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Member Since: 21 Oct 2012 09:42am

Last Seen: 8 Nov 2013 03:04pm

Gender: F

user id: 335529

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:Hello everyone,i'm so sorry i haven't been on for a while,i got busy with school

and other sites,if you're reading this right now,i want you to know that i love you

you're beautiful,and if i ever did anything to you,i'm very sorry,i know i won't

be remembered,but if you were one of these people who always talked to me and

posted comments on my profile,you've made me smile,i love every single one of you

and i'm sorry again 
  1. Lolsorue_girl Lolsorue_girl
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2013 4:32pm UTC
    I hate sundays
    because sunday is homework day but I can't do my
    homewrok because I have to spend my day accepting
    the fact that I have school tomorrow

  2. Lolsorue_girl Lolsorue_girl
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2013 4:27pm UTC
    James: My name is Bond,James Bond
    Friend: My name is Please,B.tch Please
    Me: My name is Yeah,F.ck Yeah

  3. Lolsorue_girl Lolsorue_girl
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2013 4:17pm UTC
    Me: *wakes up*
    Me: *checks phone*
    Me: *Sends text message*
    Me:*falls back asleep*

  4. Lolsorue_girl Lolsorue_girl
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2013 4:14pm UTC
    Boy on Twitter:
    my ex just sent me a picture of her having s.x with her new boyfriend,
    to make me feel jealous.
    I sent it to her dad.

  5. Lolsorue_girl Lolsorue_girl
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2013 4:10pm UTC
    Did you know?
    There are enough restaurants in New York City for you to try a new restaurant every night for 50 years and never visit the same place twice.

  6. Lolsorue_girl Lolsorue_girl
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2013 3:57pm UTC
    BravoSierra's format
    D on't break anyone's heart,they have only one.
    Break their bones,they have 206.

  7. Lolsorue_girl Lolsorue_girl
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2013 3:38pm UTC
    BravoSierra's format
    That face you make
    when the person you hate is talking.

  8. Lolsorue_girl Lolsorue_girl
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2013 3:32pm UTC
    A man buys a lie detector robot that slaps people who lie.
    He decides to test it at dinner.
    Dad: Son,where were you today during school hours?
    Son: At school *Robot slaps son*
    Son: OK,I went to the movies.
    Dad: Which one ?
    Son: Toy Story *Robot slaps Son again*
    Son: OK,it was Day with a P.rn star.
    Dad: WHAT? When I was your age I didn't even know what p.rn was!
    *Robot slaps Dad*
    Mom: HAHA ! after all he's your son. *Robot slaps Mom*

  9. Lolsorue_girl Lolsorue_girl
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2013 10:45am UTC
    BravoSierra's format
    When I say I miss school,
    I mean my friends and the fun,not the school.

  10. Lolsorue_girl Lolsorue_girl
    posted a quote
    April 10, 2013 2:28pm UTC
    BravoSierra's format
    If you ever get caught sleeping
    in school,just put your head up and say: ''In Jesus name, amen''.

  11. Lolsorue_girl Lolsorue_girl
    posted a quote
    April 10, 2013 11:11am UTC
    BravoSierra's format
    Dear models in face wash commercials
    I honestly don't know anyone who can splash water on their face, smiling,with their eyes open.

  12. Lolsorue_girl Lolsorue_girl
    posted a quote
    April 10, 2013 9:26am UTC
    BravoSierra's format
    What's That ?You heard
    a bunch of bad stories about me from someone who hates me? that sh.t must be true !

  13. Lolsorue_girl Lolsorue_girl
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2013 1:48pm UTC
    There's something in your eyes
    Say c'mon c'mon and dance with me baby [x] [x] [x]
    Yeah, the music is so loud
    I wanna be
    ♥ YOURS NOW♥
    S o c ' m o n c ' m o n a n d d a n c e w i t h m e

  14. Lolsorue_girl Lolsorue_girl
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2013 8:54am UTC
    If you're pretending
    from the start like this,With a tight grip
    Then my kiss can mend your broken heart
    I might miss everything you said to me, and I can
    That might fit , like this, and I will give
    you all my heart
    so we can start it all over again.

  15. Lolsorue_girl Lolsorue_girl
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2013 8:40am UTC
    We're so paris when we kissed,
    When we kissed
    Y o u r l i p s t i c k
    now you're tearing up my heart, tearing up my heart.
    You're tearing up my heart

  16. Lolsorue_girl Lolsorue_girl
    posted a quote
    April 8, 2013 8:34am UTC
    Been dreaming about you a lot
    And up in my head I'm your boyfriend,
    But that's one thing you've already got
    He drives to school every morning
    While I walk alone in the rain
    He'd kill me without any warning if he took a look in my brain

  17. Lolsorue_girl Lolsorue_girl
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2013 3:58pm UTC
    Person: I like your jacket
    Me: *forgets what I'm wearing*

  18. Lolsorue_girl Lolsorue_girl
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2013 3:53pm UTC
    Word order is important.
    ''I f.cking love you''
    ''I love f.cking you''
    could not be more different.

  19. Lolsorue_girl Lolsorue_girl
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2013 3:39pm UTC
    My thoughts during school:
    I hate you.
    I hate you.
    I hate you.
    I hate you.
    I hate you.
    I hate you.
    I hate you.
    I hate you.

  20. Lolsorue_girl Lolsorue_girl
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2013 3:30pm UTC
    BravoSierra's format
    I hate the moment
    when you accidentally close the wrong tab.


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