Witty Profiles

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  1. SweetxxDisaster SweetxxDisaster
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2011 9:13am UTC
    & today was the worst day of my life
    First i got told by friends to meet them at the beach and they ditched me, then my ex started yelling at me, calling me a stupid sl*t and telling me everyone hated me. to make it worse i found out that the boy that i have completely fallen for likes another girl. Some of the people who i thought wre my best friends called me a sluut. i got called a flat chested b*tch by a guy. got into a massive fight with a girl. i got home to find that my dog that ive owned for 13 years had gone missing, i got into an argument with my mums boyfriend and he hit me across the face, called me a dirty little f*cking b*tch put egg all into my hair, and made me cry, i ran away from home at 10 at night and my mum came looking for me and unfortunetly found me. ive got bruises all over my legs from running so fast, my hair is wet, & the guy i like will not even talk to me.
    if you read all this, i love you.
    i dont care about having 100 faves. i just want to know that somebody cares. </3

  2. wittygirl2010 wittygirl2010
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2011 11:57pm UTC
    Six out of every five
    students fail math .
    I wonder why ?.

  3. iceberg124 iceberg124
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2011 8:01pm UTC
    Witty Girls--
    Heyy :] I have an idea. I'm going to make a fake account of Witty, Pretend I'm a guy. Then, put out pointless quotes about girls && guys, && love. I'm not gonna tell my username, 'cause then you'd know I'm a fake. I'm only gonna do this to show how many girls will follow someone && fave a guys quotes just 'cause he's a guy. I'm gonna do this for a while, then when I get sick if it, I'm gonna admit my username && everything. Tell you how many faves && followers I have, and comments. Fave if you think I should.
    If I get over 200 faves I'll do it && prove everyone
    girls on Witty care about people just being a boyy

  4. b1air b1air
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2011 10:16pm UTC
    Wanna hear a joke?
    James Brass

  5. kaitlinsara_ kaitlinsara_
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2011 3:05pm UTC
    I absolutely love
    listening to the pouring rain ♥

  6. YourBeautyfull YourBeautyfull
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2011 2:56pm UTC
    47.2% of all statistics.....
    are made up on the spot.
    Format goes to wittygirlxformats

  7. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  8. ohmyjonasx4 ohmyjonasx4
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2011 2:14am UTC
    well Degrassi's done.
    I guess I'll go crawl in a hole until july 18th.♥

  9. Runaway_love Runaway_love
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2011 4:12am UTC
    1: Mine just has to be in the room alone with me and I cant stop smiling.
    2: Just him talking to me makes me smile and I don't know where to look.
    3: Mine always makes me laugh.

  10. Madie Madie
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2011 4:16am UTC
    I know that there is no chance..
    Of us really being together..
    But there's a part of me..
    That still hopes and wonders...
    "What if he likes me?"..

  11. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  12. juliaedalimonte juliaedalimonte
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2011 3:14am UTC
    I loved you & you loved me.
    You gave me two chances.
    I gave you two chances.
    You made me wait.
    I made you wait.. Too long.
    I [b l e w] it.
    Your with her.
    You like me still.
    I'm *in love* with you still.
    & I miss you.
    Please come back.
    You won't regret it.

  13. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  14. bricutey97 bricutey97
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2011 12:57am UTC
    Once I put on this bow chicka wow wow whatcha gunna say, you act like you gunna leave but i know you wanna stay
    break down break it down down (;
    *Mike Posner <3

  15. musiccspeakss13 musiccspeakss13
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2011 8:06pm UTC
    Using your period
    as an excuse for having a bitchy

  16. xoandreaxo400 xoandreaxo400
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2011 10:11pm UTC
    When that girl puts a picture up on facebook,
    and writes in the caption:
    "this is so ugly."
    and you think in your head:
    "well if its so ugly, then why did you post it on facebook?"

  17. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  18. Hotsocks17JA Hotsocks17JA
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2011 6:45pm UTC
    I was playing back
    a thousand memories baby,
    thinkin bout everything we've been through,
    maybe i've been going back to much lately,
    when time stood still
    & I had you ♥
    - Taylor Swift♥

  19. kaylaalauryn kaylaalauryn
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2011 6:51pm UTC
    It's 420 tomorrow ;)

  20. Mjcmjcx18 Mjcmjcx18
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2011 6:52pm UTC
    I'm the girl
    who prefers one rose instead of a dozen. I’m the girl who would rather stay in on a Friday night than go to a wild party with random strangers. I'm the girl who wouldn’t make you wait on her hand and foot, but would do anything to make you happy. I’m the girl who would enjoy having a movie night rather than going to some fancy restaurant. I’m the girl who would rather stay up all night sharing secrets than going out and getting drunk. I’m the girl who won’t make you hold her bags, but would rather hold your hand instead. I’m the girl who will love you more than anyone can possibly dream of. I’m the girl who would give the world to see you smile.


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