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Member Since: 15 Jul 2012 03:51am

Last Seen: 10 Jan 2019 01:06pm

Birthday: April 19

Location: uk

Gender: F

user id: 317578

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I like papa roach, get scared, set it off, bullet for my valentine, melanie martinez, paramore , fall out boy, blink 182, for all those sleeping, linkin park. Generally music like that mostly.
  My top 3 films are: Its kind of a funny story, 10 things i hate about you and would you rather.
  I make the same stupid stupid mistakes over and over again
Sorry if you thought this was gonna be intereseting. Its not. I'm not. I also I have no idea how to make my profile look nice
  1. pirateslifeforme* pirateslifeforme*
    posted a quote
    October 29, 2016 7:54am UTC
    Do I really care? Or do I only care because I know I should

  2. pirateslifeforme* pirateslifeforme*
    posted a quote
    October 23, 2016 6:38am UTC
    I hate who I'm becoming

  3. pirateslifeforme* pirateslifeforme*
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2016 9:02am UTC
    i have recently discouvered that i am pretty much unable to control my emotions. if i have a small argument, i dont just get annoyed i get extremely angry that i cant help but scream at that person and punch walls and shake and cry and i cant control the anger. and if my sad, im really sad and i cant do anything productive and have fits of unstoppable crying. if im guilty im really guilty and cant stop sayimg sorry and begging the person to forgive me. if i like soneone, i love them so much and cant admit they have ever done anything wrong to me and are obsessive. if i hate someome im consumed with hate. and if the only good thing about all this, is that if i feel extremely happy, i feel like i could take on the world. and all of these extreme emotions never last longer than a day, sonetimes they last a couple hours before im okay. anyone else like this or is it just me?

  4. pirateslifeforme* pirateslifeforme*
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2016 2:41pm UTC
    Places stained
    That road we walked on a many times, the field we used to kiss
    All these places which are stained with the memories makes me miss
    And your hair, your laugh, your smile, the way you held me
    Now I can't even pass through that road or field or cafe
    Through these years you never let me be, let me go
    F*cked around with my feelings from sunshine to snow.
    Now these thoughts, delusional as they may seem but..
    We were right together, perhaps belong together
    No im not a sensitive psycho b*tch, NEVER
    have i been like that.
    Just when you just destroy the person who loved you, only you and the most
    its going to do some damage.
    To the soul, the person that once was is gone
    Suffocated by the memories whch are everywhere
    They jut wont leave me alone in the woods, on the cold and starry night.
    We watched the stars once and laughed until ou tummies ached, never did we fight.
    now my face is wet, make up smudged, alone in the night and i simply cannot bear it.
    There is only darkness in this tunnel, like searching for love from you when there was none, but there is no light
    P.S this aint really a poem i could write it better if i wanted to , just needed to express emotion

  5. pirateslifeforme* pirateslifeforme*
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2016 6:41pm UTC
    Glad to know that now school has finished, a good friend of mine, who has also been a ex bf too many times (some say me being used multiple times is a more correct description of it) has now literally blocked me on almost every social media I have them on, when nothing even happened apart from us both leaving school. Glad to know someone I cared about a great deal, probably never once cared about me

  6. pirateslifeforme* pirateslifeforme*
    posted a quote
    July 14, 2016 6:36pm UTC
    Having online friends is great except when you have no other friends so you can never go out with friends and just enjoy someone else's company. And that feeling of having no one to simply hang about with just sucks

  7. pirateslifeforme* pirateslifeforme*
    posted a quote
    July 12, 2016 3:46pm UTC
    I am a degenerate beauty queen
    On second thoughts i'm not beautiful or a queen.
    I am just a f*cking degenerate XD

  8. pirateslifeforme* pirateslifeforme*
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2016 3:12pm UTC
    It hit me suddenly and it was fast and I can't believe it finally happened. I'm not talking about love, i'm talking about a more powerful, more life-consuming emotion: Hate. Suddenly like I had been hit in the face, every bad thing he had ever done, ever said, every single time he manipulated me, used me and lied to me it came to me like a painful slap but on the heart. And then I started shaking with anger and hatred and I never wanted to see him again but I wanted him to know how much I hated his guts. The hate consumed me like a strong tide. I finally understood how people could hate their ex's because before I had always been confused on how someone could hate someone they once loved but oh my,, I hated him 100x more than I have ever hated. So much it was hard to breathe with the hatred weighing down and consuming my heart.
    Or maybe I just feel emotions too much but oh well

  9. pirateslifeforme* pirateslifeforme*
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2016 3:04pm UTC
    But please don't get me wrong, i'm not bitter or mad. It's not that I still love you, it's not cause I want you back. It's just that when I think of you, it just makes me gag. -Eminem Puke (love this song, partially because it describes my feelings for a certain ex of mine)

  10. pirateslifeforme* pirateslifeforme*
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2016 5:27pm UTC
    Well everything's getting too much already and then one of my closest friends goes and tells me he doesn't plan on ever speaking to me again after we both leave school in a month. Thats how much I mean to people

  11. pirateslifeforme* pirateslifeforme*
    posted a quote
    May 24, 2016 3:18am UTC
    Just a little rant.
    why the hell you hate me
    I loved you and clearly u lied about that and almost completely broke me because u had "stuff going on" and you've " never had a shy girlfriend before" despite me doing more with you than I have ever
    And you daily call me a sl*g, sl*t and wh*re because that makes total sense right? When I said no to certain things?
    You told me u wouldn't be "like him" and say u love me and then dump me shortly after and u did exactly that in less than a week. You got me to love you and left.
    And you have the nerve to tell all my friends 8 months later stuff they didn't need to be told like I'm in the wrong.
    I actually hate you now. I hate u so much.
    Just a rant I needed to get out

  12. pirateslifeforme* pirateslifeforme*
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2016 1:06pm UTC
    If anyone ever wants to talk, I'm here, just message on the comments of this

  13. pirateslifeforme* pirateslifeforme*
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2016 12:57pm UTC
    When you have pretty much
    no friends
    apart from one or
    two online friends

  14. pirateslifeforme* pirateslifeforme*
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2016 3:07am UTC
    I almost constantly am drowning. I dont even know who I am anymore I act so different around so many people. Are all these me's fake or I dont know

  15. pirateslifeforme* pirateslifeforme*
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2016 6:10am UTC
    I never understood love triangles in films. I thought how greedy can they be to love more than one person. I thought why couldn't they just choose one. I understand now. How are you supposed to choose when u love them both deeply and the same? How are you supposed to choose knowing you would break one and they would never forgive. It is not extremely lucky or good to love two people who love you back. Its a curse.

  16. pirateslifeforme* pirateslifeforme*
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2016 6:06am UTC
    Do I love him or do I just like the feeling of being loved

  17. pirateslifeforme* pirateslifeforme*
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2016 9:16pm UTC
    When someone brings up past stuff in a arguement and it don't even relate to the arguement 😒

  18. pirateslifeforme* pirateslifeforme*
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2015 4:10am UTC
    If anyone ever needs anyone to talk to, I'm here. I'm also okay at giving advice

  19. pirateslifeforme* pirateslifeforme*
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2015 3:49pm UTC
    You can barely breathe
    When you're with them
    You meet
    And neither one of you
    Even know what hit 'em
    Got that warm fuzzy feeling
    Yeah them chills
    Used to get 'em
    Now you're getting f*cking sick
    Of looking at 'em
    You swore you've never hit 'em
    Never do nothing to hurt 'em
    Now you're in each other's face
    Spewing venom
    And these words
    When you spit 'em
    -love the way you lie

  20. pirateslifeforme* pirateslifeforme*
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2015 3:45pm UTC
    So much revision. So little time lol


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