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Member Since: 19 May 2011 06:44pm

Last Seen: 29 Aug 2014 12:29am

user id: 175661

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  1. forgetmenotforever forgetmenotforever
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2014 12:32am UTC
    There has come a point in my life when I am no longer looking for a reason to live.
    I'm looking for an excuse to not.

  2. forgetmenotforever forgetmenotforever
    posted a quote
    May 25, 2014 2:04pm UTC
    People ask me why I wear sweaters and baggy clothes all the time.
    They ask why I don't wear make-up and why I don't curl my hair.
    And when I ask them why they do, they just can't seem to understand.
    It's because confidence is something I've never had.
    It's an excuse, something to fall back on.
    I would rather have people judge me on the things I can control,
    that to judge me on the things that I can't.
    I can't change my personality.
    But I can change my clothes.
    I can't change how I look.
    But I can change how much I eat.
    I can't change who I am.
    But I can sure as hell change how people see me.

  3. forgetmenotforever forgetmenotforever
    posted a quote
    March 7, 2014 2:24pm UTC
    She sighed and smiled at me, one of those rare smiles, all soft and forgiving. "I raised a good daughter," she said, with an air of finality. She turned back to the sink, and was once more lost in her own world of picket fences and trimmed hedges and the color yellow and what the neighbors may or may not be doing with the other neighbors. My mother hid in her dreams the way I would hide if someone broke into my house. With held breathe and big eyes and every part of my soul praying that things we be okay. And who was I to come barging in, opening whatever cabinet or closet that hid her safely away? Because you can't tell your own mother that's she is wrong about her daughter.
    Honestly, she didn't raise a good daughter.
    She just raised a good liar.

  4. forgetmenotforever forgetmenotforever
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2014 10:51pm UTC
    I'm not okay.
    But my lungs are still breathing, and my heart is still beating.
    And I guess I'll survive.
    So long as my mind is still dreaming.

  5. forgetmenotforever forgetmenotforever
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2014 12:30am UTC
    Write Something Your Parents Would Be Proud Of
    Trust me Witty...
    The Only Thing My Parents Could Be Proud Of
    Is a lie....

  6. forgetmenotforever forgetmenotforever
    posted a quote
    December 1, 2013 8:20pm UTC
    Your eyes are the prettiest things I’ve ever seen, even when they’re spilling over with tears.
    You told me that you hadn’t cried in two years.
    I told you that I had cried at lunch that day.
    You were crying for her, for a love you once had that was now lost.
    I was crying for you, for a love I never had and wanted more than anything.
    Still do, in fact.
    Your hands are the most wonderful thing about you, especially when they are in mine.
    I remember that she used to laugh at them, saying they looked weird.
    You didn’t notice, but my friends had to stop me from attacking her right then and there.
    Yet you still loved her.
    Still do, in fact.
    Sorry, did I not tell you?
    This story doesn’t have a happy ending.
    At least, not for me.
    Because if you love somebody, you want them to be happy,
    Whether you are pushed out of the picture or not.
    I guess I’ll be the one taking the picture now.

  7. forgetmenotforever forgetmenotforever
    posted a quote
    October 16, 2013 12:07pm UTC
    "Oh, Lily," he says, shaking his head. "I know about love. I know about wanting and dreaming and wishing with every piece of your soul. I know enough to recognize the difference between he parts that are real and the parts that are only in my fantasy."
    (Forgive My Fins)

  8. forgetmenotforever forgetmenotforever
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2013 9:37pm UTC
    I really hate it when a really awesome quote has 123 faves. I feel like I can't favorite it because I will be breaking some kind of magical wonder or something like that. Just me?....

  9. forgetmenotforever forgetmenotforever
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2013 6:09pm UTC
    My Interpritation of the Great Witty War of 2013:
    I leave for like a week and when I come back eveyone's all like "Ranty rant rant blah blah war cries oh no she didn't oh yes she did girl hold my earrings words are flying quotes are getting weirder and not in a good way Steve is gone people are rocking on the floor little old ladies are shaking their fingers and I'm just over in th corner like Whhaaaaa? Holy Nutella, people, PULL YOURSELVES TOGETHER!!!

  10. forgetmenotforever forgetmenotforever
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2013 6:13pm UTC
    When I was 6 I accidently sent my Christmas List to Satan. That explains why I only got coal that year. Everything else had burned up...

  11. forgetmenotforever forgetmenotforever
    posted a quote
    July 21, 2013 10:47pm UTC
    I just saw a quote in "Top Quotes Today". It said, "This quote does not exsist". It was posted 4 decades ago. And I forgot to get a screen shot. FML.

  12. forgetmenotforever forgetmenotforever
    posted a quote
    July 21, 2013 10:02pm UTC
    Me: Haha, hey guess what?
    Best Friend: What?
    Me: I finally found something I'm good at! BREATHING!! :D
    Best Friend: Kaley, you have asthma...
    Me: Oh yeah... :(

  13. forgetmenotforever forgetmenotforever
    posted a quote
    July 18, 2013 11:06pm UTC
    My friend and I were texting about the guy I like. I have posted it here for your enjoyment.
    Me: I accidently let my 9-year-old cousin read my text messages.
    My Friend: Did she see the one about Andrew's add?
    Me: Naw, I already told her about that. He's a real math whiz ;)
    My Friend: Oooh, KALEY! Math talk...

  14. forgetmenotforever forgetmenotforever
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2013 5:05pm UTC
    I can't begin to understand
    your pain
    Why you count
    every pound
    you lose or gain
    But it's true my eyes
    do not decieve
    You're beautiful to everbody
    You're beautiful to me

  15. forgetmenotforever forgetmenotforever
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2013 10:58pm UTC
    Me Trying To Use The Bathroom
    (emphasis on "trying")
    Me: Oh, man, I have to pee. *walks to bathroom*
    Me: *checks behind shower curtian for murderers*
    Me: *checks under sink for murderers*
    Me: *checks ceiling for Spider-Man*
    Me: *checks out window for murderers/Spider-Man*
    Me: *gets distracted by shiny object (AKA hairbrush)*
    Me: *brushes hair*
    Me: *forgets what I was doing in the first place and leave*
    Me: Oh, man, I really have to pee.

  16. forgetmenotforever forgetmenotforever
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2013 10:17pm UTC
    Person: Yeah, I run five miles every day and do like a million sit-ups. Health is soooo important to me.
    Me: *half eaten jar of Nutella in hand* B/tch, I could kick your a$$ at Temple Run.

  17. forgetmenotforever forgetmenotforever
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2013 11:35pm UTC
    A world to myself,
    that nobody knows,
    a heart to myself,
    that nobody's broken.

  18. forgetmenotforever forgetmenotforever
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2012 9:51pm UTC
    My Friend: "Do you believe in big foot?"
    Me: "Duh. I believe in the Lochness Monster, of course I don't believe at bigfoot!"
    My Friend: "What????"

  19. forgetmenotforever forgetmenotforever
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 4:02pm UTC
    Save the earth.
    It's the only planet with cupcakes.

  20. forgetmenotforever forgetmenotforever
    posted a quote
    November 18, 2011 2:02pm UTC
    Test your tongue
    Find the 3 and get a kiss tomorrow.
    *find the B DON'T skip or your wish won't come true
    Once you found the 'B' find the mistake
    Once you found the mistake Find the 1
    Once you found the 1. Find the 6
    once you found the 6 find the N (it's hard!!!)
    Once you found the N... find the Q
    find the i
    Now make 2 wishes!
    *~ they will come true~*
    Now as soon as you make ur 2 wishes repost this as "test ur tounge" ;)
    if u don't your wishes won'come true ;(
    You got 20 minutes! Hurry!!!!!


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