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Status: And even if your dreams are leaving you, I'll still believe in you

Member Since: 12 Jun 2012 04:45pm

Last Seen: 14 Jan 2019 01:54am

Location: The Universe

Gender: F

user id: 307998

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I love warm blankets on a winter night. Ryan Higa is an amazing youtuber. The trumpet is a great instrument. Getting A's in algebra surprises me. My hair holds curls well. My friends and I lied together on the trampoline as it rained. My feet are cold. I am listening to Eminem. My salsa. This is a really bad description of myself. Oh well. I will keep going. I love wearing lace. Harry Potter all the way. I love to sing. I never said I was good. Ow. my neck hurts. I eat a lot. I draw a lot. I write a lot. Not including this. This description sucks. Salsa. Lamps. I was thinking about you. Thinking about me. Thinking about us. What we gonna be? Open my eyes. It was only Just a dreaaaaam. That's by Nelly by the way. I am not plagiarizing. Billy Joel is a gifted song writer from a long time ago. Seriously. I am one of a family of seven. I am not motivated to do anything at the moment. The Princess Bride is a good movie, too. So is Mean Girls. Not Mean Girls 2. Carry o o on. I am in love. Just kidding. I'm also Asian. Witty is an amazing place.
  1. TheAwkwardNinja TheAwkwardNinja
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2015 8:01pm UTC
    I am constantly torn between killing myself and killing everyone around me. Those seem to be the two choices.
    Everything else is just killing time.
    Will Grayson, Will Grayson

  2. TheAwkwardNinja TheAwkwardNinja
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2015 7:59pm UTC
    S. I. M. P.
    Squirrels In My Pants

  3. TheAwkwardNinja TheAwkwardNinja
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2015 7:56pm UTC
    I'm over him, trust me.
    My mind is just still trained to repeat his name every few seconds.

  4. TheAwkwardNinja TheAwkwardNinja
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2013 12:57pm UTC
    If only they'd understand the words you don't say.

  5. TheAwkwardNinja TheAwkwardNinja
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2013 6:32pm UTC
    People need love the most
    when they deserve it the least.

  6. TheAwkwardNinja TheAwkwardNinja
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2013 5:16pm UTC
    They won't listen, but at least they'll hear.

  7. TheAwkwardNinja TheAwkwardNinja
    posted a quote
    January 30, 2013 5:16pm UTC
    I often think some people I know actually want their lives to suck

  8. TheAwkwardNinja TheAwkwardNinja
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2013 6:04pm UTC
    So many years of darkness
    can make a person blind

  9. TheAwkwardNinja TheAwkwardNinja
    posted a quote
    January 13, 2013 5:47pm UTC
    Hello, Sisters.
    Look at Top Quotes. Now back at this.
    Now look at Top Quotes. Now back. at. this.
    Sadly, they aren't this quote.
    But if you stop and click the heart button, it
    can look like those quotes. Look down. Back
    up. Where are you? You're on Witty Profiles,
    with amazing pieces of writing all around you.
    What's in your hand? Back at this. You have it.
    The power to make another amazing piece of
    writing. Look again. It is now on Top Quotes.
    Anything is possible on Witty Profiles.
    I'm on a laptop.

  10. TheAwkwardNinja TheAwkwardNinja
    posted a quote
    January 12, 2013 11:42pm UTC

  11. TheAwkwardNinja TheAwkwardNinja
    posted a quote
    January 7, 2013 5:45pm UTC
    And even if your dreams are leaving you,
    I'll still believe in you

  12. TheAwkwardNinja TheAwkwardNinja
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2012 6:04pm UTC
    You are
    My favorite kind of pain.

  13. TheAwkwardNinja TheAwkwardNinja
    posted a quote
    December 1, 2012 5:40pm UTC
    Me: The door won't open!
    Friend: *Tries to open door herself*
    Friend: The door won't open!
    Me: -_-
    I wasn't lying.

  14. TheAwkwardNinja TheAwkwardNinja
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2012 5:58pm UTC
    Never mind. Just thought I looked attractive for a second there

  15. TheAwkwardNinja TheAwkwardNinja
    posted a quote
    November 18, 2012 3:33pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  16. TheAwkwardNinja TheAwkwardNinja
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2012 9:26pm UTC
    I'd take a bullet
    for you.
    But I won't let you borrow a pencil

  17. TheAwkwardNinja TheAwkwardNinja
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2012 4:42pm UTC
    Me: Yeah, I know you're turned on right now. You're a little cold, but
    you're gonna be heated up, because I'm gonna be on you all night.
    Ready? Because together, we're going to create something beautiful.

  18. TheAwkwardNinja TheAwkwardNinja
    posted a quote
    November 9, 2012 6:00pm UTC
    I hate realizing the perfect thing to say
    right before someone changes the subject

  19. TheAwkwardNinja TheAwkwardNinja
    posted a quote
    November 6, 2012 9:49pm UTC
    |________| What Not To Do at a Stop Light |

  20. TheAwkwardNinja TheAwkwardNinja
    posted a quote
    November 3, 2012 1:55pm UTC
    Photo: Like for chicken, comment for noodles!
    Comments: Chicken all the way!
    every time.


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