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Member Since: 22 Apr 2011 06:39pm

Last Seen: 1 Apr 2012 12:18am

user id: 167696

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Hi. We're annoying.
We find what's wrong with your quote. And call you out on it.
We don't care about our mistakes. Just yours.
We point them out in the sassiest way we can ;)
Just for you.
You can block us if you want. We just want to correct your grammatical and spelling errors ;)
Think of us as your PERSONAL spell check ;)
Because it's our destiny to annoy YOU.
Don't take it personally, we do it to everyone.
Shout-out to our #1 fan, ThisiswhyimboredXP. You keep us entertained. You go...girl?
Thanks for giving us a shout-out back! We greatly appreciate it.
Oh, by the way, just to let you know, it doesn't bother us when you try to be annoying back. We find it funny. Keep doing it (; It gives US more opportunities to annoy YOU!
MESSAGE TO "CUTECREW1234": It's funny how you blocked us, yet you're still writing on our page. And no, we wouldn't consider ourselves ugly...the blonde one who's 5'11" is a model, and the brunette is just as gorgeous. Just for the record. :)
"Hate all you want, but you can't break the girls who think nothing of you."
Thanks for keeping us entertained! Good to know we've accomplished our goal- annoying you! (: Keep up the good work!
Shout out to IxLovexStevex: That's the purpose.  See our name? We're annoying! Thank you for noticing! :)
We're just really sorry that you had to block us, you did have some good quotes though.  I'll give credit where credit is due.
Don't believe us that the blonde's a model? Well here's some of her modeling:



And here is the brunette, just for the hell of it (;

  1. imannoying imannoying
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2012 7:43pm UTC
    Hi. I'm annoying.
    I like to prank phone call the Kidz Bop people.
    Yeah. That annoying.

  2. imannoying imannoying
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2012 6:52pm UTC
    Hi. I'm annoying.
    When I go up to the board to write an answer, I "accidentally" scratch my nails on it.
    Yeah. That annoying.

  3. imannoying imannoying
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2012 6:40pm UTC
    Hi. I'm annoying.
    And we love Marissa123 so if you're not already, follow her! Or we'll get in contact with your english teacher and make him/her aware of your poor, horrific grammar and spelling on www.wittyprofiles.com. And we'll fart in your cereal so watch out. That is all.
    Yeah. That annoying.

  4. imannoying imannoying
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2012 5:48pm UTC
    Hi. I'm annoying.
    I'll call you, burp, and then hang up for fun.
    Yeah. That annoying.

  5. imannoying imannoying
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2012 5:43pm UTC
    Hi. I'm annoying.
    I slap weird people's butts and then run away so when they turn around, you're left standing there and they think it's you.
    Yeah. That annoying.

  6. imannoying imannoying
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2012 5:34pm UTC
    Hi. I'm annoying.
    I tell people we're friends when in reality, you have no idea who I am.
    Yeah. That annoying.

  7. imannoying imannoying
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2012 5:28pm UTC
    Hi. I'm annoying.
    Did you miss me?
    Yeah. We're back.

  8. imannoying imannoying
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2011 4:57pm UTC
    Hi. I'm annoying.
    I walk slowly in front of you in the crowded hallways so there's no way to get around me.
    Yeah. That annoying.

  9. imannoying imannoying
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2011 6:39pm UTC
    Hi. I'm annoying.
    You know that person who always hogs the blanket on a really cold day? That's me.
    Yeah. That annoying.

  10. imannoying imannoying
    posted a quote
    August 23, 2011 2:52am UTC
    Hi. I'm annoying.
    And I'm back.
    Yeah. That annoying.

  11. imannoying imannoying
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2011 8:44pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. imannoying imannoying
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2011 7:02pm UTC
    Hi. I'm annoying.
    I dance like the girl from the Sun Drop commercials in public so people think I'm actually that girl. So far, I've signed 5 autographs.
    Yeah. That annoying.

  13. imannoying imannoying
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2011 6:57pm UTC
    Hi. I'm annoying.
    I like to stop the ice cream truck, just to let them know I don't have money with me so therefore, I am unable to purchase their frozen goodies.
    Yeah. That annoying.

  14. imannoying imannoying
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2011 6:46pm UTC
    Hi. I'm annoying.
    I like to harrass the ChaCha people by asking stupid questions, then get angry when they do not know the answer.
    Yeah. That annoying.

  15. imannoying imannoying
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2011 6:56pm UTC
    Hi. I'm annoying.
    But not ugly. So you can stop with that.
    Yeah. That annoying.

  16. imannoying imannoying
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2011 10:30am UTC
    Hi. I'm annoying.
    Keep hating. Please. You're doing us a favor.
    Yeah. That annoying.

  17. imannoying imannoying
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2011 11:35am UTC
    Hi. I'm annoying.
    Justin Bieber has brain-washed his fans to have no sense of humor.
    Yeah. That annoying.

  18. imannoying imannoying
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2011 6:37pm UTC
    Hi. I'm annoying.
    But you're pathetic.
    Yeah. That annoying.

  19. imannoying imannoying
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2011 7:12pm UTC
    Hi. I'm annoying.
    Phew! It's a good thing we're still alive!
    Yeah. That annoying.

  20. imannoying imannoying
    posted a quote
    May 18, 2011 7:53pm UTC
    Hi. I'm annoying.
    To all of those who wish Steve would follow them, and leave hateful comments on our wall: Steve likes what we're doing. So much, that he's following us. We didn't even ask.
    Yeah. That annoying.


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