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  1. mrsbloomrox mrsbloomrox
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2010 7:00pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  2. _GoodnightKisses _GoodnightKisses
    posted a quote
    March 14, 2010 6:43pm UTC
    you don't forward a chain letter, then you die the next day?
    yea, i hate it too.

  3. xodancelover7 xodancelover7
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2010 9:31pm UTC
    Family Guy #4
    Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there’s a message in my Alphabits. It says, “Oooooo.”
    Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.

  4. xthosecitylights xthosecitylights
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2010 10:50pm UTC
    Your new girlfriend is like a penny;
    two-faced ; worthless ; and [ found on sidewalks ]
    not my fade, and i thought of the sidewalk part during gym!

  5. insidethequestion insidethequestion
    posted a quote
    March 7, 2010 3:37pm UTC
    By the time you come home, the fridge will be empty of everything that contains sugar. Texting is important, and no you don’t need to see what our texts say. We like our bedrooms to be messy, how else would we find anything? Headphones in, world out. It’s just fact. Homework is done no earlier than midnight, no matter when we said it was finished. Ben and Jerry’s cure’s everything from paper cuts to broken hearts. Don’t expect an intelligent conversation before 10am, because you will be disappointed. Getting ready for school takes time...do you really expect us to face the world with bed hair? Everything is a big deal when you’re in double maths. Whatever the question, chocolate is always the answer. We fall in love at least once a week- trust me, it’s not on purpose. Candy is a perfectly reasonable breakfast (lunch and dinner). We can’t hear you calling us to dry the dishes, so you might as well do it yourself. Don’t bother trying to understand us, because we don’t understand ourselves.

  6. oliviaaababyy oliviaaababyy
    posted a quote
    February 28, 2010 10:40am UTC
    black roots
    bleach blonde hair
    orange skin
    2-inch nails
    well aren't you attractive

  7. cheermaddie312 cheermaddie312
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2010 3:44pm UTC
    girls improve their looks
    not their mind
    because they know
    guys are stupid
    not blind.

  8. Renee96 Renee96
    posted a quote
    February 24, 2010 5:13pm UTC
    When i was your age,
    i knew Shia Labeouf from Even Stevens,

  9. CJSx CJSx
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2010 11:50pm UTC
    - guy : can i buy you a drink
    - girl : NO
    - guy : why
    - girl : becasue i have a boyfriend
    - guy : i have a pet fish
    - girl : what?
    - guy : i thought we were stating things that didnt matter

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. missTAYLORlautner missTAYLORlautner
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2010 6:56pm UTC
    Is anyone still curious about
    that picture of spongebob
    from the christmas party?

  12. the_unpredictable the_unpredictable
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2010 8:31am UTC
    ♥Valentines Day ♥
    [ flowers $20 ] [ movies $30 ]
    [ dinner $70 ] [ drinks $50 ]
    [ hotel room $170 ]
    // The look on his face
    when she tells him
    shes on her period..

  13. limegreenforev limegreenforev
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2010 7:46pm UTC
    |hands up
    |if you think
    |even though
    |they're identical |twins, cole is
    |way cuter than(:

  14. xXxHesMyEverythingxXx xXxHesMyEverythingxXx
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2010 6:58pm UTC
    Guns don't kill people. . .
    withprettydaughters do

  15. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  16. oliviaaababyy oliviaaababyy
    posted a quote
    January 20, 2010 3:47pm UTC
    sorry boys
    i only blow bubbles

  17. onemorechance53 onemorechance53
    posted a quote
    October 25, 2009 5:21pm UTC
    He’s a manipulator
    A g r e a t f a k e r , a h e a r t b r e a k e r

  18. abcdefghijKAiTLiN abcdefghijKAiTLiN
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2010 4:24pm UTC
    you should just shut up now.(;

  19. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  20. ohhshanappp ohhshanappp
    posted a quote
    January 10, 2010 6:19pm UTC
    Dear Justin Beiber,
    Just because we are single,
    ---> doesn't mean we are lonely.


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