Witty Profiles

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  1. Bravosierra* Bravosierra*
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2012 7:15pm UTC
    Framing Love
    Part two .
    Dedicated to FramingMatthew and Societykilledtheteenageer.
    "Hey Alyza."
    I looked up and saw Matilda, Matthew's sister, walking towards me.
    I smiled at her and patted the seat next to me.
    She smiled at me and I saw the lifeless look in her eyes.
    The shallow look of her skin, the strength behind the smile.
    I bet I looked no different.
    I reached up to hug her and I felt a strong embrace from her.
    The feeling of suffering roamed through my blood.
    We pulled away and sat down on the cold bench.
    The snow was in flurries around us and the winter air bit at our noses.
    I gave her a tight smile, "How's it going?" I asked her.
    My voice cracked half way through.
    "I'm trying to make it day by day but it's hard. I can see my parents.. breaking apart."
    I looked into her eyes and saw how her liquid blue eyes seemed frozen, like the ice outside.
    "How's it going for you?" She whispered.
    I cleared my throat before speaking, "It's ..... It's as good as it can be."
    "You know it's okay to cry?" She whispered at me.
    I felt tears rush to my eyes, "I promise Matthew I wouldn't be sad." I croaked.
    She put her arms around my shoulders and hugged me.
    "It'll be okay." She whispered.
    I looked at her with my tear stained eyes, "How can you be so strong?"
    She gave me a forced smile before taking a deep breathe.
    "Matthew suffered worse than us. He was in pain with every breathe he took. When his life was taken, I realized something good. He wasn't in pain anymore. He wasn't suffering. He was peaceful, happy. He IS peaceful."
    She took a deep breathe and put her head down.
    I could tell she was trying not to cry.
    I held her into my arms and gave her a huge hug.
    "Matilda. It'll be okay. Everytime the sun shines down on you, it's Matthew."
    "Why did they have to take my big brother?" She cried out.
    "Matthew was a great guy. He was the sweetest and most kindest guys to ever walk this earth. It was his time. He made it so no one was sad. He made it so everyone would always smile. He never wanted ANYONE to be left out. He made it so he saved as many lives as he could. Matthew's time was now." I whispered at her.
    As she heard the sincerity rining in my words she wiped her tears and smiled.
    "You're right." She said simply.
    I smiled, "I guess."
    After a few moments of silence a sudden brightness entered my eyes.
    I looked up and saw a ray of sunshine shining down on us through the cold flurries.
    "Hi Matthew." we whispered.
    I felt tears come to her eyes and her smile, "I miss you big brother. No one will ever take your place."
    I smiled, "I love you Matthew. I will never love anyone else the way I loved you."
    Matilda spoke again, "Matthew. I hope one day they find a cure to cancer. So great lives like yours never need to be taken again."
    "I love you." We both whispered.
    As the ray of sunshine danced around us a smile was brought to both of our faces.
    "Typical Matthew. Always trying to make us laugh." Matilda said.
    "Yeah. It worked too." I smiled.
    Matilda stood up, "I have to go. Class starts soon. Bye Alyza. Bye Matthew."
    I gave her a big bear hug as the ray of sun shown directly on us.
    "Bye again." She whispered.
    A few minutes later I realized I was going to be late.
    "Bye Matthew. See you in heaven."
    I walked away from the sunshine as it slowly disapeared.
    Hi guys.
    Here's some tissues for those of you who wanna cry.
    I get so emotional while writing these.
    I really miss framingmatthew.
    If you guys wanna read part 1, here it is.

  2. thesweetestmoments thesweetestmoments
    posted a quote
    August 12, 2012 2:18am UTC
    “Luke, he’s here,” I breathed into the phone, clasped so tightly in my hands, smashed against my face.
    “Baby, who’s here?” Luke asked, the music in the background from a party pounding loudly.
    “Vincent, Luke! Vincent’s here,” I started to cry silent tears, knowing what was in store for me that evening.
    “Wait, what? I’m sorry Macey, I can’t hear you.” Luke screamed into the phone. I hadn’t been able to go to that party, I hadn’t been to a party in quite some time. I wasn’t allowed.
    “Vincent, he’s here, I jus-” I was cut off by violent stopping up the stairs. “Ohmygod, Luke. Help me, please!”
    “Macey, what did you say? I really can’t hear you. I’m going to go outside, okay?” Luke’s voice cut in and out. My lifeline was busy.
    Vincent was starting down the hallway. The closet I was in was at the end of it.
    “He’s coming,” I whispered.
    “Baby, just a second,” Luke said as the music became distant.
    Vincent called out my name once. He knew I was near.
    “No,” I gasped once, my thumb resting just above the ‘End’ button.
    “All right, Mace. I’m here, what’s going on?” Luke asked casually.
    Vincent’s steps stopped just before the door and I saw his shadow from underneath the door.
    “He’s here,” I whispered, my voice barely audible as the door creaked open.
    “Who’s here? Baby? Who’s there?!” Luke’s voice turned urgent as I slowly clicked the end button.
    “That’s right, Macey. You know you’re not allowed to have boyfriends. It’s better you end the call before I have to do it,” Vincent crossed his arms as he stood in front of me, light coming from behind him making his face shadowed over.
    “He’s not my boyfriend…” I mumbled, a lame attempt to keep myself safe that night.
    Vincent erupted into cruel snorts. “Not your boyfriend, my *ss. Don’t lie to me, Macey. That just makes the matter worse and you know it.” Vincent crouched down to my level. “Remember what happened last time you lied to me? You got that pretty purple bruise right there,” Vincent sneered as he prodded my inner thigh roughly. I winced in pain.
    “Oh, did that hurt, little Macey? My apologies.” Vincent’s voice wreaked of sarcasm.
    My phone vibrated next to me, the caller ID reading ‘Luke’.
    Vincent took my flip-phone and ripped it in half.
    “Next time, I’ll do worse to that little, tight, pure body, I promise.” Vincent’s upper lip curled into a maniacal smile.
    WEEEEE, two chapters in one night(:
    Well, I guess it's actually morning, but, FISH.
    And this chapter's reeeeally short. Oh well. DEAL WID IT.
    Heheee, I will be doing notifications for both chapters tomorrow and perhaps for 13 as well,
    so if you've already read both of these chapters, just ignore that...
    Love you aaaaaall, like a bucket of smiles and happiness(:

  3. thesweetestmoments thesweetestmoments
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2012 9:13pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. amillionsecretsx3 amillionsecretsx3
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2012 10:32pm UTC
    Only when I'm Taken
    another fan fiction of 1D ♥ ♥ chapter twenty-one
    We chose to let that night go. Yes there have been magazines saying that Zayn is cheating on Kara and all that. But Kara and Zayn did an interview to confirm that their relationship is still going on and all that.
    Anyway, tonight is one of their concerts and right now I am watching them practice. Normal bands are serious during band rehearsals. But not these guys. They scream, chase each other, do weird dances, and jump around. Right now Niall is dragging Zayn across the floor.
    "And they look so amazing on stage." Madison mumbles.
    I laugh. "How does that happen?"
    "Magic." Kara smiles. She now has to be with Zayn all the time in public. I guess I don't mind. She's really nice and she's only protecting his career. She isn't causing any harm.
    We take our seats for the concert and fans ask us for pictures. We take pictures and chat until the lights start to dim. Again girls scream in my ear. This is why I hate concerts.
    The entire time they sing Everything About You Zayn is singing to me. I'm glad it's dark because I'm blushing like crazy. They start singing Another World and the screams get even louder.
    "Baby let me find out your secret." Louis starts screaming. A girl throws her bra to him on stage and he starts laughing. Liam elbows him and Louis continues singing. The things fans do.
    "You were amazing." I smile as Zayn and I cuddle in bed.
    "Really? Well thank you." He lifts my chin with his finger and kisses me.
    I tangle my fingers in his messy, yet perfect, hair. He gently slides on top of me and things get hardcore. I don't want to go into explicit details, but right now he is unclipping my bra. So you see where this is going?
    My phone starts ringing and Zayn groans. Should I ignore it? Yes. I press ignore and Zayn smiles. I fall asleep wrapped in his arms. His warm skin molds in with mine and it couldn't be more perfect.
    My phone rings again in the middle of the night.
    "Hello?" I say groggily.
    "Tatiana? It's Drew." He says.
    "You call really late." I yawn.
    "I called earlier but you didn't answer and I just wanted to make sure you're okay." He says fast.
    I trip over my own feet and Zayn shoots out of the bed. I smile and he raises an eyebrow.
    "I'm fine." I whisper into the phone.
    Zayn takes the phone out of my hand. "Okay whoever this is please do not call my babe again. Ok?"
    Zayn rolls his eyes. "Zayn."
    He hangs up the phone and tosses it to me. I set it on the bed and Zayn wraps his arms around my waist.
    "You're mine and don't forget it. Okay?" He smiles.
    I nod as he traps me in a kiss. Not one of those gentle loving kisses. But one of those you aren't ever leaving me kisses.

  5. amillionsecretsx3 amillionsecretsx3
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2012 3:08pm UTC
    Only when I'm Taken
    another fan fiction of 1D ♥ ♥ chapter twenty
    Zayn is taking me ice skating tonight. That was his surprise. But how can he take me iceskating when everyone knows that I am not his "real" girlfriend?
    "Don't worry about that. I rented the place so it's just us." He smiles and leads me inside.
    "I can't skate." I frown as he slides on the ice.
    "I'll hold you." He smiles.
    I sigh when he picks me up and sets me on the ice gently.
    "Relax." He wraps his arm around my waist and starts skating.
    "Zayn." I start getting nervous.
    "What?" He smiles at me.
    "I'm going to fall."I frown.
    "I'll fall with you if you do." He winks at me and kisses my cheek.
    I nod and smile. I can feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I pull it out to answer but Zayn takes it.
    "Hey low." Zayn says.
    Zayn looks at me and frowns. I put my hands in the air and shake my head.
    "For you." He jokes.
    I roll my eyes and take the phone. "Hello?"
    "Hi, it's me." I hear a guy say.
    I'm trying to skate away but I just end up falling. Zayn laughs and I frown.
    "I'm really busy right now." I say.
    Zayn offers me his hand but I slap it.
    "Ow." Zayn mouths.
    "Oh. Okay, call me later? Oh by the way my name is Drew." The guy says.
    "Ok. I will. Bye." I slide the phone back in my pocket.
    Zayn continues laughing at me. After a while he stops and falls on top of me. This is not very comfortable but I don't move.
    "I told you I would fall with you." Zayn smiles.
    I tangle my fingers in his hair and smile. "After you finished laughing at me."
    He shrugs and rests his lips on top of mine. It's kind of weird making out while laying on ice. But I don't complain.
    "IS THAT ZAYN?" I hear a girl scream.
    He slides off of me and there's a group of girls watching us.
    "I thought you said you rented this place." I frown at him.
    "I did rent this place. We have to go." He helps me up and leads me off the ice.
    We quickly throw our skates off and run out of the rink barefoot. Fans are blocking his car so I guess we are running. Zayn grabs my hand and we take off.
    "Don't turn around." He yells as we run across the street.
    I have to resist the urge. He takes a sharp turn and the fans continue running straight.
    "How did they find us?" Zayn asks.

  6. amillionsecretsx3 amillionsecretsx3
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2012 2:17pm UTC
    Only when I'm Taken
    another fan fiction of 1D ♥ ♥ chapter nineteen
    Zayn has to be all over Kara in public. When there are no cameras or fans he's all mine. I know their relationship is fake but I can't help but be jealous when she kisses his neck. The cameras finally leave and Zayn walks me back to the hotel. We have to pack tonight since we are going back to London tomorrow.
    "Do you know where my brush is?" Zayn frowns.
    "You already packed it." I shrug.
    He smiles and traps me in a hug. Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis, Madison, and Jake come running in the room.
    "Wait what?" Niall shakes his head.
    "Tell you later." Liam answers and smiles at us.
    "I don't want to leave." Madison sighs and sits on the bed.
    Louis smiles at her and kisses her cheek.
    "Yeah, you guys will continue doing promos." I frown.
    "But we think about you guys every second." Zayn kisses my cheek.
    "No. I think about food. Those people never feed me." Niall frowns.
    That makes everyone laugh. We get all of our bags on the luggage cart and Louis rolls them down the hall. Harry, Liam, and Jake start chasing after him.
    "Gotta love them." Madison smiles at me.
    "Oh yes." I smile as Zayn wraps his arm around my waist.
    Madison chases after Niall down the hall, leaving Zayn and I alone. Zayn swings my hand as he holds it.
    "I hate it when you're mad at me." He stops walking and starts playing with my fingers.
    "But I'm not mad." I raise an eyebrow.
    "But you were." He smiles.
    I bite my lip as people rush passed us. I hope they didn't recognize us.
    "I'm not." I really want to hurry and get on the plane.
    "Okay love. But I have a surprise for you when we get home. Kay?" He kisses me and runs out to meet everyone else.
    Someone taps my shoulder.
    "Oh. Hey." It's that guy I ran into in the hallway.
    "I thought you and Zayn broke up. Isn't he dating someone else?" He raises an eyebrow.
    I bite my lip and nod.
    "But you guys just kissed." He says.
    I nod again.
    "Wow. But um can i have your number?" He smiles at me.
    I can't say no because then he would know I'm hiding something. So I smile and write it on his hand.
    "I'll call you later." He smiles and runs off.
    I frown and walk outside.
    This is just too complicated for my liking.

  7. amillionsecretsx3 amillionsecretsx3
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2012 11:48am UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. amillionsecretsx3 amillionsecretsx3
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2012 11:18pm UTC
    Only when I'm Taken
    another fan fiction of 1D ♥ ♥ chapter seventeen
    Tonight I'm sleeping with Harry, not in that way. Not Zayn. I don't even want to look at Zayn. I don't even want to think about Zayn. But I can't stop thinking about him.
    I toss and turn all night long. There's no way I'm going to be able to sleep so I roam the hallways of the hotel. One fan asks me for a picture.
    "I'm not really in the mood." I frown.
    She looks at me. "Autograph?" She smiles.
    I nod and sign a tiny piece of paper.
    "Everything is going to be fine." She smiles at me and walks away.
    I shake my head and continue walking. I walk with my head down so I can't see where I'm going. It's 4:30 in the morning. Who would be walking around?
    Someone bumps into me and I fall on the floor.
    "Sorry." I look up and see this guy with the most amazing blue eyes I have ever seen.
    "My fault." He smiles and offers me his hand.
    "No mine." I take his hand and give an awkward smile.
    "Wait you're Tatiana. Zayn's girlfriend?" His eyes get wide.
    I sigh. "Ex-girlfriend."
    "What? You guys were so perfect." His jaw drops.
    I shrug. "Not so perfect."
    "Wanna talk?" He smiles.
    I nod and he takes my hand.
    "Where were you?" Zayn asks me when I walk in the room at 8 in the morning.
    "Why do you care?" I snap.
    He frowns. "I just do."
    I sigh and I can already feel the tears flowing down my face. I shake my head. Not in front of Zayn.
    "Sorry." He mumbles and walks passed me.
    Liam walks in. "Where were you all morning?"
    "I was talking with this guy." I shrug and kick my shoes off.
    "Really?" He smiles at me.
    I nod. "Yeah. He asked why Zayn and I broke up. I just started pouring my emotions out to him. He actually listened." I smile.
    "So are you two.....?" Liam asks.
    I shake my head. "Friends. Good friends."
    "Wow." Liam winks at me.
    I smile.
    "Well do you want to go walk around or something with me?" Liam asks.
    I nod. I do not need Zayn Malik to be happy. I need friends that care about me.

  9. amillionsecretsx3 amillionsecretsx3
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2012 10:24pm UTC
    Only when I'm Taken
    another fan fiction of 1D ♥ ♥ chapter sixteen
    I jerk my hands away from him. "Why?"
    "I don't know if I can tell you." He bites his lip.
    I sigh. "I fell for it again. Why am I so stupid?"
    "You're not stupid." He brushes the back of his hand against my cheek.
    I rest my head against his hand for a second and then I back away.
    "Please." He whispers as the tears start flowing down his face.
    I shake my head and start running back to the hotel.
    I open the room door and I'm breathless.
    "Where's Zayn? What happened?" Liam rushes towards me.
    I shake my head. "He dumped me."
    Harry jumps off the bed. "He what?"
    "He. Dumped. Me." I say slower. The words sting and I feel like someone is stabbing my heart.
    "Why would he do that?' Liam kneels down next to me.
    I turn my head to the floor and shrug. "He said he doesn't know if he can tell me.
    Zayn walks in the room and you can feel the awkward.
    "Tatiana please." He reaches out to hug me.
    I back away and shake my head. "That was the last time I trust you."
    "Why?' Harry mouths to Zayn.
    Zayn whispers something in his ear. Harry tells Liam and they walk out leaving me alone with Zayn.
    He wipes the tears off my face. I'm too tired to fight back.
    "Please don't be mad. I still love you with everything I am." He smiles at me.
    "Then why did you break up with me?" I push him away from me.
    "It's too difficult to explain." He sighs.
    "Too difficult? Zayn was any of this even real?" I shake my head in disgust.
    He hesitates.
    "I guess not." I roll my eyes.
    "I guess not." He repeats quietly.
    I guess not I repeat to myself.

  10. amillionsecretsx3 amillionsecretsx3
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2012 9:51pm UTC
    Only when I'm Taken
    another fan fiction of 1D ♥ ♥ chapter fifteen
    I have been spending everyday with Zayn. So I'm guessing this is real. Louis has a real girlfriend now. She is actually very very nice. When the boys are doing promos, we are hanging out. Oh yeah, her name is Madison.
    Today the guys have no promos. They don't have to go to the studio. They don't have to do anything. So we are going sightseeing. Not in London. I always wanted to go to Paris so that is where we are going.
    Well all head on the plane and take our seats. 10 minutes later we are in the air and on our way to Paris. Zayn holds my hand the entire way there. Still not sure if this real or not.
    Zayn's point of view
    I only agreed to take Tatiana and everyone to Paris for one reason: management told me to break up with her. Why? They say she causes too many "problems." The fans don't like that she dated Louis and me. I could care less. The rest of the boys love her. Including Louis.
    She smiles at me and I get goosebumps. How am I supposed to tell her? I'll take her to the Eiffel tower and then tell her. Or is that bad?
    I just don't want to lose her again.
    Tatiana's point of view.
    Something is up with Zayn. I don't know what it is. He is just acting different. It's a good thing the plane is about to land. I'm so tired of sitting.
    Harry pokes me and points out the window.
    "Zayn, look." I smile down. You can see the Eiffel tower and everything. It's absolutely stunning.
    He smiles at me and nods. Again, he's different now. The plane stops and I'm rushing off the plane.
    "Tatiana, wait!" Liam calls after me.
    I frown and stop. I wait for everyone to catch up. Zayn wraps his arm around my waist and leads me to the car. We arrive at the hotel and Liam checks us in. We have two seperate rooms each on a different floor. I'm guessing that Zayn, Harry, Liam, and I will be sharing a room. Louis, Madison, Niall, and Jake will be in the other.
    As soon as I finish unpacking Zayn takes me to the Eiffel tower. He takes my hand and guides me through the tourists. We reach the top of the tower and he takes my hand and tries to smile.
    "What's wrong?" I frown.
    "I don't know how to tell you this Tatiana." He sighs.
    "What?" I try to put my hands in my pockets but he won't let go.
    "We have to break up." A tear drops from his perfect face and on my hand.

  11. amillionsecretsx3 amillionsecretsx3
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2012 8:36pm UTC
    Only when I'm Taken
    another fan fiction of 1D ♥ ♥ chapter fourteen
    Zayn drives me home in silence. He pulls into the driveway and we just sit there. I don't know why but I don't want him to leave me. I don't know if I should ask him to stay or not.
    I look at him and smile. "Stay with me?"
    He's shocked at first but he eventually smiles. "Of course."
    He opens the door for me and walks me upstairs to my room. No we aren't doing anything. We always just liked to fall asleep in each others arms and watch movies together. I missed that.
    I quickly change into a tank top and sweatpants. I put my hair in a messy bun and wipe off all of my make up. I'm exhausted.
    Zayn smiles when he sees me. He traps me in a hug and I don't break away. This isn't a real relationship my brain says. It's completely real my heart says.
    "You're beautiful and you take my breath away. You know that?" Zayn whispers in my ear. The way his lips brush perfectly across my ear makes me get goosebumps.
    "Zayn I need to ask you something." I smile and sit on the bed.
    He sits next to me and holds my hand. "Anything."
    I take a deep breath. "When you left for X-Factor and you like dumped me. Did you look back?" I shouldn't be asking this.
    Zayn nods. "Always. When I was auditioning I wondered if it was even worth it. I was about to turn around and go back to you when my name was called."
    This makes me smile. All that time I thought he didn't care when he did. "Sorry for being mean to you at the concert."
    Zayn smiles and kisses my cheek. "It's fine."
    "Really?" I smile.
    Zayn nods. He's about to kiss me when the doorbell rings. I frown as he goes to answer it.
    Jake comes running into my room.
    "You aren't supposed to be back until next week!" I smile when I see him.
    "I just told you that. So you and Zayn are....?" He looks at Zayn and I.
    I don't know what we are so I look at Zayn.
    Zayn nods and holds my hand. "Yes."
    I nod slowly. Is he just saying that or is this real?

  12. amillionsecretsx3 amillionsecretsx3
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2012 7:25pm UTC
    Only when I'm Taken
    another fan fiction of 1D ♥ ♥ chapter thirteen
    "Here's a good spot Louis." Reese kisses Louis's neck. Make it stop.
    "Shirt please." I say to Zayn.
    He smiles and throws his shirt at me. I look around and there is nowhere for me to change. I look at Zayn and he points to the woods.
    I sigh but there is nothing else I can do. So I change in the woods. I quickly come back out because it's the woods. It's freaky in there. Louis and Reese are already in the water.
    I suddenly remember that Zayn can't swim. "Sorry." I sit next to him.
    "I'm fine." He smiles and kisses my cheek.
    We sit in silence and I look up at the night sky. I rest my head on Zayn's lap and just stare at the stars. Zayn plays with my hair and he's about to kiss me. But Louis ruins the moment and splashes water on me.
    Zayn laughs when I start freaking out. The water reminded me that Zayn is only my fake boyfriend. He is not my real boyfriend. We do not have a real relationship. This is not real love.
    I sigh as Reese helps Louis with the food. I don't know. My mood just suddenly changed. I don't want to talk to anyone or anything.
    "What's wrong?" Zayn smiles and holds my hand.
    "Nothing." I fake a smile.
    "I don't believe you. But I'm going to go help Reese. Kay love?" He kisses my forehead and runs off the boat.
    I'm about to go with him when Louis walks up to me.
    "Hey." He sits next to me.
    Why is he talking to me? Did he figure anything out? "Hi." I choke out.
    "I need to tell you something." He bites his lip.
    I'm suddenly interested. "Kay."
    "Reese isn't my actual girlfriend." He starts messing with his hair.
    I laugh. I don't mean to. "Oh really?"
    He nods. I'm not telling him that Zayn and I are fake. Just no.
    "Then why are you pretending to date her?" I try not to smile.
    "I don't know." He shrugs.
    I frown. Not the answer I wanted. "Oh."
    "Yeah. But you and Zayn look pretty happy." He raises an eyebrow at me.
    Now is my chance. "Oh extremely happy! He's just the most wonderful, amazing, perfect, flawless guy ever." I smile.
    "Well I'm happy for you." Louis smiles.
    Happy for me? He is supposed to be jealous. Well I guess he really doesn't like me anymore then. I watch him as he goes to help Zayn and Reese. I cannot believe he actually told me the truth.
    Zayn's point of view
    Tatiana comes rushing over to me. She's so pretty. She pulls me off to the side and I start smiling.
    "What?" I ask.
    "Louis told me Reese is his fake girlfriend." She bites her lip.
    "Does that mean we stop?" I frown. I don't want this to end.
    I haven't been this happy since I left her. She's my world and I hope she knows it.

  13. amillionsecretsx3 amillionsecretsx3
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2012 5:48pm UTC
    Only when I'm Taken
    another fan fiction of 1D ♥ ♥ chapter twelve
    **i have two people helping me notify so it might take a while until they notify you. just keep checking my profile for chapters since i am constantly posting.**
    Louis did what Harry told him to do. He got a "girlfriend." To be honest it's really bugging me. They are always kissing, hugging, holding hands, whispering in each others ears, or something like that. I try to pretend that I'm not jealous. I know that is what he wants. So I just focus all of my attention on Zayn. That's pretty easy.
    "You want to go somewhere tonight Zayn?" Liam asks.
    "No, I can't. I have a date with Tatiana, remember?" Zayn smiles at me.
    "Oh right." Liam frowns.
    "We should double date!" Louis's girlfriend Reese squeals.
    She frustrates me. "That would be cool." I fake smile.
    Zayn raises an eyebrow at me and I nod. He sighs. "Sure."
    "Louis?" Reese rubs his arm. Yuck.
    Louis bites his lip. "Why not?"
    "So see you guys at 8." I grab my bag and Zayn walks me to my car.
    "I didn't actually plan for us to go anywhere." Zayn opens the car door for me.
    "Well now you have to plan something." I sigh and start the car. My hands are shaking so I can't even put the key in.
    "Let me do it." Zayn reaches over me and starts the car for me.
    "So I'll see you tonight?" I smile.
    "Yes." He kisses me for a while. He finally pulls away and smiles. He runs back to the hotel.
    I look around to see if anyone was watching. Nope. Nobody. So Zayn did that voluntarily.
    I wear a simple dress and rush out the door.
    "Where are we going?" I say as Zayn starts driving away.
    "I still don't know." He frowns.
    "Wow Zayn." I smile.
    "But Louis wanted to go on a boat ride so I guess we are doing that." He smiles and holds my hand as he drives.
    "Alright. But I didn't bring a swimsuit." I frown.
    Zayn smiles. "You can wear one of my shirts I guess."
    "Kay." Before The X-Factor he used to let me borrow his shirts all the time. I still have one of them. But it's buried under my bed.
    We meet Louis and Reese at the lake.
    "Oh my gosh! Hi!" Reese traps me in a hug.
    I fake smile and slowly hug her. Zayn chuckles silently and I elbow him.
    Louis starts the boat and the night begins.

  14. amillionsecretsx3 amillionsecretsx3
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2012 5:08pm UTC
    Only when I'm Taken
    another fan fiction of 1D ♥ ♥ chapter eleven
    Zayn asked me out on a date in front of Louis. Louis is either a really good actor or he just doesn't care. Either way I'm stuck with Zayn tomorrow night. Zayn and I told Liam about our plan since he's easy to trust.
    Harry stares at Zayn and I from across the room. Zayn awkwardly puts his arm around me and I kiss his cheek. Harry chuckles and walks away. Zayn quickly removes his arm.
    "That was weird." Zayn mumbles.
    I nod and walk to the kitchen. "I'm starving." I frown.
    Niall comes running. "There's no food. Can we go to McDonalds or something?"
    I look at Zayn and he nods. We quickly slide in the car and Niall starts driving. He speeds passed cars and in no time we arrive.
    Niall looks at us and raises an eyebrow. "You're so far apart."
    Zayn quickly holds my hand and smiles at Niall. "Better?"
    Niall grins and continues walking. I turn and see people gawking at us. I smile at Zayn as he opens the door for me. Zayn orders our food and Niall and I find a seat.
    "So you and Zayn again?" Niall questions me.
    I nod. "Yep."
    "How?" Niall mouths.
    "I don't know. It just happened." I mumble. Why is he asking me all of these questions?
    He's about to protest, I think, when Zayn comes over. He gives us our food and it's an awkward silence.
    "So it's pretty outside." Zayn breaks the silence.
    I laugh. "It's raining."
    "Right." Zayn winks at me.
    We quickly finish eating but nobody wants to go home.
    "We could just walk around." Niall shrugs.
    "In the rain?" I frown.
    Niall and Zayn nod.
    So that's exactly what we do. Without Niall or anyone else questioning us, Zayn holds my hand. He stops walking and stares into my eyes. I bite my lip unaware of what's going on.
    I didn't even realize that Niall and a bunch of other fans are watching us.
    "For the love of everything that is edible, kiss her!" Niall screams.
    Some fans shake their head others give Zayn a thumbs up.
    "Better give them what they want." Zayn smiles at me. He slips his fingers through two of my belt loops and pulls me close to him.
    I smile as our lips connect and it couldn't be more perfect. Am I getting real feelings for him? I believe so. I hope they don't go crazy.

  15. amillionsecretsx3 amillionsecretsx3
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2012 3:59pm UTC
    Only when I'm Taken
    another fan fiction of 1D ♥ ♥ chapter ten
    Zayn and I have agreed to be friends regardless of our feelings for each other. I have tiny feelings for Zayn. My feelings for Louis are like 5837 times that. Louis fogived me for kissing Zayn. We aren't dating but we are close friends. Anyway right now I am watching Niall and Liam do a twitcam. It's very entertaining.
    Liam turns the laptop towards me. "Say hi Tatiana!"
    I do an awkward wave. "Hi."
    "That's Louis's and Zayn's ex-girlfriend." Niall smiles at me.
    I wide my eyes and give him that shut up or I'll kill you look. He laughs and shakes his head. I rush out of the room and bump into Zayn.
    "Kay, ow." I immediately brush my hand against my forehead.
    "Sorry. You were walking so fast." Zayn smiles and shrugs.
    I frown and I'm about to say something when I hear noises out of Louis's room. Zayn and I press our ears against the door.
    "I don't know Harry. It sounds like a bad idea." I hear Louis say.
    Harry laughs. "Making Tatiana jealous is a bad idea?"
    "I don't know." Louis says quietly.
    "It's not, okay? You get a girl to act like your girlfriend around Tatiana and she will be so jealous." Harry convinces him.
    "Alright." Louis agrees.
    We hear the door knob turn so we run into Zayn's room.
    "Can you believe that?" I frown.
    "Yeah I can actually." Zayn shrugs as if it's no big deal.
    I sigh and throw myself on his bed. He looks at me and starts smiling.
    "What?" I ask.
    "Nothing it's stupid." He shakes his head.
    "Tell me." I say getting anxious.
    "We could pretend to date just to get Louis jealous." Zayn mumbles.
    "That's not stupid. It's a good idea." I agree.
    "Really?" His jaw drops.
    I nod. "Let's do it. Kay?"
    I just hope I don't start getting real feelings for him.
    woooop. i'm back. sorry it's short. i wanted some type of cliffhanger. lol. feedback?
    follow me on tumblr; n3verland-with-hazza.tumblr.com
    I NEED TWO MORE FOLLOWERS UNTIL I REACH MY GOAL. PLEASEEE ♥ i'll follow back and i will be your bestfriend. omg. kay, bye. i love you.

  16. amillionsecretsx3 amillionsecretsx3
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2012 9:14pm UTC
    Only when I'm Taken
    another fan fiction of 1D ♥ ♥ chapter nine **don't look at the other one, i messed up**
    I called Louis about 20 times today. He's either busy or ignoring me. I can't wait anymore second. I don't care. I'm driving to the hotel and I'm going to talk to him. Whether he likes it or not.
    I welcome myself in but the only person there is Zayn.
    "Where's Louis?" I shake my head.
    "Studio." He doesn't look at me. He just keeps surfing channels.
    "When is he coming back?" I raise an eyebrow.
    "Later." He shrugs. Same unresponsive Zayn.
    "I'll just wait here." I sigh and sit on the floor.
    Zayn turns the tv off and looks at me. "I wish that never happened."
    I nod in agreement. I don't know what he's trying to do.
    "No really. It was a bloody mistake. Everything is screwed up between the boys and I." Zayn frowns.
    I look at him and I'm seeing something that I have never seen before with him. His hair is a complete mess, he has bags under his eyes, and his clothes are very very dirty. It's breaking my heart to see him like this. No, no this boy ruined everything.
    "Interesting." I mumble.
    He checks his phone and rushes to turn the radio on. I try to ask him what's going on but he just puts his finger to my lip.
    "Listen." He turns the radio up and I hear that laugh. Louis's laugh.
    I look at Zayn but he just shakes his head.
    "So you and Tatiana. What's going on?" A man asks.
    "Honestly I don't know if she loves me anymore. I don't want to get Zayn in trouble, I love him, but he kissed Tatiana. I'm just confused." Louis sighs.
    Zayn bites his lip and I press my ear against the speaker.
    "She's listening to this right now." Niall says.
    "Okay then I want to say something. You hurt me Tatiana. But I love you. I can never stop loving you. Our first date was everything that I ever wanted. You're everything I ever wanted in a girl. You're my bestfriend. But I don't know if you feel the same way. Do you honestly? Or are you just saying you love me because I am part of One Direction?" Louis says.
    I don't fight my tears. I turn and see that Zayn doesn't fight them either.
    "Oh and Zayn. I forgive you. Tatiana is beautiful isn't she? You couldn't help it. I appreciate that you told me the truth." Louis adds.
    I turn the radio off and stare at Zayn. Clearly there's only one thing we have to do.
    OKAY. I LOST THE NOTIFICATION LIST. SO IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE NOTIFIED, COMMENT ON THIS. you do not have to keep commenting to be notified. i have a list. hahaha, yeah but thanks for reading.
    feedback is APPRECIATED. love you xx

  17. amillionsecretsx3 amillionsecretsx3
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2012 7:59pm UTC
    Only when I'm Taken
    another fan fiction of 1D ♥ ♥ chapter eight
    I have been trying, not succeeding, to avoid Zayn. He just pops out of nowhere. It's frustrating. I don't go to the boys hotel room that much anymore. I haven't been with Louis, since he records all the time. I haven't been with anyone.
    My phone starts ringing and I rush to answer it.
    "Hello?" I say after I catch my breath.
    "It's Louis. I need to talk to you. Meet me at Starbucks now?" His voice sounds broken. I wonder if he found out.
    "O-o-okay." I mumble and hang up.
    As I drive to Starbucks I'm praying that he didn't find out.
    "Hey." I mumble when I see him.
    He motions for me to sit down and takes a deep breath.
    "What?" I frown.
    "You and Zayn." He shakes his head.
    "Louis..." I can feel the tears coming.
    "Is it true?" He frowns.
    "Can I explain?" I sigh.
    He looks at his watch but he still nods. I told him everything that happened. He doesn't say anything for a while. I don't know if this is good or bad.
    "I have to go Tatiana." He stands up and starts taking his coat.
    "Louis please wait. I love you with all my heart. Please." I chase him outside and it starts raining.
    He gives me a fake smile. "I know. See you later." He kisses my cheek and drives away leaving me alone in the pouring rain.
    I drive straight to the boys hotel. I ignore Liam, Harry, and Niall and run straight into Zayn's room.
    "Hey." He smiles at me.
    I shake my head. "You told Louis!"
    "We don't keep secrets." He shrugs.
    "Well he was my life and you just ruined everything!" I start screaming.
    Liam, Harry, and Niall come running in. Liam tries to calm me down but it doesn't work. I literally attacked Zayn. I want to make him feel my pain right now. Harry grabs me by the waist and carries me out.
    "What just happened?" Harry sets me down on the couch.
    "Thanks to Zayn, Louis just dumped me!" I shake my head in disgust.
    "How did Zayn do that?" Harry wipes the tears off my face.
    "He told Louis that we kissed." I frown.
    "Wait you guys did what?" Harry's jaw dropped.
    "It doesn't matter." I sigh.
    Nothing matters. My life doesn't matter. I deserve every amount of hate Louis gives towards me.

  18. amillionsecretsx3 amillionsecretsx3
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2012 5:37pm UTC
    Only when I'm Taken
    another fan fiction of 1D ♥ ♥ chapter seven
    Baby let me find out your secret. Just let me in and let me show you that I keep it.
    Louis's solo in Another World blast through my phone. I frown and check the time. 3:23 am.
    "Hello?" I choke out.
    "I'm bored. No one is here. Come over and hang out with me?" Niall's Irish accent echoes in my phone.
    I sigh. "Fine. I'll be over in 5."
    He hangs up and I slip my flip flops on and walk out to the car. Only for Niall James Horan would I do this. I stomp into the hotel room and see popcorn all over the floor.
    "Really Niall?" I frown.
    "Do you see anyone here with me? I'm bored!" Niall grabs my shoulders and starts shaking me.
    "Okay okay." I push him off of me and head to the kitchen. I might as well eat if I'm here.
    We start watching Toy Story and Niall is laughing at literally everything. Is it because he's exhausted? Or is this just Niall? I don't know. You tell me. I'm about to tape his mouth when Zayn walks in.
    "Tatiana?" He's shocked.
    I nod. "That's my name."
    "I know." He smiles and sits next to a laughing Niall.
    "Where were you?" I throw a piece of popcorn in the air but Zayn snatches it.
    "Places." He shrugs and stuffs the popcorn in his mouth.
    You don't know how badly I want to punch this kid. But he's so cute. But I hate him. Make sense?
    "You're so mysterious Zayn." I frown.
    "You're so curious Tatiana." He mocks me. It actually makes me laugh.
    "I missed that laugh." Zayn smiles at me.
    Not this again. I stifle a smile and turn to see Niall still laughing and running into his room. I wonder if he's drunk.
    "What happened between us?" Zayn continues.
    "You left." I shrug.
    "Worst decision I ever made." He smiles slightly at me.
    "No it's not." I mumble and awkwardly play with my fingers.
    "Yes it was Tatiana! I remember when we used to sneak in the pool at 4 in the morning together." He smiles.
    The memories flood in my head. The kisses, the laughs, the smiles. I hate to say it but I miss it.
    "That was fun." I shrug.
    "Yes. Wanna know what else I miss?" He creeps closer to me.
    "Why not?" I roll my eyes.
    "You. The way that you got nervous when I held your hand. The way you smiled when we kissed." He holds my hand.
    Good lord. My life is too complicated.
    He kisses me and quickly pulls away.
    "Did you feel anything?" He bites his lip.
    I hate to do this. I nod slowly.

  19. amillionsecretsx3 amillionsecretsx3
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2012 4:48pm UTC
    Only when I'm Taken
    another fan fiction of 1D ♥ ♥ chapter six
    Louis and I are officially a couple now. We have been hanging out everyday for the passed two weeks. I even got to go watch the boys record in the studio. Now on to Zayn; it has been extremely awkward. But I'm trying to let go of the past. Jake has been working, studying, and getting ready for his college exams so we don't see much of him anymore.
    "What do you guys want to do today?" Niall sighs and goes on the laptop.
    "I'm exhausted." I mumble.
    "You're always exhausted!" Harry snaps at me.
    I ignore his comment just because I know that it's true. Ever since I met the boys we have been clubbing all the time. I can't take it anymore. The phone rings and Louis and Liam race to answer it.
    "Hey lowwwwwwwwwww?" Liam smiles.
    He starts mumbling and nodding. "Oh that's amazing! Yes. We would love too. Thanks."
    He hangs up the phone and walks back over to the couch. Everyone looks at him and he smiles.
    "What?" Niall asks.
    "Oh, um. Management called and said we have a radio interview at 3." Liam answers, "They want Tatiana too." He continues.
    I take a spit take with water. "What? Why?"
    Zayn looks at me and shakes his head.
    Liam shrugs and I groan.
    "They are actually quite fun." Louis smiles at me.
    That's not what I'm worried about.
    "We are on in 2." The radio host tells us.
    We chat for a while and the interview starts.
    "We are live with One Direction and a special guest. Louis's new girlfriend, Tatiana." The host smiles at me.
    "Hi." I mumble into the microphone.
    He starts out with asking the boys random questions. Finally he gets to me.
    "So you and Zayn have dated before?" He smiles at me.
    I don't know if I should deny this or not. I look at Zayn, who's smiling, and then at Louis, who nods. "Yes." I finally answer.
    "If you don't mind my asking, what happened?" He asks me.
    I turn to Zayn who answers for me. "Well I was going to audition for X-Factor and I wanted to focus, you know?"
    "You left out a part, Zayn." I snap at him.
    "So I didn't visit her and I promised." He shrugs.
    "Ouch. So how did you guys get back in contact?" The radio host is getting in our business.
    "My brother won these two backstage tickets and I started hanging out with the boys. I wouldn't say Zayn and I are in contact." I cross my arms.
    "Do you guys hate each other or something?" Harry asks.
    "She hates me." Zayn corrects him.
    "This is very awkward." Louis mumbles.
    Everyone nods in agreement except for me. I want the world to know that Zayn Malik is not the caring guy he says he is. And I know just how I'm going to do that.

  20. amillionsecretsx3 amillionsecretsx3
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2012 4:03pm UTC
    Only when I'm Taken
    another fan fiction of 1D ♥ ♥ chapter five
    "Why did you just do that?" I push away from him and cross my arms. Now my emotions are out of control.
    Zayn smiles and shrugs.
    "This isn't funny! I have a date with Louis tonight and I don't want you on my mind." I pull my hair into a low ponytail and put my face in a pillow.
    "Well tell me when you get your emotions straight." He pats my back and walks out the door. I wait until I hear the door snap shut and scream in the pillow.
    This wasn't supposed to happen. None of this was supposed to happen. Why couldn't I just have a normal life? Whatever, I'm going to forget about Zayn. I'm going to have fun on my date with Louis. I guess I better go to sleep first.
    "You look amazing love." Louis kisses me quickly and leads me to his car.
    "Where are we going?" I smile when he opens the door for me. He's so sweet.
    "Well it's a flawless night so we could do anything you like. We could go anywhere." He smiles.
    "I have lived in London my entire life and I have never been on the London Eye." I say, a little embarrassed.
    He stifles a laugh. "Okay well we can change that."
    He parks the car and we walk hand in hand. When we get to the top, the view is breathtaking. You can see the Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, and many other things I haven't seen.
    "It's gorgeous." I whisper.
    "Just like you." He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me in for a kiss.
    If anybody said Zayn right now I would be confused. I'm not thinking about Zayn. It's all about Louis right now.
    He takes me out for dinner and we stroll around the streets of London. Fans occasionally ask him for a picture but I don't mind. I like his smile anyway. We continue walking and Louis stops when he sees a guy with a guitar playing a slow song.
    "Wanna dance with me?" Louis smiles.
    "I cannot dance. I'm terrible." I shake my head.
    "I'm not that good either. We can still spin in circles." He smiles and pulls me in the middle where everyone can see us.
    He rests his hand on my waist and we spin in circles. Other couples join us but I'm not paying attention to them. It feels like Louis and I are the only ones on Earth.
    I'm so close to falling in love with him.


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