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Member Since: 5 Apr 2013 09:36pm

Last Seen: 2 Apr 2018 02:19am

Location: San Diego

Gender: F

user id: 355856

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bye babies :-*
  1. cloudlings cloudlings
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2013 4:45pm UTC

  2. cloudlings cloudlings
    posted a quote
    August 3, 2013 4:53pm UTC
    Please keep all credit in the codes/parts of codes you'd like to use. [Please keep this little message thing here as well. :) ] (c) cloudlings
    do not convert to make your own layouts/tumblr themes/etc. specifically made to only be used for quotes on wittyprofiles.com
    new layouts

  3. cloudlings cloudlings
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2013 3:05pm UTC
    Please keep all credit in the codes/parts of codes you'd like to use. [Please keep this little message thing here as well. :) ] (c) cloudlings
    do not convert to make your own layouts/tumblr themes/etc. specifically made to only be used for quotes on wittyprofiles.com
    who gives a fucensorck
    about an oxford comma?

  4. cloudlings cloudlings
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2013 3:01pm UTC
    Please keep all credit in the codes/parts of codes you'd like to use. [Please keep this little message thing here as well. :) ] (c) cloudlings
    do not convert to make your own layouts/tumblr themes/etc. specifically made to only be used for quotes on wittyprofiles.com

    we're all inspired
    looking for love tonight »»

  5. cloudlings cloudlings
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2013 9:03pm UTC
    Please keep all credit in the codes/parts of codes you'd like to use. [Please keep this little message thing here as well. :) ] (c) cloudlings
    do not convert to make your own layouts/tumblr themes/etc. specifically made to only be used for quotes on wittyprofiles.com
    she was a sea,
    and I had to swim in her.

  6. cloudlings cloudlings
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2013 9:24am UTC
    Please keep all credit in the codes/parts of codes you'd like to use. [Please keep this little message thing here as well. :) ] (c) cloudlings credit please do not remove
    do not convert to make your own layouts/tumblr themes/etc. specifically made to only be used for quotes on wittyprofiles.com

    Park that car, drop that phone,
    Sleep on the floor, dream about me.

  7. cloudlings cloudlings
    posted a quote
    July 16, 2013 7:31pm UTC
    Please keep all credit in the codes/parts of codes you'd like to use. [Please keep this little message thing here as well. :) ] (c) cloudlings
    do not convert to make your own layouts/tumblr themes/etc. specifically made to only be used for quotes on wittyprofiles.com
    almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts. almosts.
    I am a collection of dismantled almosts.

  8. cloudlings cloudlings
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2013 4:42pm UTC
    Please keep all credit in the codes/parts of codes you'd like to use. [Please keep this little message thing here as well. :) ] (c) cloudlings
    do not convert to make your own layouts/tumblr themes/etc. specifically made to only be used for quotes on wittyprofiles.com
    This is what I don't get —
    “Women are impure because males have touched them.
    Who's the dirty one here?

  9. cloudlings cloudlings
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2013 6:32pm UTC
    Please keep all credit in the codes/parts of codes you'd like to use. [Please keep this little message thing here as well. :) ] (c) cloudlings

    i'm jealous of
    your pillows
    and of your sheets
    i want to hear
    the sound of
    your heartbeat

  10. cloudlings cloudlings
    posted a quote
    June 14, 2013 9:28pm UTC
    Please keep all credit in the codes/parts of codes you'd like to use. [Please keep this little message thing here as well. :) ] (c) cloudlings
    10 Honest Thoughts On Being Loved By A Skinny Boy
    I say, 'I am fat.'
    He says 'No, you are beautiful.'
    I wonder why I cannot be both.
    He kisses me
    My college theater professor once told me
    that despite my talent,
    I would never be cast as a romantic lead.
    We do plays that involve singing animals
    and children with the ability to fly,
    but apparently no one
    has enough willing suspension of disbelief
    to go with anyone loving a fat girl.
    I daydream regularly
    about funocking my boyfriend vigorously on his front lawn.
    On the mornings I do not feel pretty,
    while he is still asleep,
    I sit on the floor and check the pockets of his skinny jeans for motive,
    for a punchline,
    for other girls' phone numbers.
    When we hold hands in public,
    I wonder if he notices the looks —
    like he is handling a parade balloon on a crowded sidewalk;
    if he notices that my hands are now made of rope.
    Dear Cosmo: Funock you.
    I will not take senox tips from you
    on how to please a man you think I do not deserve.
    He tells me he loves me with the lights on.
    I can cup his hip bone in my hand,
    feel his ribs without pressing very hard at all.
    He does not believe me when I tell him he is beautiful.
    Sometimes I fear the day he does will be the day he leaves.
    The cute hipster girl at the coffee shop
    assumes we are just friends
    and flirts over the counter.
    I spend the next two weeks
    mentally replacing myself with her
    in all of our photographs.
    When I admit this to him
    we spend the evening taking new photos together.
    He will not let me delete a single one of them.
    The phrase "Big girls need love too" can die in a fire.
    Fucnoking me does not require an asterisk.
    Loving me is not a fetish.
    Finding me beautiful is not a novelty.
    I am not a funocking novelty.
    I say, 'I am fat.'
    He says, 'No. You are so much more',
    and kisses me

  11. cloudlings cloudlings
    posted a quote
    June 14, 2013 8:46pm UTC
    Please keep all credit in the codes/parts of codes you'd like to use. [Please keep this little message thing here as well. :) ] (c) cloudlings
    You ask me what I thought about
    Before we were lovers.
    The answer is easy.
    Before I met you
    I didn't have anything to think about.

  12. cloudlings cloudlings
    posted a quote
    June 14, 2013 8:41pm UTC
    format by cloudlings credits please do not remove. please do not remove the credit (do not remove this section either)! thank you :-)

    Do not fall in love with people like mewe will take you tomuseums and parksand monumentsand kiss you in every beautiful place so that you cannever go back to themwithout tasting uslike blood in your mouth."

  13. cloudlings cloudlings
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2013 7:25pm UTC
    format by cloudlings credits please do not remove. please do not remove the credit (do not remove this section either)! thank you :-)
    "I will love you if I never see you again, and I will love you if I see you every Tuesday."

  14. cloudlings cloudlings
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2013 12:13am UTC
    format by cloudlings credits please do not remove. please do not remove the credit (do not remove this section either)! thank you :-)
    I was going to cry. I didn't know why I was going to cry, but I knew that if anybody spoke to me or looked at me too closely the tears would fly out of my eyes and the sobs would fly out of my throat and I'd cry for a week. I could feel the tears brimming and sloshing in me like water in a glass that is unsteady and too full.

  15. cloudlings cloudlings
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2013 10:12pm UTC
    format by cloudlings credits please do not remove. please do not remove the credit (do not remove this section either)! thank you :-)
    At night I dream that you and I are two plants
    that grew together, roots entwined,
    and that you know the earth and the rain like my mouth,
    since we are made of earth and rain.

  16. cloudlings cloudlings
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2013 2:04pm UTC
    format by cloudlings credits please do not remove. please do not remove the credit (do not remove this section either)! thank you :-)
    I'd write love poems to the parts of yourself you cannot stand.

  17. cloudlings cloudlings
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2013 11:54pm UTC
    format by cloudlings credits please do not remove. please do not remove the credit (do not remove this section either)! thank you :-)
    I know that you read
    My message at
    10:31 PM
    And now it is
    1:23 AM
    And I was left wondering
    Why you didn't think
    I was worth responding to
    But then I realized
    That it's okay.
    You may have gotten distracted,
    Or not have known what to say.
    And that's okay.
    Because you're only human
    And I shouldn't over-think
    Something as little as
    You not responding to one
    Little text message
    Because if I over-thought every
    Unanswered text message
    I wouldn't have time
    To over-think
    Anything else.

  18. cloudlings cloudlings
    posted a quote
    April 14, 2013 2:20pm UTC
    format by cloudlings. please do not remove the credit (do not remove this section either)! thank you :-)
    will tear us apart again.

  19. cloudlings cloudlings
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2013 9:22pm UTC
    format by cloudlings. please do not remove the credit (do not remove this section either)! thank you :-)
    she's lost control

  20. cloudlings cloudlings
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2013 7:23pm UTC
    format by cloudlings. please do not remove the credit (do not remove this section either)! thank you :-)
    the sea
    only drowns
    it's lovers


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