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Best Kiss Quotes This Month

  1. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2013 4:17pm UTC
    Do you ever
    just want to kiss someone so bad
    and you see that person
    and all you can think about is kissing them?

  2. sugarfreak sugarfreak
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2013 1:43am UTC
    One day I'm going to wake up, roll over on my side,
    and kiss the love of my life good morning
    ♥ ♥ ♥

  3. spence* spence*
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2013 4:32pm UTC
    In 7th grade I went to the movies with a boy and in the middle
    of it he was like "do you wanna kiss" and I was like
    "Excuse me" and he pulled a bag a hershey's kisses out of his coat

  4. icySpicy_TwirlGurl icySpicy_TwirlGurl
    posted a quote
    February 20, 2013 11:23pm UTC
    Young Love ♥
    :,;:::::::::,..,,,;; ;;hB:Xi;,;M9r2@2Ah:iAs2A2SAhBG3i,,:rSSh2sSX2X5239&GAAAAAH#@@MXr:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.
    :.::::::::::..,.:;r,,r 2;2B2r;3H33A#Ash@A3&&XX23&ABH&::;:.,:;sssii2X9&AAHBM#@@@@@@@@@#i:..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.
    :.::::::::::.....;r;,i ,X#BX;,H#XBMM@GSH@HX&95i5XGHA: :i::;;:;;;rr222X3hG&B##@@@@@@@@@@i,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.
    :,::::::::;:.....;s,:Xr:2@#9;;3MB#BM@ArA#&&22523HG: ;s::;;rr;rrrri53hG&&h&HM#@@@@@@@@@r,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.
    :.::::::::::,...::S,rA5siH#s,2hA##HBM29HXXG93A33hr .:#i,,,;ri5srrsiSXhAAM#MBAHHB##@@@@@5.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.
    :.:::::::::::...::;2sG2XSr; rAH&9GG##A35iS52XhH@#r;. r@i:,.,,;r2h932229h9h&HM#@@####M#@@X,....,,,,,,,,,,,,,.
    :.:::::::::;;:,..::i9Ss2i:&r3AM#32hG3Sssiiissi2&H&#h;3H5:,.. .,2AMM#@M&&&AAAG&AHB#@@@#M@#Mi.,,...,,,,,,,,,,.
    :.::::::::;;;;;:..,,3h2SBH@2r9993irrrrsisiiiSSSXBM&Bhr,...... ,r2BMAXA###BBBBHHMBAAM#@@@@@@#HX5s, .,,,,,,,,.
    :.:::::::::::;;:: :ssGA9AHAH2irrsirrrrrrrii5S5523Ms:2. ...,,,::rS25:; ,h######M#@@#M#@@#G@@@@@@M#S,,,,,:,,,.
    :.::::::::::::::: :is2X22XXX2ir;;rrrrrsiiSS5552HMXi:..,,,:::,,:rs:SA r9GB##@@##@@@#@@S 3@@@@@A@3,,,,,,,,.
    :,::::::::::::::;:, .. ;rr;;;rSSiisrrrsiS55222XAH;i9,,,,,,,::,:,;;rh2 .XX3AAM#@@##@@@@@@, 9@@##hM@;;,,,,,,.
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    :.::::::::::::::.. sXs;;sX&AHBM@#2sssi5XXXi. :;:::::;rssi392rrr3GhAA##@@@@@@@@@##G;:A@AAHH##&rXS .,,,.
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    "Okay, so on the count to three? One... Two... Two and a half..."
    Original format by icySpicy_TwirlGurl

  5. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2013 7:36pm UTC
    Kiss me I'm drunk, I mean Irish.
    What's the difference?

  6. Rajsonkar Rajsonkar
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2013 5:23pm UTC
    That sad moment When you lean into kiss your very attractive boyfriend/girlfriend and your face hits the computer screen

  7. WeAreTheBoys WeAreTheBoys
    posted a quote
    January 29, 2013 3:58pm UTC
    I got 98.768 problems and rounding up is one of them.

  8. happiest* happiest*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2013 3:04pm UTC
    do you ever look around at the big crowds of people around you and realize everyone has a story and memories and family and troubles and achievements and a first kiss and a broken heart but you’ll never know any of it and every human life is really intricate and expansive but oh they’ve walked into a shop and you’ll never see them again and you’ll never know just what they were thinking

  9. Bentley991 Bentley991
    posted a quote
    February 3, 2013 10:32pm UTC
    Elementary School:
    Boy: *Kisses girl*
    Girl: *Kisses back*
    Everyone: "eeeeeewwww!!!"
    Middle School:
    Boy: *Kisses girl*
    Girl: *Kisses back*
    Everyone: "Awwe!! How cute!!"
    High School:
    Boy: *Kisses girl*
    Girl: *Kisses back*
    Everyone: "Go get a room, damnn!!"
    ....sounds pretty accurate.

  10. bye* bye*
    posted a quote
    June 1, 2013 10:55am UTC
    pros of dating me:
    -you can literally kiss me whenever you want there will never be a time im not down for that
    cons of dating me:
    -i have no idea how to kiss so it’s probably gonna be really lame for you im sorry

  11. ShortGirlsDoItBetter ShortGirlsDoItBetter
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2013 4:00pm UTC
    I hope when you die you get to see
    your life stats. Like how many
    times you laughed, or how many times you kissed.
    Or how many people have loved you
    or how many have hated you.
    How many times you made a stranger
    smile or laugh, or how many people thought
    you were pretty. What kind of impression you
    made on others and what
    everybody else thought of you.

  12. sammy* sammy*
    posted a quote
    May 15, 2013 3:57pm UTC
    Format chickittylover
    Kiss her in the middle of her sentence,
    ☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓ girls love that ♥ ☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓☓

  13. Rajsonkar Rajsonkar
    posted a quote
    October 23, 2013 7:52pm UTC
    The Coolest Definition of HIGH HEELS FOOTWARE-'It is the thing inventedby short girls who were bored of being kissed on forehead.'

  14. spence* spence*
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2013 6:47pm UTC
    story of your first kiss?

    ■ Anonymous
    well I was 14, he was my best friend for about 3 years, we talked about everything, he was amazing and of course I liked him for these 3 years. I would die if he liked me back. One day
    he told me he was going on a blind date and of course I was so jealous, but he didn't know I liked him so I said I would help him get ready for it. I drove him to the place and let me tell you he looked so amazing, we got to the place before he went inside he said "This date, it's not a blind date, it's for you. I've liked you ever since the day I met you and all I'm asking is for you to go on a date with me. And how he's been dying to kiss me for years but has been scared" I told him how I felt back, and I would love to. At the end of the date he put his forehead on mine and said "Now?" I nodded and we kissed. It was the most magical moment. ahahahaahahahaha just kidding I wish! actually it was with the biggest do/chebag in front of a convenient store.
    Ask a question

  15. Fαy Στylες* Fαy Στylες*
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2013 12:48pm UTC
    me : Kiss me if I'm wrong but dinosaurs do exist,right?

  16. Hale_Storm18 Hale_Storm18
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2013 7:23pm UTC
    kiss the hell out of me, please.

  17. ^_^* ^_^*
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2013 2:15pm UTC
    2014 is so close I can almost taste the lips I will not be kissing on new years eve

  18. alyson545 alyson545
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2013 8:33pm UTC
    We buy things
    we don’t need
    with money
    we don't have
    to impress people
    we don't like.

  19. Feuerchen Feuerchen
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2013 7:29pm UTC
    "Did you just kiss your laptop?"
    "...no...I just wiped something off...with my lips..."
    "No, you definitely kissed it"

  20. of_mice_and_lucifer* of_mice_and_lucifer*
    posted a quote
    October 3, 2013 11:49pm UTC
    How to kiss:
    1) I don't know
    2) Relationships are dangerous
    3) Stay online, my friend


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