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Status: Don't let the world change you:)

Member Since: 12 May 2012 05:35am

Last Seen: 25 Jun 2014 03:35pm

Location: In my own little internet bubble<3

Gender: F

user id: 299074

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111 Comment Points
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I look to the sea 

Hi, stranger. My name is Phoebe. I am 13 and pisces. I am from England
and I blow out my candles on March 13th. I am a lover of primroses,
the seaside and cookie dough.

summer//long hugs//hot chocolate//fresh air//pretty eyes//witty profiles//
attack on titan//deathnote//dreams//that one boy//poems//gaming//
minecraft//oblivion//reading//hope//music//simple plan// linkin
park//taylor swift//megan and liz//disney//
blogging//true love//wifi//food//
depressed but still here//

Comment on my profile if you share an interest or love^^
And if you don't, just comment anyway

Shoutout to Josie ;) :) love you:*
Go follow her- butterflybabe

Seriously I wanna go to the beach rn.

Layout Credit
  1. phee* phee*
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2014 1:32pm UTC
    i feel like every week i'm just like "i need to get through this week"

  2. phee* phee*
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2014 10:05am UTC
    please don't flirt with people i secretly like it's
    rude and disrespectful

  3. phee* phee*
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2014 11:21am UTC
    That one person everyone likes and you're just like

  4. phee* phee*
    posted a quote
    April 10, 2014 11:10am UTC
    My talents include being able to identify every one
    of the 5000 songs on my iPod by the first note and
    eating more than my family combined.

  5. phee* phee*
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2014 8:22am UTC
    What if prisons let prisoners take their own mug shots?

  6. phee* phee*
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2014 8:17am UTC
    Telling someone they can't be sad because
    someone else has it worse is like saying someone
    can't be happy because others have it better.

  7. phee* phee*
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2014 3:00pm UTC
    I'm fine.
    Please help me...

  8. phee* phee*
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2014 6:00am UTC
    The cool thing about naming your children is that
    you don't have to add on 6 numbers and an
    underscore to make sure it's available

  9. phee* phee*
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2014 1:47pm UTC
    *eating ice cream in winter*

  10. phee* phee*
    posted a quote
    March 6, 2014 1:44pm UTC
    Person: How long does it take to get there?
    Me: 3 songs

  11. phee* phee*
    posted a quote
    March 5, 2014 1:56pm UTC
    i think its so fake how some pants have pockets that are sewn shut like be real with me dont pretend to be something ur not

  12. phee* phee*
    posted a quote
    March 4, 2014 7:12am UTC
    When I'm older I'm gonna have a kid and name him Leo and
    buy him a pet called Oscar and then I'll be able to go to die
    happy and at peace with the world.

  13. phee* phee*
    posted a quote
    March 3, 2014 1:53pm UTC
    Yay for being dumped
    On our five month anniversary

  14. phee* phee*
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2014 2:02pm UTC
    never see on screen
    sure know how to run free
    Please don't remove this!

  15. phee* phee*
    posted a quote
    March 2, 2014 1:51pm UTC
    Being ignored by my boyfriend
    Is killing me...

  16. phee* phee*
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2014 8:36am UTC
    Witty: Write a funny joke
    Me: My life.

  17. phee* phee*
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2014 8:29am UTC
    I gamble for happiness
    In hope of something better
    In return
    And I gamble away my dreams
    I guess I'll have to learn
    That you can't sell happiness
    It's equivalent to buying depression
    And I can't gamble my dreams
    Without trading for suppression

  18. phee* phee*
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2014 1:00pm UTC

    And she expected the world
    Format by: kaepow NMF

  19. phee* phee*
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2014 9:43am UTC
    Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn... then be a unicorn

  20. phee* phee*
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2014 10:10am UTC
    Me looking in the mirror:
    Me: What kind of sick joke is this?
    my quote


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