WHAT IS THIS ABOUT??!" I screamed at Matt as I reached the kitchen.
    Matt's eyes grew wide as he whispered, "where did you get that?"
    "Oh God... Oh no... No no no... Did she tell you?..."
    "Duh! How could you let her go through with this?!"
    "She said you were unhappy... That you needed to be away from fights and pain of not seeing James..."
    "SO YOU LET HER BREAK US UP TO BE WITH HIM?!" I couldn't hold back anymore.
    "I had no clue Emily... I-"
    "But James told you ab-"
    "Emily... She likes him..."
    "I... Didn't know that part... But as soon as I found you, I got together to fix you... I didn't want you to crash and burn..."
    I had no words. I felt so many things. Finally I came up with, "I'm sorry. You didn't do anything wrong. But, why did she come to you?"
    * * *
    My phone buzzed beside me on the couch, and when I pulled away to look at it, it was Emily.
    "Hey, you home?" it read.
    I replied, "yeah why?"
    His eyes slowly opened, and he held my chin and said, "kiss me again Katy."
    I looked at my phone again after another kiss, and it said "Be there in 10".
    "James, hun, you need to go. She's coming."
    He sighed and said "alright. See you later Katy," and he winked at me before walking out the back door.
    * * *
    "Because he's a stupid jock that I figured could humiliate you by being with you and dumping you in front of everyone at the Thanksgiving game next week."
    I couldn't even let myself cry. I said, "how long. How long have you had this planned out Kathleen?"
    She laughed, stepped forward, and smacked me. "One, don't call me that. Two, since you got with him honey! Didn't you see he'd turn on you with a single temptation?"
    I held my face as I stared coldly at Katy. "Go ahead, he's all yours."
    "Oh darling, he's been all mine. And Matty's gonna dump you when he hears about his swet little Emily being an abused crybaby. Then you'll really be alone."
    And then I smacked her. She fell to the floor laughing hysterically. "By the way Emily, remember your brother? Remember poor Michael? Well three years ago, when he got in the car and left, he was driving here to flip on me. His fiancé found out he made out with me and called everything off. So that car crash? Was MY FAULT."
    And she laughed. I leaned down and started to punch her. I don't have much upper body strength, so I started kicking her. She didn't care. She went on and on about how she's always hated me and has been dying to get back at me so that my "perfect" life would crumble.
    "PERFECT? My father left when my brother died! And my mother took up drinking and always beats me! Every Friday she gets drunk and every Saturday stocks back up on alcohol! My life is terrible thanks to you!"
    "Good. You're not a princess, sweetheart, realize that now."
    I gave her one last kick to the face and walked out of her house.
    * * *

  19. writtenrain* writtenrain*
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 4:34pm UTC
    { Just Under Perfect }
    Emily's P.O.V
    Chapter 23
    "I'm not getting out of the car." Mason replied angrily, locking his door rather than opening it.
    "This is your house!" I replied, kind of louder than what was perhaps necessary.
    "No it's not. I would remember my house."
    "Mason you moved a year and a half ago."
    "I would remember my house, and this isn't it." He repeated.
    "You don't remember your girlfriend so somehow that doesn't surprise me." I sighed, staring out the window at his house. He stayed quiet for a moment before saying the same thing he always told me.
    "Will you ever give up?" He complained
    "Will you ever believe me?" I asked.
    "Then no." He rolled his eyes and I tried not to laugh. He seemed content on not getting out of the car, so I pulled into his driveway and simply got out of the car and walked towards the front door. Shortly after, Mason followed. Before I even reached the front door, it burst open and a girl who looked about twelve raced out of the door, followed by a man who seemed about fourty-five.
    "Mason!" The girl screamed, running towards him.
    "Rachel. You look.... old."
    "I'm twelve!" She laughed.
    Mason looked up at me and I just shrugged before walking back to his car. It was only then that I realized that it was in fact his car and that I didn't have any mode of transportation to get home. I bit my lip and sighed. Life was complicated like that sometimes.
    "Erm..." I started to talk but was interrupted when a shorter figure ran into me and began to cling to me leg. Mason's sister wrapped her arms tightly around my waist before whispering only two words.
    "Thank you."
    I put my arm on her back and hugged her, not exactly sure of what to do. Unfortunately, my plans of leaving were thrown away when Mason and his father surrounded Rachel and I.
    "Emily, would you like to stay for dinner?" His father asked. Mason lookedxpissed, but I couldn't help it.
    "I'd love to."
    I smiled triumphantly and Mason just turned around and headed back towards his house. I laughed sinisterly before following him and matching his pace. He didn't get it. I wasn't going to give up, not until he believed me.
    Comment for a Reminder!
    A/N: Herro.
    You should comment.
    And if you are Kendra, you should look at your text messages.

  20. Skittles_Monstarr Skittles_Monstarr
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 4:55pm UTC
    ♥Kiss from an Angel♥
    "Connor slow down!" I yelled over the loud music. "No!" he yelled back "This is fun!"
    we must be going at least 10 miles over the speed limit.
    "Connor we're going to crash!"
    "No we wont, calm down Mera"
    "Yes we will!"
    "Whoo-hoo!" Connor shouted. This kid was crazy.
    "Hey Mera calm down and have some fun!"
    I hear Connors best buddy Trysten say.
    "Tryst I can't have fun we are going wat too fast!"
    It's after homecoming. Connor and I won king and queen.
    It was typical, we we're Rose Highs favorite couple. We've been together since, well since forever.
    My dress was bugging the hell out of me. The purple skirt got in the way and it kept falling down. I was constintly pulling it back up. My tiara is halfway off my head and my bun keeps falling out. Now Connor is driving like a maniac down this back roads at night. This night was supposed to be perfect.
    It was perfect in a way. Connor and I shared a dance and a kiss as king and queen in front if the whole School population. "I love you Mariya Ashton Claire." Connor said as we danced. I smiled. "And I love you, Connor Thomas Niles" Then our lips met.
    "Mariya!" Some one shouts my name, bringing me back to reality. I see headlights coming fast our way. I wonder if we'll get hit. Connor grabs my hand. " I love you Mariya!" He says. "I love you too Connor" Then he sheilds me with his body. I hear glass breaking and Trysten crying out, sirens blaring, I feel pain in my back and my arms and i still feel Connors weight on me but soon I hear and feel nothing.
    I wonder if I'm dead
    {A/N: fav if you'll read and comment for a reminder}


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