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Member Since: 11 Jun 2011 07:06pm

Last Seen: 8 Mar 2014 03:59pm

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user id: 181903

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I've left witty. I might come back on now & then, but I won't be posting quotes anymore.

Well, there's only so much of teenage girls b*tching & whining about their well-off lives & claiming to have eating disorders & depression that one can take.
& Dear Steve, Witty is NOT about writing. Witty is a giant pity competition. It's about trying to see who can get the most attention for their 'awful' life.

I've been focusing on writing poetry instead of dumb quotes lately. Sooo I've moved to Wattpad.
Hi, I'm a teenage girl.
I have a big personality.

I play clarinet.

I write poetry.

I sing at the top of my lungs when I'm alone.

I'm a rower.

I have so many thoughts & ideas,
but I have a hard time communicating them.

Want to talk? Awesome, leave me a comment.

If you have any problems you need help with-

You can talk to me about them

I've been through a lot

& I'm great with advice.

I don't really like to give out my name or age or my picture online for a few reasons-
1. if someone I know finds this account
2. if someone creepy tries to stalk me
(it CAN happen, it almost happened to me. But I had lied about my name/age, so he couldn't find me. so don't call me paranoid.)

I can be pretty b/tchy

I'm very honest

I like music, a lot, & just like everyone else I believe my music taste is superior to yours.

I think people are stupid, and I think I'm stupid for thinking I'm any better.

Enough of that.
If you want to know any more, then feel free to ask me. I don't bite too hard.


  1. lovehimmorethanwords lovehimmorethanwords
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2013 1:59pm UTC
    I'm leaving witty. Why?
    Well, there's only so much of teenage girls b*tching & whining about their well-off lives & claiming to have eating disorders & depression that one can take.
    & Dear Steve, Witty Profiles is NOT about writing.
    Witty is a giant pity competition. It's about trying to see who can get the most attention for their 'awful' life.

  2. lovehimmorethanwords lovehimmorethanwords
    posted a quote
    December 21, 2012 9:30pm UTC
    isolation comes to feel like
    a warm embrace.

  3. lovehimmorethanwords lovehimmorethanwords
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2012 12:43pm UTC
    "Snow Globe"
    by me
    It was hard to imagine how they lived their lives,
    Interwoven and accepting any newcomer that arrives
    All connected, functioning as one
    I am neglected, and the snowglobe is the favorite son.
    On the outside looking in
    The snow globe is a trend, and I'm a has been
    The snow globe is armed with an impenetrable shield
    I have given up on breaking in, but I am still trapped in its magnetic field
    The snow globe is charismatic
    On the outide, it appears cinematic
    The snow globe has locked me out
    I will remain in darkness until I die, without a doubt.
    *please do not repost without my permission*

  4. lovehimmorethanwords lovehimmorethanwords
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2012 12:20pm UTC
    "Playing with Fire"
    by me
    Her life was a garden, beautiful and pure
    But she was captivated by the shadows
    The light she wanted no more
    The consequences for this decision she would have to endure
    She ripped up the flower beds
    She tore out the seeds
    She left the garden infertile
    She left her life in shreds
    She ventured into her newfound vice
    Unaware she was playing with fire
    The stupid, ignorant girl was now trapped
    For her mistake, she would have to pay the price
    *i wrote this poem myself, please don't repost it without my permission. thank you!*
    can i get some feedback? that would be awesome.

  5. lovehimmorethanwords lovehimmorethanwords
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2012 10:44pm UTC
    Oh my god somebody help me...

  6. lovehimmorethanwords lovehimmorethanwords
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2012 11:53am UTC
    girls: i hate exercise, i'm so lazy, ughh even walking up the stairs is too much work.
    girls: i expect all boys to have six packs & be ripped & be star athletes & have huge biceps & work out 4 hours a day.
    nmf. my quote.

  7. lovehimmorethanwords lovehimmorethanwords
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2012 3:42pm UTC
    girls on witty: omg girls who lose their virginity & get pregnant are sooooo trashy.
    girl on witty: gets pregnant.
    nmf. my quote.

  8. lovehimmorethanwords lovehimmorethanwords
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2012 3:36pm UTC
    fave for a vey honest rate based on looks. Warning: I'm a b*tch. don't complain that I was 'bullying' you, because no one made you fave this quote in the first place.

  9. lovehimmorethanwords lovehimmorethanwords
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2012 1:39pm UTC
    i hate being so socially awkward.

  10. lovehimmorethanwords lovehimmorethanwords
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2012 8:50pm UTC
    how do you make friends? please leave me advice in the comments...

  11. lovehimmorethanwords lovehimmorethanwords
    posted a quote
    July 13, 2012 10:42pm UTC

  12. lovehimmorethanwords lovehimmorethanwords
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2012 3:05pm UTC
    I'm so sick & tired of being put last by people I'd do anything for.

  13. lovehimmorethanwords lovehimmorethanwords
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2012 1:33pm UTC
    I just hate this feeling, like my youth is just slipping away from me. I'm a teenage girl, this is summer.. i should be having sleepovers & checking out hot boys & staying up until 4am. I don't even know how to have fun anymore & I never want to do anything, & i'm just so boring.. I hate this so much.

  14. lovehimmorethanwords lovehimmorethanwords
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 2:57pm UTC
    girls: why don't boys like me, i mean it's not my fault i'm too lazy to exercise and im not afraid to eat cookies.
    girls: EWW, a fat guy was hitting on me, ew he's so creepy and ugly ew. boys need to have abs and look like one direction.

  15. lovehimmorethanwords lovehimmorethanwords
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2012 6:23pm UTC

  16. lovehimmorethanwords lovehimmorethanwords
    posted a quote
    May 28, 2012 12:48pm UTC
    Sadness is like a drug.
    It's so easy to get addicted to,
    & so hard to let go of.
    all mine.

  17. posted a quote
    May 28, 2012 12:17pm UTC
    What teachers care about:
    1% underaged drinking
    2% underaged smoking
    97% chewing gum in class.

  18. lovehimmorethanwords lovehimmorethanwords
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2012 12:13pm UTC
    We are all a little weird,
    & life's a little weird,
    & when we find someone
    whose weirdness is
    compatible with ours,
    we join up with them &
    fall in a mutual weirdness
    & call it love.
    -Dr. Seuss

  19. lovehimmorethanwords lovehimmorethanwords
    posted a quote
    May 26, 2012 11:21am UTC
    It was July 4th.
    My crush had come over to watch our firework display.
    We happened to be alone in the backyard, when a shooting star streaked across the sky.
    "Make a wish!" I said.
    He asked me what I wished for, to which I replied,
    He then kissed me, & said,
    "I guess both of our wishes came true."

    nmf. not a true story.

  20. lovehimmorethanwords lovehimmorethanwords
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2012 7:55pm UTC
    *please read*
    Picture this.
    You're one of the prettiest girls at your school, but you don't see it.
    All you see is fat, fat, fat, worthless...
    Your life is a mess.
    Your parents are getting a divorce.
    They're always screaming.
    Y0u're failing every subject in school.
    Your sister is trying a bunch of hard drugs, & no one can stop her.
    You have no true friends-
    the only ones you have, just stick around because of your pretty face.
    They all talk about you behind your back.
    You need something to fill the giant hole in your life.
    You need something fun, something good- anything.
    You just need an escape.
    So you start having one night stands, & you turn into the "school sl*t".
    It's the only thing that makes you feel alive anymore.
    Every day when you walk into school, you're bullied.
    No one understands the hell you've been through,
    & everyone is judging you.
    Crazy rumors fly around about you that aren't even true.
    They call you fake, because you hide your insecurities with makeup & s*x.
    But you're not fake, you've just been through stuff they can't imagine.
    Now stop.
    Can you think of a girl who everyone calls a wh*re in
    your school?
    Think before you act.
    You're not the only
    person with feelings.
    -credit to phenomenal for the format.♥


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