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Member Since: 26 Nov 2004 08:32am

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 16840

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... yeah ...
  1. BrokEnHearTed8804 BrokEnHearTed8804
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2005 4:22pm UTC
    EveN TH0ugh ii SaiiD
    S0me THiingS`z ThaT
    Dr0Ve Hiim `·´¯`-» awAY · · ·
    HeS`z StiiLL | 0.n.L.Y | My
    (¯`×. BesT FriiEnd aT HeaRt «3
    S0me THiingS`z , awAY , 0.n.L.Y , BesT FriiEnd , «3 :: B0Ld..
    L00kS` z g00d iiN CeNTuRy G0thiiC

  2. BrokEnHearTed8804 BrokEnHearTed8804
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2005 4:19pm UTC
    ChaRLiie :: He T00k aWaY mY C... ii WaS The CaPiTan
    HaNS :: iiTSz oNLy a LeTTeR ChaRLiiE... hEre ii HavE HunDreDs 0f THeM. TaKE Y0ouR PiCk
    ChaRLiiE :: ThesE Are NoT The SaME ..... - 3 SeconDs 0f SciLencE- ...... STOP MAKING FUN OF ME HANS!
    WaTChiiN D3!!
    CaLL The CeLL iiF Y0oh WaNt:-P

  3. BrokEnHearTed8804 BrokEnHearTed8804
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2005 4:18pm UTC
    *Every girl wants Prince Charming...and while he may be nice and all...I'm thinking that I'd rather have the guy that's gonna call at 4am just to say hi, or someone who'll hang up the fone with me and call right back. Because I said I was fine, but we both know I'm lying. Or the guy who'll stay home on a Saturday and talk to me on the phone all night because I'm sick and won't complain one bit that about the fact that he's not out with his friend. That guy- that one guy...he may not be Prince Charming to anyone else...but he's surly a Prince Charming to me.*

  4. BrokEnHearTed8804 BrokEnHearTed8804
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2005 4:18pm UTC
    (¯`×.ii G0t a LiiddLe BiiT 0oF THaT
    a LiiddLe BiiT 0oF ThiiS «3
    a LiddLe BiiT 0oF BaKK *
    wiiTh a LiiddLe BiiT 0of ...[ x0x ] .x´¯)
    ^ BriinG iiT BacK ^ uP ^ |s-L-0-w-L-y| ^

  5. BrokEnHearTed8804 BrokEnHearTed8804
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2005 4:13pm UTC
    (¯`×. iTS` z ReaLLy SaD WhEN...
    `·´¯`-» You CaN ReMemBer EverYTiimE He KiiSSed Y0oh..
    LiikE iiT wAS pLAyiiN 0n a T·v· ScrEEn « - - - - - - -'
    Nd iiTs` Z eVEn W0rsE
    WeNn Y0oh CaN RemEMber H0w Y0oh FeLT ...[ x0x ] .x´¯)
    MayBe iiT JuSS MeaNS` z iiM iiN l0ovE

  6. BrokEnHearTed8804 BrokEnHearTed8804
    posted a quote
    January 14, 2005 4:02pm UTC
    i hate it how you go through life thinking you could not love anyone more then you love one person. then another guy comes along and you realize you can fall in love more then once in your life. people say you know when you find "the one"... well my question to them is. how do you kno hes "the one" if you fall in love so many different times throughout your life?? and how come no1 believes you when you think you have.
    l0ovE Y0ouh MuCH0Sz

  7. BrokEnHearTed8804 BrokEnHearTed8804
    posted a quote
    January 9, 2005 8:27am UTC
    t0m0rr0wSz aN0thEr DaY
    `.·´¯`-» S0o BriinG 0n THe RaiiN
    im in love with him.... when will he feel the same?

  8. BrokEnHearTed8804 BrokEnHearTed8804
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2005 7:29pm UTC
    iiM Surr0unDed By Pe0pLe anD ActiinG Liike S0meThiinG iiM N0t
    But WeN ii TLk T0o Y0oh... iiM The GiirL ii WaNNa Be...
    iiN l0ovE WiiTh Hiim....

  9. BrokEnHearTed8804 BrokEnHearTed8804
    posted a quote
    January 8, 2005 6:01pm UTC
    WheN Th0sE saPPy l0ovE S0ngSz
    Y0oh Used T0o Hate ListeNing T0o
    stARt T0o Make Sence
    iiSz WhEN Y0ou Kn0w Y0ouR iiN l0ovE....
    Use Nd aBusE...
    iiN l0ovE WiitH Hiim.... - SiigH -

  10. BrokEnHearTed8804 BrokEnHearTed8804
    posted a quote
    January 3, 2005 4:08pm UTC
    You once asked me why I didn't tell you how I felt like I told him. I guess it was because I didn't like him as much, and I was scared that you would hurt me. Also, I guess it was more practicle for me to be with you then it was with him, and once again I was scared of you hurting me. The last time I had feelings like this I got hurt really bad. Deep inside I know I can trust you and trust the fact that you wouldn't cheat. I don't care how far away you are, I just want the feeling that you aren't hooking up with some girl, or telling another girl that you love her, also I just want to be able to call you mine. Just tell me you want me too, tell me you want to make this work, because I believe it could be something great.

  11. BrokEnHearTed8804 BrokEnHearTed8804
    posted a quote
    January 2, 2005 12:49pm UTC
    (¨`·.·´¨) (¨`·.·´¨)
    - - - ** aNGeL 0oF MiiNe ** - - -»
    LiinEs up iiN eiTHer aRiiaL 0r CenTurY g0tHiiC SiiZe 10
    the greatest thing is wen yu think yu love wum1 nd then sum1 else comes alone and suddenly you for get about the other person.... but then reality sets in.. nd yu realize yu cant be with either guy......
    l0ovE Y0oh Much0Sz...
    uSe - aND - aBuSe
    DunT ReaLLy CarE

  12. BrokEnHearTed8804 BrokEnHearTed8804
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2004 8:05am UTC
    i Get ShoppiN SprEEs oFF The HeeZy
    i GeT DouGh T0 bL0w PLeaSe BeLievE Me
    D0nt waNt The 0nE 0n 0nE
    Take iT EasY
    Y0our JuSS The JumP 0Ff
    iM HiS BreeZy
    EdiiTSz :
    HeeZy,bL0w,0nE 0n 0nE,EasY,JumP 0Ff,BreeZy : BoLd
    JeSS : oSuGaRrKiSseSx

  13. BrokEnHearTed8804 BrokEnHearTed8804
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2004 8:01am UTC
    iM The 0nE wH0 Kn0's Him THe BesT
    iM HiS 0nE Ne 0nLy NuTHin LeSS
    Y0oh D0nt WaNNa TakE iT TheRe
    D0nt Y0oh See
    He t0Ld Me he l0ovEs Me
    CaLLs mE hiS BreeZy
    do watever with it

  14. BrokEnHearTed8804 BrokEnHearTed8804
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2004 7:57am UTC
    TherEs aLWaySz ThaT Wun Pers0N
    ThaT WiiLL aLWaYSz HaVE Y0uR hEArT
    y0U Nvr See iT C0mmiNg
    CuZZ Y0ur BLindeD FruM The StaRt
    Kn0w That Y0ur The WuN F0r Me
    iTSz CLear F0r eVerY0ne T0 See
    i l0ovE Him...12.30.02-f0reVer
    i Dunt Kn0 B0uT YaLL
    But i Kn0w B0uT uS
    Nd iTSz ThE 0nLy wAY wE Kn0 H0w T0 r0CK
    EdiiTSz :
    Wun Pers0N , aLWaYSz , Nvr , BLindeD , The WuN , eVerY0ne , f0reVer , YaLL , uS , 0nLy : B0Ld
    change the date to wenever....
    ---JeSS oSuGaRrKiSseSx

  15. BrokEnHearTed8804 BrokEnHearTed8804
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2004 7:48am UTC
    i hATe ThE WaY Y0u TaLk T0 Me
    Nd The WaY Y0u c0Mb Y0ur HaiR
    i HaTE ThE wAY Y0u tLK B0uT CaRs
    i HaTe iT WeN Y0u STarE
    i HatE Y0ur Big DumB aiR F0rCeS
    nD The Way Y0u ReaD My MinD
    i HaTE Y0u S0 muCh iT MaKeS Me SicK
    iT evEn MaKEs Me RhyMe
    i HaTe The Way Y0ur aLWayS RighT
    i HatE iT WheN Y0u Lie
    i HatE iT WEn y0u MaKe LauGh
    eVEn WorSe wEn Y0u MaKE Me Cry
    i HaTe iT WeN Y0ur N0t aR0unD
    nD The FacT Y0u DidNt CaLL
    But M0sTLy i HaTE tHE WaY i DonT HaTE Y0u
    n0t EveN CL0se
    n0t EveN a LittLe BiT
    n0t EveN aT aLL
    ii l0ovE HiM... 12.30.02-f0reVer...
    EdiiTSz :
    CL0se , LittLe BiT , aLL , Dont , F0reVer : B0Ld
    --Y0oh Can JuSS ChanGe The DaTE unTiL WeNeVer Y0oh Nd Y0or B0yFrieND Br0ke uP/G0t t0geTHer--

  16. BrokEnHearTed8804 BrokEnHearTed8804
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2004 2:50pm UTC
    0n thE 0uTSiidE iiM a Str0nG PerS0n W/ N0o Pr0BLems
    0n THe iiNsiiDe... iim DiiEiinG... CryiiinG...
    Nd TryiinG t0o MakE Y0oh L0ovE Me liiKe Y0oH UseD T0o
    eDiiTSz :
    -DiiEiinG - CryiinG - TryiiNg : B0oLd
    -L0ovE : iiTaLiix
    Use aBUsE DunT ReaLLy CarE....
    ii l0ovE RonniiE...:(
    l0ovE Y0oh Much0Sz :

  17. BrokEnHearTed8804 BrokEnHearTed8804
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2004 6:38pm UTC
    iiM TiiRed oF GuyS
    SaYiin Hye BaBii Yur Hott Yur SeXxiiE
    ii WuLD muCH RaTHer Then Say
    "hEy Jess Yur BeaUtiiFuL"
    GuyS oNLiiE CarE ab0uT HOw MuCH They Can Sc0rE LateLY... ii Juss WanT a SweeT GuY t0 h0Ld mE nD TeLL mE That iiM waT he WanTs... Nd THat hE'LL aLWayS CaRe......
    TheRRe iiZ ThiiS Wun GuY That MakEs Me FeeL :-)
    iiF yU WaNT Wun JuSS iiM Me

  18. BrokEnHearTed8804 BrokEnHearTed8804
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2004 2:12pm UTC
    Yu DunT UndErsTanD
    How iiT iiZ t0 LooK at Yu
    EveRiiE Daii t0 Kn0…
    That Yur oNLiiE L00KiinG aT Her..
    AriiaL : SiiZe EiiGHt
    0nLiiE iiF Yu Knew
    H0w ii FeeL BouT Yu
    iiTz Hard t0 aDmiT iT
    BuT Furr Yu ii WiiLL
    iiM JeaLouS oF HeR
    CuzZ sHE Can HavE SumTHiiNG ii WaNT
    -- WiiTHout TryiiNG –
    AriiaL : SiiZe EiGHt
    BackRounD : bLacK
    FeeL JeaLouS SumTHiiNG ii WaNT : BoLD
    -- WiiTHout TryiiNG – : PiiNk
    ii L0ve Yu..
    Nd yU StiiLL lOve Me
    ii Cant understand y We Can Be..
    ii Kn0 Yu WanT HeR
    pLEaSe Just TeLL mE Why
    BecaUse ii CuLd TreaT yU BeTTer
    nD ii DunT wanT ne 0theR Guy
    aRiiaL : SiiZe EiiGht
    lOve (all of them)nD ii DunT wanT ne 0theR Guy : boLd
    WanT WHy : iiTaLiiX
    1oo% MiiNE!! Use TheM ii DuNT CaRe...
    iiM Me iiF Yu WaNT me t0 MakE Ya WuN
    -- oSuaRrKiSseSx
    --- iiz iiT PoSSiiBLe t0 lOve t0 GuyS?

  19. BrokEnHearTed8804 BrokEnHearTed8804
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2004 4:44pm UTC
    WeN Y0o L0vE Sum1...
    ThEy Are W/ Y0o FOrEveEr...
    WeTheR They TruLy THiiNK
    The SaMe THiiNG, iiS The HaRD PaRt...
    ii StiiLL L0ve Y0o RonNiie
    iiM Me iiF Yu waNT Me To Make Ya Wun

  20. BrokEnHearTed8804 BrokEnHearTed8804
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2004 4:39pm UTC
    -- TheY Go DaNCiNG ....
    | FiNaLLy WiTH No CaReS |
    x3__ HeR FiRsT
    TrUe LoVe *...x3xox
    HoLDiNG HeR -c L o S E-
    FoR a MoMeNT She iSN'T
    * - - S . C . a . R . E . d - - *
    RascLE fLAtts -- SKiiN
    AriiaL SiiZe 8 : iiTaLix
    x3__ HeR FiRsT TrUe LoVe *...x3xox : PiiNk
    * - - S . C . a . R . E . d - - * : LiiGHt bLue
    -- Jess


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