Witty Profiles

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  1. Kamily_96 Kamily_96
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 3:04pm UTC
    The Unknown
    Chapter Three
    The passengers braced themselves for the crash. My first thought was to protect my new Iphone, but that was kind of petty. Looking out the window, I could see a glimpse of water below. We were falling into an ocean. Just my luck.
    "Unbuckle." I told Lucas. He looked at me like I was crazy. "We're over water. We'll have to get out of the plane somehow and swim. I know it sounds ridiculous, but trust me."
    Why did I just say that? Now I'm going to be responsible for his death.
    "If you say so." Lucas shrugged. Then he reached into a compartment above us and opened it. Out flopped two life jackets. He smiled smugly, and then put his on. He looked out and said that we were still pretty high in the air. There was probably less than a minute left before we hit the water.I felt Lucas sliding my arms through the life jacket and I helped to pull it on.
    The rest of the passengers were sitting in their seatbelts. I even saw one guy listening to his iPod. I yelled for them to unbuckle. No one listened. The pilot made a goodbye announcement with his apologies. Some people were hyperventilating; others were puking into those free paper bags the flight attendants give out. I looked away, and noticed an emergency axe in a glass frame. I opened it. Nobody cared that the alarm was going off. I hadn't thought that they would.
    I smashed my window open and ducked as the glass flew at me. Fortunately, none pierced my skin. I told Lucas to jump when we got low enough to the water. We were about 100 feet from the ground now.
    "Jump… NOW," he yelled pushing me through the window head first. I slid down the wing of the plane, and then tumbled into the water. I heard a small splash after me. Then another, much larger splash after that. I could hear the screams from underwater.
    The plane sinking was causing the water to pull me deeper. I couldn't fight it, and I was running low on oxygen. The pull gradually stopped, but I couldn't swim any further.
    Soon, I felt a hand grab mine, and tug me to the surface. I gasped for air. I saw a wet-haired, chiseled guy holding me to his chest, swimming at the same time. Lucas.
    I didn't talk. There was nothing to say. Anyways, I was content enough just looking at his fluffed up hair, and determined facial expression. He glanced back for a moment, and raised his eyebrows, asking if I was okay. I nodded. He didn't seem to have any trouble swimming while carrying me, so I figured why not make it last as long as possible?
    Somehow, he stood up and began walking in the clear, warm water. He continued carrying me in his arms. The water got lower, until there was just sand. Maybe my luck wasn't so bad. The plane crashed near an island.
    We turned to face the direction we came from. There wasn't a person in sight. I held his hand as I watched the last bubble disappear. We couldn't help them now. Then we looked back at the island, dense with palm trees, and bushes. It had to be at least a few miles long. Lucas sat down and placed his hand on my shoulder, encouraging me to sit with him.
    I put my arms around him and buried my face in his chest as I cried. He gently patted my back, and still, neither of us said anything. After about a half an hour, I gathered myself and let go of him. Lucas took my hands and held them in his as he spoke.
    "We're going to get out of here, alive, okay? It's going to be fine." he said surely. He stared into my eyes, waiting for a response. I shook my head.
    "No. We're going to freaking die in there," I spluttered, pointing to the jungle. I blabbered on about how if the giant spiders didn't get us, we'd starve to death. I would have gone on, but he did something that put an instant stop to my rambling.
    Lucas let go of my hands, then softly tipped my chin upwards. He slowly bent towards me and kissed me for a moment. Then he pulled away to speak
    "I'll protect you." he said quietly."We'll get through this," he paused. "Together.
    Thanks for all the support guys!! Hope you liked this chapter!
    I cant wait to start Chapter Four!!
    Love you guys! <33
    Fav for next chapter!

  2. r0cki_ r0cki_
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 10:24am UTC
    Revenge served Cold
    Chapter Two
    Nora's POV
    I pulled into my assigned parking spot at school, number 23. Lucky for me, I got one close to the entrance. I decided to wait until the bell was just about to ring to go inside so I could make a grand entrance.
    While waiting, I hooked my iPod into my car’s stereo and played music, fishing around in my bag for the pack of cigarettes I had slid in there the night before.
    Not that it was a healthy habit, but it definitely calmed my nerves. I started in ninth grade with some buddies and it had generally stuck; now I smoke mostly just to curb my appetite.
    I cracked my window down a couple inches and put a cigarette between my lips. While searching for the lighter in my bag, I heard a tap on my window. stuff, no one’s suppose to see me yet.
    I glanced over my shoulder and saw a lean guy sporting a white button up and dark blue faded jeans. His brown hair was swept to the top of his head and it looked as though he’d spent his summer tanning. Thankful that I didn’t recognize him, I slid an annoyed look onto my face and cranked my window down some more.
    “Uh, yeah?”
    “Hey,” he said, his blinding smile accenting his green eyes. “I saw you were, well, and I thought maybe I could…possibly bum one?” He asked, stumbling through his words and holding up a blue lighter.
    I nodded, thinking. “Get in.” I said, jerking my head towards the passenger side.
    He smiled in relief and went around while I rolled my window back up. “So…are you new here?” he asked, taking a Camel Crush from the pack and lighting it.
    “I was about to ask you the same thing,” I replied, crushing the ball in my own cigarette. I held my hand out for the lighter.
    He handed it to me. “Nah, I started here last year. I’m a senior now. My name’s Trevor, by the way.”
    “I’m Nora. I use to live here about a year ago, but I was in Cali for my freshman year,” I explained, inhaling the icy menthol.
    “Well I’m surprised, you'd figure a beauty like you would’ve come up in conversation,” he said with a smile.
    I rolled my eyes. Trevor picked up my iPod and shuffled through the songs, stopping on This Love by Maroon 5. I laughed and shook my head while he bobbed his body to the beat. Hearing the warning bell ring, I watched people rush inside and flicked my cigarette butt out the window.
    As I stepped out of my car Trevor was already there, waiting for me so we could walk inside together. I smiled and pulled out my iPhone.
    Hotties Named Trevor: Everyone has their doubts about the first day of school, but you know you must be doing something right when you snag a senior before it's even started.
    No need to use to the links, I just find it's easier to imagine things with visuals!
    Nora Before: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-grvFpPi26RE/TfOgVBFEYiI/AAAAAAAAAVs/MF1BAJcULcM/s1600/emo8.jpg
    Nora After: http://howtogetlonghair.info/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/how-to-make-hair-thicker.png
    Trevor: http://i1094.photobucket.com/albums/i456/zrhett/bfcad0ab.jpg
    Thank you all so much for the support!
    [[Fave. Comment. Follow]]

  3. r0cki_ r0cki_
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 12:14am UTC
    Revenge served Cold
    Nora's POV
    I finally did it, I thought to myself, staring in the mirror. I turned left, then right, inspecting myself and tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear.
    I applied a thin coat of shimmery, cherry-flavored lip gloss. Perfect.
    After a year of being away from my hometown in Charleston, I'd arrived in Mount Pleasant last night. My main attraction was starting school again and seeing all of the people who thought they knew me.
    No doubt, every single one of them will be blown away.
    While spending a year in California, I had picked up a few tips and tricks, not to mention dropped about 50 pounds. The girl they knew is gone. No more heavy eyeliner, dark clothes, or choppy hair.
    I won't be the chubby, emo girl, the outcast.
    For as long as I could remember, the gorgeous people at my school had torn me down. They'll be sorry they ever said the things they said. They'll be sorry the ever met me. 
    I grabbed my iPhone and pulled up my blog, clicking open a new entry.
    Fashion Statement of the Month:  Grab your parkas to tan in the August sun this year ladies, 
    because revenge is a dish best served cold.

  4. r0cki_ r0cki_
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 2:24am UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. Kamily_96 Kamily_96
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 11:56am UTC
    The Unknown
    Chapter One
    "Bye Mom" I said, hugging her. I made this decision by myself and she hadn't exactly agreed with me. I had to get away from my stepfather. I couldn't stand him. That's why I decided to leave Washington D.C. and live with my grandmother in Australia. Also, I was hoping on meeting some nice Australian men.
    "Bailey, remember the rules," she said sternly. Here we go again. "No talking to strangers, no drugs, no alcohol. Just be careful, okay?" she looked at me expectantly, and I nodded, letting go of her hands.
    I waved to my stepfather, without making eye contact, and he scowled at me as he placed his arm around my mother and kissed her. I have no idea why he hates me so much, but I know that he wouldn't lay a finger on her.
    I boarded the plane and made myself comfortable at a window seat. I placed my bag on the seat next to me so that I could rest without being disturbed by a neighbor. Unfortunately, the plane filled up pretty quickly so I was out of luck. A young guy walked up the aisle and stopped when he noticed the empty seat.
    "Would you mind if I sat here?" he asked pleasantly. This guy was hot. He had dark brown hair, deep brown eyes, and tan skin. I also noticed some abs stretching at his gray shirt. I guessed he was a couple inches over six feet.
    "I really don't have a choice, huh?" I said jokingly, gesturing to all of the full seats. He smiled and sat down as I moved my bag. "I'm Bailey." I told him, holding out my hand. He shook it gently.
    "Lucas Mitchell," he said grinning. "Hey any idea what time it is?" Lucas said, as he rummaged around his pocket for a phone. I quickly pulled mine out and slid it open.
    "Uh yeah it's almost 8." I was planning on going asleep as soon as possible, but his good looks were keeping me up. I couldn't stop glancing at him. I told Lucas where I was going and he explained that he was moving to Sydney, Australia for college. I silently swore. He was a year older than me. Figures. Then we talked about our lives back home. Turns out he lived just a few towns away from me. The way I saw it, we were practically childhood friends.
    "Well, I'm going to sleep." I told him. He said goodnight, then turned to rest his head too. I leaned against the window and fell asleep.
    When I woke up early in the morning, I'm positive I saw him staring right at me.
    Hey Guys!! Hope you all liked this chapter!
    Chapter Two is going to be really interesting!!
    Can't wait! :D

  6. Kamily_96 Kamily_96
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 10:25am UTC
    The Unknown
    “Paul STOP! I didn’t mean it! I didn’t do it on purpose!” I shouted as my step-father pinned me to the wall.
    “Bailey! I am done putting up with your sh/t!” He screamed into my ear.
    My ear drums were ringing. My mother wasn’t home yet. She goes on business trips for weeks at a time.He would never let her see him like that.
    The abuse has gotten out of hand. The police have shown up at our house multiple times.
    I am choosing to go live with my grandmother in Australia. I am currently living in Washington D.C. with my mom and step-dad. I am not the most popular girl in school. I get bullied a lot by showing up to school with bruises and welts all over my body.
    The teachers ask me what happened and I have to make lies about it. My step-father threatens to kill me if I tell the truth. Sometimes I wish he would so I could stop suffering through the pain.
    The worst part is, I can’t tell my mother what’s going on. She doesn’t even understand why I want to go live with my grandmother.
    I have been to court more times than any person should go in a lifetime. I have been sent back and forth from friends houses and back to my house because the police had no real proof of the abuse.
    Tomorrow morning I leave for Australia. I have tonight to pack everything. I am leaving tomorrow morning at 4 P.M. to go to the airport.
    Its really happening. I'm moving to Sydney.
    Sorry the Prologue was so short but its gonna get better!
    I promise!
    I can't wait to for Chapter One!! :D

  7. BrokenHeartedGirl1 BrokenHeartedGirl1
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 8:29pm UTC
    He Loves Me not.
    Chapter 2
    *Rachel's POV*
    "Rachel you look hot!,"Abby shouted out her car window.
    I smirked, "Back at you girl!", even though I could barely see her outfit.
    I hopped in the car and we were on our way.
    "I plan on getting hammered tonight so you might have to step up and be the DD," Abby trailed off.
    "Haha", I shrugged her off. If she wanted to drink I had nothing against being the designated driver. As long as Abby didn't completely ditch me for the night.
    It was about a half an hour drive and being the designated driver became a little less appetizing. I told myself to relax. Breathe in and out.
    Finally we arrived. I could hear the music blaring from about a mile away. Abby parked and we walked right in.
    Everyone was screaming over the booming sound system. Out of nowhere I heard someone scream,
    "Rachel Bollinger! At a high school party!"
    It was Nina. The little wh//re who was always all over Luke in the pictures. She was also Abby's friend. She staggered over to us obviously drunk. I don't think she even would have talked to us if she was sober. Trying to stay balanced with one hand and the other holding a bottle of Skinny Girl margarita.
    "Oh hey Neen!" Abby shouted.
    "Hi Nina." I smiled as she handed me a red plastic cup and poured some of the bottle into it even though it spilled slightly on my hand.
    "Here’s to the new Rachel" I thought to myself.
    "Well, come on!" Abby tugged me through all the people.
    We passed around 10 couples making out, a beer pong table, and about 3 girls from out school completely wasted with bongs. "We are one classy Catholic school" I thought not realizing I was still sipping on my Skinny Girl.
    "Keg coming through" yelled some boys.
    I turned to see 2 pretty attractive guys walking in. Then it became relevant, Abby was no longer next to me. Sh//t. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my a//ss. I whizzed around to a boy I had never seen before.
    "Do you mind?" I asked.
    "No, do you?" he smirked.
    Well if I'm going to be a wh//re...I pondered.
    "Hey, how bout you get me a drink and then we can talk." I flirted like the tease I wanted to be.
    He spoke seriously, "Deal."
    We both grabbed a seat on the couch and we were talking. He was about to be a senior and as far as he knew so was I. Before I knew what was going on, we were making out, and he was trying to get his hand down my shorts. I don't know how but somehow I got him off me. I walked back into the crowd and was handed a third drink by someone. My memory was getting a little fuzzy and before I knew it I had passed out. I only remember three things: a ping pong ball smack the table, my drink hit the floor, and a familiar voice shouting,
    "Rachel Bollinger! Is that you?!"
    Hey guys! Thank you so much for all of the faves, followers, and comments! I'm sorry about the fonts and the title being messed up. I've never been good with codes! Also, if you want to be notified, leave me a comment. You all are awesome!

  8. BrokenHeartedGirl1 BrokenHeartedGirl1
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 5:02pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. unkn0wn unkn0wn
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 4:04pm UTC
    chapter 1~
    "How was you sleep, sweetheart?" My mother asked, setting a plate of food in front of me.
    "Great." I lied, poking at my scrambled eggs with a large metal fork.
    I never slept, and if I did, I always woke up crying and in a cold sweat.
    She pursed her lips as she tried to hide her dissapointment, turning to the sink to wash the dishes.
    I bit down hard on my lip, pushing away the feeling of sudden guilt.
    When Ashely died, she had opened up her arms to me while I pushed away.
    I took a sip of my orange juice, letting the citrus taste run down my throat.
    When it was time to leave for school, I kissed my mom goodbye, slinging my floral pattern backback around my shoulder.
    As I walked to school, my feet shuffled softly against the paved sidewalk.
    I didn't want to go back there and see all of those farmiliar faces whom I couldn't stand.
    I didn't want to face all of the things that were a constant reminder of my former best friend.
    "Why is that freak back?." A perky blonde yelled as I walked by her.
    I made my way over to my old locker, fidgiting with the combination.
    I pulled out the picture of Ashley and I that was taped on the inside, shoving it down my pocket.
    I began walking to my first class quickly, trying to avoid bumping into anyone that I knew.
    Just as I was about to turn a hallway corner, I felt a body brush against mine.
    The impact was soft, but I still dropped my books, watching them fall to the ground in a heap.
    "sh/t, I'm sorry." The boy apologized, picking up everything for me.
    "You're Emma right?"
    "Yeah, that's me." I grumbled as he handed me back my things.
    I watched his dark brown orbs water up as he leaned in closer towards me.
    "Is she really dead?" He whispered urgently, his voice full of pain.
    "Ashley...she's gone?"
    The way that he said her name made me cringe, and I took a step back.
    "Yes." I sighed.
    "It's been about a month now."
    "How did she die?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck.
    I looked down, feeling a bit nautious.
    My mind traveled back to that night at the lake, and I bit down hard on the edge of my lip to keep from screaming.
    "Did you hear me?" He asked, as I turned away
    I started walking down the hall, not looking back once.
    hey guyss(:
    sorry, this chapter's a little short but I hope you like it so far!
    100+ faves to continue

  10. unkn0wn unkn0wn
    posted a quote
    June 26, 2012 8:49pm UTC
    It was pitch black out that night, the kind of darkness that could easily scare a person, except for Ashley.
    "Come on Emma!" she squealed, tugging on my arm lightly.
    "What do you want?" I moaned, rubbing my eyes.
    I looked at my clock, sighing heavily.
    "Ashley, it's two in the morning."
    "no sh/t sherlock." She teased, ripping the blankets off of me.
    "We're sneaking out tonight."
    I had snuck out before, but tonight felt different.
    "I'm tired." I complained, burying my head farther under a pillow.
    "Stop being a baby and man up." She spat, yanking me out of bed.
    "Get your bikini on, we're going night swimming."
    I reluctantly did what Ashley wanted, sneaking out of her house and walking to the lake nearbye.
    The water felt warm but at the same time, uninviting.
    I dipped my toes in, letting my feet sink into the soft sand as Ashley dived into the water smoothly without a care.
    "Come on, let's go to the dock!" She yelled as she began moving her arms and legs briskly through the soft waves.
    I envied the way she could make just about anything look graceful.
    I scrunched my nose up, moving into the water slowly until my waist was completely in, translucent and milky white under the moonlight.
    I paddled my body lightly until I was at the dock, and sat next to Ashley, drying off.
    She looked so pretty under the light of the moon, her tropical blue orbs sparkling brighter than they usually did.
    "I'm glad your my best friend." I whispered, leaning my head onto her shoulder.
    "I know." She said, before jumping in.
    A wave of crystal like water splashed me, and I giggled, jumping in after her.
    "Race you back!" She spluttered, spitting out water as she began swimming back.
    I started swimming quickly, increasing my speed until I was much farther past her, moving at an incredible pace.
    "Looks like I won!" I laughed, reaching the shore line.
    That's when I heard her scream.
    I turned, hearing Ashley struggle and call my name but I couldn't see where she was.
    "Ashley?" I asked, feeling a sharp chill running up my spine.
    "Ashley, are you okay?"
    The sounds of struggle turned to silence, and there was nothing except for the wind blowing lightly, making my blonde locks fly around my face in a distorted fashion.
    I would never see my best friend again.
    She was gone.
    hey guys, I hope you liked my story so far(:
    I've been brainstorming for a while now and I finally came up with a pretty good story line.
    100+ faves for chapter 1.


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