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ChocolateChipCookie · 1 decade ago
Thank you for being respectful. :) I think that some of what you stated is right and I respect your beliefs. I won't argue with you anymore because you believe what you believe and I respect that. :)


ChocolateChipCookie · 1 decade ago
Uh, hey. :)

You supposedly blocked my friend StrawberryCheesecake, so she asked me to send you this message:

"I never said that gays weren't people! The cause of being gay is uncertain yet it is thought to be as either a mental illness or an anomaly in someone's genes. Therefore, it's not the person's fault. They can't help it. Being gay isn't the problem, it's what some gays chose to do. There has been discrimination to blacks, women and disables. They have all been given equal rights. Gays, too, believe they should be given equal rights. However, these rights are not about what a person IS (like race, gender, etc.) but what a person DOES. There is nothing wrong with being gay. The only thing that's wrong is what gay's do. Homosexual actions facilitate the transmission of herpes, hepatitis B, intestinal parasites, Kaposi's Sarcoma and AIDS.'1 Research on the life expectancy of a group of homosexual men in Canada in the early 1990s indicated that they could expect 8-21 years less lifespan than other men. This is the problem here. What gays do is wrong, but what they are isn't. This means that gays should not think about other men or do homosexual acts. Like this, there is nothing wrong."

We are both religious and we are merely standing up for our beliefs. You cannot change that. I recently posted a quote about homosexually. I ask you to check this link:


It explains why gay acts are wrong.

And, by the way, we do NOT hate gays who do homosexual acts. We simply disagree with their unnatural, sinful lifestyle.

Look at this long post my friend and I made. Are you not going to reply? Are you going to reply only a couple sentences? Well, my friend, that proves that we in fact are correct and you have nothing to say back to us.

Please, please do not believe we are being rude or hateful towards you. We are not trying to insult you, whether you're gay or not. If I or my friend have indeed offended you, we apologize. Let us know. :(

May God bless you, my dear friend. :)


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