Witty Profiles

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  1. Soccafreak8 Soccafreak8
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2009 7:01pm UTC
    I Don't Know About You, But
    I'd be Pretty Damn
    if a 400 pound glass Of Kool - Aid
    burst into my house saying
    "OH YEAH!"

  2. xoitalianbabiixo2 xoitalianbabiixo2
    posted a quote
    May 5, 2009 4:28pm UTC
    Can I have you number?
    i lovee thiss videeoo! itss f*ckingg hellaruioss! <3 :]
    nott minee, butt i ♥ itt! <3

  3. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  4. MyEye6 MyEye6
    posted a quote
    May 4, 2009 3:30am UTC
    you should a l w a y s remember who's important in your life
    because there is always that :c e r t a i n::s o m e o n e: who will be there
    for you {[n o m a t t e r w h a t.]} It could be a best friend, a special
    someone, p a r e n t s, relatives, even p e t s, but those people
    will a l w a y s be there for you. Even when you are feeling;;

  5. rachmagsxo rachmagsxo
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2009 2:25pm UTC
    i'll be back in 5 minutes...
    and if i'm not...read this again

  6. kerrinxemilyxo kerrinxemilyxo
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2009 2:54pm UTC
    && t h e r e s a r e a s o n w h y t h e y s a y
    teenage years are the toughest
    friendships get ruined.
    rumors are told.
    h e a r t s get broken.
    trust becomes impossible.
    judgment is around every corner.
    && hope is what keeps you g o i n g.

  7. dancewithmexo dancewithmexo
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2009 4:29pm UTC
    in the hallway maybe they'll exchange
    glances, but neither say a word cause
    they're afraid of taking chances.♥♥♥♥
    not mine. got it from buddy4u but loved it ( :

  8. Softballislife Softballislife
    posted a quote
    April 2, 2009 10:48pm UTC
    You see girls in pink short shorts with blond hair
    people automatically think Popular
    You see guys in abercrombie and fitch polo's
    People automatically think Popular
    You see a group of hispanics and african-americans
    People automatically think Ghetto
    You see a group of people dressed in black
    People automatically think Punk
    You see a few people walking to school
    People automatically think Poor
    You see a group of students drive their BMW's to school
    People automatically think Rich
    You see students with old ipods
    People automatically think Loser
    You see a bunch of people with new cell phones each week
    People automatically think Cool
    You see a group of girls whos clothes dont fit
    People automatically think Wanna-be
    You see a group of boys wearing skinny jeans and Etnies
    People automatically think Skater
    Who are you to label me?

  9. trashyblondesxbrattybrunetts trashyblondesxbrattybrunetts
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2009 7:57pm UTC
    how do you get lady gaga to shutup?
    poker face
    get it?!
    ((poke her face))

  10. xograciegirl37 xograciegirl37
    posted a quote
    March 26, 2009 11:02pm UTC
    i wanna be that girl . in the pouring rain
    k i s s i n g y o u on my very my tip toes
    it's too damn bad i'm tall.<33

  11. trashyblondesxbrattybrunetts trashyblondesxbrattybrunetts
    posted a quote
    April 18, 2009 10:19pm UTC
    sometimes i walk a little faster
    in the school hallway just to get next to you....
    that would mean getting blisters in my foot
    for trying to catch up with you. and then when
    i finally get next to you, you turn a corner, and
    i run into a wall. yeahh that sounds like a lot
    of work. I'll just keep on staring at you in class.

  12. Cookie_ninja_xo Cookie_ninja_xo
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2008 5:02pm UTC
    A few ways to make an aim conversation more interesting/funnier:
    1. Start saying "omg omg omg omg omg" and wait for them to freak out and say "whats the matter?!" And then just say; hi.
    2. Ask the person your talking to to write you a story.
    3. Say; "I know what your doing." They'll say " how?" You reply: "I can see you through the window."
    4. Tell them it spells like up dog in your room and theyll say "Whats up dog?" And you reply: "Nothing much.. just chillin.. you?
    5. Tell them your brother/sister just fell down the stairs.
    6. Say " I g2g my favorite show is on" They'll say "what show?" "Dora the explorer.. durr!"
    7. Send a sad face and they'll ask why you are sad, you reply: "cuz i just looked at a picture of your face! :("
    8. Send random drawings. For example:
    () ()
    (uu)O and say "Look! It's a bunny!"
    9. Keep changing your font color.
    10. Send red, then orange, then yellow, then green, then blue, then purple, then pink, and tell them its a rainbow.
    11. Tell them you are moving to Anarctica so they can have your ipod.
    12. Send kissy faces even if it is a girl and say "I loveeee yoouuu (: <333"
    13. Write random stuff (fajfsaighaigksnaoahg for example) and then tell them your cat jumped on the keyboard.
    14. Tell them you g2g because its time for dinner at 3:00.
    15. Get quotes off witty and keep sending them randomly.
    16. On your away message/status write random stuff about the person you are talking to.
    17. Erase your profile and on it write your friends name at the top instead of yours; [_____'s buddy info] and then write a bunch of weird stuff under it.
    18. Start bursting out in song.
    19. Say you have to go because it is time for your anger management class and then when they say okay bye or lol flip out at them.
    20. Tell them you just made a new screename its: I hAtE _____ [<-- their name]
    21. Ignore them for awhile.
    22. Write in one of the symbol fonts.
    **ALL MINE**
    Oh my goodness this took me so long!
    Hope you like!
    Thought these would be pretty funny to do!
    [I did some of them]
    Rate for mee ;)

  13. mrsjeter2love mrsjeter2love
    posted a quote
    February 18, 2009 12:55pm UTC
    Isnt it funny ;;
    how guys dont even
    know that when they
    walk in the room you
    immediatly start to
    talk and laugh louder
    just to get them to
    look at you?

  14. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  15. mywish4u mywish4u
    posted a quote
    April 18, 2009 5:51pm UTC
    Reason why I could never be a psychiatrist...
    *person finishes long list of problems*
    Me: *laughing* DUDE! YOUR LIFE SUCKS!!!
    (all mine)

  16. softballgirll21 softballgirll21
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2009 7:28pm UTC
    Don't mess with softball girls:: we were trained to
    hit balls.

  17. XoQueen_of_KingsX3 XoQueen_of_KingsX3
    posted a quote
    April 16, 2009 4:57pm UTC
    Things to do when your bored.
    1 . close your eyes, hit a letter on your keyboard, and go the e n t i r e day without typing that letter.
    (its difficult.)
    2. throw mac & cheese in a fan and see where it lands. =)
    3 . Sit on your front lawn and say "HI HOW YA DOIN" to people driving or walking by ( beware or petafiles, rapists or mulesters. ) [ if they are talking on the phone while driving yell at them "GET OFF THE PHONE IM TALKING TO YOU JERK" ]
    4 . Learn a rap song and sing it to your mom.
    5 .Find a box, take it in front of your house, sit in it, and tell people this is your new home because your mom kicked you out fer throwing mac & cheese into a fan. [ haha ]
    6 . While you mom is talking to the phone, act like shes talking to you and reply back. {example... Mom: Hey i haven't talked to you in a while! how are you hun? Me: Umm we just talked like 5min ago. you asked me if i wanted a sandwich. and im fiine but you seem to have amnesia. }
    7. Call your mom when shes in the other room and ask her to make you mac & cheese. :]
    8 . make a sandwich for your dog using all dog food and dog treats.
    9. Go in your bathroom and blow bubbles. :]
    10 . Make your pet a model and take pictures of it and say "yes yes OMG gorgeous keep that going! growl at me! Be FIERCE!
    11 . Make a list of things to do when your bored. ;]

  18. dancer9732 dancer9732
    posted a quote
    April 18, 2009 7:06pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  19. oxlovelainaxo oxlovelainaxo
    posted a quote
    December 6, 2008 10:16am UTC
    shush girl,
    shut your lips.
    do the helen keller,
    and talk with your hips.
    shush girl,
    shut your lips.
    do the helen keller,
    and talk with your hips.
    shush girl,
    shut your lips.
    do the helen keller,
    and talk with your hips.
    don't trust me 3oh!3
    watch it

  20. ashinlove69 ashinlove69
    posted a quote
    April 18, 2009 2:22am UTC
    Do you remember when...
    Toon Disney was life?
    Pinky promises were never broken?
    you werent made fun of because you had an imagination?
    the only thing you everwanted was a pony?
    the best comeback you could think of was “stupid head†?
    you were going to marry your best friend?
    you had a family every time you played house?
    the only thing you could get high off were the swings?
    Stuffed animals were our best friends?
    Britney Spears was HUGE?
    When boys had cooties? i remember..


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