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Status: Just a girl trying to find her place in this world

Member Since: 19 Feb 2012 09:24am

Last Seen: 21 Jul 2016 07:29pm

Gender: F

user id: 275687

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~ If you never try you'll never know~ 

  1. MusicFreak24 MusicFreak24
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2014 10:25pm UTC
    And the saddest part of all
    Is that I don't even know
    How to be happy

  2. MusicFreak24 MusicFreak24
    posted a quote
    March 17, 2014 6:29pm UTC
    I Feel like people get
    when they think happiness as a destination.
    We always think that someday we'll be happy. 
    When we get that car or that job or that
    person in our lives who will fix everything.
    But happiness is a mood.
    And it's a condition. 
    Not a destination
    It's like being tried or hungry
    It's not permanent.
    It comes and goes and that's okay
    And if people would think that way
    they'd find hppiness more
    - One Tree

  3. MusicFreak24 MusicFreak24
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2014 10:38pm UTC
    do you know how hard I've tried to become what you want me to be?

  4. MusicFreak24 MusicFreak24
    posted a quote
    December 29, 2013 10:56pm UTC
    Here I am standing right infront of you, but yet you still look right past me.

  5. MusicFreak24 MusicFreak24
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2013 5:46pm UTC
    ~makes me see another point of view
    ~makes life look beautiful
    ~makes me want to drive all night
    ~ says all the things I always wanted to say
    ~ makes me hum in the elevator
    ~ brings a tear to my eye
    ~ makes me believe I'm gonna be alright
    ~ makes my souk ache
    ~ reminds me what I want to be
    ~ makes me feel good
    ~ taps my toes
    ~ makes me wanna party all night
    ~makes me wanna sing out loud
    ~ heals wounds
    ~ is fearless
    ~ inspires me
    ~ is passion
    ~ makes the sky look bigger
    ~ rocks my world
    ~ plays all over the world
    ~ gets this party started
    ~ makes me want to play in 2 part harmony
    ~ makes me sing in the shower
    ~cranks up m radio
    ~makes me feel alive
    Music keeps my heart beating

  6. MusicFreak24 MusicFreak24
    posted a quote
    December 28, 2013 4:49pm UTC
    There’s no shame in being afraid. Hell, we’re all afraid. What you gotta do is figure out what you’re afraid of because when you put a face on it, you can beat it. Better yet, you can use it.
    ~Coach Whitey Durham

  7. MusicFreak24 MusicFreak24
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2013 10:31pm UTC

  8. MusicFreak24 MusicFreak24
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2013 7:35pm UTC
    I remember when I was
    Younger I wanted to be a singer, a rock star. I had a fake plastic
    Barbie guitar, my friend would "play" the guitar (because
    They didn't like to sing) and I would sing along to my Taylor
    Swift CDs. We would make my basement look like a stage, we would
    Jump and dance around. That was my dream to be up on a stage
    In front of a crowd, but with people singing along to me. That was My dream.
    Wishing that one day I would be up on that stage, I miss
    That. But now I know it's not that easy, wishing and hoping
    That I would be the rock star I always wanted to be. It's a lot
    Harder, there are so many people with the same dream. You have a
    Really slim chance at making it in the music world. So I think why
    Should I even bother I try anymore, I'm not even that good.
    That was my dream, but not anymore... or at least I Hope.
    If you read that thanks i guess but it was more of a vent then Anything. And believe me when I say i really do love to sing.

  9. MusicFreak24 MusicFreak24
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2013 11:44pm UTC
    sometimes i wonder why i'm breathing.

  10. MusicFreak24 MusicFreak24
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2013 11:57pm UTC
    Fear is stupid,
    So are regrets.

  11. MusicFreak24 MusicFreak24
    posted a quote
    August 2, 2013 3:39pm UTC
    *20 years from now*
    Daughter: hey mom I like this band-
    Me: omg I'm so sorry
    Daughter: sorry?
    Me: I'll call the teachers.
    Daughter: why are y-
    Me: to let them know grades will be dropping.
    Daughter: why will-
    Me: I'm afaid it's all down hill from here.
    Daughter: what are you talking ab-
    Me: you might as well say goodbye to your friends.
    Daughter: but I-
    Me: you want me to help me with your blog?
    Daughter: I don't have a-
    Me: you will.
    Daughter: but-
    Me: shh. It's already done. Threre's no turning back.

  12. MusicFreak24 MusicFreak24
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2013 9:59pm UTC
    just because she comes off strong,
    doesn't mean she didn't fall asleep crying,
    and even though she acts like nothings wrong,
    maybe she's just really good at lying

  13. MusicFreak24 MusicFreak24
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2013 5:27pm UTC
    “Being nice to someone
    You dislike doesn’t mean
    You’re a fake. It means you
    Are mature enough to tolerate
    Your dislike towards them”

  14. MusicFreak24 MusicFreak24
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2013 5:14pm UTC
    live. love. make mistakes.
    but never regret.

  15. MusicFreak24 MusicFreak24
    posted a quote
    July 30, 2013 5:07pm UTC
    what is a friend?
    a friend is someone who you think your life would
    be different if they didn't exist. a friend is
    someone who NEVER leaves you out, you are
    ALWAYS included when you are with them. a friend
    is there for you,no matter what.
    does this discribe your friend?

  16. MusicFreak24 MusicFreak24
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2013 11:19pm UTC
    The End

  17. MusicFreak24 MusicFreak24
    posted a quote
    July 29, 2013 11:13pm UTC
    Be Careful
    With Your Words.
    Once they are
    They Can Only
    Not Forgotten.


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