1 decade ago
on quote 6281144
Darling your beautiful. dont hurt yourself, your way to good for that. i know times are rough and you dont want to deal with that pain but you need to know that there are people and other things that can help you. keep your head high. by the way you can come to me for anything!
1 decade ago
on quote 6014103
Brian. your amazing. you can make anyone smile with just a simple hug. everyone says that your hugs are amazing. you mean the world to people. especially me. me are so great to me. you never seem to let me down. sure some people mistake the things you do. sure some people dont try to get to know you before that automatically dont like you. but thats them. not you. dont let anybody put you down any longer. your to good for them. dont ever wish you are someone else. dont ever wish that you could do anything else. because you already do so many other things. god isnt going to give you what you want. he is going to give you what you need and deserve and that is hope, life, freedom, love, and everything else. your amazing brian. dont let anyone ever tell you otherwise.
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rarelove · 1 decade ago on quote 6724614
"We are all here for some special reason. Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future." -Robin Sharma you can do this. every single one of use has faith in you and we all believe that you can overcome this dreadful obstacle in your life. you just need to believe in yourself.
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