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  1. mortal mortal
    posted a quote
    May 12, 2015 2:19pm UTC
    My heart is racing faster then a jet,
    My mind is more focused then the best camera ever,
    My body shaking like a earthquake,
    My nervous system is streached like a harp,
    My ears are listening to every word,
    My eyes only see beuty,
    My mucles are weaker but my heart is stronger,
    My mind is calm but my body is nervous,
    My life is now complete

  2. mortal mortal
    posted a quote
    May 11, 2015 12:05pm UTC
    A amazing couple is a couple who can joke with each other and pick on each other and still care for each other more the ever at the end of every day

  3. mortal mortal
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2015 8:25am UTC
    When it comes to relationship its one of the hardest skills to master. There's no such thing as a perfect relationship.
    One of the hardest parts is looking for a person but so many people look in the wrong place. For all you know your best friend could have the biggest crush on you and might not even know it. So many guys and girls look for the more popular or hotter people to date even though someone you know and can trust likes you. So why is that we don't take these chances. I know why its because where all afraid of the future like. What if we break or what if we fight its always what if. I say we stop looking to the future and just see what's in the present because soon the present will become the past and you can't change the past. My best friend once told me "if they say no to you then there not worth it" thier words will be with me forever. Also why don't people look for people who have personality almost all the people date just for looks. But you need someone who makes you laugh and smile. For example the girl i like might not even know I like her. But some people say why the f**k why her and stuff like that but people don't see what I see. I see beautiful brown eyes and a great smile but also very intelligent and makes me laugh all the time. But I also have flaws me I'm also scared to actually ask her because I'm worried what she will say. So see we all have these flaws but mabey one day we can all overcome these flaws.

  4. mortal mortal
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2015 8:35am UTC
    10 steps to get your true love
    1.know what type of person they are
    2.find out there dating history
    3.see what type of people they like
    4.get to know them
    5.get comfortable with them
    6.become really good friends
    7.make sure there comfortable with you
    8.joke around with each other a lot
    9.compliment them a lot
    10.ask them out in person

  5. .D E A D.* .D E A D.*
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2015 7:54pm UTC
    If you have
    normal crazy friends,
    you have everything.

  6. .D E A D.* .D E A D.*
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2015 9:53pm UTC
    I might seem happy.
    but on the inside
    I'm dying.

  7. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  8. Amenah Amenah
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2015 12:37pm UTC
    As poetic as sadness can be,
    I'd rather just be happy. ♥

  9. Sweden* Sweden*
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2015 10:59pm UTC
    She adored balconeys,
    loving the near death
    experience type of kiss.
    Inhaling the fresh type of air,
    with the rushing tears rolling.
    "The truth is, I never
    really wanted to die."

  10. Sweden* Sweden*
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2015 3:22pm UTC
    I'm fading away,
    and it's a godd*mn tragedy,
    because every part of me
    loves every part of you.
    I'm fading away,
    just like the small
    parts of my heart,
    I gave to you.

  11. Sweden* Sweden*
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2015 10:14pm UTC
    I didn't fall instantly,
    I fell slowly in love.
    Colliding my heart
    against my rib cage,
    in slow motion
    just like in movies.
    Except those people
    fall instantly in love.
    No, I fell in love slowly,
    in a sweet spring,
    that was yet so suffocating.
    I fell slowly in love,
    never on the ground,
    always with you.
    Wow, another poem written. Different format for now, it'll always be the same, just this is the exception.

  12. Sweden* Sweden*
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2015 7:57pm UTC
    I love you because.
    You're what I find in me,
    a part of me, that screams
    to be part of your life.
    Do you feel the same way as I do?
    The feeling my heart goes,
    whenever you smile like that,
    or how our hands accidentally
    touch at our fingertips.
    How we blush, and laugh it off.
    Do you feel the same like me?
    I fight the urge to ask, cowardly
    cowering myself from rejection
    How my words always stutter,
    struggling to say I love you,
    It's like how I struggle to
    live in life without seeing you.

  13. mortal mortal
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2015 10:19am UTC
    Life is like a movie. There's a beginning middle and end. The beginning of the movie starts with you being born usually it mentions the main characters. The middle is the stuff you go through the bad and good. The end is when your life ends. The only difference is you know when a movie ends but u don't know when your life does. For all we know life will end tomorrow or next week or even in a year. In a movie there's a problem and solution to the problem. In life there's a solution to everything some good some bad. Some of us don't get to choose are end we aren't the only writers of are own movies there are many writers. Family,friends,girlfriends,boyfrieands,kids,wife's or husbands and pretty much anyone that's connected to you is a writer. In movies there isn't always happy endings just like in life sometimes movies get taken off the air by other people or just by them self. Its the samthing in life but we have to remember no matter how bad the plot is no one deserves there movie to be taken of the air. Everyone deserve a happy ending but if u don't I believe that u get a remake to your movie. I believe we all get to change are remake in anyway we can it won't be exactly the same but it would have a similar plot. Life isn't much of a box of chocolate because now a days u at least get to chose the flavor. A movie is more unexpected it could say action but also its horror. Life is a mix of every type of genre from sci-fi to horror or action to romance it always changes there's no such thing as a perfect life just like there's no such thing as a perfect movie. Life is like movie everything is unexpected


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