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Member Since: 9 Apr 2012 04:04pm

Last Seen: 1 Jan 2015 06:02pm

Location: London

Gender: F

user id: 290829

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Flashing Black and White
Hello there,
I see you've found your way to my page,
here's a little bit about me:
My name's Amara
14 years old
Harry Potter fan
Still waiting for my Hogwart's acceptance letter 
I love sports:

Follow me!

  1. lovelybow lovelybow
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2013 8:08pm UTC
    So I went ice skating with a group of friends, and I do figure skating.So I was just skating around and I kinda bumped into a hockey skater and we started talking and all, whilst skating together. I'm pretty sure he was flirting :O
    Then I realised I forgot to ask his name and he was about to reply when his skate crashed into mine causing him to fall on his back and me on top of him. we kinda was just looking a t each other when his friend came and saw that his head was cut, so he went to get first aid with the skate guide and his friend helped me up and I haven't seen them since.
    This is why my life sucks.
    I'm kind of counting that I see them this Saturday
    Fingers crossed :3

  2. lovelybow lovelybow
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2013 2:21pm UTC
    I think my internet privileges are going to be taken away soon...
    I'm crying real tears now

  3. lovelybow lovelybow
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2013 7:08pm UTC

  4. lovelybow lovelybow
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2013 4:34pm UTC
    When you find out that your best friend is moving houses in another city...
    It breaks your heart.

  5. lovelybow lovelybow
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2013 4:52pm UTC
    format by ethanol
    is not even
    It's Asian.

  6. lovelybow lovelybow
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2013 12:23pm UTC
    Me: *Wakes up and goes to kitchen *
    Brother: You look like a cavewoman
    Me: :O

  7. lovelybow lovelybow
    posted a quote
    June 5, 2013 4:02pm UTC

  8. lovelybow lovelybow
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2013 8:35pm UTC
    I love you...
    Nutella ♥

  9. lovelybow lovelybow
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2013 8:27pm UTC
    Me and my friends did the tea bag challenge, watch it and make sure to subscribe and like our videos

  10. lovelybow lovelybow
    posted a quote
    May 26, 2013 4:12pm UTC
    If I made a YouTube Channel about my awkward life and a few pranks
    would you guys watch my videos or maybe even subscribe?

  11. lovelybow lovelybow
    posted a quote
    May 26, 2013 4:04pm UTC
    You Guys should check out my friend singing
    heres her YouTube Channel:

  12. lovelybow lovelybow
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2013 1:58am UTC
    That awkward moment when someone calls you four eyes when they're wearing glasses themselves
    *facepalm *
    Such stupid people these days

  13. lovelybow lovelybow
    posted a quote
    May 23, 2013 1:56am UTC
    My sister just told me that she thought ra,cism meant being mean to someone over running in a race

  14. lovelybow lovelybow
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2013 11:38am UTC
    Me:*After waking up* On internet
    Me:*During day* On internet
    Me: *Before going to sleep* On internet

  15. lovelybow lovelybow
    posted a quote
    May 12, 2013 6:59pm UTC
    Sometimes I wonder how It feels like to be witty famous and to add a quote and log back in 2 hours later to receive 300 notifications

  16. lovelybow lovelybow
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2013 4:55pm UTC
    *At a wedding *
    Little brother: *sees an 'attractive ' guy*
    You should get married with him seeing as this is a wedding
    Me: What?
    Little brother: That's right go kiss him
    Attractive guy: Stares at me&my brother
    Both of us: *Walks away quickly *

  17. lovelybow lovelybow
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2013 2:26am UTC
    Single and ready to eat pringles.

  18. lovelybow lovelybow
    posted a quote
    May 1, 2013 12:20pm UTC
    I hate my parents.
    They switch off the Wi-Fi at night .
    Does anyone's else's parents do this?

  19. lovelybow lovelybow
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2013 3:09pm UTC
    Derek was on his way home to celebrate his 16th birthday with family&friends. He boarded the 393 bus, outside of his old school Highbury grove, he got stabbed .
    I knew Derek from when he used to come to my school , he was always loud and happy. Never had a dull moment and was on good terms with everyone. We used to hang around in the park sometimes and he always made me laugh. His smile brightened everyone's day. My friend told me that he used to call her mum 'anneh' which means mum in Turkish. Even though he was a former pupil, my school made a memorial board for him. Everyone was teary eyed.
    I hope they catch the person who did this to you.
    You didn't deserve this.

  20. lovelybow lovelybow
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2013 5:03pm UTC
    Girl: Sir, my lips are crusty , *carries on applying vaseline on her lips*
    Other girl: Say what?! Did you just ask sir to ...
    Teacher: Is that your best chat up line?
    Class: *Dies of laughter *
    True story


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