Witty Profiles

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  1. Kyari* Kyari*
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2012 11:58am UTC
    A_Creepy_Stalker started following you.
    Isnt This Awesome*Sarcasm* ..
    What Did I
    Do To Deserve this??

  2. Kyari* Kyari*
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2012 2:09pm UTC
    DropsOfJupiterGirl119 favorited your quote. - 6:03 pm August 19, 2012
    smiley_cookie favorited your quote. - 5:59 pm August 19, 2012
    a_guy_with_a_knife started following you. - 5:52 pm August 19, 2012
    Alycat16 favorited your quote. - 5:41 pm August 19, 2012
    feel_g00d favorited your quote. - 5:39 pm August 19, 2012
    1234Orange favorited your quote. - 5:37 pm August 19, 2012
    youAREfuckingSTRONG favorited your quote. - 5:29 pm August 19, 2012
    cheyannerose favorited your quote. - 5:28 pm August 19, 2012
    wittylilly favorited your quote. - 5:27 pm August 19, 2012
    breex99 favorited your quote. - 5:23 pm August 19, 2012
    music_is_forever1 favorited your quote. - 5:20 pm August 19, 2012
    tori0571 favorited your quote. - 5:16 pm August 19, 2012
    CrissCross favorited your quote. - 5:16 pm August 19, 2012
    Do You Notice What Im Seeing ???

  3. ladygagafan68 ladygagafan68
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2012 4:26pm UTC
    Me and my mom at Rue 21
    *Mom sees belt that says "wtf" on it*
    Mom: Ooh Emily you like this belt?
    Me: Mom, do you know what "wtf" even means?
    Mom: No.
    Me: *facepalm*

    posted a quote
    August 4, 2012 4:41pm UTC
    Just because I'm not starving in Africa,
    doesn't mean my life isn't rough.

  5. Kyari* Kyari*
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2012 7:20pm UTC
    Spongebob: | ( • )( • ) | Patrick:
    / ( • )( • ) \ Squidward: ( (•)(•) )
    Plankton: | (•) |
    Mr. Krabs: |•||•| Comment - if you can
    see them!

  6. Ultimate_Cookie_Monster Ultimate_Cookie_Monster
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2012 3:27pm UTC
    After everything that has been said to Tom Daley from @Rileyy_69. Liam Payne tweeted him!
    Liam Payne ‏@Real_Liam_Payne
    @TomDaley1994 ignore them dikheads mate we all sat and watched you today and we thought u did incredible
    So sweet <3

  7. Ultimate_Cookie_Monster Ultimate_Cookie_Monster
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2012 4:55am UTC
    Sitting in front of your laptop waiting for it to load.
    When you realise, 10 minutes later,
    That you haven't turned it on...

  8. Ultimate_Cookie_Monster Ultimate_Cookie_Monster
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2012 6:16am UTC
    I like your hair...
    My reply: Thanks, I grew it myself

  9. D0ri20 D0ri20
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2012 6:09pm UTC
    Men say a women's place is a kitchen
    just remember those are where the knives are

  10. D0ri20 D0ri20
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2012 6:28pm UTC
    Dear automatic flushing toilet
    thanks for the enthusaim but I wasn't done

  11. xashleyx01 xashleyx01
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2012 12:45pm UTC
    Who else
    hates their recorded voice?

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. kelseyylovesyou kelseyylovesyou
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2012 8:07pm UTC
    "I'm bringing sexy back."
    Oh no. Honey, you're the
    reason it left.

  14. kelseyylovesyou kelseyylovesyou
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2012 11:24am UTC
    Going outside with sunglasses
    on for too long...
    end up looking like a racoon

  15. kelseyylovesyou kelseyylovesyou
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2012 8:47pm UTC
    Thoughts while scrolling
    down Facebook newsfeed...
    I've seen this quote 2953025 times. Why does it have 50 likes?
    Why do you think you're so cool?
    No one cares that you're drunk.
    You're such a hypocrite.
    Since when do they know each other?
    I wish I could get 100 likes on a picture.
    You're ridiculously cliquey.
    Wow way to pick a fight out of nothing.
    Haha who cares?
    Wow you really like cats don't you.
    Wow you really like horses don't you.
    Oh so this is why we couldn't hang out today.
    Okay no need for new statuses every 2 minutes.
    That's nothing like what you look like in real life.
    Lern to spel pleese.
    Thanks for lying to me about your plans.'
    I don't need to see your Harry Potter group comments every day.
    Typiiing liiike thiiis doesn''t makke youu coool , kaay ?! <3
    Ugh you are SO annoying.
    Dying, Why do you have to be so attractive?
    Awwww give me your relationship please & thank you.
    This isn't #twitter.
    Why is everyone obsessed with you? I don't get it.
    HEY this is from witty. (:
    Why is she so pretty?
    Put some clothes on.
    HAHAHAHAHA i love that.
    Why do you look good in every. single. picture.
    Chill with the LMS already.
    I don't really know you but I love this so I don't know whether to "like" this or not.
    You're so naturally pretty, I'm jealous.
    I love you. Notice me. Please.

  16. kelseyylovesyou kelseyylovesyou
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2012 5:50pm UTC
    Annoying girl: ohhemmgee meeeeh &&&& mii boiiifriend rrr tottaalllyyy sooooo in LUUVVVV. iiii luuhhhh hiiimmm sooooososososooosossoooo muchh! we havveee beeeennn datinggg ferrr threee dasayysy! i ammmm gunnaa marryyy himmm sum dayy! heeee tokkkeee meehhh 2222 theee maallll &&&&&&&&&&& we weeent inn222 the phhoottooooooooo bootheeee! i luh him. lololololol. laawwwlllss. lmfaooo. lmao. omgggg.
    Me: *Goes to library*
    Me: *Gets a dictionary*
    Me: *Goes to girl's house*
    Annoying girl:
    Annoying girl:
    Annoying girl:
    Annoying girl: hoooo rrrr uuuuuu?
    Annoying girl:
    Me: *Throws dictionary at girl's face*
    Annoying girl: daaaa fuuuuqqqqqq
    Me: READ IT.

  17. kelseyylovesyou kelseyylovesyou
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2012 8:17pm UTC
    Girl: I'm ugly
    Everyone: Shut up you attention wh*re
    Girl: I'm pretty
    Everyone: Shut up you conceited b*tch

  18. kelseyylovesyou kelseyylovesyou
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2012 11:00am UTC
    Me: Come on out six pack.
    Me: You don't have to be shy!
    Me: Hiding under my fat... come on, i won't bite.
    Me: I'm actually a really nice person!
    Me: Just stop hiding under my flub & making me look fat.
    Brother: What are you...
    Me: My six pack is shy.
    Brother: Okay.
    true story. nmf.

  19. Alfie* Alfie*
    posted a quote
    July 26, 2012 3:08pm UTC
    Parents when we were 7: GO TO YOUR ROOM!
    Parents now: COME OUT OF YOUR ROOM!

  20. Alfie* Alfie*
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2012 12:52pm UTC
    Shortest Horror story ever:
    Computer: unable to connect to the internet.


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