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Member Since: 6 Jul 2011 08:54pm

Last Seen: 28 May 2012 05:40pm

user id: 191432

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Im not here for you to judge me, or to tell me lies and give empty thoughts. Im just here for the quotes that make me smile, make me think, make me forgive, forget, and be a better person. I learned so much from being on this webiste. From just reading all these wonderful quotes and talking to wonderful people. I hope you get the chance to know me.
Im a 15 year old named Annaliese who recently moved to New York. I live a few minutes from the city, and im still adjusting.
I would like strawberry filled vanilla cake on August 21st when I turn 16, or just a Happy Birthday with a smilley face would be fine(:
There's so much more to tell, but I wouldn't know how to tell it. Just come talk to me. I love making new friends and giving advice.

  1. ElegantBubbles_ ElegantBubbles_
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2012 1:38pm UTC
    "I didn't so it!""Then why are you laughing?""Because whoever did it is a freaking genius!"

  2. ElegantBubbles_ ElegantBubbles_
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2012 1:35pm UTC
    Your like ice cream on a sunny day,I wanna eat you before you melt away.

  3. ElegantBubbles_ ElegantBubbles_
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2012 1:26pm UTC
    ♥KATNISS[x] You would do anything to protect your family.[ ] You have good aim.[ ] You hate cats.[ ] You aren’t too fond of people in general.[x] You hate being indebted to people.[x] You hold grudges.[ ]You wouldn’t describe yourself as a warm, friendly person - you’ve got about as much charm as a dead slug.[ ] When you sing, the birds fall silent.NUMBER: 3PEETA[x]You’re an artist.[x] You love to bake.[x] You can decorate well.[ ] Manipulating people comes naturally for you.[x] You’re clever.[] Your favorite color is orange.[x] You’re a fantastic liar.[x] You’re a hopeless romantic.[x] You have a strong sense of self.NUMBER: 7GALE[x] You question everything.[x] You’re very defiant.[x] You’re spontaneous.[ ] You’re a rebel with a cause.[x] You would do absolutely anything for justice.NUMBER: 4FINNICK[x] Others often describe you as sexy or gorgeous. (I'd like to think so(: )[] You’ve been used for your looks.[x] You’re a skilled swimmer.[ ] When you’re anxious, your hands have to be occupied - with knots or something of that nature.[ ] You’re very popular, but don’t want to be.[x] You’re protective.NUMBER: 3 PRIM[] You’re innocent.[] You have blonde hair.[x] You adore animals.[x] You love helping people in need.[x] People seem to be fond of you.[x] Over time you’ve become quite wise.[x] You are nurturting.NUMBER: 5CINNA[x] You’re creative.[x] You root for the underdog.[ ] You dress simply. (Not always)[x] You stand up for your cause.[x] Your hair is simple and easily manageable.[x] You tend to have brilliant ideas.NUMBER: 5EFFIE[] You’re somewhat materialistic.[x] You’ve dyed your hair a wild color.[x] You're somewhat naive.[x] You’re punctual and hate lateness.[ ] Etiquette is important to you.[ ] You’re rich.NUMBER: 3HAYMITCH[x] You’re very sarcastic. (Not Very, but somewhat)[ ] You get drunk often.[ ] People might find you condescending.[ ] Outsmarting others is a talent of yours.[ ] You’re very lonely.NUMBER: 1JOHANNA[x] People might call you crazy.[x] You want things to be fair.[x] You’ve had a rough time in life.[ ] You really don’t like most people.[ ] You have short hair.[ ] You don’t like being in water.NUMBER: 3RUE[x] You love music.[x] You’re small and graceful.[x] You hum often.[x] You inspire others.[x] You’re always hungry.[x] People underestimate you.NUMBER: 6

  4. ElegantBubbles_ ElegantBubbles_
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2012 6:16pm UTC
    Coffee is like men; they're strong, warm, and keep you up at night.

  5. ElegantBubbles_ ElegantBubbles_
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2012 6:09pm UTC
    I've never actually seen a bully steal some nerds lunch money...

  6. ElegantBubbles_ ElegantBubbles_
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2012 6:06pm UTC
    Dress everyday like you're going to get murdered in those clothes.

  7. ElegantBubbles_ ElegantBubbles_
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2012 6:03pm UTC
    Peace sign up.
    Index finger down.

  8. ElegantBubbles_ ElegantBubbles_
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2012 6:00pm UTC
    Ripping grass out the ground and putting it on the person next to you

  9. ElegantBubbles_ ElegantBubbles_
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2012 5:54pm UTC
    1, 2, 3 Smile...Did you take it yet?....Oh Crap, its on video.

  10. ElegantBubbles_ ElegantBubbles_
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2012 5:50pm UTC
    Today, I was watching DVDs of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
    At one point, Xander says about Spike: "Couldn't be a less terrifying vampire even if he sparkled."
    Buffy the Vampire Slayer just pwned Twilight.

  11. ElegantBubbles_ ElegantBubbles_
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2012 5:46pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. ElegantBubbles_ ElegantBubbles_
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2012 5:43pm UTC
    I like your tan...
    LOL, JK
    Willy Wonka wants you to get back to work.

  13. ElegantBubbles_ ElegantBubbles_
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2012 6:36pm UTC
    I want to;
    watch a meteor shower,
    travel around the world,
    visit Toronto,
    go to Rome,
    pet a panda,
    ride a horse on the beach,
    kiss someone at midnight on New Years.
    see the Eiffel Tower,
    make a cross country trip,
    visit the wizarding world of Harry Potter,
    volunteer in Africa,
    write a book,
    be on the show Cash Cab,
    kiss at the top of a ferris whell,
    cross a bridge in the jungle,
    have love live Allie and Noah's,
    live in my dream house,
    attend a masquerade,
    try dog sleeding,
    celebrate my 100th birthday,
    visit the Titanic in a submarine,
    go to a mardi gras celebration,
    watch my children get married,
    go to the Tim Burton exhibit,
    have my own star,
    star in a movie,
    solve a rubik's cube,
    let go of a 100 balloons at once,
    swim with dolphins,
    bungee jump,
    cave my name into a tree,
    go parasailing,
    personally thank a 9/11 firefighter,
    visit the walk of fame,
    visit the great wall of China,
    mud wrestle,
    watch baby turtles hatch,
    meet my idol,
    write something in wet cement,
    send a message in a bottle,
    have an adventure like Jack and Rose's,
    be in a fashion show,
    have a song dedicated to me,
    give people a reason to remember my name.

  14. ElegantBubbles_ ElegantBubbles_
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2012 6:13pm UTC
    When you have an itchy eye, but you can't itch it or it will ruin your makeup...

  15. ElegantBubbles_ ElegantBubbles_
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2012 6:10pm UTC
    Walking around with two different shoes on your feet trying to decided which one looks better.

  16. ElegantBubbles_ ElegantBubbles_
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2012 6:06pm UTC
    Don't worry if you're single
    God's looking at you right now, saying
    "Im saving this one for someone special."

  17. ElegantBubbles_ ElegantBubbles_
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2012 5:57pm UTC
    I might have, kind of, sort of
    thought you liked me...

  18. ElegantBubbles_ ElegantBubbles_
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2012 5:54pm UTC
    Laying in bed,
    if it's worth it to get up
    and pee.

  19. ElegantBubbles_ ElegantBubbles_
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2012 8:09pm UTC
    little wings for your nose.

  20. ElegantBubbles_ ElegantBubbles_
    posted a quote
    January 11, 2012 8:01pm UTC
    Girls will be Girls;
    putting the perfect amount of mascara on,
    watching Freaky Friday,
    Pink nailpolish,
    freaking out when you see a rainbow,
    Taylor Swifts songs,
    adorable puppies,
    eating candy canes,
    Nicholas Sparks novels,
    Victoria Secret bras,
    diet coke,
    pillow pets,
    buying new clothes,
    cute panties,
    o.p.i nailpolish,
    dreaming about our wedding day,
    watching the Titanic,
    taking goofy pictures,
    having long hair,
    knowing the lyrics to a Nicki Minaj song,
    family trips to Disney World,
    watching the Notebook,
    Boys with green eyes,
    eating cotton candy,
    Audrey Hepburn,
    having a closet full of clothes,
    iced coffee,
    treats from Starbucks,
    Cheetah print,
    comfort food,
    making someone smile,
    flip flops,
    owl necklaces,
    messy buns
    texting for hours,
    collecting bracelets,
    Disney Movies,
    singing obnoxiously loud with your friends,
    frozen yogurt,
    when the mall is decorated for the holidays,
    dressing up and feeling pretty,
    having a guy bestfriend,
    Ron and Hermoine,
    One Direction,


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