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Status: watching harry potter....

Member Since: 24 Jul 2012 10:34pm

Last Seen: 30 Jan 2024 06:12pm

user id: 320152

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happy being miserable
  1. littlejinx littlejinx
    posted a quote
    December 2, 2017 2:07pm UTC
    so if i don't text first we don't talk at all? fu*k you

  2. littlejinx littlejinx
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2013 9:19am UTC
    ♥The only kiss i ever need, it comes from you. The only lips i wanna kiss, belong to you.♥

  3. littlejinx littlejinx
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2013 9:29pm UTC
    There's more to being a loyal boyfriend than just not cheating on your girlfriend . Being a loyal boyfriend means you're supposed to be there for your girl at any time of the day or night even if you're busy doing your own thing because if she really needed you, you'd be willing to stop everything you're doing and be there for her . Being a loyal boyfriend means you're supposed to tell her how much she means to you, you don't got to do it all the time but just enough to let her know what she's worth . Being a loyal boyfriend means you're supposed to listen to her problems and not judge her afterwards based on her opinions or beliefs because you'll be wise enough to understand her. Being a loyal boyfriend means you're supposed to make her happy when she's feeling broken, and love her, her naked face, her weight, her figure, her insecurities, her flaws, everything.

  4. littlejinx littlejinx
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2013 12:10pm UTC
    Once I care, I never stop.

  5. littlejinx littlejinx
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2013 12:14am UTC
    It's not that I didn't matter to you... It's that I didn't matter enough - and now it doesn't matter to me. :(

  6. littlejinx littlejinx
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2013 12:07am UTC
    so I'm giving up. I'm done getting hurt done wasting my time I'm just done with everything.picking up my sh*t and moving on and not looking back (hopefully)

  7. littlejinx littlejinx
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2013 2:53am UTC
    Rumors, gotta love them<3
    I learned something bout myself I didn't even know.[:

  8. littlejinx littlejinx
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2013 2:32am UTC
    format credit rajsonkar; ">There is no need for social networking. You have my number, if you really like me, you'll text.

  9. littlejinx littlejinx
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2013 2:29am UTC
    What's meant to be, will always find its way.

  10. littlejinx littlejinx
    posted a quote
    April 3, 2013 2:26am UTC
    I have a strong dislike for people who laugh in my face, then talk behind my back.

  11. littlejinx littlejinx
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2013 9:01pm UTC
    I won't give up on us.

  12. littlejinx littlejinx
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2013 5:53pm UTC
    I can't lose you. Because if I ever did, I'd have lost my best friend, my soul mate, my smile, my laugh, my everything.

  13. littlejinx littlejinx
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2013 5:30pm UTC
    "Never give up on something you really want. It’s difficult to wait, but more difficult to regret." - The Vow

  14. littlejinx littlejinx
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2013 5:24pm UTC
    In awkward situations,
    we all pretend to text.

  15. littlejinx littlejinx
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2012 1:04pm UTC
    You can't hold on to anything that wants to go. Don't understand what I'm saying? You just got to love it while you got it and that's that.

  16. littlejinx littlejinx
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2012 1:00pm UTC
    Heart > Mind


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