I want to have a little book shop,
That is half books half general store type
With shelves and shelves of books around three sides of the
that go all the way up to the cieling
and rollling latters to reach to the top
and on the other side there willl be a bakery
with cookies and cupcakes and birthday cakes to buy
and coffee and hotchoclate for the winter
and ice cream and lemonaide for the summer
and in the middle of the store will be a kids section
with little bookshelfs and dolls and a place for kids to be
droped off
while there parents shop
it will be in a little town where every one know
and outside the story will be a big winding porch were people can
sit and read
on the second floor will just be a teenage book second
with a coffee shop and music and chairs
and I would have dances there on the weekends
and it would be perfect <3
ToriRox16 · 1 decade ago
Oh my gosh that sounds so perfect. I would totally go there<3
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