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ErinAlysonn · 1 decade ago on quote 3921068
I miss most running into my dads arms when he got home from work, he never came home until seven o'clock, it was a big deal when I was a kid. He doesn't work anymore, hes always home when I get home and I miss the excitement of seeing him everyday after a long day of school and a long day of work
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ErinAlysonn · 1 decade ago on quote 3865794
My ankle!
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ErinAlysonn · 1 decade ago on quote 3792969
Happy birthday! And don't worry, someday you'll meet the perfect friend, I'm kind of in the same boat too! But oh well, we can make it right?
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ErinAlysonn · 1 decade ago on quote 3781522
Thank you for posting this. I've been having a bad couple of weeks, and this made me feel much better. Thank you.
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ErinAlysonn · 1 decade ago on quote 3781940
Erin is hope and Erin is awesome
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ErinAlysonn · 1 decade ago on quote 3769999
I'm so sorry for your grandpas death, it's awful and I know that the last thing you want to hear is I know how it feels. I'm sure he was a wonderful man, and he will always be with you.
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ErinAlysonn · 1 decade ago on quote 3760012
Can I have firework by Katy perry?
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ErinAlysonn · 1 decade ago on quote 3725841
if I'm in a bad mood, firework by Katy Perry does it for me.
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ErinAlysonn · 1 decade ago on quote 3729186
Seventh grade was the worst year for everyone I know. It was awful for me, for my own reasons, and I got over it. Grade eight brought new ones, but I'm over those too. Things could happen, but it will be okay, don't worry. Life goes on, seventh grade is bad for everyone, everyone is just at the stage where they are moody and wanna be grown up, but don't know how to do it right, it'll be okay, trust me! :)
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ErinAlysonn · 1 decade ago on quote 3699350
Maybe talk to him, tell him how you feel. Don't stop just because he says that, just say this is how I'm feeling. And he could be busy too, and maybe he just needed some guy time, ya know? It's always better to try to talk things out, and if he really likes you, he won't want to lose you. I had a major talk with my boyfriend last night, and were better, I think. I mean, if things end, it's not going to be the end of the world either. People come and go, your not going to meet your husband In high school. Just talk to him about how you feel, maybe something is going on in his life, ask him if something's wrong. It's going to work out.
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ErinAlysonn · 1 decade ago on quote 3689833
My first real boyfriend was really my first love. It was three years ago, I just started scouts and that's how we met. I joined for boys, but I looked around the room the first night and thought this was a mistake, none of them are cute except him. I then learned he was a year older than me and thought he would never like me. We instantly clicked though, we were such good friends. It was always me and Jess, Craig and Seth, always the four of us together. I really did fall for him, and on our winter camp that year, I told him everything, how I was liking his friend too.his friend kind of dated me, but then broke it off, which I was fine with cause I was falling for Craig. The next night was the valentines dance at school.Craig and his friend kept dancing with me, and I really liked Craig. A couple days later I asked him out. He said yes. We were perfect together, we were super silly, and really nice to each other all the time. It wasn't super clingy, or all we did was make out, nothing like that. When we were dating for six months (yes, six!) we finally had our first kiss. It was beautiful, we were both so nervous, but it was great. About two months later, he broke promises, then broke up with me. It was awful, I really loved him, and you know they say first loves never really go away, well it's completely true, I still love him. I'm changing school, and decided to tell him how I feel, because he never showed any admiration towards me ever anymore, although were still friends. He said he agreed, and asked to hang out. I'm dating someone else, and I told him. The next day he said he was just caught up in the moment. But after that he asked if I was available, and I said no why? And he said that beside my name it said available on facebook. I have no idea if he likes me or not, maybe he is just waiting for me to be single, I don't know. But I'm nervous now, in case he isn't and my hopes are just being brought up too high...
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ErinAlysonn · 1 decade ago on quote 3606009
Completely true. I was dating guys, but I never went to dances with them, we just hung out there. Onky one dance have I ever had a date to, and it was prom and I didn't like it at all! Friends make it so much better!
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ErinAlysonn · 1 decade ago on quote 3395025
That depend on the breed, some live up to a month. Do you know how long they live in the water though? Depending on the breed, three to five years are spent as nymphs in the water
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ErinAlysonn · 1 decade ago on quote 3583544
No problem, I love reading, and that is an interesting quote. It could have so many possibilities
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ErinAlysonn · 1 decade ago on quote 3583544
Is it a good book?
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ErinAlysonn · 1 decade ago on quote 3583544
I think "a kindred spirit" means that their kind of free at heart, they don't 'flow' like everyone else, they do things their way, not what everyone wants of them. I'm not sure, but I have read something like that, and that's what I got from it. The rest, maybe like it's a hard time in their life, their being pressured to do something? If the narrator is female, she is thinking about 'him' as being compatible with her, someone she admires.
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ErinAlysonn · 1 decade ago on quote 3563895
Micheal Weatherly (actor NCIS)
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ErinAlysonn · 1 decade ago on quote 3563810
Darling, I stopped trusting people long ago. It will only get you hurt, I have realized it, and why I didn't before is beyond me. I don't know what happened to you to create this, but you're not alone. If you ever want to talk and vent to me, feel free, sounds like you have had a rough day.
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ErinAlysonn · 1 decade ago on quote 3512921
Of course!
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ErinAlysonn · 1 decade ago on quote 3501762
I have the incomplete book of failures sitting right next to me right now, lol
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