1 decade ago
on quote 6311038
You know what I say girlie? Allow him! He blatantly doesn't deserve you if he flirts with another. Now you know what your gonna do? Your gonna get your beautiful self up and fins someone better. If he wanrts you back, tell him 'no! You chose her over me. Its so not happening.' Kay? And if you really like him, pretend you don't. But if he's all sincere and heartfelt, I dunno. I've never been in this situation so you may reject my advice bebz x :P
1 decade ago
on quote 6244791
Heyy. I always sign up for these things but never get a part :( except once I think! Soooo. My name's Akz. I have 2 brothers. Live w/ mum and dad. In England. Waist length brown hair. About 5'4-6ish. Not really sure :-s Okay. Brown eyes. Really tanned skin. I love sports. I recently started self defnce fighting(which is ... Just normal fighting.) Psh. 18 years young. Awkward. I LOVE animals. I have a weird-ish accent. Apparently when I say yellow It sounds like YOLO and when I say YOLO I sound like I'm saying yellow(?) But I'm VERY weird and random. I'm kinda lazy sometimes. I love shopping. I'm kind of a tom boy. I have a rabbit. His name, is Rabbit (yes, seriously!!) I luff him. I'm a really imappropriate person. And I curse wayy too much. If you need to know anymore lemme know!! X <3
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AkziiB · 1 decade ago on quote 6607203
Awwhhh that's sooo cute! My birthday's the day before Valentines day :3
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