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Calling Justin Bieber Gay is realllly getting old. No, just no. He's obviously not gay if he's dating Selena Gomez? Its mainly boys that say it too. & Really, it just makes you sound jealous that he has millions of girls that love him . Just stop . 
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Calling Justin Bieber Gay is realllly getting old. No, just no.

8 faves · 5 comments · Jul 31, 2012 9:16pm






GeorgieBooLovesYou · 1 decade ago
... His sexuality is not for anyone else to debate other than him and the person he is dating. Shut up and let Justin be any sexuality he wants to be. - And, oh, I'm not a fan, I'm just against people calling someone gay because they don't like them, because they want to make it a big joke. I'm for people not being judged and for them to just be themselves.
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themockingjay · 1 decade ago
well no offense to justin bieber, i have nothing against him and im pretty sure he's straight but elton john has dated girls and hes gay so your reasoning isnt like, top notch. i mean obviously justin bieber isnt gay or a girl or whatever people say but some gay guys do date girls, like before coming out.
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OmgzMichaelFTW · 1 decade ago
She seems Mad.
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DomK · 1 decade ago
Plenty of gay men date. Some get married and have children just to cover up the fact that they're gay.
Not saying Mr. Bieber is gay, just saying that dating someone doesn't make you straight.
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HorrificallyDelicious · 1 decade ago
him dating selena gomez dosnt mean anything. lots of gay guys date girls for a number of reasons
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