Witty Profiles

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  1. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2012 6:31pm UTC
    Using Mr Parker
    ♥ Logan ♥
    P r o l o g u e
    It was weird thinking that the person that I sit behind in English could be suicidal for all I knew. Maybe the guy I work with mother is dying. At the end of the day nobody knew anybody. I don't think many people took the time to think about it, the fact that everybody has that one secret that nobody knows, not even their best friend. Some people think nobody knows how they feel, they feel like they are the only person who is in a certain situation.
    I'm one of those people.
    Nobody knew how it felt, nobody knew how it felt to watch your own mother cry because she couldn't afford to get you a christmas present or a new top. Nobody knew. Nobody even knew that my mother was struggling to put food on the table and pay the bills. Though, I was grateful for what I had because I knew there were children out there who had it much worse. I was greeted by my mother one sunny day after school and sat on one of the chairs, talking to her about my day.
    “How much homework do you have?” My mum asked as she washed the dishes.
    “Not much,” I shrugged. “A few questions for history, that's it.”
    “Oh, that's okay. You should go do it, Logan before it gets late.” I nodded my head, heading towards my room which was close to the back door. We lived in a small house, with two bedrooms and one bathroom but it was enough.
    Dad left mum and I when I was 15, nearly 3 years ago. He left her for a girl only a few years older then me. I
    haven't heard from him since, though for my 16th birthday, he got me a car. Though I know how to drive, I have never once used it. I have told my mum countless times that I'll sell it but she doesn't want me to.
    I finished my History homework within an hour and went downstairs to keep my mum company. When I went to the kitchen she was leaning against one of the walls, tears filling her eyes and it broke my heart.
    “Oh, Logan,” she said wiping her tears. I looked much like my mum, we had the same dark brown, almost black hair and big chocolate brown eyes. The only think I seemed to get from my father was my pasty skin. “I was just-just.”
    “Mum, what's in your hand?” I questioned slowly, looking at the white envelope in her hands.
    “N-nothing. It's just from a friend.”
    “Mum, tell me,” I demanded. I didn't usually speak to my mother this way, she had raised me better then that but at this point, I just wanted to know what was wrong with my mother.
    “It's from the council... they're-they're taking the house away from us.”
    “What, why?!” I exclaimed.
    “Sweetie... I am so sorry,” my mum bowed her head. Like she ashamed. Ashamed of what? This was all my dads fault.
    “Mum, it isn't your fault,” I told her softly. “I love you,” I murmured. “I couldn't wish for any other person to be my mum. If I had a chose, I would you choose you every single time.”
    “I promise everything will be alright in the end,” she told me. “I'll make sure of it.”
    “Mum... where are we going to live?” As soon as I asked, I wish I hadn't.
    “Well, I am going to call your Aunt Cassidy and see.” Aunt Cassidy wasn't really my aunty, though growing up she was like my second mother, my mums best friend.
    This was one of the times that I wanted to be alone so I excused myself, holding back tears. Finally, when I got to my room the tears came pouring out and I sobbed into my pillow. That night, I made a wish.
    I wished that somehow I would be able to help my mum.
    Want a reminder? Comment.
    Teaser: A name was written on the board in neat cursive handwriting. It said Mr Parker.
    {A/N So this is my new story, it is a love story. I know many people have strong beliefs about student/teacher relationships and I understand that but this story isn't about a 50 year old teacher. Mr Parker is young. I hope you guys don't find it boring! I have been having some doubts about UMP but I decided to upload the prologue and see what you all think. Feedback? For those of you who have no idea what this story is about you can go to my website: www.sugarfreakstories.weebly.com and there is a blurb and what the characters look like (most of the characters haven't been introduced)}

  2. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  3. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2012 3:35am UTC
    .: I Met Him On Omegle :.
    Chapter 35
    Andi's P.O.V
    "N-Nathan," I stuttered.
    I felt like the biggest b/tch ever.
    Screw that, I was the biggest b/tch ever.
    “I am so sorry!”
    Nathan pulled me away from Jesse and said, “Sorry? Andi, you have nothing to be sorry. You love him, I wouldn't want to come between you two.”
    “I don't lo-”
    I love him.
    I love Jesse.
    The realisation hit me like a ton of bricks, though my new discovery didn't make anything any better. “See,” Nathan said quietly.
    “I am really sorry! I didn't mean for this to happen – not like this.”
    “Do you want to know the truth, Andi?” I want to say 'no' but I blurted a yes. “I was looking for a reason to break up with you.”
    “W-why?” I stammered.
    “I knew about Jesse and I knew you still had feelings for him. I would never come first, no matter what.”
    “I wasn't using you Nathan! I-I really do like you but in a friends way.”
    “Don't worry,” Nathan hugged me. “I think I like you in the only-friends way.”
    Why was he being so cool with this?
    “You're going to make some girl really happy,” I told him, honestly. I walked back to Jesse with Nathan though him and Diana were in a deep conversation.
    “Why can't you just except that for once, a guy is interested in me?” Diana hissed. “I like a guy, you take him! I liked Jesse first.” I frowned at Diana, why was she acting this way?
    “Diana, I-I-”
    “You what?”
    “You're a wh/re, thats what. I don't even know why we're best friends! You're just a lying sl/t.” With that she stalked away, I went to follow her. No matter what, she was my best friend but Nathan stopped me.
    “Don't you dare, she's not worth it.” Nathan paused, looking at Jesse and me. “I think I'm going to leave, Jesse can you take her home?” Nathan questioned.
    “Yes,” he replied straight away. “Why is your boyfriend leaving?” Jesse asked when Nathan left.
    “We're not together anymore,” I murmured.
    “I'll find my own ride, go find your girlfriend.” I walked outside to find it pouring rain but it didn't bother me. I was crying as it hit me. I had just lost my best friend and the guy I loved probably didn't love me.
    “Andi!” Jesse called and came in front of me.
    “Leave me alone!” I yelled. The rain poured around us and I glared at him. He glared back. “I hate you,” I said through gritted teeth.
    “If you hated me you'd leave, Andrea.” I didn't say anything for it was true. “What would you do if I kissed you right now?” he asked.
    My head was telling me to tell him that I'll slap him but instead I said, “Kiss you back.”
    Comment for a reminder! (:
    Teaser: "Ryan and I are moving here," he told me and I felt a burst of happiness.
    So... this is the second last chapter of IMHOO (: I am so sorry I haven't uploaded in a while, I've been busy and my internet is always stuffing up.

  4. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2012 1:08am UTC
    .: I Met Him On Omegle :.
    Chapter 34
    Andi's P.O.V
    "Andi!" Diana yelled, running towards me.
    “Yeah?” I replied.
    “Do you and Nathan want to go on a double date with Jesse and I?”
    “When?” I responded.
    “Friday night.”
    “I think I'm busy,” I lied.
    “Oh,” she replied, glumly and I felt bad.
    “How 'bout I call Nathan up and see?” She grinned, automatically. Like I said, I called Nathan and he answered after the first ring.
    “Hey babe,” he said.
    “Hi... Nathan, what do you say about going on a double date?” I questioned.
    “That'd be cool, with who?” Ever since graduation, Nathan has not been found of Jesse and the only thing he ever said about him were bad things.
    “Jesse and Diana.” Jesse and Diana went on a date a few days ago and since then, they were always together and it killed. It hurt way more then it should.
    “C'mon... Diana really wants us to go and I would feel so bad if we said no!” I could just imagine Nathan rolling his eyes.
    “Fine... I have to go. I'll speak to you later, the boss is calling.” I hanged up the phone and Diana looked at me.
    “He said yes,” I told her.
    “Yah! Jesse is going to be so happy.” Soon Friday came and I was dressed in a pair of black jeans and a green top with a black cross on it. Nathan kept whispering sweet nothings in my ear as we drove to the movies. All week I had been dreading it and now, I just wanted the movies to end. When Nathan and I got to the movies, we spotted Jesse and Diana against one of the walls. Diana's face lit up when she saw us but Jesses darkened.
    “Hey!” Diana said.
    “Hi,” I smiled. After we said our hellos and bought 4 tickets for Paranormal Activity 4, Nathans phone rang and he went outside to take it and Diana left to go to the bathroom leaving Jesse and I alone.
    “So...” my voice trailed off.
    “So,” Jesse mocked.
    “You don't have to be a d/ck,” I told him.
    “Why?” Jesse asked, ignoring my statement.
    “Why what?” I frowned.
    “Why are you dating him?”
    “Because- because I like him.”
    “Did you ever like me?” Jesse asked with so much vulnerability in his voice.
    “Of course!”
    “Do you still like me?”
    “Of course!” I repeated without thinking.
    It just so happened that Nathan arrived back at that moment, hearing what I said.
    Comment for a reminder! (:
    Teaser: "Why can't you just except that for once, a guy is intrested in me?" Diana hissed. "I like a guy, you take him! I liked Jesse first."
    Her outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=64024739
    Two chapters in one night (: Woo Hoo! I hope you all liked them!

  5. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2012 12:52am UTC
    .: I Met Him On Omegle :.
    Chapter 24
    Andreas P.O.V
    I was freaking out and Alec was laughing, I was in the hotel room trying to find an outfit for my first official date tonight with Jesse. My make-up was done lightly and my hair curled but I couldn't find a dress!
    “Alec!” I exclaimed.
    “Relax, Andi. I got it covered, I brought this dress.” Alec handed me a bag and I took the dress out, it was a red, flowy dress.
    “Where'd you get this from?” I cried out, happily.
    “Don't worry, just put it on.” The top was tight and sleeveless and it reached just above my knee. Alec matched it with a black necklace and black dangly earrings. Alec looked me up and down and mumbled something which I didn't catch before handing me a pair of red pumps.
    “Thank you!” I all but shouted, hugging Alec tightly.
    “Well go get your smexy piece of meat, didn't he say he'd meet you downstairs at 6:30?”
    “Yeah, what times is it?” I frowned. Alec checked his watch.
    “20 past seven,” he replied, smirking.
    “Sh/t!” I grabbed my purse and ran out the door after saying, “THANK YOU, ALEC.” I looked around when I got downstairs, expecting Jesse to be gone. What guy in their right mind would wait for 40 minutes? Though, much to my surprise, I saw Jesse waiting there in a suit, looking unbelievable. When he saw me, he grinned.
    “Well aren't you fashionably late?” Jesse teased and I blushed.
    “I am so sorry! I didn't realise the time and I didn't know what to wear and I thought I had like an hour to go because I started getting ready at 4 and I didn't, I had no idea, I'm so sorry!” I rambled and he chuckled.
    “You're too cute, Andi.” At this comment, I blushed a violent shade of red, again. “It's fine, I would wait forever and a day for you.”
    The date was a total success, we went to a formal restaurant and after he took me the beach, which was near the restaurant. We spoke about everything and anything. It felt as if I had known Jesse for my whole life now and that alone felt amazing. Though, the thought that never left my mind throughout the whole date was that there was only 3 days left and I'd be leaving. We took one of those long walks on the beach, the ones you read about in everything love story.
    “You know, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen,” Jesse told me while swinging our hands, smiling. I blushed, thankfully it was dark and so, Jesse couldn't see.
    “T-thank you,” I stuttered to say.
    “You cold? Here.” He wrapped his jacket around me, I didn't protest even though the reason I had stuttered wasn't because I was cold.
    Being called beautiful felt amazing.
    Jesse made it even more special.
    Jesse looked at me, he looked at my lips to be more precise. Was he going to kiss me? He started leaning in and I did the same, this time there was nobody to interrupt us and he kissed me.
    He kissed me like I had never been kissed before.
    Comment for a reminder! (:
    Teaser: All that mattered to me was the boy I was kissing.
    So, they kiss! Yahhh! This is Andis outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=63100060

  6. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2012 12:17am UTC
    .: I Met Him On Omegle :.
    Chapter 23
    Andreas P.O.V
    “Your father and I come back to the hotel and you're not in and then it starts getting dark and you still aren't back! It is 12:30, young lady and you didn't even tell us you would be gone! We were so worried!”
    “Mum, mum, I'm fine, I was with some friends,” I shrugged.
    “Friends? How can you trust them? They could be druggies for all we know!” my mum exclaimed.
    “No, I've met them before, they came to Australia. They are Crystals cousins,” I lied, easily. That seemed to ease up my mum a bit but she was still angry.
    “There is no point grounding you while we are here in America but when we go back to Australia, you're grounded for a week,” my mum told me. I just nodded, there was no point in making my punishment worse.
    I yawned, “Well I'm tired, so I'm going to go to bed.” I went into the bathroom and put on my pyjamas, when I walked out, my dad was in the room.
    “Young l-” my dad started.
    “Daddy, I'm tired, can we please talk about this tomorrow?” I mumbled. My dad sighed in reply so I got into bed and went to sleep.
    The next day, I did get a lecture from my dad but after that, I caught a taxi so I could meet Jesse. Once I got there, I saw him waiting for me and I grinned. I walked to him and he got up, kissing my cheek before pulling out the chair for me. “M'lady,” he said.
    “Hi Jesse,” I said the grin on my face never disappeared.
    “How'd it go with the parents?” he questioned.
    “Okay, when I go back to Australia I'm grounded for a week but that's it.”
    “Mhm... well that isn't to bad.”
    “How are you feeling?”
    “I'm feeling great, Andi, you gotta stop worrying about me. I'm not made out of glass.”
    “I know, I was just...”
    “Its fine, beautiful.” When he called me beautiful, it made me heart flutter and I blushed. A waitress came up to us.
    “Hi I'm Lisa, how can I help you?” Lisa was drop-dead gorgeous and I was surprised when Jesse didn't even look at her, his eyes were fixed on me.
    “What do you want to drink, Andi?”
    “Uh-uh... a hot chocolate.” Jesse said his order and my order to the girl and when she came back, giving him a piece of paper with her number, he didn't even look at it.
    He made me feel special.
    Comment for a reminder! (:
    Teaser: I looked around when I got downstairs, expecting Jesse to be gone. What guy in their right mind would wait for 40 minutes?
    Ehh, crappy punishment but anyways (: I've decided I'm going to start writing at least 3 chapters in advance so I can upload more than one chapter at a time. Just a quick question, how would all of you feel about me writing one-shots in between chapters?

  7. mariaao2 mariaao2
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2012 8:02pm UTC
    me: i'm just going to rest my eyes for 5 minutes
    me: wakes up february 5th, 2098

  8. IBeHetze IBeHetze
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2012 4:20pm UTC
    i don't like morning people.
    or mornings.
    or people.

  9. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2012 12:30am UTC
    .: I Met Him On Omegle :.
    Chapter 22
    Andreas P.O.V
    "Careful," I hissed at Jesse as he got into Ryan's car. He had just got out of the hospital.
    “Calm down, woman, I'm fine.” I rolled my eyes and got into the back of the car after shutting Jesses door for him. “I'm fine, you know.”
    “Just shut up,” I told him, teasingly. We arrived to Jesse and Ryans apartment, quickly and that was when I realised the time. It was 12 o'clock and my parents had called me numerous times.
    I was dead.
    “F/ck,” I cursed.
    “What's wrong?” Ryan asked.
    “I need to go home.”
    “I'll drive you,” Jesse said but Ryan was quick to follow.
    “Jesse, you can't drive, I'll drive her. You stay here and do... stuff.”
    Jesse was about to interrupt when I said, “He's right, go inside, I'll see you tomorrow.” I gave Jesse a kiss on the cheek and he didn't say anything else about it.
    “Whipped much?” Ryan said so quietly that Jesse couldn't hear. I couldn't help but smile at that. It was weird thinking that Jesse and I hadn't kissed, though, I had kissed his best friend. That kind of made me a sl/t.
    “Bye Andi,” Jesse said, a smile on his flawless face.
    “Bye cutiepie! Be careful, if you need anything, call me.” Jesse scowled and I laughed before walking to Ryan's car. I gave him directions to the hotel and we drove in comfortable silence.
    “He really likes you, y'know,” Ryan said, softly.
    “Do you think?”
    “I know.” When we got in front of the hotel, he smirked, “Good luck with the parents.”
    “If you haven't heard from me by tomorrow, I'm probably dead,” I replied. He chuckled. “Thanks for the ride.”
    “No problem, now go in before you make things worse!”
    “Bye!” I walked inside the hotel and made my way to my room. My parents were going to kill me. I got into the elevator and a man, probably my fathers age, started talking to me.
    “Say, what are you doing in an elevator this time at night,” he said in a thick American accent.
    “Nothing,” I shrugged.
    “You're a pretty little thing, aren't you?” The elevator dinged and I walked out as fast as I could, trying to get as far as I could away from that man. Once I got to my room, I opened the door and there was my mum walking up and down the room, my dad was nowhere in site.
    I was in so much trouble.
    My mum saw me and boomed, “Where have you been, young lady?!”
    Comment for a reminder! (:
    Teaser: When he called me beautiful, it made my heart flutter.
    Boring chapter :( I'm just really bored with writing about Jesse and Andi in America, so I can't wait until her holiday ends ;) Uhm... you guys don't understand how much I love you all, whenever I have a shiitty day, I go home and BAM I feel much better cause of all of you. If you haven't, go pick your favourite story on this quote: http://www.wittyprofiles.com/q/6413076 Thannkkss!

  10. EnaBoBena EnaBoBena
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2012 6:22pm UTC
    ☞Excuse me...
    Can you tell your pants it's not very polite to point... thanks.ツ

  11. Emily* Emily*
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2012 3:17pm UTC
    it's 6am
    i wanna be laying next to you
    with our hands locked together,
    & out legs intertwined.
    I want your face buried in my neck
    & I want to listen to your breathing.
    I want you to wake up & tell me,
    "I'm so tired."
    because I want to whisper
    "Go back to sleep."
    & I want to hold you tighter when you do.
    i want to lie in bed alone with you,
    in the comforting quiet of the early hours,
    & maybe read a book while you sleep.
    I want to be simple with you,
    and I want to be whatever you need me to be.
    nmf. credit to 6 billion secrets.

  12. Jahyvie Jahyvie
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2012 2:07pm UTC
    The thing is though,
    when you are attached to someone, it is becuase of the little things about them. The details. Their kindness and their eyes. Their smile and their habits. And the fact they can get you to laugh when you need it the most.

  13. livin_life_young_and_in_love livin_life_young_and_in_love
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2012 9:13pm UTC
    "What would you do if I died today?"
    "I'd die tomorrow."

  14. naomiyamel01 naomiyamel01
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2012 1:38pm UTC
    I hate when people pour my cereal
    They don't know the amount of milk I like
    They don't know how much cereal I want
    They don't know me
    They dont know my life
    They don't know what i've been through

  15. Jahyvie Jahyvie
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2012 2:00pm UTC
    "The republicans
    drove our country into a ditch. So we got down there, we put on our boots and we pushed and we shove and were sweating. And there's the republicans watching us, sipping on a slurpee. They were pointing at us saying: 'how come your not pushing harder? How come your not pushing faster?' When we finally got the car on level ground and heading in the right direction, they see the scratches and shout to everyone: 'Look what these guys did to your car!' And then they've got the nerve to ask for the keys back. I dont want to give them the keys back. They dont know how to drive."
    -Barack Obama
    I don't care how much you hate Obama, he has a way with his metaphors.

  16. lovecrazy lovecrazy
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2012 2:44pm UTC
    If I'm listening to music,
    there's a 99.9% chance I will start singing.
    It doesn't matter where I am, I just can't control myself.

  17. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2012 12:57am UTC
    .: I Met Him On Omegle :.
    Chapter 18
    Andreas P.O.V
    I fell asleep on the hospital chair. When I woke up, nurses were running in and out of Jesses room. Ryan and I called the ambulance straight away and they might save him. He was lucky, he had taken so many pills. There was 2 empty packets and a good-bye letter.
    It said: 'I feel like this is a selfish thing to do, when so many others have cancer or have heart attacks but I couldn't continue living this life.
    The guilt is eating me alive. I am the reason my parents are dead, one year ago, they died because of me.
    Jesse Gray.'
    “What's wrong with him?!” I asked.
    “Miss, please sit down.”
    “We-we don't know if he'll make it...” the nurse said, looking almost scared. I was ashamed of myself, of the way I acted. I shouldn't have screamed at her, she did nothing wrong.
    That was breaking point for me, tears fell down my cheeks and at that moment, Ryan came from the food court. “What's wrong? Is he okay?” Ryan, he was taking this fairly well.
    “They-they don't know if he will-will make it,” I sobbed.
    “Andi, he's strong,” Ryan told me soothingly.
    Soon, morning came, we were allowed to stay because one of the doctors was Ryans father. Jesses doctor, Doctor James, came out and looked at the two of us. “What's wrong with him?” I asked.
    “Uh, well you see, we were unable to save Jesse and he passed away. I am very sorry for your loss.”
    I laughed, “You're lying.”
    “Andi, sweetie, he-he's dead...” Ryan said.
    “JESSE IS NOT DEAD!” I yelled, angrily, tears falling down my cheeks. “You're lying, please tell me you're lying!” Ryan had tears streaming down his face as well.
    “Andi, he's gone,” Ryan murmured.
    “Andi, Andi wake up!” Somebody demanded. It was Ryan.
    “You were screaming. It was just a dream Andi, Jesse is fine,” I was told.
    “Promise he'll be fine?” I spluttered. I was shaking.
    “Yes, he'll be fine. It was just a dream,” Ryan comforted.
    Comment for a reminder! (:
    Teaser: “I am happy for you and Rose,” I said looking him directly in the eye.
    Haii! I hope you're not confused, if so feel free to ask any questions. Yes, the writing which is in italics is just a dream (: The reason as to why Jesse is in hospital is still not known & sorry if the format is f.cked up, I don't know what's wrong with it :(

  18. xForeverLovedx xForeverLovedx
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2012 8:02pm UTC
    The Cabin
    c h a p t e r / / s e v e n t e e n
    Kyle left not too long ago to get his things from Matt's.
    He was moving in, and I was really happy.
    I went into the bathroom to see his dirty clothes and a bag under the clothes.
    Hm? I opened the bag to find needles, pills, and other drugs.
    I just gagged. This was disgisting. Well, if he really was going to stop then he wouldn't be mad if I threw this all away. And that's exactly what I did.
    I sat down on the couch and watched some random TV show, waiting for Kyle.
    I stared down at my stomache, realizing how huge I really was.
    "I'm back, babe!" Kyle yells, coming in next to me.
    "Yay, let's go put your stuff in the room! What took so long?" I ask.
    "Well, I got some things for the babies." Kyle smiles.
    He walks into the baby's well, babies' bedroom and puts down some clothes, and a lot of diapers.
    "Holy, Kyle. That's gonna be a lot of help. Thanks." I smile, and hug him.
    He gives me a quick peck, and we walk into our room and get his clothes situated into another dresser.
    "So, I figure as our kids get older, either the boy or girl can get the room down the hall." I explain.
    "Yeah, if it's bigger.. Might as well give it to the girl." Kyle laughes.
    "Well, both rooms are like equal." I giggle.
    We plop down on the couch and Kyle feels my tummy and listens to it.
    "So, got any names?" I ask.
    "Hm, well I think I should name the girl and you should name the boy. Since most couples do it the other way around." Kyle explains.
    "Well, I like.. Carson as a boy name. Like 100%." I smile.
    Kyle smiles wide. "I love it. And, hmm I'm thinking Aubree.."
    "So are we set? I like both." I tell him.
    "Pefect. We'll think of middle names in a little. Let's just relax."
    We both lean back, but someone knocks on the door.
    Kyle and I both get up, and I open the door.

  19. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2012 2:54am UTC
    .: I Met Him On Omegle :.
    Chapter 17
    Andrea's P.O.V
    That word didn't even begin to describe how I felt right now. Jesse defiantly didn't look like somebody who would try to commit suicide no matter what the situation was. It showed just how much I knew about him, I knew nothing. I couldn't find my voice to speak, to ask him if he thinks that Jesse is doing something to hurt himself right now.
    Ryan walked to a door and banged on it, loudly. “Jesse! Man, please let me in!” Ryan looked as if he was in despair. It was obvious how much Ryan cared about Jesse.
    “R-Ryan... you d-don't t-think he-he-he,” I stuttered and didn't even finish my question but Ryan understood what I was asking.
    “I don't know.”
    A single tear rolled down my cheek.
    I knocked quietly on the door, no answer. I knocked again, this time much more louder. “LEAVE ME THE F/CK ALONE, RYAN!” Jesses voice, boomed. I was relieved, relieved that he wasn't dead.
    “JESSE! OPEN THE F/CKEN DOOR!” It was my turn to scream. “Jesse! Jesse, please! It's Andi, please open the door! I know you don't want to speak to me but please just open the door!” This time, my voice was much softer though I was loud enough that he herd.
    Why didn't Ryan call Rose?
    He probably would've opened the door to her, they were both in love with each other. They probably shared everything. Jesse said nothing and I was scared, scared sh/tless.
    What if Jesse tried to commit suicide again and succeeded?
    “Ryan, just break the door!”
    “What if something happened to him! Please, just break it.”
    “JESSE! MOVE FROM THE DOOR!” I yelled, feeling the need to warn him. Ryan tried heaps of ways to break the door but that door wouldn't break. “There's a key hole, don't you have the key?” I asked.
    “No, we didn't see the need so when we lost them, we didn't care.” I cursed under my breathe. I felt my hair and felt what I was looking for.
    A bobby pin.
    I took it out of my hair and fiddled with the lock, when I was younger, Crystal, Diana and I would watch videos because we wanted to know how to unlock a door badly.
    I remembered.
    I finally got the door open and my hand was shaking as I held onto the door handle. “How'd you do-”
    “We need to make sure he's okay.” I opened the door slowly and was scared of what I'd see. I started sobbing at the sight.
    The sight of Jesse on the floor. I hope he's just sleeping.
    Comment for a reminder! (:
    Teaser: "Andi, sweetie, he-he's dead..." Ryan said, I could tell by his voice that he was in pain. "JESSE IS NOT DEAD!" I yelled, angrily, tears falling down my cheeks.
    I'M BACK! WOO HOO! Now, let's hope I go good in all my exams (: I missed y'all. I went to add a quote and the latest quote is 17.8 days ago... my gosh! Please keep in mind that I'm reminding over 100 people so if I get to you and you've already seen the chapter, I'm sorry! My uploads will go back to normal now. I love you all! <3

  20. xForeverLovedx xForeverLovedx
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2012 12:28pm UTC
    The Cabin
    c h a p t e r / / s i x t e e n
    Ava told me Kyle was on bad drugs. It killed me..
    Ava said Kyle should be coming over, and I've been waiting for 20 minutes.
    Just sitting on my couch, wondering and worrying.
    "Julianna?" I hear a raspy voice.
    I turn and see Kyle. He looked.. horrible.
    He was skinnier than I remembered.. much skinnier..
    And he looked.. dirty.
    "Kyle.. what happened to you?" I ask, about to cry.
    "I screwed up.. and wow, Julianna. You're belly got huge.. What are you 7 months?" He asks, still staring at my stomache.
    "6, actually today." I tell him.
    He smiles and then all of a sudden starts crying.
    "I want to change for you, Julianna. We are going to have a baby together and well I want to be better. I shouldn't of let you go." He confesses to me, crying.
    "Well, you can start off buy taking this and this." I smile at him.
    Ava gave me a bag with very nice clothes for Kyle. With a shaver and shaving cream.
    Kyle laughes at me. The old laugh I remember.
    "Shave that nasty hair of your face, and get some nice clothes on. Then we'll talk." I giggle.
    Kyle laughes and takes the things to the bathroom.
    I was happy, very happy. I'm just wondering if he will really get off the drugs.
    Kyle walked out of my bathroom. looking like his old self.
    Well, almost. He was still stick thin and his eyes were red, with bags underneath.
    "So, did you find out the gender of the baby?" He smiles, rubbing my belly.
    "Well, actually I've been meaning to tell you.. We're having twins. Boy and girl!" I scream, happily.
    Kyle smiles wide and starts to laugh. "This is going to be hard, but as long as I'm with you."
    Note: Thanks for reading. && DontGetYourHopesUp is going to add a chapter when she gets her power back. Which won't be for a week or so!


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