Witty Profiles

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  1. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    October 4, 2012 4:33pm UTC
    I hate it when
    a girl is talking to him
    and he looks so damn happy.

  2. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    October 4, 2012 4:30pm UTC
    When I say I’m ugly
    I’m serious.
    At times, don’t get me wrong,
    I think I’m a bit decent looking.
    But overall, I think I’m so unattractive.
    I’m not fishing for compliments.
    There are so many stunning girls, I can’t even compare.
    Whatever they do, whether it’s making silly faces,
    they’re still pretty while doing it.
    I wish I was more appealing.

  3. Arilena :)* Arilena :)*
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2012 2:32pm UTC
    Am I the only one
    Who checks Top Quotes, and thinks ...
    How the HELL do these people think of that ?

  4. Arilena :)* Arilena :)*
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2012 4:16pm UTC
    Guy: Why did we stop talking?
    Girl: Because you changed.
    Guy: You're the one that
    walked away...
    Girl: And you're the one that
    didn't stop me.

  5. Arilena :)* Arilena :)*
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2012 2:09pm UTC
    TEACHER: Where's your homework?
    STUDENT: Written in the stars.
    TEACHER: Where?
    STUDENT: A million miles away
    TEACHER: Why are you telling us this?
    STUDENT: A message to the main.
    TEACHER: Do you want to miss spring break?
    STUDENT: Seasons come and go.
    TEACHER: You better change your attitude.
    STUDENT: I will never change.
    TEACHER: You can go down to the principals office.
    STUDENT: I'm on my way.

  6. Arilena :)* Arilena :)*
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2012 2:15pm UTC
    Taylor Swift
    is going to be an amazing mom one day.

  7. Arilena :)* Arilena :)*
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2012 2:24pm UTC
    1800: Oh Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
    2011: Ay, yo! Romeo, where you at?!

  8. Arilena :)* Arilena :)*
    posted a quote
    October 2, 2012 10:12am UTC
    H A N D S
    L E F T
    R I G H T

  9. idocartwheels idocartwheels
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2012 12:29pm UTC
    After the two years I have been on Witty:
    I finally figured out the point of the website.
    It's not to be funny- although that always helps
    It's not to complain- that annoys everyone
    It's not to be rude to other people- obviously
    It's not to make quotes for fun- that's meant for different websites..
    witty is to show that you aren't alone.. the amount of people that make quotes about cutting, starvation, surviving cancer, being beautiful/ ugly, ect., just proves that you aren't alone, you can get through anything, and you are special, one of a kind, and

  10. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  11. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  14. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  15. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  16. TheSecretsOfWitty TheSecretsOfWitty
    posted a quote
    October 2, 2012 7:20am UTC
    Last Chance
    Chapter 2
    I handed my plane ticket to the lady and the scanner thingy before the walk way to the plane. It beeped and she gave it back.
    "Have a nice flight" She said, with a permanent smile on her face. I walked through with my back pack on. It only has my phone, iPod, earphones, a book, my laptop and a hoodie. I waited on the other side for Hunter. He came through liking like he had won the lottery.
    "What is that look for?" I ask.
    "He flashed a peice of paper before my eyes and said, "That chick gave me her number." He said, his smile unwavering.
    "That's soooo amazing," I dragged out the 'so', "Let me write that in my book of things I don't care about!" I said with an over peppy voice and with a face that looks like those japanse anime, sorta like this: ^_^. Yeah... he slapped me. Not hard, just enough to show he was annoyed. Not that it would've hurt anyway. I smiled as he walked passed me. Chuckling as I hit his but. Before you think that, we are just friends. Best friends. But I'm hoping later, much... much later. It'll turn into something more. But if that happened now, it could ruin our friendship. I could never find a friendship like this one again.
    As we headed toward the doors on the plane, Hunter stuck his foot out in front of mine. But I saw it coming, as usual, and leaped forward, pushed off of my hands and landed back on my feet succsefully completing a front handspring.
    "F*ck you!" Hunter exclaimed. Some of the older folk around us gave dirty looks. But it's never what it seems. Just playful banter.
    "Tickets please?" The flight attendant demanded, I think he was meant to be asking politley. But i guess if you do this everyday, you'd be bored as well.
    "Your seats are through here and down there." He gave us directions and Hunter started towards.
    "Why Thank you," I looked at his name badge, "Tyler." I said giving a wink and walking away. When me and hunter arrived at our seats. We stopped. Two seats. One window. Before he could even blink, I pinched a nerve in his neck paralyzing him for a second while I jumped into the seat. Just after I buckled up Hunter came out and punched me.
    "Hey! I won fair and square!" i say rubbing my left arm.
    "Shut up." He sighs sitting down.
    We begin chatting as I feel the plane move. Not before long, we are airborn and our hour and a half fligh is on it's way.
    Gold Coast, here we come.

  17. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    October 2, 2012 4:22am UTC
    *on facebook*
    Me: *long meaningful yet funny status*
    0 likes 0 comments
    Popular girl: I have to poop.
    143 likes 58 comments.

  18. Moni_And_Echo Moni_And_Echo
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2012 9:37pm UTC
    Kara, a seven-year-old girl liked a boy named Will.
    Will never spoke to her, but either way, she said hi everyday in hopes he would.
    Day after day she said hi, with the tiniest bit of hope that he'd reply.
    Never did he.
    Then, when Kara was fourteen, she approached him.
    "I've known you for seven years, and you never spoke to me, though I spoke to you everyday. Why?"
    All Will did was shrug, and walk away.
    At the age of sixteen, little Kara decided to try to move on.
    She was hurt by Will, and needed fixed.
    She went to Stephen, another guy she's known for a while.
    They went out, held hands, laughed and smiled.
    When she was eighteen, Will saw them.
    And watched her get shot.
    Later, they waited at the hospital, but Stephen left an hour in.
    Will stayed the entire time.
    They took 5 hours to finish with her.
    When they were done, he walked in.
    She looked shocked and asked, "Where's Stephen?"
    "He left." Will whispered.
    "Then why didn't you?" Kara quietly asked.
    "You waited for me for eleven years."
    Kara looked up, almost crying.
    "And I'm not letting you wait any longer."
    *Made By Me. Like?*

  19. barneythebigpurpledino barneythebigpurpledino
    posted a quote
    August 18, 2012 8:14pm UTC
    "The worst things in life come free to us."

  20. barneythebigpurpledino barneythebigpurpledino
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2012 8:19pm UTC
    "When life gives you limes,
    rearrange the letters so that they spell smile."


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