Witty Profiles

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  1. AvaRose AvaRose
    posted a quote
    August 14, 2012 7:58pm UTC
    Do what makes you happy
    and don't care what others think.

  2. AvaRose AvaRose
    posted a quote
    August 14, 2012 8:18pm UTC
    Home of: Tom Daley.♥

  3. AvaRose AvaRose
    posted a quote
    August 14, 2012 8:27pm UTC
    yea tonight.
    lol hilary duff

  4. AvaRose AvaRose
    posted a quote
    August 14, 2012 8:57pm UTC
    We are the boys in motion.
    We give you our devotion.

  5. societyisprison societyisprison
    posted a quote
    August 14, 2012 2:14am UTC
    I'm ready for hoodies, jeans, bonfires,
    Halloween, friday night football games,
    pumpkin pie, haunted houses/hayrides,
    crisp air, beautiful colors outside,
    windows cracked open, pumpkin seeds,
    Thanksgiving, snuggling, cozyness, crunching leaves,
    and just the season of fall altogether.

  6. societyisprison societyisprison
    posted a quote
    June 20, 2012 12:23pm UTC
    M i s t a k e Chapter One.
    "CAR!" Adam screamed excitedly as it turned the corner. Max and Nikko quickly ran to each side of the empty road and got in position. The rest of us laughed obnoxiously while moving out of the way. The car was going about 30 mph and slammed on the brakes once Max and Nikko got down on their knees and pretending to pull a rope. The frustrated driver honked impatiently and obviously irritated. Once the man in the car realized what was going on, he rolled his eyes and sped away. We watched the man disappear at the end of the street, laughing, feeling accomplished. "Seventh car today!" Adam proudly announced. High fives were given and we ended up in the same place, right in the middle of the paved street infront of Melody's house. I took a deep breath to calm down from my laugh attack and layed down. Right as my head was about to touch down on the street, an arm slipped its way through. I faced my head in the direction of who the arm belonged to. A muscular one, hard, yet comfortable. Nikko. He smiled at me, with his sparkly blue eyes. "You're quick." I smirk. His eyebrows raise and he keeps smiling. I lift my head from his arm and close my eyes. He leans in as well and kisses me. Not even a few seconds pass before Max shouts, "get it in!" I pull away from Nikko, and roll my eyes. "You're so immature, Max," I laugh. It's about 11:00 at night now, and we all are laying down now on the pavement. Melody breaks the silence as we stare up at the stars. "This is going to be the best summer ever, I can already tell." No one replies, but we're all smiling because each one of us knows it. Adam talks next, looking far into the black polka dotted sky. "Mexico is going to be the sh-t." We all laugh and agree. Only 2 more days and all 6 of us are on our way across the country. That night, Cassidy and I slept over at Melody's and the guys went home. I fell asleep with a huge smile on my face thinking of my first experience without adult super vision that will start in 2 days.
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  7. societyisprison societyisprison
    posted a quote
    June 20, 2012 1:43pm UTC
    M i s t a k e Chapter Two.
    A vibrating sound rung in my ears, waking me up. Lying on the pillow, my phone buzzed. It was quiet in Melody's bedroom. Her and Cassidy were sleeping soundlessly near me. I looked back at my phone, trying to adjust to the bright light. A text from Nikko. I checked the time before I hit 'view'. 4:37 am. What could he possibly have to tell me at this time of day? I press view and my eyes widen. I start to read the wordy message, but before I can read the first 5 words, another one comes in. One after another, texts from Nikko. I keep hitting view until they stop. After 10 messages come through, my phone stops vibrating. I go to my inbox and scroll down. Glancing breifly at each text, my eyes skim the words nervously. After 5 minutes of reading, rereading, and rereading some more, I finally let out a deep breath. Nothing to worry about. A rush of relief flows through me as I lay back down. I smile, looking up to the ceiling. It was just Nikko letting me know how much he loves me. I tell myself I'll reply tomorrow, and try to fall back asleep. Before I can start dreaming, my phone vibrates again. I find myself smiling, reading Nikko's name on my phone. "Lydia, hey babe im sorry if this is bugging you, if youre even up.. but anyways if u are, u should come outside." My heart drops and I start breathing faster. I put my phone down and slowly get up. I try as hard as I can not to wake Cassidy and Melody. I peek through the shades and I instantly smile. Nikko leans against his red pickup truck and looks up at Melody's window. My stomach drops and butterflies flutter all inside of it. His face lightens up as he notices me smiling. He waves his arm, signalling me to come down. I signal back to wait a minute. I step over the sleeping bodies, and quietly step through Melody's house.My hand rests on the door knob. As I'm about to turn it, I remember how loud it is. I skimper back to Melody's room, and open her window. I slide out and close it behind me."Be careful, Lydia, please?" Nikko whispers loudly from underneath me. I cautiously make my way to the edge of the roof and drop my legs."I got you, babe. I promise." I look down at him, and he looks so sincere, so serious..The moonlight shines down on him, making all his features turn flawless.His blue eyes twinkle up at me while his messy light brown hair perfectly flows in different directions on his head.His toned arms are stretched out to catch me, making his shirt rise above his waist.Showing off part of his abs as well as his sagged tan cargo pants and plaid boxers.Everytime I blink, the image of his perfect self flashes in my mind. Before I know it, I'm sliding off Melody's roof. I let out a quick scream but then I land directly in Nikko's arms.Before I can say anything, he kisses me. "Nikko-" "Lydia, I love you."Silence. He's said this before, but never in the way he just told me now.I don't reply. I just go in for another kiss.Inbetween breaths, I tell him i love him too. So much.
    Fav? Follow?

  8. societyisprison societyisprison
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2012 11:37am UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. societyisprison societyisprison
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2012 12:35pm UTC
    M i s t a k e Chapter Four.
    The birds' chirps echo in my ears. My eyes flutter open and I'm awake. I roll over and look at my clock. 5:58 am. My alarm clock hasn't even rung yet. I smile wide as I notice in 2 hours I'll be on my way to Mexico. I quickly get up and start getting ready. All my bags are already packed and by the door. I turn on the light and sit at my desk. I turn my straightener on and check my phone. 3 missed calls? It's only 6 in the morning?All from Adam. Why was Adam calling me? I check my inbox. "Holy sh-t!" I can't help but blurt out. 23 messages all from Adam. I read a few of them. They're basically all the same, telling me to wake up and call him. I begin to feel a little worried so I call. It rings and rings. Then soon goes to the answering machine. I hang up and try to shake off the nerves. I look in the mirror and take off my glasses. My straightner hasn't beeped yet so I decide to put in my contacts. I come back and get dressed. I choose to wear a sundress. Brightly colored, and summery. It fits perfectly and flows down to a little above my knees. I look in the full body mirror and sway around. This dress makes me look shorter than I am. I'm originally five foot seven. I straighten my long brown hair and braid my bangs and bobbypin them to the side. I slip in my long dangly diamond earrings and do my makeup. After about an hour, I finish getting ready. My phone rings and I quickly pick it up without even looking at caller ID. "Lydia?" "Adam?" "Lydia. Sh-t. I need help." "What's wrong? Is everything okay?" "No. It's Cassidy." A lump grows in my throat and I begin to feel guilty for some reason. "What happened?" "Nothing...yet." I hesitate, so he continues. "I think I love her." I swallow the lump while I begin to laugh. I take a deep breath and stop when I realize he's not laughing. "Lydia, don't laugh. I do. And since we're going to Mexico...I was having ideas." "What are you going to do? or tell her?" "That's why I need your help. I didn't want to ask Melody because she might not know, but you do." "Uh.. well.. um" "Because you have Nikko. You know what it's like to love someone! Please Lyd?" "Fine. Here. How about you tell her how you feel when you're alone? On the beach or something?" "Good idea!" "So ya good?" He laughs. "You seriously must not know who you're talking to..." "Adam Williams." Laughing sarcastically again, he replies, "I can't just tell her I love her Lydia?!" "Why not? It'd be perfect! In Mexico! That's so romantic, on the beach and all!" "Yeah, not that, it's just, I don't do good with girls.." "You did good with me a couple years ago, Adam." "But you were my bestfriend before that, it was easy to tell you I liked you!" "Trust me, Adam, it'll be okay, I promise!" "Whatever you say Lyd." "I'll see you in like 15 minutes?" "I guess so! Bye!" "Bye Adam." I walk downstairs and my mom is already sitting in the front room, starring at my bags. Once she hears me come down the stairs, she gets up and throws her arms around me. "I love you so much, Lydia, please be careful." "Aw, mom, you know I'll be okay! I've been doing this the past 3 years! It's our last before college!" "I know, sweetie, I'm just worried. You're so grown up. Look at you." She takes a step back and looks up and down at me. "You're so beautiful, Lydia." "Well what can I say? I get them from the best!" She smiles and hugs me again. "Have fun, okay?" "Of course!" "Call me every night!" "Mom..?!" "Fine, text me every night!" "That's better." A honk from outside interupts the moment and I say my last goodbyes. She helps me with my 2 suitcases and heads out to Nikko's car."Hi Mrs. Peterson!" Nikko rushes out of the front seat and hugs my mom."Hey Nikko! You excited?" He looks at me, smiling, while I pile my bags into the back seat and say hi to Cassidy, Melody, and Adam. He turns back to my mom to respond, "beyond!" "Good! You guys have fun, okay?" "I promise!" he joyfully replies. She then whispers something to Nikko so I can't hear. He nods and smiles, saying something I can't hear back. They say goodbye once more and I wave. I sit in the passenger seat and get situated. Nikko gets in the car and starts to pull out. "Sorry we're late, babe. Melody was taking her sweet time..." She butts in, frustrated, "Hey! I told you I'm sorry! My dad had to make sure I had everything!" Nikko laughs and turns up the music. Everyone starts to talk in the back seat as we drive to Max's. He's already outside when we pick him up. "Where the hell have you been!? Our plane leaves in 45 minutes!" Before anyone can say anything, Melody screams, "It's my fault! I know! I get it! I'm sorry!" He throws his bags in the trunk and hurries into the car. "And we're off!" Yells Cassidy. The music is back up in no time while we drive to the airport. "What'd my mom say?" Nikko looks at me, taking his eyes off the road. "To make sure I take care of you, and let nothing happen to you." I can't help but smile and lean over and kiss him. "HEY! Eyes on the road!" Max shouts from the back seat. "Everytime.." I say when I pull back. We both laugh. --

  10. societyisprison societyisprison
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2012 12:45pm UTC
    M i s t a k e Chapter Five.
    We go through security, and end up sprinting to our gate.
    Cassidy isn't the athletic type, nor Melody, so Adam nicely waits up for them.Max, Nikko, and I all keep running, hoping and praying the plane didn't leave yet.Max screams behind him, "IF WE MISS OUR PLANE, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU MEL!"We both laugh, but god only knows if she even heard considering she's so far back."Here it is! Here it is! Gate C18!" We turn into the area of empty chairs.The three of us run to the desk and basically throw our boarding passes at the woman."You just made it, you're very lucky." She calmly says, leading us to the doors."Shouldn't there be 6 of you?" Nikko replies instantly, "they're just around the corner, don't worry."She smiles and scans our tickets."Enjoy your trip!" She says, reopening the doors. We run to the plane, but Nikko waits up for the rest of them.He's so responsiable, I love it. We're all on, and the plane finally takes off.In 4 hours I will no longer be in Michigan, but Mexico.I smile at the thought and start to fall asleep.~"Lydia, your ice has already melted, your sprite is getting warm..ish.. wake up babe."Nikko shakes me gently and I open my eyes, checking the time. The pilot's voice fills the plane's atmosphere and lets us know we'll be landing in half hour."How was your nap, sunshine?"I lean my head on his shoulder and take a sip of my sprite."Perfect." I almost whisper, smiling."Have a dream?" He pets my hair gently.I nod my head, assuring him it was about him. us. mexico. Just perfectness."Hey Lydia?""Huh?""I love you!""I love you too Nikko."

  11. societyisprison societyisprison
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 2:15pm UTC
    M i s t a k e Chapter Six.
    We all sit by the revolving belt carrying our bags. Finally all of ours roll in and we start heading to the doors.After stepping outside, we all smile widely. "We're here." Cassidy says with excitement."We did it. We're in Mexico.." Melody says under her breath, surprised. We laugh at her comment and head toward the cabs. Nikko's hand brushes against mine as we start walking so I hold it and smile.A couple seconds later, I feel my purse slipping off my shoulder but I don't have time to catch it.It falls to the ground and tons of useless sh-t spills out.I let go of Nikko's hand and bend down, but before I get to my knees, I catch Adam's eyes.He was walking behind us. It surprised me and I almost jumped.I thought he was ahead of us. He already had a weird facical expression on before I turned around.But it quickly shook off when he saw me starring.Before I know it, he's on his knees helping me shovel my things into my purse."Thanks Adam." I say as we both stand up.He hesitates and gives me a look, a confusing one.Then glances at Nikko whose impatiently waiting to continue walking to the cab.He looks back at me and gives a half smile.Then without any words he hurries past us, catching up to the group."Well that was...different.." Nikko blurts out but starts walking again.I pause for a moment, thinking. "Yeah...it was.." The rest of the way to our hotel, I reevaluate the situation that just occurred.There was something about the way he looked at me?Something so hard to explain to even think. I couldn't understand it.Adam stayed silent the way there, as well as I.The rest of the group didn't notice, especially Nikko who excitedly screamed every few minutestelling us to look out the window as he pointed out things.I leaned against the window, thinking as well as taking the beautiful scenery of Mexico all in.I swallow a lump that began to grow in my throat. Something isn't right.--

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. societyisprison societyisprison
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2012 12:35pm UTC
    lt's Always Been You;
    chapter one
    "What do you mean I don't help? Sorry. Alright? Sorry. I'm sorry the best I can do is an apartment. I'm sorry our baby won't grow up with the best dad in the world, but I'm trying Molly. I really am. So if you'd please stop blaming me for everything and lets just handle this like adults." The words hurt, they hurt because they're true. He's always right. "Adults. I despise that word. We're not adults, Michael. We're just teenagers. We made a mistake and now it's going to haunt us the rest of our lives. I don't want to act like an adult, I want to go out with my friends. I want to live at home, with my parents. I want to party. Drink. But I can't. I'm pregnant and I have to be with you." I stop myself from continuing, knowing what I just said wasn't the right thing to even say. He looks hurt, with his sad blue eyes that shift around uncomfortably. I could feel tears coming, about to explode from my eyes. I quickly start to apologize, "I didn't mean it like that Michael, I'm-" He looks up from the ground, straight into my eyes. His facial expression is unexplainable and forces me to stop mid-sentence. "Molly, look. I know I'm not the best. I know you don't love me. But I love you. I have since the first day I met you, and that won't change. No matter what you say, I won't leave you. I won't walk out, I promise. You need me, whether you think so or not. This is our child, we'll be a family Molly. It'll get better, okay?" Again, he's right. Before I can talk, he continues. "We just have to stay strong, okay?" I nod my head, tired from fighting. He pulls me in for a long meaningful hug. Gently stroaking my head, he whispers that he loves me. I suck in the scent of summer and hay from his worn white tshirt. The smell reminds me of when we first met. The way he first looked at me, I knew I was going to fall for him. His sense of hilarious humor, his pranks, his laugh. But also his serious side. The caring, passionate, protective, and perfect person he was, and still is. His slight country accent, everything. We slowly pull away, "I'm sorry, Michael." He kisses me on the forehead and smiles. "Lets go to Olive Garden, I know how hungry you and our baby must be." He hands me my coat and opens the door for me. It's been about 8 months since I looked at that white stick. The happiest, yet most terrifying moment of my life was that day. Seeing the little pink plus sign. I knew I was going to have a baby.But who was the real father...In the car, already almost there, my phone starts to ring. I pull it out from my purse and look at the caller ID. In big, bright letters, the name Dylan flashes. My heart soars a million miles, and my stomach drops. I glance at Michael who is focussed on the road ahead of him. I can't talk to him now, not here. I hit -silent-. About 2 minutes later, my phone vibrates. Text...from Dylan."molly i miss you. ive gotten better. i quit selling. im not a mess anymore molly. i changed.for you. for us. for the baby. i got a job molly. good pay. we can finally buy a house, please,please come back molly. its been almost 9 months since ive even seen you. you cant live with yourself knowing the baby wont meet his real father..."

  14. societyisprison societyisprison
    posted a quote
    March 10, 2012 4:00pm UTC
    lt's Always Been You;
    chapter two
    "Are you sure you're okay, Molly?" I blink out of my day dreaming and look up at Michael who stares at me worridley. I smile a small, closed lipped smile and nod. "You haven't touched your food, sweetheart." My stomach aches, as I remember I haven't eaten since this morning.I earse Dylan from my mind and snap out of my trans. Shovling the spaghetti into my mouth, forkful after forkful, Michael laughs. "You sure you're alright?" I smile, trying to hide the regret in my eyes as much as I can. "Of course!" He shakes his head and laughs quietly, "okay Molls, whatever you say.." We finish eating and he instructs the waitor over to our table. "Is that it for you lovley couple?" Michael looks directly at me, smiling cowardly. His smile automatically makes me laugh and feel a rush of pure happiness. The smile I fell for..second. I fell for Dylan's first.. An image of him pops into mind, but I push it away as Michael began to speak. "Yes, thank you."He handed the waitor the money and as he did, the man congradulated us, noticing the baby bump. The ride home was weird. Michael didn't say much, just played the radio. 99.5, his favorite. I remember when he introduced me to country, I hated it, but learned to love it as I learned to love him. I examined Michael as he drove. Light, faded blue jeans, a plain white tshirt, shaggy messed up, yet so perfect, brown hair. A shade of light brown was his skin, from being in the sun all the time. He had light blue eyes that matched his personality. I fell for those eyes. He just turned 18 about a week ago, while I was still 17. We've been together for about 2 years. The baby was not planned though...I still don't know who the real father is. I refuse to tell Michael though. Dylan strongly believes it's his. So do I... But I avoid thinking the worst, and hope and pray it's Michael's. Because I love Michael. But those nights I spent with Dylan, months ago, were the best of my life. He was a great guy. Until he started this whole drug dealing game. I left him, (while dating Michael.) Yes, I was a cheater, I regret it so very much. But I couldn't decide. They both stole my heart. I didn't know what to do. The only thing holding me back now, the baby situation. Whose the dad. I thought long and hard about Dylan's last sentence of his text. He's right. How could I live with myself knowing my own son or daughter won't know his real dad if the baby ISNT Michael's? I want to take the test, to see whose it really is... but I don't want Michael to know. But there's no way he wouldn't find out. He would, and I'd be in huge trouble. I guess I'll wait, and when my child is born, I'll be able to tell. I'm hoping the baby has bright blue eyes, vs the poisioning, loving, caring, dark brown eyes that belond to Dylan. I want the baby to have brown hair. Shaggy, brown hair like Michael's. And mine. Not blonde hair. I want the baby to be a boy. So 'he'. I want him to have brown hair and blue eyes. I want him to have spotted freckles that cover his face when he gets older. I want him to have a slight country accent that he'll pick up from Michael. And I want him to be perfect. Yes, I do still have feelings for Dylan. Especially knowing he changed. I looked out the window, continuing to think about everything that's happening. When I notice something strange. We weren't on the usual road we get on to get home. We're heading the total opposite direction actually. "Michael..." My voice cracks. I clear my throat and continue, "where are we going?" He keeps his eyes steady on the road, but smiles. "Surprise." His lips move, then curl into an adorable smile. My heart beats faster and I can't help but smile like a fool. Forgetting about all the problems in my life, I roll down the window, let the July summer wind blow through my hair, and think about Michael. As I do, he rolls down his window, opens the sun roof, and turns the radio up. Barefoot Blue Jean Night blasts through the speakers as we both sing. Oh how I love you, Michael.

  15. societyisprison societyisprison
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2012 10:49pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  16. societyisprison societyisprison
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2012 10:53pm UTC
    Pick Me.
    Chapter Twenty-One
    Fav? It would mean alot !Thanks (-:
    Sophia's POV
    Did Cody really do something like that to me?With every cheesy compliment Jason shotos out at me,I start to believe it.Cody just wanted to get it in. He just pretending to be nice until we were in public,then he acted like he didn't know me.How could I fall for such a douche?I'm so stupid.I pretend to listen to Jason as I think of Cody. My chain of thought instantly broke at the touch of Jason's fingers on my chin.His thumb lifted my face toward him, forcing my eyes to meet his."Sophia, I love you."And image of Cody peered in my mind.I love Cody... but if this was all true, I couldn't love him anymore.Jason was the one for me.I rethought the whole situation over before replying.I tell myself it'll all be okay in the morning.I won't like Cody, Jason will be mine. And it'll just be a new happy year."I love you too, -" I stop myself, but he doesn't notice.I was about to say Cody's name, but I didn't.Jason is too busy smiling and laughing, enjoying the powerful words I said.But they weren't true...I just need to be alone.I don't love Jason.I need the real story.I don't understand what is even going on.My head pounds and I could feel my pulse thump in it."Jason, I need sleep, if you don't mind.."He nods his head and says of course.Just as I think he's about to leave, he leans in closer, closing his eyes.My heart starts to beat at an uncontrollably high rate.I could feel my face get warmer and warmer.No. No. No. No. Not again.The door opened.Thank. God.Jason pulled back instantly before he could press his lips to mine.He stands up then quickly glides past the doctor.I take a deep breath, happy he's gone.
    Fav? Comment? xoxo

  17. societyisprison societyisprison
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2012 11:13pm UTC
    Pick Me.
    Chapter Twenty-Two
    Please click the little pink heart if you're reading!
    Jason's POV
    I stepped out into the bleak weather.The burning of the coldness filled my face as I searched quickly for my car.I pulled out my keys and click a button.From a distance I heard my car beep 3 times.I kept clicking the button until I finally found it.Getting into my car was a pain.Parked between 2 cars, close to my door, to a point where I could barely open it.The car next to my door, was occupied.A guy sat in the front seat, looking at a paper of some sort.I banged on his window rudley.The guy hesitated a few seconds and looked up at me.He looked so familiar...Rolling down his window, he shurgged his shoulders."Yes...?""Can you please move? Your car is in my way."The young man looked back down at the paper he was holding.With his snow covered window down, I could see what was in his hands.A picture. A picture of a little girl in the arms of a beautiful woman.He slid the picture in his pocket and started his car.Just as he was about to pull out, he looked back at me."Is your name Cody?"That second I knew who I was talking to.Travis. The brother of a girl whose heart I now own."No." I nervously respond."Who are you?" He asks curiously."My name is Jason. Cody's to blame for this..."That second, he gets out of his car and walks toward me."Tell me everything, now."I swallow, swallow hard.Too hard that he heard the gulp and gave me a suspicious look."You better not be lying to me kid. You'll regret it.""He slipped her drugs. She passed out. I brought her here. I swear.""You better hope that's the truth. When I find out you're lyring, there's going to be hell to pay." Travis leaves without another word, not allowing me to answer.His dark brown hair covers his eyes as he pulls out, and drives off, probably closer to the entrance considering he hasn't seen Sophia yet.I don't spend any more time in the cold, thinking.I get in my car right away and drive off, thinking of Travis.***I can't let him find out the real story, other wise, Sophia won't like me.She'll think I'm a total phony and never talk to me again.I can't live with the rejection.I need her.
    HI READERS :) JUST ASKING FOR A TINY FAVOR!I've had alot on my mind the past few weeks,It's hard for me to think of some interesting and breathtaking ideas for my story!I would absolutley LOVE if you guys could comment with some things I can add making it more exciting.I just need suggestions. I'll give you credit in my next chapters !I was also thinking of bringing a new character into it?Thoughts about that?PLEASE HELP! THANKS! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST :D!Don't forget to fav & follow :)Love, SocietyIsPrison -Kenzie-

  18. societyisprison societyisprison
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2012 3:00pm UTC
    Pick Me.
    Chapter Twenty-Three
    Please click the little pink heart if you're reading!
    Cody's POV
    2 hours have passed and I still lie wide awake in my bed.My face stings a little from where Jason has hit.But it's not like it matters. Those scars will just remind me of Sophia..and what we could've been.I whip my pillow across my room, grunting.Then sighing when I roll out of my bed and shuffle toward my window.The moon is bright as it's January 1st, 5 am. I pick up my phone that was thrown to the ground earlier and decide to call Nate."CODY! WHERE ARE YOU!"His voice bellows through the speaker, forcing me to pull it away from my ear."Home.""Whatchoo doin at home bro? Come over!""Can't. Sorry man.""What's goin on Cody? You're being weird.""Life sucks, there's not much to it.""What happened? OMG! It's the girl you kissed. Tell me!""It doesn't matter anymore...""Everyone has been talking about it. I mean everyone left shortly after the ambulence came because the cops busted Sam. By the way... at midnight.."I cut him off, remembering his text from earlier."Yea, I know, I don't care. I hate her, have her.""Bros before Hos." He cracks up on the other end of the phone.When he realizes I'm not laughing, he continues."But seriously, I wouldn't do that. she's nasty. Just come over Cody!""I said I can't, tonight isn't a good night.""It was at 11:50 ish when you were finding that girl.."All the memories replayed over in my head.It seemed like so long ago.."Her name's Sophia. Jason's girlfriend. I gotta go man, see ya."Before he could respond, I hang up and look back to the sky.The stars scatter the black dark world.Mesmirized by the sky, I am quickly inturuppted.My door opens and my mother carefully steps in."Hi honey. I brought you advil and some cookies?""I'm so sorry Mom, I didn't mean it.. I'm sorry."She places the plate, cup, and advil on my desk and hugs me."It's okay Cody, I'm just worried about you."I hug her back, trying to hold back tears."Can you please tell me what happened dear?"***I end up telling her more than I planned.Everything from the fight with Peter, to the fight with Jason.And everything in between.My trip to the hospital, the texts, Nate and Sam.Everything.Giving me not exactly advice, but basically a long speech, my mom calmly talks to me.She massages my back and brings me back the cookies she made.After our long talk, I take the advil and finally fall asleep.Before I do, as my mom walks toward my door, I whisper to her."Thanks mom, you're the best."She smiles, blows me a kiss and shuts my door.
    sorry it's long !

  19. societyisprison societyisprison
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2012 3:37pm UTC
    Pick Me.
    Chapter Twenty-Four
    A couple more chapters left!I'm starting a new story :x
    Sophia's POV Two weeks later.
    Today is the first day I'm being forced to go back to school.I've missed more than a week of school, and haven't talked to anyone since then.But Travis.He was acting strange like he knew something I didn't, but anytime I ask him questions,he just replies with "I wasn't there, I don't know."Well obviously he wasn't there, but I'm positive he knows something.I wish I remembered something.I don't miss Jason, I don't want to see him today.I really don't.Cody? All I've been thinking about is him.All I wish is that he kissed me, not Jason.I wish I never fainted so Cody could kiss me, not Jason.I wish Cody came to visit me that night, not Jason.I love Cody.....................not Jason.***The bus ride is boring, as always.Everything is the same going to school considering no one notices I'm back.Though I was the one who probably caused the whole dramatic scene at Sam's,no one knew it was me.I looked hot that night, a tight black dress with long brown hair.Now?Now my hair is naturaly wavy, in a long ponytail, resting on my back.I'm wearing faded light blue jeans with black converse and a black hoodie. No makeup.Tired eyes.Red cheeks.I'm Sophia.***Walking to my locker, with every step, I felt nervous.More and more nervous I've ever been in my life.Even beats the time Cody picked my up for the party.Memories flashed in my mind like it was just yesterday.When we sang so loud without a care in the world.And he told me I was beautiful.All I want is to see him right now...Not Jaso-.I spoke too soon. A boy I'm so annoyed with stands infront of my locker, smiling."SOPHIA! I MISSED YOU!"He leans in for a kiss like it's normal.I duck my head and pretend to go through some notes out of the folder I just pulled out.He awkardly shifts his body weight to the other side and ebgins to talk."So wanna hangout later?"That second, I see him.Out of the crowd of hundreds of teenagers, Cody brushes through everyone, heading further and further away from me.He didn't see me, but he must.I close my locker and keep an eye on his shaggy brown head of hair fade away."sorry, can't." I murmur and walk away, following Cody.I could tell Jason is watching me leave, shocked.Oh well. The bell rings but I continue following him.The hallways finally clear, I quiet my steps.Confused to where he's going.. I keep up my slow pace behind him.He turns the corner quickly so I increase my walk.Just as I turn the corner, I run into him.All my stuff falls, but I don't care."STOP FOLLOWING M-."He stops himself as he looks down at me."Sophia...."He stares at me, with a look I can't understand.Is he happy to see me?Annoyed? He looks different.Faded scars cover his face.The bags under his eyes are dark.His actual eyes are red and blood shot.To a point where it's scary looking into them.He hasn't gotten sleep in probably days.....Why?I examine him quickly.Torn jeans and a huge hoodie.Of course wearing his nikes.Looking back to his eyes, the sparkle still shines in it.Light grey.The eyes I've been missing for what seems to be so long."Cody..."I finally whisper.He continues to stare at me for about 20 seconds later.Then, picking me up from the ground, he lifts me to my feet.The touch of his hands on my arms makes my stomach turn.So familiar..."How...how are you?" He nervously asks."um, better. Cody, I need to tell you so-"He shakes his head slowly and tells me to shh."Come with me?""Where?""Sophia... does it really matter at this point where?"I smile a little, and shake my head.The sparkle in his eyes grows brighter when i smile.Which makes my cheeks grow hot and red.He smiles too, looking like he feels relieved.His smile turns into a laugh and he tells me to follow him.We walk down the empty hall way together, toward the doors.This is what I've been waiting for all this time.Cody Williams.
    Another long one!Almost overrrrrrr!

  20. societyisprison societyisprison
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2012 4:07pm UTC
    Pick Me.
    Chapter Twenty-Five LAST CHAPTER!
    I'm starting a new story! So check out my page for the first chapter! :D
    Cody's POV
    My heart races and something flows through my body.It's like I was dead all this time.And now, something travels through my veins, my cells, everything.My heart pieces itself back together and my head finally stops hurting.My eyes stop stining and I feel fully rested.My lungs breather normally, yet excitedly fast.My empty stomach from refusing to eat, is now full.Full of butterflies.I feel like a whole new person.And the best part of it all, that 'something' that went through my body, it's love.And I'm happy.Extremelely happy.I can't help but smile to myself.A full toothed grin.Sophie notices, and starts to laugh."What?" She says through her giggling."I'm just, I don't know Sophia. You change me."I open the car door for her and she steps in, still smiling.***We drive to a resurant. Nothing special, but I'm starving and I just want to be alone with Sophia.A waitress leads us to a booth and gives us menus.After ordering, eating, talking small talk, I tell Sophia to follow me again.Curious, she looks back at me but gets up anyway.I slightly kneal down, extending my arm and hand out infront of her."Care to dance beautiful?" Her cheeks are instantly red and she nods her head.She touches my hand, gripping on to it.So soft, so perfect. We slowly walk to the dance floor and quiet music plays around us.Instrumental, no lyrics. Just violins, pianos, and more.She places her head against my shoulder and I feel so powerful.Like I hold the world in my hands."Cody... we never talked about that night..Can you tell me what happened?"My head starts to hurt a little, remembering all the bad things.Jason said I drugged her. Does she believe that?She can't.Her light head lifts from my shoulder and her eyes meet mine.Instead of explaining, i decide to do something totally different.Closing my eyes, I lean in closer to her.I silently take a deep breath and within seconds, my lips touch hers.So familiar, once more.The touch of hers to mine makes fireworks go off inside me.Uncomfortable instantly changes to perfect as I wrap my arms aruond her wasit.Her hands grasp onto the back of my neck and head.So passionate, so powerful, so perfect the kiss is.She pulls back first and is left with a ginormous smile.Finally satisfied, I smile as well."I knew it was you." She assures me.I just simply stare back at her, smiling."I love you Sophie."She wraps her arms around my neck and squeezes."I love you too Cody."*****Future-Samantha ended up moving out of state when Nate told her they weren't 'together' recently after the situation. Her parents brought her to a therapist when she finally went physco.-Nate ended up asking Carly to marry him, she says no that they're too young, but they're still dating, with a strong, healthy relationship.-Me and Sophia spent every day together for the rest of highschool together.-We both promised to love eachother forever and right now, we're at my kitchen table, discussing colleges that we're interested in and baby names.... :)The End :)


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