Witty Profiles

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  1. Infinity on high* Infinity on high*
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2013 1:31am UTC
    You're just another bioliogical organism with internal chemical reactions born out of atomic and molecular interactions.
    And you kill me.

    posted a quote
    January 26, 2013 6:15pm UTC
    I think its
    clear that
    have no
    idea what
    fruit tastes

  3. Fay* Fay*
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2013 10:07am UTC
    "Being single doesn't mean you're
    weak, it means that you're strong
    enough to wait for what you deserve"
    ~Niall Horan

  4. xxEscaping_My_FateXXWinged_Onexx xxEscaping_My_FateXXWinged_Onexx
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2013 5:23pm UTC
    yes, music can in fact save lives.
    how do i know? because it saved mine.

  5. mads* mads*
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2013 10:19am UTC
    People ask me what my hobbie is
    But I couldn't really answer it cause I didn't think I had one.
    But I do,
    It's smiling at people

  6. wwydiywm wwydiywm
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2013 11:20am UTC
    If you cant go to sleep at night that’s because your awake in someone else’s dream. J

  7. hutchisamazing hutchisamazing
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2013 4:26pm UTC
    Your so cute. Just stop being so cute, okay?
    I will as soon as you stop being so beautiful.
    I just died.

  8. allyluvu allyluvu
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2013 8:12am UTC
    Care too little, you'll loose them.
    Care too much, you'll get hurt.

  9. celestialerror* celestialerror*
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2013 7:44pm UTC
    It hurts because it was written by John Green.

  10. SorrowUnleashed SorrowUnleashed
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2013 3:07pm UTC
    I want to get married in my pajamas.
    All the guests will have to wear pajamas, too.
    And the reception will just be like, a big sleepover.
    With laptops.
    And Witty.
    And Tumblr.

  11. 伤* 伤*
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2013 3:48pm UTC
    Fan: niall, what do you want in a best friend?
    Niall: everything these four have

  12. Just_A_Little_Too_Addicted Just_A_Little_Too_Addicted
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2013 7:10pm UTC
    I talking to you.

  13. wanderlusting wanderlusting
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2013 7:11pm UTC
    Everyone on witty:
    I just want to fall in love
    I just want to fall asleep

  14. Just_A_Little_Too_Addicted Just_A_Little_Too_Addicted
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2013 7:18pm UTC
    Why didn't you do your homework?
    WELL, it all started as a beautiful Friday I
    came to school got your homework and went home
    to start my homework when I got the tragic news
    my uncles daughters bestfriends cousins sisters
    boyfriends brothers teachers husbands sisters, who
    happens to be my 7th cousin, cat died. I was so
    heartbroken i couldn't concentrate.

  15. Christopher Robin* Christopher Robin*
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2013 7:38pm UTC
    Here's what we do...
    We come, and we go, and the time in between is precious.
    It is vital that we enjoy every second granted.
    Yes, we come and we go, and sometimes, it feels like a rat race.
    You can't let it get you down. Why let your moments be consumed by frustration and hate?
    Make every moment special, as if it were your last.
    Because we come, and we go. All of us.
    Sometimes, life feels like a rat race, but you can't let it get you down.

  16. Eli22b Eli22b
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2013 8:00pm UTC
    Dear auto correct,
    go jump off a freaking Clifford.

  17. wanderlusting wanderlusting
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2013 9:51pm UTC
    how i eat fries whem im with people:
    "i'm going to eat one fry at a time because thats what civilized people do and im a civilized person"
    how i eat fries when im alone:

  18. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  19. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  20. Beau* Beau*
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2013 12:44pm UTC
    *hears noises at night*: well this is the end for me I had a good life
    *gets shampoo in my eyes*:I guess I'm blind now how am I ever going to see my first born child?
    *heart is beating fast*:I think I am having a heart attack is this what cardiac arrest is?
    *a cop walks by*:Here I go about to get arrested I probably murdered someone
    *taking a test*:Don't get your eyes off this paper you will get caught cheating and get kicked out of school and amount to nothing
    *gets a sunburn*:great now I have skin cancer how will I tell my parents?
    *tripping over something*:I guess my leg will have to be amputated why did this happen to me?
    *period is late*:Sh/t I'm pregnant I'm the next virgin mary


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