Witty Profiles

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Personal Quotes

  1. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2016 6:14pm UTC
    “no one's liked me in a
    LonG Time. oR iF THeY Have,
    they've been very silent about it.”

  2. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2016 3:14pm UTC
    Sounds of My Childhood
    Shrieks and shouts and laughter of a school playground. The buzz of conversation in a cafeteria. Splashing water and squelching mud as I played in puddles. My grandma's humming as she rocked me to sleep. Trains rattling my bedroom window every night as they passed on the nearby track. The clinks and clangs of dishes and the slamming of cabinets as my mom bustled around the kitchen. The sizzle of grease as she fried bacon. A chorus of voices singing happy birthday in harmony. The crackle and pop of logs in a fireplace during winter. The excited voice of my younger sister as she roused me from sleep every Christmas morning. Fireworks on the Fourth of July. A stereo blaring classic country songs when my dad was in a good mood. The deafening roar of a lawnmower when he cut the grass on Saturdays. The wind in my ears and the slap of my feet on wet sand. The rain pounding against the roof of my house. Soft, melodic tinkling of windchimes in a gentle breeze. The TV playing my favorite Disney and Pixar movies. The scrape of chalk against pavement. The eager flipping of pages as I read a particularly good book. The hush of a library. The contented purring of a cat. Peace and happiness.

  3. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    May 31, 2016 7:50pm UTC
    Scents of My Childhood
    Freshly cut grass. Crayon wax. Old book pages. A new classroom on the first day of school. Cherry flavored medicine. Fluoride. Bleach and Windex and incense when my mom tidied the house. Cinnamon when my dad made french toast in the mornings, and roasted pumpkin seeds at Halloween. Popcorn. Birthday cake icing. The wet earth after a rain. Gasoline when my parents stopped to fill up. Burning logs of a bonfire every New Year's Eve. Baby formula and diaper rash cream after my sister was born. Acrylic paints when she got older and channeled her inner artist. Shampoo and hydrogen peroxide. Salty ocean air. Cigarette smoke because my dad never could quit. His aftershave and cologne and leather boots and jacket. My grandma's perfume. Coffee beans because she and my grandpa always had a mug with their breakfast. Car wax and sawdust in a garage. Chlorine in a swimming pool. Flower gardens. Home, home, home.

  4. JeanineHilary JeanineHilary
    posted a quote
    May 8, 2016 5:37pm UTC
    (Ignore) It's been 2 years again! And I just remembered Witty Profiles :O So, I saw this, and wanted to do a follow up :D From 2012 to 2014 and now 2016. :O
    First Name: Jeanine
    Middle: Hilary Sky
    Last name: Mckay
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: First Nation/Native American
    Current Location: My room!
    Hair Color: Brown, I shaved my whole head! :)
    Righty/Lefty: LEFTY
    Eye Color: Brown
    Your fear: Losing loved ones.
    What makes you sad: Mean comments, I'm sensitive :( lol!
    What makes you happy: Everything since I've changed my lifestyle @ the start of the year!
    Your dream of the perfect date: Hmmm... I actually don't know what would be a perfect date lmao
    What you want to be: Uhh, was thinking of a doctor, but it scares me. lmao
    Your thoughts first waking up: "WEIGH DAY!!!"
    Your best physical feature: ... I don't know? lol!
    Your bed time: Around 9 - 11 PM
    Your most missed memory: No missed memory atm
    Pepsi or Coke: I quit soda years ago
    McDonald's or Burger King: No fastfood for me
    Single or Group dates: Single
    Adidas or Nike: Nike
    Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
    Frappuccino or Coffee: I dont drink coffee
    Smoke: No, I've tried smoking though, got sick.
    Cuss: No.. Only when I get very upset, or get competitive in gaming
    Take showers: Obviously
    Have a crush: Hmm.. I try not to. Lol!
    Like school: Yes, most of the times.
    Believe what goes around comes around: I still dont get it... Karma? yes
    Gone to the mall: No malls where I live... :(
    Been on stage: No
    Eaten sushi: No, I want to try!
    Been hurt: No
    Dyed your hair: No, but I shaved it!
    Kissed someone: Yeah lol
    Gotten beat up: Not that I know of
    Changed who you were to fit in: Yes
    Age you're hoping to get married by: Hmm.. Maybe around mid 30's
    Number of kids you're planning on having: 2+
    Best eye color: Doesn't matter
    Hair color: Doesnt matter
    Short or long hair: both, but I mostly prefer long.
    Fat or fit: Prefer fit.
    Looks or personality: Both, tbh.
    Funny or Serious: both
    1 MINUTE AGO: Typing...
    1 HOUR AGO: Lazying around, It's a lazy kind of day!
    1 YEAR AGO: Eating my life away :(
    I FEEL: Lazy
    I HATE: Bugs
    I NEED: Exercise
    Just thought I'd do this again after 2 years.

  5. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2016 2:22pm UTC
    what if i cut off all my hair
    and people stopped staring
    and you started
    and i quit worrying about neck pain
    what if i cut off all my hair
    and my coworkers poked fun
    and you didn't dare
    and i shrugged it off cos i could see
    what if i cut off all my hair
    and my family thanked me
    and you hugged me when i cried
    cos i didn't want it to be a big deal
    what if i cut off all my hair
    and my friends didn't recognize me
    and you begged and begged
    but i just grew it back
    (it was a long year and i knew
    you just liked that strands didn't
    get caught in your mouth when
    we kissed)

  6. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2016 11:20pm UTC
    and if we get down
    how should we know
    if we'll get up again?

  7. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2016 11:12pm UTC
    How do you know that you're right,
    if you're not nervous anymore?

  8. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    February 22, 2016 12:56am UTC
    I'm gonna rant (because my Facebook friends say stupid crap that ticks me off), so yknow, skip it if you ain't with it
    (Obviously based on my own experience, but I left out a good bit to keep is some what broad)
    I honestly can't stand it when someone talks about abusive relationships like it is a super easy thing to deal with. It isn't. So many people act like abusers start out smacking you around from the beginning, and that you're just an idiot for staying. I can't say it's never like that, but it's definitely not always like that. Sometimes it starts out as emotional abuse. Subtle at first, where you don't even notice it happening. Backhanded compliments that slowly chip away your self esteem, laying on the guilt over mundane things until you start to feel like the horrible one, putting you down while boosting themselves up. Then it slowly shifts to direct insults. Before you know it, you start to think you deserve that kind of treatment, that they're the best you can get. It's worse if you have people in your life that shame you into the relationship in the first place, which is common (particularly for females.) The "but he's a nice guy, don't be so shallow and rude." kind of lines, that tell women they're not good enough to reject guys they're not interested in, while telling the guys they are better than the women. Which is a whole other issue for another time. Anyway, eventually you're in an emotionally abusive relationship, and you still might not even notice it. Abuse makes for an uncomfortable conversation, so no one ever says anything, so you think it's normal. They occasionally break up the harshness with kindness, which makes you feel lucky briefly. When physical abuse does come into the picture, they play it off as a joke at first. They apologize, and even throw in some tears, and you believe it because "aw. they're crying. they obviously mean it." Everything is fine. You think it's normal to "play" wrestle your partner, even if it hurts too much and leaves bruises, and you have to beg to get them to stop... which they still might not do (but boys like to wrestle and get carried away.. and boys will be boys, right?...) You don't realize that it's not normal to have to apologize profusely over talking to someone they didn't pre-approve of. You didn't realize it isn't normal to constantly be on edge because if you didn't answer the phone or text back instantly, they would threaten to come track you down (and you don't really want to be near them, especially when angry, so you always try to answer.) Eventually, they hit you, and they don't even pretend that they were playing. It kind of knocks some sense into you, and you start to realize it isn't normal. Unfortunately, you also realize this person scares you. This person that you've never successfully gotten off of you. This person you've never been able to fight back. So, yeah, you stay. You don't know what else to do. Everyone sees the bruises, and you don't even lie about them. Every time you try to leave, they either threaten to kill themselves or you. They justify everything by saying it was your own fault. You might eventually find your voice and fight back when they verbally bully you, and it escalates to more violence. Your neck is their favorite place to go. "I'm just joking" choking turns into actual choking. Which is something a lot of people don't come back from. It's a real slap in the face to imply that victims have lost their lives all because they chose not leave, and imply that they're just stubborn because it's "easy to leave."
    How I got out of my relationship: he was the kinda guy that would look for someone better while with me (caught him multiple times but he wouldn't leave me and I couldn't be the one to leave him.. fear), so I made a fake Facebook with my friend and we flirted with him over it until he dumped me and we kept it up until it I knew he wouldn't come back and beg me to get back with him (fear.) it was successful. He thought it was his idea so there was no fake crying, threats, promises, other manipulative crap. He still stalks me occasionally, tho. Which is scary.

  9. seafoam* seafoam*
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2016 6:07pm UTC
    only about three months
    to go until I graduate, and if there's anything I've regretted throughout my academic career it's not taking the honors classes I was completely capable of in junior high and high school because I let a strict seventh grade English teacher and the possibility of having to step outside of my comfort zone with more oral presentations and sharing opinions than I was used to intimidate me into getting out of it and staying in regular classes. I wish I had allowed myself to utilize my abilities and reach the full extent of my potential. I wish I hadn't been so scared to try something different because I was an embarrassingly shy kid who was content with sitting down and absorbing someone else's thoughts and ideas and remaining comfortably invisible. If my kids are given such an opportunity I will make sure they take it, even if only for one school year, because nothing is worse than voluntarily settling for less than your best.

  10. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2016 4:41pm UTC
    don't leave me
    stay here and frighten me

  11. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    January 5, 2016 4:28pm UTC

  12. Delicate* Delicate*
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2015 5:00pm UTC
    Now you're the one making bad choices
    and it's not like me to save you.

  13. AhoyMattie AhoyMattie
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2015 6:42pm UTC
    It's been years since I've got a razor and sliced through my skin.
    Tonight was the night where I've done it again.

  14. nicole🌹* nicole🌹*
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2015 7:37pm UTC

  15. Dishonored* Dishonored*
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2015 11:29pm UTC
    people's opinions and lives are very important to me.
    I come off as a b.itch a lot of the time, very cold and such.
    but I actually care a lot. I care more about other people
    than I do myself. Which sucks, because it makes me
    so miserable. like, I want to quit school so bad, but whenever
    I make the decision, my teachers are all like "no, come on!
    you can do it, you're so smart. I believe in you!"
    and then I feel so guilty about quitting I just get really
    stressed to the point of not doing any school work anyway.

  16. Lil_lamb Lil_lamb
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2015 2:13am UTC
    "I wish I'd partied a little less. People always say 'be true to yourself.' But that's misleading, because there are two selves. There's your short term self, and there's your long term self. And if you're only true to your short term self, your long term self slowly decays."

  17. Korilakkuma Korilakkuma
    posted a quote
    October 17, 2015 10:38pm UTC
    Sometimes I feel like I'm not allowed to vent.
    I know others have it worse than me. Isn't this
    similar to saying you can't be happy because
    someone else has it better? I hate bottling up
    my emotions and frustrations. But having
    someone extremely close to you say, "Wow,
    that's not even bad. You have it good. Stop
    complaining" really hurts.
    It's so nice to know I can't vent to my closest friend.

  18. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2015 7:30pm UTC
    Put your music on shuffle, write down the first ten songs and your favorite lyric for each song that comes on. No skipping.
    On Top, The Killers: You really need it, so let go
    All These Things That I've Done, The Killers: I wanna meaning from the back of my broken hand
    Find a Way, Seabird: Don't let them wreck your mind
    Andy, You're a Star, The Killers: On the field, I remember, you were a star
    Ghosts, Reigning and Reaping: Place your bets, call your bluffs, she's still alive
    Reminder, Mumford and Sons: I never know if I'm doing you wrong
    Still Hurting, The Last Five Years: Go and ride the sun away, run away like it's simple, like it's right
    A Very Nice Prince; First Midnight, Into the Woods: Never mauve at a ball...or pink...or open your mouth
    Beyond My Wildest Dreams, The Little Mermaid: Gee, did I mention *he's* here? And if -WHO KNOWS- past even these extremes, just look at me, someone beyond her wildest dreams
    Semi-Automatic, Twenty One Pilots: But I'll live on, yeah I'll live on, yeah I'll live on

  19. Anujsomany Anujsomany
    posted a quote
    October 13, 2015 11:19pm UTC
    “The meaning of an EDUCATION learned by a person is not truly measured by his growth attained in the profession, but by his action reflected in his assigned task consistently towards bringing the mark of excellence and perfection.”
    ~Anuj Somany

  20. Miluiel* Miluiel*
    posted a quote
    October 3, 2015 10:41pm UTC
    A. there is a certain sound. a certain sequence of sounds. all reminders. i cannot escape them. i do not want to.
    b. no floral pattern, no striped cat, no sad poem--it is impossible to pass up a thought of you.
    c. but how do i get near to her? a simple film drew my eye. i left with my heart open to more.
    d. i refuse to spill tears, though you are worth them. i won't apologize either. not anymore.
    -T.s., reigning and reaping


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